jstone2004 // User Search
jstone2004 // User Search
Jul 13, 2002, 10:52am
actually, I have seen a lot of growth in AW during recent months, many many
many new citizens have been coming to AWTeen, immigrating from AW (I wonder
why, lol). So for myself and AWTeen, we have been seeing the opposite of
major deterioration, we have been seeing major growth. Alpha World, however,
I've been noticing, has been getting fewer and fewer numbers, I think this
is mainly due to people comming to AWTeen (it is not uncommon for AWTeen to
pass up AW in numbers), and partially due to most new citizens comming to
awteen instead of Aw.
[View Quote]"synapticon alpha" <kether at synapticus.com> wrote in message
news:3d2ffffd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> It may not be coincidence that the German subsidiary of blaxxun Inc.,
> maintainers of "Cybertown," a virtual (and very cool) online commuity,
> themselves filed for insolvency as of April. Members' petitions and
> donations have apparently kept the site from going under by initiating a
> move from German to US servers. How long the site will continue in its
> present incarnation is up for grabs. But, while Cybertown's membership
> free to its citizens, Aw's membership certainly is not; we have far more
> lose besides community should AW dissolve. I'd like to initiate a
> discussion over ways to keep AW (as well as our personal investments in
> alive during its present crisis. I'm sure I speak for a lot of you by
> saying that I've put in far too much time, effort and money for the whole
> system to simply "go away" in front of my nose. Any ideas?
> Synapticon
Jul 22, 2002, 8:33pm
w00t! Go Pos and Chanty!
[View Quote]"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
news:3d3c6bf9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> In the post entitled "Slideshow" that I made yesterday, I promised more
> information on the event. Please note that this information is also
> available at http://www.shoemakervillage.org/festivities.html. Here it
> -----------------
> On behalf of AWTeen's community, I'd like to welcome anyone and everyone
> interested in Activeworlds to attend AWTeen's Inauguration Day, to be held
> on Monday, July 29, 2002, beginning at 6PM VRT. The location of the event
> will be announced in AWTeen at 5PM VRT, so feel free to arrive early to
> to know your neighbors :)
> Inauguration Day marks the end of the third generation of AWTeen leaders.
> The first generation, led by TheCheese, set the groundwork for the world.
> The second, led by Cahalane and Brock, brought AWTeen to the forefront of
> public building worlds. The third, begun on July 13, 2000 and led by too
> many to count, has allowed AWTeen to become the largest community in
> Activeworlds, at times surpassing AlphaWorld in popularity. On July 29,
> Brant will resign as Caretaker of the world while Poseidon and Chanty take
> over to continue AWTeen's tradition of excellence in public building and
> community events.
> The evening will start with remarks by Mountain Myst and other
> staff members. Shortly thereafter, Brock, one of AWTeen's second
> leaders, will return from obscurity to share his opinion on governing a
> large publicly owned world.
> Next on the agenda is the AWTeen Community Awards, which Brant hopes will
> become a tradition to be continued by future leaders. The awards, which
> will be given in a wide range of categories, will be bestowed upon those
> have assisted the AWTeen community in the greatest manner during the past
> two years. In addition to public recognition, each recipient will receive
> free citizenship, citizenship extension, or world. These awards were
> conceived as a small effort to give back to the community that has
> its leaders through both good and troubling times, and will not be
> ahead of time.
> Following the announcement of the awards, Brant will share a few words on
> the successes and failures of his tenure, as well as his hopes for the
> future. He will announce some things that have never been discussed
> and will share some parting words with the community.
> One of the highlights of the evening will be an eighteen-minute slideshow
> featuring close to 200 pictures of AWTeen's history, from its humble
> beginnings to its present day community. The show will utilize never
> seen bot technology and be set to lively current-day music. From pictures
> of prominent buildings to events and AWTeen's citizens, the show will have
> little bit of everything. Who knows, you might be featured!
> The night's climax will occur when Poseidon and Chanty take the oath of
> office as Caretakers of AWTeen. Following the oath, Strike Rapier will
> utilize his fireworks bot to provide a light show of epic proportions.
> Chanty and Poseidon will then discuss their plans for AWTeen's future in a
> session following the inauguration oath. The end to this memorable
> will occur as Brant symbolically logs out to end one era and begin the
> Be sure not to miss this historic day in Activeworlds history! The
> will be announced at 5PM VRT on Monday, July 29. Hope to see you there!
