poseidon // User Search
poseidon // User Search
Aug 21, 2001, 10:04pm
SURPRISE! NEWS FLASH everyone! The public seriously wants an RPG
coordinator/program to help create and or sponsor RPGs. There was a
unanimous vote just now at the public meeting. dun dun da dun!!!
Aug 21, 2001, 10:06pm
Ok wooops sorry for that bit. Posted in the completely wrong newsgroup, heh.
Ignore it.... Just had my community newsgroup highlighted... *backs out
[View Quote]"poseidon" <draigh5 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3b82f714$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> SURPRISE! NEWS FLASH everyone! The public seriously wants an RPG
> coordinator/program to help create and or sponsor RPGs. There was a
> unanimous vote just now at the public meeting. dun dun da dun!!!
> Poseidon
Aug 21, 2001, 10:41pm
Oh be quiet mike :P
[View Quote]"mike zimmer" <zimmer at pitnet.net> wrote in message
news:3b82fda7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> ..., and your a god?
> poseidon <draigh5 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3b82f790 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> heh.
Sep 14, 2001, 11:06am
What the heck is the world name?
[View Quote]just in wrote in message <3ba1ec37 at server1.Activeworlds.com>...
>Its open. A world hosted by AWC
>Come in, leave a small sign, or make a small or large build, or just chat
>Regards, Justin
>PS: thanks goes to OneSummer, The Observer, phalaphe, IHNK, HamFon and
>Mountain Myst for their help and time
>"just in" <justefyde at hotmail.com> wrote in message
>news:3ba18ef7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jan 6, 2002, 2:05pm
Excellent post! Hopefully, as lara said, perhaps the powers that be at
Active Worlds Corp will look at this post, and "see the light". Perhaps not.
Thank you for that wonderful post.. It just proves the point that there ARE
people around in this universe that resort to practical means of
[View Quote]"sveren arenforge" <sveren at pacbell.net> wrote in message
news:3c37e74f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Feb 20, 2002, 11:57am
Couldn't have said it better myself, Lara.
[View Quote]"lara" <Lara at tnlc.com> wrote in message news:3C72A100.4675E750 at tnlc.com...
> Whoa! :-) I usually agree with your ideas, kellee, but not on this.
Granted I've become very discouraged with many of the business decisions AWC
has made. As I've told you before, as much as I love building in this
program (and on Alphaworld in particular) I could uninstall and walk away
from all this, including my buildings on Alphaworld, without a backward
glance. However, as long as the activeworlds program exists (and I hope it
will continue a long, long time) I really would not want to see Alphaworld
closed to continued building.
> Some see "eyesores" and "rubbish" all over Alphaworld. I see creative
things still going up on Alphaworld constantly. Alphaworld is vast enough
to hold it all. 99% of Alphaworld is still bare land, or so I've heard.
> Alphaworld is still the public building world of choice for most builders
who don't own a world themselves. And why is that? Maybe it's precisely
*because* of the eclectic mix of objects and textures (old, new, newer,
newest) that people can choose to build with. Maybe it's the sheer size of
the world - big enough to hold both rubbish (eyesores to some, unique
virtual history to others) as well as beautiful work (again, in the eye of
the beholder). Even after all these years and many other "prettier" worlds
people could choose to build on, Alphaworld continues to "live, breathe and
grow" very vigorously.
> To me, Alphaworld holds a unique place in a very unique program. As the
first, oldest, and for quite awhile, "only" world, *all* of Alphaworld is an
*ongoing* virtual "historical" event. I personally have always felt that
"rubbish" on Alphaworld should be left intact - not "cleaned up" as so many
have called for so many times.
> If Alphaworld is a drain on the resources, then "community" is a drain on
the resources, too. The existing builds by "Tourist", NAC, and by hundreds
of expired cit names/numbers all over Alphaworld, even if the build consists
of nothing more than a couple of overlapping floors or a sign saying "So and
So was here", ALL are part of the history of this most unique program.
> I know you are not saying delete them, kellee. You are saying just close
down Alphaworld to continued building. Let people just "bot" their builds to
another world if they want to. (I would not.) Certainly AWC could open up
yet another public building world and promote it as the "main" public
building world. Anyone who wants to "move on" to another public building
world can sure do that. But you know what? I'll bet Alphaworld would still
remain the most popular public building world, no matter what. AWC could
even go so far as to hide the world name "AW" from the worlds list, take it
off the teleport gate, not ever mention Alphaworld again. But as long as
Alphaworld exists for public building, I'll betcha' the majority of people
(new registered people, too) who don't own a world will find their way there
to build...on good old Alphaworld, warts and all.
