jstone2004 // User Search
jstone2004 // User Search
Nov 8, 2002, 12:37am
If the Adult worlds decide to have their own Cy's, that's fine. But, the
impression that I have gotten is that the Teens would be separated from the
Cy's all together and have their own Cy awards. If it were with the rest of
the community awards, and Teens had a fair chance at every category just
like every other world and person, then that would be fine. From what I can
see, it would not be so, the teens would be placed in their own Cy's, not
being allowed to even attend the regular Cy's.
[View Quote]"wizard myrddin" <Hippyring at rdescape(DOT)co(DOT)uk> wrote in message
news:3dcb1dd3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> On a personal note I would rather see teen as part of the community awards
> together with all other non adult themed worlds. If teen worlds, and yes
> there are some in aw are banned from a awards they have actively attended
> and took part in since its conception to make way for adult worlds is a
> reflection on the community. But has Enzo has stated you have one or the
> other.
> Not wishing to inflame anything or promote flamming or anything else.
> If the teens are ousted from this event in favour of "Adult worlds" the
> effect is all promotion must also by termed adult promotion and therefore
> not allowed to be publically displyed in aw.
> But what ever the outcome all aspects have to be considered and the effect
> on the community and all its worlds.
> "jstone2004" <J at Jlife.net> wrote in message
> news:3dcb0bc5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> nights
> Either
> nite
> be
> folks..
> before
> what
> do
Nov 8, 2002, 12:46am
good. But what would this 'adult cy' entail? Would it be the same awards? or
different ones?
[View Quote]"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage(dot)com> wrote in message
news:3dcb254c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> if there are 2 awards no matter what the name of them one for adult
> theme and one for reg community cits the teens should be part of the
> latter I am not in favor of separating anyone out of them but the adult
> theme
Nov 16, 2002, 9:09pm
AW is changing. I can see it in all aspects, even AWTeen has been hit hard
by the price increases. Almost every week, we loose an awesome member of our
community by not renewing cits. We continue on keeping the world up and
running, but it has not been without toll.
The days of the builders are passing, I'm afraid. Building is no longer
enough. People are going to be attracted now by entertainment.
[View Quote]"lord perception" <usenetreplies at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3dd6cb43 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> [Urgh accidentally hit send prematurely] [Additions at the bottom]
> "lord perception" <usenetreplies at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> normal
> stay
> [Rephrased paragraph]
> Along with that and the non existant progress in AlphaWorld, I ultimately
> decided to move
> to AWTeen to take advantage of the new building features. Keeping in mind
> that I came to ActiveWorlds purposely to build, not to live another life
> online.
> So what I'm thinking is the days of citizens just building and roaming
> around in public BUILD worlds numbered?
Nov 23, 2002, 12:05am
4 posts in a row is a bit much, isn't it? I don't have a problem with you
posting things, even multiple times, but 4 things in a row is a bit much,
perhaps you could post one post per week just updating everyone how how the
games are going, and any news and such?
[View Quote]"the game master" <the_foundation at sprynet.com> wrote in message
news:3dde42d8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The "G-A-M-E" radio station is looking for citizens interested in becoming
> reporters and commentators for our weekly airings. The station will
> broadcast a variety of AW related news, information, announcements, and
> commentary.
> You will be required to submit at least one article/commentary of interest
> per week. You have the option of sending in txt or wav files. Obviously
> wav files will be played on air. You may select any byline you wish to be
> known as.
> If you think you would be interested, send us a telegram. Send to The
> Master, and one of our members will get it.
> Please, if you are not really seriously interested, or do not think you
> make weekly deadlines, do not apply.
> Also, do not send REplies to this or any other posting as we do not
> through the newsgroups.
> The Game
Nov 28, 2002, 10:08pm
absolutely wonderful, and strangely correct, goob :-) I agree w/ Brant and
Nornny :P
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3DE5C9E3.5060800 at utn.cjb.net...
> Don't look now, but it's another edition of the NG2tNGs! That's right,
> the Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups!
> For those of you just joining us, the NG2tNGs is the perfect companion
> to help you get acquainted with everything you'll encounter here in this
> wonderful land we call the newsgroups. To start things off, here's an
> introduction to just some of the characters you'll encounter in your
> thread-tracing travels:
> Absolute Monarch - Ruler of Sapphire Estates and self-proclaimed "Evil
> Chaotic Lord of the Dead and Demons", this necrophile will beg, borrow,
> and steal to get attention for his town. Be especially wary if he starts
> asking about worlds...