Jul 26, 2002, 11:54am
you know what would be cool, Pt, would be to have a Map Complex, with maps
of all the worlds you have :-) all in one spot, so ppl can just walk around
on different worlds :P
[View Quote]"ptolemy" <juergan at shaw.ca> wrote in message
news:3d40c92d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi ho everyones. The COFmeta map has been updated and is viewable at Aw
> 5500e Date is 23 July 2002. Please use the bot [COFmeta] which is
> present there 24/7 ,to locate yourself on the map relative to COFmeta.
> say
> " Give location " and it will tell you were your standing in that world.
> Builder
> info ,Object list and a jpg is avaiable here
> http://members.shaw.ca/juergan/id1.htm
> "ptolemy" <juergan at shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3d3ccf66 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 29982.3n
> say
Jul 26, 2002, 11:49am
so does AWC still manage Active Worlds? or have all the employees just been
rehired by the new company?
[View Quote]"eep" <eepNOSPAM at tnlc.com> wrote in message
news:3D40C2DE.AF3B2005 at tnlc.com...
> Remember, AWI is no longer AWC, which AWLD belongs to. AWI is no longer a
publically-traded company.
> But I agree Rick and JP need to let us know what's going on. They
desperately need to learn public relations...
> maki wrote:
updated on the site (which by the way it wasn't) I noticed how they had the
time to remove their ticker symbol and the corporation mark from the bottom
of the page, changed to activeworlds inc...(obviously)..I also went to see
that the board of directors page was changed to some executives page, only
rick and jp are noted on it, though the nasdaq still has them listed...(are
they ever going to be delisted?) changes changes changes, I think they need
to inform us more of what is going on with the company...and what's in the
future for it..ehh
Jul 29, 2002, 12:14am
Hey people, it's here! Yep, tommorow is the start of a brand new era for
AWTeen! And I want to see each and everyone of you out there!
Where? AWTeen
When? Monday the 29th at 6pm vrt
Why? To Inagurate the two new Caretakers of AWTeen in an awesome ceremony
that will close a whole era, and open up the era of community!
Come see the creation of Generation IV!
Jul 30, 2002, 9:36pm
wispers all the way, baby!
Aug 13, 2002, 11:53pm
There will be another one, but I doubt that most of the ppl on this NG want
to hear about it :-) check out news://news.andras.net/AW.AWTeen for the
AWTeen Newsgroup. :P
[View Quote]"mp3" <coolbum at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d599d82 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey it was a CLOSE and COOL! game!
> some of you have noticed FLY was disabled in AWTeen sometime today was
> because! there was an AWSOME game of Soccer! many people played! set
> captains. and there were a few who had problems.
> first in the beginning when i came... players were all over the place like
> it was a "Solo" Soccer game. was very odd. snoopys against random
> and then i started seeing some peeps with half there heads sticking in the
> ground! LOL!
> Calm Spirt - Scored a total of 9 POINTS for the Blue and made the Blue
> WIN!
> mp3 - Scored 2 total and there was only 3 points for green team at end of
> game, the other one was ACCIDENTLY scored by Calm Spirit!
> when we finally set teams... BABY DRAGONS - (Green) vs. Snoopies (Blue)
> was about a 2 vs. 2 game then 3 vs 4, finally some positions were set...
> though when i tried to score my own teammate a real moron came and swept
> from me and like hit it to the side by accident.
> nothing more to say but a great game!
> HOPE TO PLAY AGAIN! and hope there will be another game of AWTEEN SOCCER
> p.s. thanks to 'jstone2004' for hosting the game!
> "mp3" <coolbum at msn.com> wrote in message
> news:3d599d70 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Sep 8, 2002, 6:28pm
*shrugs* I don't build in AW, AWTeen = much more freedom, objects, and
technology :-)
[View Quote]"yanst" <ayansta at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d7ac0a6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hu's China Town is beautiful, no doubt about it; however, why are some
> citizens able to build with special commands, and others are not? Hu, not
> to pick on you, so I'll also mention Tyrell.
> I consider that Builder Discrimination.