> You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. If the day
ever comes that public building is disabled on Alphaworld, that will be the
last day I doubleclick the Activeworlds icon on my desktop.
> Lara
> kellee wrote:
Jun 1, 2002, 3:07pm
The point of this was not to "flood" or "invade" the general AW Community
Newsgroup, Bowen. The point was to share what some people created, with the
greater AW Community. We are all one community - no matter how you put it...
We all strive to have fun, or build, etc, and we all share the same
software. It was all meant for a laugh :-D So lighten up, and laugh, when
someone from another sub-community shares with the greater community.
[View Quote]"silenced" <nospam at privacy.com> wrote in message
news:3cf8e06a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> You have a newsgroup for the AWTeen portion. Keep it there.
> --Bowen--
> Have $3... want a website?
> http://www.smartpenguin.com/affiliate.php?id=12
> "strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3cf8dc17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jun 1, 2002, 2:13pm
Hey all,
do any of you know where I can get a good amount of server
space, for an object path, to the point where the cost is not insane? I am
tryin to upload portions of the AW Megapath, including some custom objects,
avs, and textures. Any information is welcome :) Thanks!
Jun 1, 2002, 3:00pm
Thank you all so much :) This morning I was at a dead end, flipping out
because the server I was trying kept maxing out on me! Woooh, I can work now
:-D Thank you all again!
[View Quote]"poseidon" <doubleagentjsr at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3cf8f2c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hey all,
> do any of you know where I can get a good amount of server
> space, for an object path, to the point where the cost is not insane? I am
> tryin to upload portions of the AW Megapath, including some custom
> avs, and textures. Any information is welcome :) Thanks!
> Poseidon
Jun 1, 2002, 3:04pm
Also with the bandwidth... how do I estimate that for a world?
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3cf8f7e7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> www.topcities.com
> if u put on at least 1 website HTML doc.. ur fine#
> 150mb space, infinate transfer, inf bandwidth
> 1mb upload limit per file
> "poseidon" <doubleagentjsr at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf8f2c4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> objects,
Jun 5, 2002, 11:06am
Hi all,
Well I myself believe that Dion was very helpful! I used his source,
and bought server space, and a domain from the site he suggested. It was so
helpful... in fact, that I was able to get that huge mega path, and all of
the custom objects I needed, up on a website. Also, thank you to everyone
else like Strike who suggested some free sites :)
[View Quote]"pc hamster" <pchamster at email.msn.com> wrote in message
news:3cfc1dde$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi everyone:
> "kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
> news:Xns9221B30CA3BBAkahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> I agree 1,000,000% with KAH on this one Glitter. Besides, I was *mostly*
> responding to this statement made by you in your original post....
> "let me know when the community gets a more helpful attitude" (Note that I
> quoted you so don't complain!)
> Like I said....If Dion's post wasn't very ehlpful, then WHY would I bother
> responding so favorably to it when I brought up some of the other things I
> do on the 'net???
> To be brutally honest, Dion's info was probably what Poseidon was looking
> for. Did you even *consider* that or was your head stuck up your a*s????
> I think most everyone here can understand your beef against AWcom
> WHO *doesn't* have one?). But by bashing the AW Community (particularly
> those like Dion, who was simply trying to be of some help), you will not
> only have bad Customer Care from AWcom, but you'll also have a bad rap in
> the Community TO BOOT!!!
> Having said all that Glitter, why don't you just take what little dignity
> you have left and crawl back under the rock where you came from where you
> can wallow in your own self pity all you want and LEAVE US ALONE!!!
> Just my $1,000,000.00 worth....
> Cheers for now everyone (except Glitter who's probably wallowing in self
> pity by now!) :-)
> Patrick Cook
> Owner - Pub 102X
> Mayor - City of Hamsterville
> pchamster at msn.com
> Denver, Colorado
Jun 8, 2002, 11:38pm
To the family, and friends... Weebette was a wonderful person.. I am sure
you knew this. Although I had never met her, I was always reminded of her
kindness by friends, and those I knew in the Community... She will be missed
greatly. My deepest sympathies to all family, and friends.
