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Nov 8, 2002, 12:37am
If the Adult worlds decide to have their own Cy's, that's fine. But, the
impression that I have gotten is that the Teens would be separated from the
Cy's all together and have their own Cy awards. If it were with the rest of
the community awards, and Teens had a fair chance at every category just
like every other world and person, then that would be fine. From what I can
see, it would not be so, the teens would be placed in their own Cy's, not
being allowed to even attend the regular Cy's.


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Nov 8, 2002, 12:46am
good. But what would this 'adult cy' entail? Would it be the same awards? or
different ones?


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Aboutthe new Browser...

Nov 16, 2002, 9:09pm
AW is changing. I can see it in all aspects, even AWTeen has been hit hard
by the price increases. Almost every week, we loose an awesome member of our
community by not renewing cits. We continue on keeping the world up and
running, but it has not been without toll.

The days of the builders are passing, I'm afraid. Building is no longer
enough. People are going to be attracted now by entertainment.


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Reporters & Commentators Needed

Nov 23, 2002, 12:05am
4 posts in a row is a bit much, isn't it? I don't have a problem with you
posting things, even multiple times, but 4 things in a row is a bit much,
perhaps you could post one post per week just updating everyone how how the
games are going, and any news and such?


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Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups (4th Edition)

Nov 28, 2002, 10:08pm
absolutely wonderful, and strangely correct, goob :-) I agree w/ Brant and
Nornny :P


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Where can I get a beta cit?

Dec 2, 2002, 11:28am
they aren't, as far as I know, they announced it... hmm... a month or so


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Where can I get a beta cit?

Dec 3, 2002, 11:46pm
with the latest release, most of the major bugs were fixed, so now YS is
just dealing with the small things :P


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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 13, 2002, 2:26am
I agree. Actually, something AW could really use is some really good
marketing. What we have here is really great, though not quite game like, it
is a real tool, particularly useful to buisnesses, as well as for
entertainment. I don't know about how better marketing could be attained,
because of financial things, but I have a lot of ideas, since my father
actually worked on the Marketing team for an IBM program a year ago or so.
So, if ya need any ideas, or any help implementing them, or any man power,
just let me know :-)


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AWTeen's Holiday Festival

Dec 23, 2002, 2:11am
Hello everyone! AWTeen's Holiday Fest is coming! Come on out on Saturday,
December 28th, to participate in some Winter and Holiday games, which have
been prepared just for this season. The festivities begin at 4pm VRT with a
special Welcoming Message. Many games will be played, including Christmas
Paintball, a Scavenger Hunt, Holiday Name That Tune, Jerry Springer, and
much more :) These are just a few of the events that will be occurring on
Saturday. So come on out, and join us for some fun, festivites, and PRIZES!!
If you have any question regarding Holiday Fest, feel free to contact the
Event Manager, Allen Iverson.

i found out why

Jan 5, 2003, 8:42pm
lol, how long ago was this posted? It sounds ancient, and not to mention,
only vaguely related to AW :-)


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i found out why

Jan 5, 2003, 11:38pm
lol, why weren't they just content to stay in their own universes?


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i found out why

Jan 7, 2003, 1:27am
*shrugs* people in AW Uni's get offended too easily in my opinion...

This post was not meant to, in any way offend, hurt, or stir up people. It
is just a comment from a common person, who's comments you may choose to
ignore if you wish. I do not wish to start a flame war in any way, nor do I
wish to participate in one.


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Jan 11, 2003, 12:01am
I abstain.


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And the same to you, Bill!

Jan 11, 2003, 7:25pm
Oprah does that, you can disable popups and such


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And the same to you, Bill!

Jan 11, 2003, 11:05pm
you're right, goob :-) but yeah, I like Opera better than netscape, netscape
hates me


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Public Apology

Jan 16, 2003, 2:42am
I cannot count the amount of grams I got of that log, lol. Thankfully, I
make it a habit to not look at links in grams if someone just randomly sends
me a link, as I hate gram-spam. So, if any of ya'll out there who have me on
your contact list see this... remember, J hates gram-spam and generally
deletes it when he gets it *yeah you know how you are :)*


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Concerning My Apology.

Jan 16, 2003, 2:48am
of course everyone makes mistakes and everyone isn't perfect, I certainly
don't hold it against anyone, since I'm the same way... but I think I agree
w/ most other people on this one, better behind closed doors than releasing
the fault for the whole world to see, one of my mottos whenever it comes to
anything political or personal if it involves dissagreement.