Sep 8, 2002, 7:10pm
yeah, and is really the best public building world in my opinion. The only
thing AW has over AWTeen is the massive loads of space. However, AWTeen has
nox (the weather bot, going to be made even better when 3.4 comes), demeter
(the terrain bot that allows terrain to be used by everyone), special
commands, z object use, countless objects with more added each month, a
"large" building setting, a thriving community, events, their own GK's and
PK's (named different of course), and two top notch Caretakers!
I hope I didn't get into a sales type pitch, but seriously, AWTeen is the
BEST public building world out there, 3000 coords in each directions, and a
lot of free space :-)
(just for the record, AWTeen is not only for teens, nor is it full of
immature teens.)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3d7bba96 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That's what I've been telling people. =)
> And it's one of the few worlds that my university hasn't blocked yet. :(
> Chris
> "jstone2004" <jstone_2004 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3d7bb2ed$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> not
Sep 8, 2002, 10:08pm
yep, and at the moment, there is a TON of free space, because we upgraded a
few months ago
[View Quote]"dion" <Dion at digevo.net> wrote in message
news:3d7be625 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Whenever we end up with like less than 10% free space on the map, AWI
> upgrades by 1000 coords.
> "jstone2004" <jstone_2004 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3d7bbce2$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> has
> demeter
> a
> :(
> some
> Hu,
Sep 11, 2002, 12:14am
When is 3.4 supposed to come out? I thought it was comming out at the end of
Sep 15, 2002, 10:45pm
to be honest, I don't see what the big deal is with how the Cy's are run. I
think that we need to respect how they are doing things. Change is eminent,
it can't be stopped, so we should just accept that change and work around
it, giving them room to do what they have to do. If I hear any more arguing
and accusing, I'm going to throw up.
[View Quote]"agent1" <webmaster at shatteredplattersDOTcom> wrote in message
news:3d852323$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If there's a problem with how the Cy Awards are being run, take it up with
the people in charge. What do you expect this post to do *except* cause
argument over what happened? I didn't read very much because it seems like a
matter left between the Cy Nominee and the people running the Cy Awards.
> Next time you want to post a chat log this long for other people to read,
*PLEAE* post it to an Internet site and provide a link. Not many people are
going to bother reading 24kb of text, so they shouldn't have to download it.
> -Agent1
> talisan wrote:
little early.
Oct 1, 2002, 12:42am
I must truely say, this is the cream of the crop, so to speak. You have done
an awesome job on the whole thing. I seriously think that AW should consider
using this as an advertisement for itself, and get us some more business!
[View Quote]"pineriver" <pineriver at thenett.com> wrote in message
news:3d922d4d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The Active World's Video 4 video has come out out, it is about 3mb
> You can click on http://awtaz.net/airtv/videos/aw4-384.wmv to view it
> directly, or go to the website at http://www.aw31.netfirms.com for release
> notes, downloadable banners, play all 4 active world's videos. Later on I
> will have different formats like real and mpg
Oct 5, 2002, 1:09pm
lol, this is kinda funny, it almost makes me think that you posted this on
purpose... You could have easily gramed one of over 50 PK's, not to mention
one of the SRT, who would have responded almost immediately. Next time, just
gram my favorite SRT dude, SkyZack (Peacekeeper 65).
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3D9A9F14.ED50459A at msn.com...
> Hi everyone:
> I sent this to AW Abuse, but just in case this bounces, here goes....
> =====================
> I would like to report a sign which is apparently in violation of the
> ActiveWorlds TOS. It is at 3442N 245E and was created by someone named
> "King Of The Day". This sign advertises a PORN WEBSITE. The URL given
> on the sign is http://www.pornotrap.com/ There is a build near that
> sdign as well, but I can't tell if it's associated in any way with the
> sign (A quick spot check of the build indicates it's NOT).
> I tried going to the GET website to fill out a form, but apparently the
> server must be down at the moment. I followed the link from the
> AWcommunity.org website.
> I have no vested interest either way in the apparent TOS violation, but
> figured I should let someone know it exists out of respect for the
> person who owns the adjacent build.
> I figured you would want to know.... :-)
> Cheers for now :-)
> Patrick Cook
> pchamster at msn.com
> Denver, Colorado
> ==============END PASTED MESSAGE=========
> PC Hamster
Oct 5, 2002, 1:11pm
really? I never saw him on the registry of PK's. And he never was really
that involved in AW... This should have gone to someone with a little more
involvement, because we don't particularly care!
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3D9EC015.C096AF28 at msn.com...