> Agent1 - This Voice of Reason in the NGs will jump at any opportunity to
> point out faulty logic or blatantly obvious blunders in the driest
> manner possible. In fact, just about the only thing that could get him
> to crack a smile is the thought of harassing AWI staff.
> AlphaBit Phalpha - Former Head of the You-Know-What Awards, ABP now
> oversees worms and fishing hooks under her new role as the purveyor of
> the Bite Me Bait & Tackle Shop (yes, it's a real place). At least you
> won't hear the worms complaining about a "popularity contest"...
> Ambivalent - This one's a total misnomer, especially when it comes to
> ripping her off. World hosters, BEWARE!
> Ananas - And oldie but goodie of the NGs, this one's always ready with a
> quick one-liner or friendly word of advice. In other words, he's one of
> the quiet ones your mother always told you to watch out for...
> Andras - Overseer of the "other" AW newsgroups, this one is also
> responsible for almost every non-bot related program used in conjunction
> with AW. Rumor has it AWI tried to hire him once, but he turned them
> down, saying "You still haven't reimbursed me for the work I've already
> done for you!"
> Anduin - One of the local G-men, this self-proclaimed Scribe knows how
> to put a woman in her place, at least when he can tell the difference...
> BinaryBud - This one has recently gotten into the habit of referring to
> himself in the 3rd person. Just another notch in his odd writing style
> that makes you wonder "You sure he isn't drunk?"
> Bowen - Here's one that will say anything just to say something, even if
> he has no clue about the subject at hand. I guess there are some people
> who just like to watch themselves type... *looks around innocently*
> Brant - Former Caretaker of AWTeen, he's apparently decided to trade the
> hassle of dealing with immature teens to dealing with immature posters
> in the NGs. Sounds to me like he got ripped off on that trade.
> Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
> especially when it concerns others in his own age range. In other words,
> the perfect NG candidate.
> CarlBanks - Caution: May contain brain-like substance. Also prone to
> lashing out, especially when it feels its RPG territory is being
> Daphne - You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and
> WILL be used against you, anytime, anywhere. This one's penchant for
> storing away chat logs and telegrams for later use makes the Library of
> Congress look like the local newsstand. If you are at all worried about
> your virtual reputation, don't talk to her. Ever.
> E N Z O - Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The CEO of AWI has now appointed
> himself the new moderator of the NGs and has taken upon himself the
> unenviable task of ridding the community NG of all nastiness! Want to
> get on his bad side? Just mention one of the three magic words: "Gor",
> "CY", or "Committee"!
> Goober King - With a name like this, anyone who takes this guy seriously
> is just asking for trouble.
> InSaNiTy/Filmkr/Host - Whatever name you call him, this one always boils
> down to one word: "Distrust". In fact, he's probably the only person in
> the NGs who can claim to be universally loathed by every NG regular. And
> yet, he still somehow manages to run a successful business...
> J B E L L - The self-described "Everyone's Favorite Troll", this guy
> appears to simply fall under the "Trying Too Hard" category. It's almost
> as if he *wants* everyone to hate him, but something prevents them from
> doing so. No wonder he owns a world centered around debates...
> JerMe - One of the many resident geeks in the NG, this one's clearly
> started his turn to trolldom. Just don't get him started on AWI's
> incompetency. Wouldn't want him to get banned or anything...
> jstone2004 - AWTeen Poster Boy, he's decided to make it his mission to
> prove to the world that AWTeen isn't full of immature ingrates. Of
> course, it makes his job that much more tragic when those same immature
> ingrates prove him wrong...
> Kellee - This saucy Aussie is just about the only thing holding the
> entire AWSchool system together these days. No wonder she wants to
> approve the use of the word "shit" in AW...
> Kerstin - Keeper of the Sigh Awards. Voting for the Sigh Awards will
> begin on December 6th... no wait, December 13th... no, December 25th...
> no, that's a holiday... oh, screw it! *sigh*
> Linn - She of the Garbled English, no one has been able to figure out
> exactly what causes her to act the way she does. Whatever it is also
> apparently causes her to think everyone else is telepathic and can read
> her mind. Makes for interesting conversation, hmmmm?
> Lioness. - This is one cat that's definitely got some teeth! Just be
> careful, because she doesn't usually go for the quick one-bite kill, but
> rather prefers to bury you under huge piles of words. Paragraph nerds
> need not apply.