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3D01ADDB.30600 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> Rosalie Kuta, aka Weebette, passed away at the Mercy Hospice Hospital in
> Chicago at 9:40PM Central time, surrounded by loved ones. She was 44 yrs
> old and is survived by her aunt and cousins.
Jun 12, 2002, 11:08am
Got a good laugh, lol
[View Quote]"goober king" <rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu> wrote in message
news:3D0554FB.3070004 at acsu.buffalo.edu...
> That's right! It's time for another installment of the Newbie Guide to
> the Newsgroups! *cheers wildly*
> With AWC praying to every god, goddess, star, statue, Elvis poster, and
> Jesus-shaped cinnamon bun in the hopes of having a massive influx of
> rich citizens come save their dying company, you just KNOW there's going
> to be a massive influx of newbies running around in the NGs soon. So I
> figured I'd beat the rush and get this guide out to help them find their
> way in this strange, not-so-brave new world.
> As always, we start off the Guide with an introduction to some of the
> characters you'll meet here in the NGs. Learn them well, so you won't
> run afoul of them by accident.
> ------------------
> A1CTTourist5 - As the name indicates, he's a new addition to the NG
> roster. A small guy who likes to think big, if only he could get his
> news reader to work...
> Agent1 - Self-proclaimed "Official AWC Annoyance", he sticks to his guns
> and can get under anyone's skin, AWC or not, if need be. Too bad he's
> running out of targets...
> AlphaBit Phalpha - In her hands, compulsive perkiness is like stupidity
> and nuclear power: It can be used for both good and evil, and you don't
> want to get any on you.
> Ananas/Andras - This techie tag team is totally tensed to tackle the
> toughest of technical troubles. Just don't ask them to design your
> website for you...
> Anduin - The resident Gorean, he at least has the common decency to not
> try and recruit anyone. Just don't talk about his signature...
> Barbarae - Another recent addition to the NG crowd, this one made an
> impact by somehow managing to run into every single problem known to
> man. And yet, she's still here...
> Baro - He's what you could call a disgruntled world owner. Quick with
> the sarcasm and irony, he still wonders why no one visits his world...
> Bowen/Silenced - This one has some trouble deciding on who he should be,
> but he's always willing to throw in his two cents. Maybe that's why he's
> always asking if you have $3...
> Brant - "That AWTeen Guy". If anyone even so much as whispers the word
> "teen", Brant is all over it like mud on a pig, even though a good
> portion of his charges hate him. No wonder he needed a vacation!
> CarlBanks - Has trouble discerning the difference between the "Subject"
> and the "Body" of a message. At least you know he'll always have a
> future in the world of "spam"...
> Dion - Another recent addition, this one seems like he's on the AWC
> payroll. Next he'll be saying that AW's stock is just in a "temporary
> slump"...
> Glitter Bug - *sings* "Looking for heeeeelllllpp in aaaalllllll the
> wrong places..." This one just can't seem to get any good help or
> respect. Good thing she doesn't waste her time giving any either...
> Goober King - Not sure whether he wants to portray himself as the
> serious, brooding philosopher or the light-hearted, nutty joker. Lucky
> for him, he wound up with both: He thinks he's serious and everyone else
> thinks he's a joke.
> Grimble - The closest thing you can find to the Voice of Reason in this
> place. Just don't mention the AW 3.3 SDK, or he'll short-circuit his
> keyboard with drool.
> Jerme - Another resident nerd of the NGs, he's also a die-hard AW fan.
> Just don't tell him he can design your website, or there could be some
> confusion...
> Johnny B - Yet another recent addition, this one seems to have trouble
> getting his Quote button to work, but certainly seems to know the lay of
> the land well enough. Hmmmmm....
> KAH - Graduating from Eep's School of Hard Knocks, this one's at least
> more civil when handing out advice. Just don't rile him up, or he'll
> start flinging meaningless insults at you. "Go chew on a tree, you
> weirdo troll gnome!" ...?! I guess "twit" was already taken...
> Maki - This one seems to have been around for a while, and has also
> managed to pick up some SW City lingo. The infection is spreading...
> Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> you and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!
> PC Hamster - After a traumatic experience of vandalism in his town, this
> one's been forced to put subliminal messages about his town into his
> posts every chance he gets in order to advertise without attracting
> trouble. Poor guy...
> Ptolemy - Maker of maps. Now if he could just make for good
> Robbie - One of the more "infamous" members of the AW community, he is
> now paying penance by making tutorials and object servers. Welcome to
> Virtual Rehab.