> Hi everyone:
> No. The object is (or was) on AlphaWorld. This has nothing to do with
AWTeen. And Brant is a PK last time I checked... :-)
> PC Hamster
> strike rapier wrote:
the ex CT of AWTeen who is currently feeling ill?
news:3D9A9F14.ED50459A at msn.com...
Oct 20, 2002, 5:11pm
Thanks everyone who came out to the party last night! T'was fun! And We wish
all of the canadates the best of luck for the Cy's!
Oct 25, 2002, 10:07pm
unfortunately, you have to pay for everything, there is no local teleports,
and you don't have much money...
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3DB8E784.BC2A01E3 at msn.com...
> Hi everyone:
> Had just paid a visit to AW GZ and noticed there was an ad for a NEW
> AlphaWorld. I'm wondering A). If it's just simply too good to be true
> B). If it's just me and/or C). If it REALLY IS true, does anyone ANYONE
> have ANY idea when it'll be rolled out and what new features (if any)
> will it have???
> I myself would LOVE to see a 3.3 compliant AlphaWorld complete with
> roads and other objects that you can bend, twist and turn as you please
> (this would REALLY be helpful in be able to design cloverleafs which are
> FAR better than the one on North Pratt Boulevard at the River Of Lite
> Expressway in Hamsterville) as well as to be able to build UNDERGROUND
> (I know just what SW Chris must be thinking here.... :-)).
> Anyhow, if ANYONE has any info, PLEASE DO POST!!! :-)
> Cheers for now everyone :-)
> PC Hamster
Nov 1, 2002, 12:28am
*looks around* You obviously haven't heard of the new RPG that some people
are buildin, I think it's called Draeda. Quite cool :-) I think it's going
to be released to the public soon, it's an actual world, I think.
[View Quote]"god zedle" <greg at greggage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc08a39$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Hello, I am starting a large scale RPG project that will take advantage of
every feature in AW there currently is. If you are an EXPERIENCED C/C++
programmer, please telegram me.
I will test you for the project, then we will see what we can do about a
world. Then the fun begins.. from scratch, we will make the best RPG bot
ever seen on AW.
Please do not join if you plan to quit.
PS- check out the november newsletter coming soon to see my bot of the month
God Zedle (#306364)
Nov 1, 2002, 12:31am
*looks around* There isn't much that could beat Draeda, I've seen it myself,
it is a p-100 world, custom made objects, with every feature utilized.
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3dc1f54d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You obviously haven' heard of Mutation which is the best game in AW!
> II of Mutation is coming.
> "jstone2004" <jstone_2004 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3dc1f4d9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> month
Nov 1, 2002, 12:38am
*gets in fist fight like we are arguing about the gors winning a Cy*
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3dc1f5fa$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hmm???? Mutation has support from AWCom and have is tourist enabled and
> 20 user limit and it rocks!
> "jstone2004" <jstone_2004 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3dc1f5a3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> myself,
> advantage
> C/C++
> a
> bot
Nov 1, 2002, 12:44am
precisely :P we have different opinions, the last post was supposed to be
sarcastic, to show people who utterly stupid the whole fighting business is
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3dc1f81a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> No! Not a flame war. It's an opinon I'm just stating that Mutation Rocks!
> "jstone2004" <jstone_2004 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:3dc1f734$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> some
> it's
Nov 1, 2002, 10:10pm
Jerry Springer all the way, Baby!
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns92B9EBCB5C323kahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> "sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in
> news:3dc2e4b7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> The kind of debate where the participants throw chairs at each other and
> set fire to the room? LOL ;-))
Oct 31, 2002, 9:54pm
LOL, why do you hate it so much?
[View Quote]"ds saber mage" <brandon-smith at kc.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3dc1bd51$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Eheh.... i just got 3.4 beta and i kinda dont like it =o\ im trying to
> figure out how to switch back to aw 3.3 w/o losing my contacts or
> teleports... plz tell me a way i could!
Nov 2, 2002, 1:30pm
*shifty eyes* none shall know and none shall guess what keeps me in AWTeen,
oh haith! it's doubly dear to me... *shifty eyes*
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dc3fb88 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> yes thats all very well and good, but Debate about WHAT? You need to get
it active with topics.
> - Mark
> "j b e l l" <jbell at kmfdm.com> wrote in message
news:3dc35f98$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 4:00pm
what's wrong with *shifty eyes*?