> Maki - Here's another one that's made a rather infamous name for
> himself, first by pissing off an entire contingent of NG Survivor
> players, and then pissing off the normally infallible AlphaBit Phalpha.
> When you can actually make ABP break out the frowny face, you know
> you've hit a nerve.
> MrBruce - He wants to help the AW community, but apparently some people
> don't want his help. This one still needs to learn the basic rule of
> success here in AW: Don't listen to anyone but yourself.
> NCC 71854/72897 - A trekkie geek who's also apparently trying to be
> "black". Don't hate on the playa... hate on the Romulans! After all,
> wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite, now would we?
> Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor,
> this guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard"
> category, except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently
> wants people to think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working.
> PC Hamster - Like Bowen, this one likes to insert his 2 cents wherever
> he can. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell him that the
> Hamsterville-NG credibility exchange rate is terrible, and that
> mentioning his town every chance he gets will not make it any better.
> Strike Rapier - Another AWTeener that's well on his way to Troll
> stardom. He seems anxious to pick a fight with just about anyone. Too
> bad he always seems to get owned.
> SW Chris - The Brains of the SW City Brigade. Of course, when you look
> at the rest of the Lingo-ridden bunch, that's not saying much...
> SWE - Another Teener Troll with an apparent hard-on for all things
> Anti-American. I guess living in Libya, a country labelled by the US as
> harboring terrorists, will do that to you...
> Talisan - G-people Poster Boy who's made it his personal mission to
> prove that Goreans aren't just about sex and slavery. They're also
> about... umm, well... loyalty! Yea, that's it...
> TechnoZeus - Newly appointed Punching Bag for the CY Committee (He
> thought the "PB" on the application form was a typo). He said he took
> the PR position because no one else would. Now he's starting to
> understand why.
> Wizard Myrddin - Linn's apparent partner in crime, this one can at least
> claim to have a decent head on his shoulders. Now if he could only get
> some of that to rub off on his female counterpart...
> And those are just some of the folks you'll run into here in these
> newsgroups! Now that we've got introductions out of the way, it's time
> for a little newsgroup history lesson! I now present you with:
> The NG Troll Hall of Fame
> -------------------------
> Eep - He is the Alpha, he is the Omega. He is the be-all and end-all of
> trolls everywhere and they all aspire to be like him. With a "Drive
> through" here and a "Suck filter" there, he could annoy the most stoic
> of NG travelers. And yet, he somehow managed to retain a lovable quality
> about him, much like the grumpy old man in the rocking chair you just
> love to hear complain. Even today, after he was finally banned entirely
> from the NGs, others have tried to duplicate his attitude and demeanor,
> but never to the success he achieved in his long and storied career. A
> true Troll legend.
> Pokemon Web - Nothing would be terribly notable about this Troll, except
> he was the first person to introduce the Troll strategy of Capitalizing
> The First Letter In Every Word In His Sentences. Needless to say, it
> drove people nuts and he was eventually driven out of the NGs, never to
> be heard from again.
> Nova - Grammar was a concept totally lost on this Troll. Punctuation,
> Capitalization, Sentence Structure; none of it mattered to him as he was
> content to simply spill out a constant stream of incoherent words. Many
> NG Grammarians tried their hardest to instill some semblance of
> coherency to him, but they all failed horribly. Eventually, Nova simply
> disappeared without a trace and with not even so much as a "you guys are
> annoying im going now ok bye bye" :-/
> Legion - Never was a name more apt, for it definitely seemed like this
> Troll was possessed by a multitude of annoying demons. Not only was his
> English atrocious, but he also had many eccentricities, including an
> extremely misplaced loyalty to AWI (he was afraid he'd get sued if he
> didn't kiss up to them) and the idea that he was chummy with Eep.
> Naturally, Eep didn't take to well to this and battles ensued.
> Eventually, Legion would too fade from NG lore with nary a garbled peep.
> Agent Fox Mulder/Col Klink - Think about what the bastard child of
> Pokemon Web and Nova would look like, and you get Agent Fox Mulder. His
> thickheadedness was second to none and he was much like a disease: he
> never really went away. Thankfully, he eventually did go away, but not
> before leaving behind a world that would make a heroine addict trip out
> and ensured that you would never look at the TV show "Boy Meets World"
> in quite the same way again...