> Strike Rapier - The paranoid one of the group. He just KNOWS that AW is
> really a front for Rick and JP to try and take over the world. And they
> would have gotten away with it too, if not for those pesky stocks...
> Zeo Toxion - Another one that's quick with the comments, this one seems
> content to simply add to a discussion... *any* discussion. Now it only
> he'd start one...
> And those are just some of the colorful people you'll meet here! And now
> for something completely different...
> Smiley Psychology
> -----------------
> Ever wonder what the person behind the text is really like? Well,
> there's an easy way to tell: Just look at their smileys! Yes, those
> little ASCII faces are really windows into our personalities, and while
> some people may use a wide variety of smileys, if you know someone who
> uses a specific one of these excessively, then you can now easily
> pigeon-hole them! (yay!)
> Hi :) - 'Normal'. This smiley is for people who either aren't really all
> that "in" to the Internet, or who just aren't cool enough to think up
> their own smiley.
> Hi ;) - Excessive use of this smiley means you either have a tough time
> finding the Shift key, or you like to swing in all kinds of directions...
> Hi :D - Excessive use of this means you're either a 12 yr old who just
> discovered the internet, or a nerdy guy who just discovered women...
> Hi :P - You're a self-centered, sarcastic, bitter human being. (like me!
> Hi :-) - Old-School. These people are all about structure and
> stability... you know, the kind of people who's idea of a "wild night"
> is mixing the regular with the decaf.
> Hi :o) - Generally considered to be the "female smiley", the owners of
> this smiley like cuteness and anything associated with it. And while
> they generally give off an air of friendliness and kindness, some can be
> quite deceptive.
> Hi :O) - These belong more to the joker types with a good sense of
> humor. Might be why you don't see too many of them anymore...
> Hi (: - You're from Australia, and you want to make sure EVERYONE knows
> Hi:) - What's known as the "compulsive smiley". You're so innately
> cheerful that you don't even take the time to separate your smileys from
> the rest of the sentence. You've also had to replace your keyboard
> several times due to worn out semi-colon and zero keys.
> Hi ;-"D - You're a jungle cat. Rawr!
> Saying hi, me ^_^ - You're SW Comit. (Can you really classify him? :P)
> Hi O_O - You're one of SW Comit's many shadows.
> This concludes this edition of the Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups! I
> hope this has been educational and informative to all of you. And don't
> forget to say "hi" (in your own special way) to the MASSIVE throngs of
> newbies that will SURELY be pouring in here any day now! Yup... aaaanny
> day now.......
> --
> Goober King
> Just KNOWS he's going to get a "Used lingo, you!!! O_O" from someone! :P
> rar1 at acsu.buffalo.edu
Jun 26, 2002, 8:47pm
Even if you aren't a part of the community, it will be a great event to
see :-D Truly an event to go down.. If the first time Thor was shown, was
thought of as impressive... then Robbie's stuff will be amazing, heh. Also,
Demeter, and Strike's bots will be a great show. :)
See ya at 1pm VRT
[View Quote]"robbie" <thetruth at awteen.org> wrote in message
news:3d1a4168 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Tommorow, the largest event in the history of AWTeen will take place.
> I've been havily involved with the development of this event. From the
> creation of custom objects to bots and textures. Not only would I like to
> tell you about how great tommorow is, I'd like to confirm a few things.
> As some of you may know, the recent work submitted by NoMad 1 was rejected
> by the AWTeen Core to be used in conjuction with Thor 2. At Generations
> tommorow I will be giving a Demo of Nox, my new Day/Night Cycle bot using
> ingenuitive skybox which utilises masking to create a sky of any colour
> could desire. With that I have created a simple RGB transition bot that,
> approved by the Core could be elaborated to create Thor 2.
> This brings the total number of major events at Gens Day tommorow back up
> three (as the previous Thor 2 showing was cancelled with when NoMads work
> was turned down.) For anyone who is even contemplating now going heres
> several reasons why you HAVE to be there.
> 1. The new AWTeen public terrain managment system, Demeter will be
> in AWTeen. The latest of Brants creations; it will make AWTeen the number
> one place to build in, anyone regardless of rights will be create to
> sprawling mountain ranges or cavernous valleys using a modular set of
> textures I created allowing you to seamlessly blend grass, dirt, mud or
> into your terrain.
> 2. My Bot Nox will be shown, as explained above, the new bot will boast
> same features as Thor but using a special Skybox to allow smooth
> between times of the day without huge downloads.