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3dc4043e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Say that on 1 more newsgroup your a dead man.
> - Mark
> "jstone2004" <jstone_2004 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3dc3fda5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 2, 2002, 6:18pm
exactly :-) it's not good to have people talk a lot and say little... it's
supposed to be people talking a little, and saying a lot. It seems like
pointless bandering more than anything, kinda like if my brother and I were
angry at eachother because of something one of us did, and we end up loosing
sight of that, and just start hating on eachother, not what we did. but
*shrug* it's all up to you guys to stop, not to me, I've made my decision
not to argue either side.
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dc4350e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I hate to say it, but I have to agree with Strike in this case. I'm not
asking you to go over it again. I'm still waiting for you to go over it the
first time. I hear a lot of complaining, but nothing really being said.
> Again, I reiterate... what is it that you are claiming has been done
wrong? If all you can come up with it that Daphne said something was done
wrong, then why bother to say it at all? If someone else has a complaint,
they can say what it is. If you have a complaint, feel free to say what it
is. If not, don't waste any more effort on it and consider the subject
> TechnoZeus
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3dc42f91 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 7, 2002, 10:53pm
Even I will have to speak out against this. As the AWTeen Community
Relations Officer, it is not right to ban an AWI sponsored world from a huge
event such as this.
[View Quote]"kerstin" <kersting at blast.net> wrote in message
news:3dca5874$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 2. Cys decide to hold a separate Teen Award event each year, so that those
> talented kids can get the recognition they deserve, in a safe environment.
> 3. Some generous and caring community members support this astute move by
> the Cys by jumping in to offer prizes for the event!
> 3. The teens go wild!! They are so happy that they will have their own
> event, in which they now can shine even brighter, and even have a better
> chance of winning, without having to compete against adults with more
> experience, some of whom are professional! And they can win worlds! cits!
> software! yay!
> 4. The entire community is happy that something that was perceived as a
> negative by a few people, was turned into a wonderful positive by a few
> other people who decided that instead of harping and complaining, they'd
> support this positive action by AWinc, and find a way to make it work for
> more people in the CommunitY, so that even more people could be satisifed.
> 5. The previous fragmentation in the CommunitY begins to heal, they renew
> their cits and worlds, and everybody lives happily ever after.
> "antigone" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
> news:3dc9dba9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 7, 2002, 10:56pm
There isn't a solution, or at least not an easy one. Having it on two nights
would alienate a large part of the community from the main awards. Either
way, one part of the community will be alienated, from how it seems. Either
it will be the teens, or the adult worlds. Which will the Cy's choose?
[View Quote]"lady gabrielle" <tesslacap at cox.net> wrote in message
news:3dca8e7f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok.. so why not have the Cy Awards on 2 nites... on the first nite..
> all the catagories that dont have adult nominees in them... on second nite
> have all... and rate the world that nite...
> There REALLY is no solution to this... I have read everyones comments...
> the fact still remains... AW is a universe that EVERYONE pays money to be
> and EVERYONE has the SAME rights... so what do you do?
> Move on EVERYONE... this is REALLY GETTING OLD!!!!!!
> Perhaps Daphne's Christmas Bingo topic... come one... let this die folks..
> nothing is being resolved...
> just alot of hurt feelings.... let AW decide.. and live with what they
> decide...
> LG
> "daphne" <Daphne at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3dca7503$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> it's
> guidelines
> the
> Awards
> beyond
> not
> is
Nov 7, 2002, 11:23pm
I certainly hope so...
[View Quote]"antigone" <alphabit at swbell.net> wrote in message
news:3dcb0ec3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> That's going to be a VERY hard decision for them to make jstone:(
> Not only would teens be banned from attending but could not act anymore as
> volunteers on the team nor hold the awteen preshow party.
> I will be acting as advisor with TZ and CW and Weebs, so lets cross our
> fingers I can help them to make everyone happy:)
Nov 8, 2002, 12:34am
but Alienation it is, because teens would once again be hindered from
competing on the level which they deserve.
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3dcb12f2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I wouldn't call it alienation. More like a positive opportunity for
> competition between one's peers.
> SW Chris
> "jstone2004" <J at Jlife.net> wrote in message
> news:3dcb0bc5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> nights
> Either
> nite
> be
> folks..
> before
> what
> do