> Lanezeri - With an ego the size of Jupiter, this Troll seemed to firmly
> believe that the entire NG revolved around him and his AW exploits,
> including his anit-USWF campaign. He also seemed obsessed with the idea
> that everyone actually cared that he was leaving the NGs. Of course, he
> "left" about 5 different times, but eventually he did leave for good,
> and there was much rejoicing.
> SonofSolaris - Famous for picking a fight with BinaryBud, this one
> launched himself face-first into Trolldom by suddenly going ballistic on
> the entire NG, including posting false reports of Gavroche's death.
> Mercifully, he was banned from the NGs shortly thereafter.
> M a r c u s - This Troll made it his life-long quest to rid the entire
> AW Universe of the scourge known as "porn". After that gambit failed
> miserably, he hung around the NGs, constantly bashing AWI for what he
> perceived was inaction on their part concerning said porn. Later on, he
> also decided to accuse them of cheating him out of money for a free cit
> he received with a world. Naturally, after all the accusations and
> general thickheadedness, Marcus was silenced, to the relief of all.
> Chucks Party - Infamous for getting involved in the Broadway/NewYork
> world feud and turning it into an all-out war. As he continued to
> escalate the conflict, it became obvious that neither of the original
> feud participants wanted anything to do with him. Eventually, Chucks
> earned the contempt of practically every NG regular with his tactics and
> was summarily run out of the NGs, with AWI locking the door behind him.
> JFK2/JFK2 Builder/Ohhhhhmy - Never has the AW NGs seen a Troll like this
> one before or since. Not even the mighty Eep could contend with his
> completely incoherent ramblings and word spasms. When Chucks Party
> dragged him into the Broadway/NewYork conflict, it just made the mess
> even worse due to JFK2s unpredictable and irrational outbursts. Even
> Chucks Party wanted nothing to do with him after awhile. But, unlike
> Chucks Party, JFK2 was not banned from the NGs and continued to pop up
> frequently to remind everyone of his love/hate relationship with Just
> In, and his love/love relationship with little boys. Eventually, all his
> talk of pedophilia got him banned, but he recently resurfaced under the
> name Ohhhhhmy to torment the NGs once again. Thankfully, it didn't take
> AWI long to see that he hadn't changed a lick and punted him out the
> door a second time. We can only hope that this time, it's for good.
> So, there you have it: Some examples of what NOT to do in these NGs. If
> you stay away from the paths these immortalized few have followed, you
> can expect to have a pleasant stay here in these NGs. And, for those of
> you aspiring trolls out there, you can use this as a word of warning for
> where you may be headed if you continue on this well-trodden path.
> Thanks for reading, and enjoy your stay in the NGs! :)
> --
> Goober King
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Dec 2, 2002, 11:28am
they aren't, as far as I know, they announced it... hmm... a month or so
[View Quote]"mod" <mod at darkbirdie.com> wrote in message
news:3dead262$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I don't think they are accepting any new beta testers, with the beta
> for 3.4 drawing to a close. I may be wrong, but I don't think so. Sorry.
> -Mod
> "mrmike" <mike at a1ctworld.com> wrote in message
> news:3deacf54 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Dec 3, 2002, 11:46pm
with the latest release, most of the major bugs were fixed, so now YS is
just dealing with the small things :P
[View Quote]"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
news:3ded4000$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I completely agree. Close? hah! They were "close" a month ago before
> Young Shamus was ordered to add more features.
> I used to read the beta newsgroup and follow what's new with 3.4, but I've
> given up now - who cares if there's new features? The features that were
> before were good enough. Just release the thing already.
> -Brant
> "jerme" <jerme101 at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
> news:3debcee0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> of
> not
> AW
Dec 13, 2002, 2:26am
I agree. Actually, something AW could really use is some really good
marketing. What we have here is really great, though not quite game like, it
is a real tool, particularly useful to buisnesses, as well as for
entertainment. I don't know about how better marketing could be attained,
because of financial things, but I have a lot of ideas, since my father
actually worked on the Marketing team for an IBM program a year ago or so.
So, if ya need any ideas, or any help implementing them, or any man power,
just let me know :-)
[View Quote]"e n z o" <enzo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3df8d366$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Having read most of the thread about Linden I must express my surprise.