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Here we go again.

Jan 16, 2003, 10:08pm
*looks around* I've seen much better soap opera type situations in awteen...


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Here we go again.

Jan 16, 2003, 10:55pm
that was just plain sickening...
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NY Sun interview

Jan 22, 2003, 12:14am
perhaps someone could write the reporter and ask for a copy of the paper?


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Jan 28, 2003, 12:21am
lol, if you thought that you could make a game out of AW, then you had your
priorities messed up, the wealth in AW isn't it's gamehood... it is the
community of people here, the wealth of creativity, knowledge, and ability
that we have in here. Of course we have arguements, I would be really
worried if we didn't. But the fact is, that we stand out from any other
chatroom not only in technology, but in community as well. No other chat
room that I've found (other than AW based technology) has the ability to
have close-knit communities inside of them as AW. Let's face it, we have an
entire culture here in AW. Many, in fact.

The reason I am on AW, is that I recognize the immense wealth of creativity
to be found here. I also recognize the wonderful community in which we live
in. A VR life? There is no such promise with active worlds. And no one
should ever spend all their time on AW, in my opinion.

Also, back to the problem of arguements. I've been in many chatrooms,
messageboards, and newsgroups. And I have seen debates so cold, angry, and
filled with hate that it would make everyone in here seem like little kids.
That big gor debate we had a little while back with the cy's... heh, when I
looked back and compared it to some of the religious debates I've seen on
places like the Yahoo Groups... That was childsplay. The bigotry, hatred,
descrimination in here, is nothing compared to the 'outside world' We are
very priviledged to be here, and to have such a great community. Even though
we don't always agree on things, we for the most part respect that.

Comming to AW was the best move I've made when it comes to chat rooms. It is
an awesome technology that gives everyone the ability to express themselves
creatively. I am sorry that you aren't seeing it as such.

As for you leaving, if you were just looking at AW as a game, a chat room,
and as nothing more, then of course it isn't going to interest you :-) but
if you look beneath the surface, and get into the rich culture, it's
amazing! Not to mention the history, stories, and lore of AW. Ever just chat
with a cit about what all has happened since they have come to AW? I've only
been here for two years, and I have quite a good amount of stories.

Well, I'm done yapping for now :-)


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If there is a Goober King...

Jan 28, 2003, 11:36pm
so is your spelling :-)


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What is happening to AW?

Feb 6, 2003, 10:16pm
there has been a decline... and we've lost a lot of really great community
members, and I've lost a lot of really good friends. However, if we are
going to ask the question what is happening to AW, and we answer it. We need
to go a step further in discussing what we can do, individually as well as a
group to make AW as best as it possibly be, even considering the price
increases. I don't plan on leaving AW anytime soon, so I'm in it for the
long haul :P

What I think can be done, is to continue to run the awesome public building
and community based worlds as best we can, they provide the link between
building and community that we need to grab more people. Notice that the
first place many tourists and citizens go is to the huge public building
worlds. We provide a huge reason behind why many people join AW in the first
place :-) So that's what my resolution concerning the matter is :P


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Feb 6, 2003, 11:38pm
wow, I have to say it, that was one of the most "entertaining" posts I've
read in a long time. Especially since not one of us feels good about what
happened to Columbia, we are all on the same side, don't worry :P also, this
has absoultely nothing to do with bots, sdk, wishlist, or worldbuilders... I
could see maybe community and general discussion, but not the others :P

*thanks ENZO that john isn't a beta tester*


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Feb 7, 2003, 10:19pm
lol, compared to the huge Cy Awards fight that went on a few months ago, the
NG's are neutral nowadays :P


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Feb 8, 2003, 6:17pm
aw, now lets not get it started again -_-


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Feb 8, 2003, 1:28am
teehee, ever spend much time in AWTeen? The only thing Alpha World has over
AWTeen is space :-) other than that, we kick it's butt! :P


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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 7:16pm
yeah, it did :-( but we'll miss you, mrbruce! you had a nice lil world,
though I was never in it!


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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 9, 2003, 10:46pm
O_O I would have guessed him at a third of that!
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A!!CT is deleted and I am gone :P

Feb 10, 2003, 12:10am
how old are you, NCC? I seriously wouldn't have guessed you at 26, is that
the correct age?


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