> Best Invention of 2002? It seems to me that the only thing Linden has
> invented is some good PR. Is there anyone in here that has seen anything
> they have done? I can make a whole bunch of screenshots too if thats all
> takes. They have been around for a couple of years now and I have applied
> for Beta several times and never even get a response. When they first
> up, they were supposed to be a 3D internet tool, now it looks like a
> SimsOnline with 3D knockoff. (Which BTW , I did try as a beta, not worth
> the 1.2 gig download IMO)
> If anyone has seen anything besides screenshots and vaportrails let me
> Also, if the Internet is realllllllllly gonna go 3D this time then we are
> still here and so are you... maybe it will be fun. There are sure a lot
> new coders thanks to the AW SDK and there are a lot more good modelers
> E
Dec 23, 2002, 2:11am
Hello everyone! AWTeen's Holiday Fest is coming! Come on out on Saturday,
December 28th, to participate in some Winter and Holiday games, which have
been prepared just for this season. The festivities begin at 4pm VRT with a
special Welcoming Message. Many games will be played, including Christmas
Paintball, a Scavenger Hunt, Holiday Name That Tune, Jerry Springer, and
much more :) These are just a few of the events that will be occurring on
Saturday. So come on out, and join us for some fun, festivites, and PRIZES!!
If you have any question regarding Holiday Fest, feel free to contact the
Event Manager, Allen Iverson.
Jan 5, 2003, 8:42pm
lol, how long ago was this posted? It sounds ancient, and not to mention,
only vaguely related to AW :-)
[View Quote]"styki" <Styki at Stickycats.com> wrote in message
news:3e188cf4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> So this must be why you are on the other side of the malicious talks
> days
> Styki
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> "moon glow" <temptress at starband.net> wrote in message
> news:3b0421f7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> partner
> my
> i
> get
> world.
> about
> being
> here
> been
> g
Jan 5, 2003, 11:38pm
lol, why weren't they just content to stay in their own universes?
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e18dcb1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "jstone2004" <j at jlife.net> wrote in message
> news:3e18b4bc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I saw DLP... if I remember correctly KAH said there was some uber-flame
war with DLP
> with JFK2 and chucksparty? This predates me though so I can't give you
> --Bowen--
Jan 7, 2003, 1:27am
*shrugs* people in AW Uni's get offended too easily in my opinion...
This post was not meant to, in any way offend, hurt, or stir up people. It
is just a comment from a common person, who's comments you may choose to
ignore if you wish. I do not wish to start a flame war in any way, nor do I
wish to participate in one.
[View Quote]"styki" <Styki at Stickycats.com> wrote in message
news:3e1a2050$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Bits,
> I understand where you are coming from and your concerns however this has
> nothing to do with events in the past that you BELIVE you know the details
> of because without knowing both sides of the story you could not possibly
> know the details and I know that Katzz or I did not discuss the details
> you or anyone else for that matter (outside of those involved) and I have
> for one heard their side and it is not quite as accurate as you might
> from some one in the position of owning a universe, but this does have
> to do with things that HAVE been said publicly against me and Katzz. but
> like you said yourself "(That I know of.)" the bottom line here is 1
> there is a reason for Anne to be running her mouth and trash talking Katzz
> and I in grams and open chat to people then perhaps she is the one that
> should let things lie, and I wont even go into the comments jokes and
> implications about other groups that are more than just a little
> as for the public eye well I believe that if you own a universe you should
> act accordingly or any other business for that matter, and as such your
> behavior IS public business and subject to scrutiny.. Could you REALLY se
> enzo or any other universe owner behaving the way she does... PLEASE!!!
> is the last that I have to say about this post unless someone STILL does
> get it.
> PS Bits this has note been posted to offend you or anyone else. It is
> me expressing MY Concerns and Opinions and yea was still cool :)
> PSS its amazing how deep things get from a simple comment LOL
> *----------------------------------------------------------------*
> "bitmaster" <bitmeister00 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3e1a0c7d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> with
> the
> in
Jan 11, 2003, 12:01am
I abstain.
[View Quote]"x.neocube.x" <majmatrixx at excite.com> wrote in message
news:3e1f1a0c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> thank you for the info... I sent an email for the next beta already.
> Thanks again.
Jan 11, 2003, 7:25pm
Oprah does that, you can disable popups and such
[View Quote]"yanst" <ayansta at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e208b6f at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> There should be some kind of box to check in MSIE preferences that allows
> to decide to override anything that tries to force its way to hide my
> toolbar.
> That sounds grumpy : )
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3e202a07 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 11, 2003, 11:05pm
you're right, goob :-) but yeah, I like Opera better than netscape, netscape
hates me
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e20bab4 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:3E20A25B.9010408 at utn.cjb.net...
> LoL Oprah could've also eaten them, or bring Dr. Phil to consult it's
> problems. Mozilla forever.
> --Bowen--
Jan 16, 2003, 2:42am
I cannot count the amount of grams I got of that log, lol. Thankfully, I
make it a habit to not look at links in grams if someone just randomly sends
me a link, as I hate gram-spam. So, if any of ya'll out there who have me on
your contact list see this... remember, J hates gram-spam and generally
deletes it when he gets it *yeah you know how you are :)*
[View Quote]"ryan jacob" <ryan_jacob at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e2635da at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Character is what you are in the dark - and apparently, you intended not
> have the chat log spread. But, a SW City person telegrammed the URL to the
> log twice and urged me to read it though it was none of my business. I
> perhaps you should be careful what you say or write - the walls have ears.
> Ryan Jacob
> "sw comit" <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3e24e4ab at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> fact
Jan 16, 2003, 2:48am
of course everyone makes mistakes and everyone isn't perfect, I certainly
don't hold it against anyone, since I'm the same way... but I think I agree
w/ most other people on this one, better behind closed doors than releasing
the fault for the whole world to see, one of my mottos whenever it comes to
anything political or personal if it involves dissagreement.
[View Quote]"seiya faye" <starbuilds at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3e262cd2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Greetings AW,
> Concerning my apology yesterday, which, once again I
> apologize for. However, I have few good friends who
> will stand by my side, and I listen to some of the
> things they tell me, therein proves I value
> friendship. Continuing, I read over the text that I
> posted which was made by the SW mayors, and I
> realized, they have stated things telling how juicy it
> is, and also, I noticed they whispered to eachother, a
> plan to both anger me. I have had encounters in SW
> city and it's 3 mayors, SW Chris, one of them, has
> seen me get angered before, because somebody brings up
> something, to on purpose anger me. Chris knows that I
> am very edgy like that, and was able to prevent it by
> whispering to me to calm down and 'let's talk' rather
> than fanning the flame. The remaining SW mayors know I
> am very edgy and yet fanned the flame by both instead
> of doing what Chris would of done and stopped me
> before I began, they only made it worse. Now, I do
> understand it was wrong of me to be that way, but for
> them both to plan out amongs themselves to anger me,
> is wrong, and then to send out the text to all the
> citizens of their city telling them how 'juicy' the
> fight was only makes them just as bad, if not worse. I
> am a different person, and in my AW life, I have been
> told over and over that all great builders must be
> humble. Considering I am different, I lack alot of
> things which to many would be considered 'normal'. I
> may have a powerful creative mind, but I truly lack
> good social skills, in makeup, I communicate in a
> manner most people cannot understand. I communicate
> through my buildings, each one has alot to say about
> me, therefore making me very edgy and upset when
> people bring up a topic about building, especially
> when they direct it at me on purpose. It is because I
> interpret things differently, and sometimes
> incorrectly. Forgive me for the extensive letter, but
> mainly, my point is: I am sorry once again for my
> behavior, but for you SW mayors, and all of you who
> send me hate grams, you are just as bad to do that, it
> doesn't make you any better. I hope, through my
> downfall I am going through now, that some could learn
> that not everyone is perfect, and this whole thing
> could of been avoided if you would of calmly asked me
> to calm down, and I would of. Remember we are all
> human, we all make mistakes, nobody is perfect. Once
> again I apologize, and I hope I can be a better friend
> to you guys, but please, do not make things worse by
> sending me your hate grams. Thank you.
> -Love
> Seiya Faye
Jan 16, 2003, 10:08pm
*looks around* I've seen much better soap opera type situations in awteen...
[View Quote]"the joker ss" <the_joker_ss at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e268288$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> this is like some soap opera..
Jan 16, 2003, 10:55pm
that was just plain sickening...
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3e274990 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Like that 1 with D a n :P
> - Mark
> "jstone2004" <j at jlife.net> wrote in message
> news:3e27496a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> awteen...
Jan 22, 2003, 12:14am
perhaps someone could write the reporter and ask for a copy of the paper?
[View Quote]"magine" <magine at turtleflight.com> wrote in message
news:3E2CC082.4CFA79CF at turtleflight.com...
> Did any of the people who participated in the interview with the NY Sun
> reporter yesterday manage to find a copy of the Sun today? I tried 3
> bookstores with out-of-town papers but they didn't carry it. I'd love to
> see what he wrote about AW....
> -Magine
Jan 28, 2003, 12:21am
lol, if you thought that you could make a game out of AW, then you had your
priorities messed up, the wealth in AW isn't it's gamehood... it is the
community of people here, the wealth of creativity, knowledge, and ability
that we have in here. Of course we have arguements, I would be really
worried if we didn't. But the fact is, that we stand out from any other
chatroom not only in technology, but in community as well. No other chat
room that I've found (other than AW based technology) has the ability to
have close-knit communities inside of them as AW. Let's face it, we have an
entire culture here in AW. Many, in fact.
The reason I am on AW, is that I recognize the immense wealth of creativity
to be found here. I also recognize the wonderful community in which we live
in. A VR life? There is no such promise with active worlds. And no one
should ever spend all their time on AW, in my opinion.
Also, back to the problem of arguements. I've been in many chatrooms,
messageboards, and newsgroups. And I have seen debates so cold, angry, and
filled with hate that it would make everyone in here seem like little kids.
That big gor debate we had a little while back with the cy's... heh, when I
looked back and compared it to some of the religious debates I've seen on
places like the Yahoo Groups... That was childsplay. The bigotry, hatred,
descrimination in here, is nothing compared to the 'outside world' We are
very priviledged to be here, and to have such a great community. Even though
we don't always agree on things, we for the most part respect that.
Comming to AW was the best move I've made when it comes to chat rooms. It is
an awesome technology that gives everyone the ability to express themselves
creatively. I am sorry that you aren't seeing it as such.
As for you leaving, if you were just looking at AW as a game, a chat room,
and as nothing more, then of course it isn't going to interest you :-) but
if you look beneath the surface, and get into the rich culture, it's
amazing! Not to mention the history, stories, and lore of AW. Ever just chat
with a cit about what all has happened since they have come to AW? I've only
been here for two years, and I have quite a good amount of stories.
Well, I'm done yapping for now :-)
[View Quote]"chiram seawing" <Seawing at Planet-Safira.com> wrote in message
news:3e35d779 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> my citizenship expires tommorow...
> and I'm not sad about it either.
> if you think about it, what exactly IS activeworlds?
> a chatroom. just a chatroom where you can create your own things. I sort
> feel really depressed after looking back at it... after a tough day of
> classes what did I look forward to? talking to other people I don't know
> playing with intangible objects. To think that I actually dreamed of
> a game on it! I thought a bump ride that bumped you back and forth was
> and got shivers down my spine while walking down a haunted house that
> like it was carved with a mallet.
> what will I say to my children when they ask me what I was like when I was
> their age? "oh, daddy liked to make pretty houses and pretend he liked
> exploring things that could move up and down and make noises too!"
> looking back at that period of my life makes me so angry at myself! not
> was the program itself extremely limited, but lets take a look at the
> community. on the newsgroup, most of the arguments have to do with
> and grammatical errors. those that don't are usually jibberish or a plea
> attention.
> and even worse than that, what the hell was I smoking when I thought of my
> name for gods sake!? was I that intoxicated by the alluring satisfaction
> creating my ideal city? was it a comeback for all the 1337H4XX0R names
> noone could spell right?!
> look at yourselves, people. really, just look atyourself. why are you
> AW? do you want to be remembered for spending all your time on a chatroom?
> chatroom which promises a virtual life? is there something wrong with your
> own life, that you'd want to spend all your time on something pretending
> you're something that you're not?
> for those of you who are sorry that I'm leaving:
> don't be. be very happy that some of us saw the light and decided not to
> waste his/her life.
> yours truly
> -William Killoran
> PS- I don't mean to have offended anyone nor am I bashing AW... I just
> others to see the light as well... oh and if you made it this far I
> congratulate you, didn't think anyone would bother to finish this. have a
> nice day
Jan 28, 2003, 11:36pm
so is your spelling :-)
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3e372d68$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Then where is the Goober Queen and Goober Kids?
> - Mark
> Meh! My jokes are TERRRRRRRRRABLE
Feb 6, 2003, 10:16pm
there has been a decline... and we've lost a lot of really great community
members, and I've lost a lot of really good friends. However, if we are
going to ask the question what is happening to AW, and we answer it. We need
to go a step further in discussing what we can do, individually as well as a
group to make AW as best as it possibly be, even considering the price
increases. I don't plan on leaving AW anytime soon, so I'm in it for the
long haul :P
What I think can be done, is to continue to run the awesome public building
and community based worlds as best we can, they provide the link between
building and community that we need to grab more people. Notice that the
first place many tourists and citizens go is to the huge public building
worlds. We provide a huge reason behind why many people join AW in the first
place :-) So that's what my resolution concerning the matter is :P
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3e42af58 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> What is happening to the AW universe program? I am talking about the user
> community. I have seen a drastic decline in the number of people logged
> AW. Where have they all gone? The Sims on line? Another universe? What has
> happened to the number of people who used to post in these newsgroups?
> I do not see the community support I used to see here, or even if someone
> posts anything serious here, someone almost always changes the subject of
> the post or comes out with some sarcastic response.
> I have been with AW as a citizen for over 29 months now and I have never
> seen it this grim here. I just looked at all the newgroups even the ones
> from Andras.net and I see very few new posts since Merry Christmas was
> posted.
> Does this not alarm anyone here? Our community is dying, wake up!
> MrBruce A1CTWorld.com
Feb 6, 2003, 11:38pm
wow, I have to say it, that was one of the most "entertaining" posts I've
read in a long time. Especially since not one of us feels good about what
happened to Columbia, we are all on the same side, don't worry :P also, this
has absoultely nothing to do with bots, sdk, wishlist, or worldbuilders... I
could see maybe community and general discussion, but not the others :P
*thanks ENZO that john isn't a beta tester*
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3e42d7ba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 7, 2003, 10:19pm
lol, compared to the huge Cy Awards fight that went on a few months ago, the
NG's are neutral nowadays :P
[View Quote]"john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
news:3e439383 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I posted this because I didn;t realise that the newsgroups were designed
> fighting and arguing.
> I thought they might be to discuss aw and maybe help people with questions
> and queries. And I also thought it was a place to post information and
> somewhere where every bit of information posted is contradicted or put
> "john" <john at 3d-reality.com> wrote in message
> news:3e42d7ba at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 8, 2003, 6:17pm
aw, now lets not get it started again -_-
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at usa.net> wrote in message
news:3e44ddda at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Really? You say I had it comming to me? Then tell me what I did to
deserve it, please.
> TechnoZeus
> "elyk" <kfoerst at sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
news:3e449ff8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 8, 2003, 1:28am
teehee, ever spend much time in AWTeen? The only thing Alpha World has over
AWTeen is space :-) other than that, we kick it's butt! :P
[View Quote]"yanst" <ayansta at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3e4477b8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> E N Z O where are you???????? Your baby, your child, your dream is in
> of a revolution!!!!!!!!!!
> Please come back and liberate our beloved Alpha World and give it back to
> the Rule of the People!
> Nice of you to provide A!!CT world Mr Bruce. Your efforts are sincere,
> Alpha World should be back open to tourists. Things around here will
> be the same without Alpha World and the other public building worlds of AW
> Inc open to tourists.
> I have not given up on Alpha World once again being open to tourists.
> never give up on that. Nothing can replace it, nothing can take the place
> of it, nothing can compare, nothing, not even a new Alpha World.
> Nothing.
> Did I say, nothing? Yes.
> Nothing.
> "mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3e440691$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> to
> open
> sense
> we
> to
> AW
> to
> out
> you
> trying
Feb 9, 2003, 7:16pm
yeah, it did :-( but we'll miss you, mrbruce! you had a nice lil world,
though I was never in it!
[View Quote]"bowen" <thisguyrules at 7k2.4mg.com.ANTISPAM> wrote in message
news:3e46c3a0$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Wow, that sounded childish.
> --Bowen--
Feb 9, 2003, 10:46pm
O_O I would have guessed him at a third of that!
[View Quote]"ihnk" <awihnk5 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3e46df5f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ncc is 26? omigosh..... thats just sad....
> "mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3e46de68 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> year
> hand
> to
> newsgroup?
> not
> to
> got
Feb 10, 2003, 12:10am
how old are you, NCC? I seriously wouldn't have guessed you at 26, is that
the correct age?
[View Quote]"ncc 71854" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3e4704e3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> too bad they dont do that for no reason, so go gnaw on a tree before YOU
> banned, loser!
> "ihnk" <awihnk5 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3e47032a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> talk.
> most