> 3. The new AWTeen Caretaker will be announced. Much speculation as to the
> new Caaretaker has been rife throughout the AWTeen Community. Finally the
> new caretaker will be announced by Brant who will lead AWTeen into the
> generation (thus the name of the event).
> 4. Strike Rapier will be giving an exclusive fireworks show with his
> bot, (seriously, it is exellent) which uses coronas to create realistic
> fireworks sequences, this is how we will end the event to go down in
> History.
> It all begins tommorow (Thurday) at 1PM VRT, this may seem a strange time,
> but believe me; this is an event worth staying in for. The AWTeen Core,
> Myself, Brant and many others have been working hard to make tommorow a
> success and we invite YOU no matter who you are to come and celebrate the
> success of AWTeen and its community and welcome the new Generation for
> Active World's second, if not the largest community. Be there.
> -Robbie
Jun 28, 2002, 3:42am
I think people are just a bit paranoid...
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <Virtualcarlbanks at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d1bc87b at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 'Observer' mode: This is kind of cool, letting you wander around in a
> universe where ever you like and not be seen by anyone or even showing up
> the world's population. You don't have an avatar to click on, and the
> don't register that you're there, either. Unfortunately, it can only be
> used by people like the universe owner. Or those sneaky individuals who
> like to 'play' with things. ;-)
> Found this on a 3.3 info website. AWCom could now spy on us without our
> knowledge. This means invasion of privacy.
Jul 11, 2002, 6:15pm
*claps* Yes well, I just don't understand why it was in the Bots newsgroup
[View Quote]"slim smokey" <Smokey360j at ync.net> wrote in message
news:3d2b9cec at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm sorry for hurting your feelings CarLBanks.All the bad stuff I said
> you...they were VERY UNtrue! So I am saying this to you now. I Slim
> am Sorry. :'(
Jul 28, 2002, 6:48pm
yes.... lots of pictures! *fingers hurting from holding the camera for so
[View Quote]"brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
news:3d442794$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I figured as much :)
> But seriously, I got a few telegrams about this post. Keep in mind that
> this slideshow isn't your run of the mill thing where there's a MIDI or
> and a few pictures. This slideshow has been put together by more than ten
> people, involves hundreds of pictures, is orchestrated (and synchronized
> music, and involves custom programming. That's why the ZIP file is so
big -
> we had to make a sacrifice - so we figured that the best solution to the
> problem of using these kinds of media was to allow people to download it
> ahead of time so there would be no delay :)
> "maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
> news:3d436740$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> people.
> organizing
Aug 11, 2002, 1:38am
From what I know, Lara has been exploring other 3d programs... I know she is
a registered citizen in Cyboria. I spoke to her a while back, when she said
that she was indeed exploring new places, but that she would not be leaving
AW... Hopefully, that is true.
[View Quote]"yanst" <ayansta at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d55daf6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Approximately July 23, 2002, I sent a telegram to Lara in regards to a
> create sign object I noticed was missing/not included in the area of her
> yard where all create sign objects had been placed. (missing object is
> sign10.rwx and should be included at 23629.60N 23445.40W 0.20a 270 aw).
> Usually, Lara answers telegrams within a few days or sooner. However,
> 5 days ago, when I had not received a response, I went searching to see
> the last object had been placed in Lara's NW Builder's Supply. Looks like
> the last object was around the end of July, although, when I tried to find
> that object a few minutes ago, I couldn't. I concluded maybe Lara went on
> vacation, but while I was at a meeting today, I learned Lara may have gone
> to another 3d world. It was very upsetting for me to find this out. I
> it isn't true, so I'm asking people in the newsgroup here if they know
> happened to Lara.
Aug 27, 2002, 2:15pm
That's horrible GK >.< At least there is one advantage to having the news
posted in here... It makes the newsgroups a one stop spot to catch up on all
the gossip, and the great news =D I suppose you should be thankful that at
least we have this newsgroup, and have a way of communicating, and spreading
news at large :o)
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3D6A4F2A.20104 at utn.cjb.net...
> For those of you who've been keeping score (all 5 of you), AWNews.com is
> officially down, and will be down for quite some time. For those who
> haven't been following along, here's the scoop:
> Cybor, the original founder of AWNews, decided he no longer had the time
> to maintain the site. So, both he and I agreed to transfer ownership of
> the site, including hosting and the awnews.com domain name, over to me.
> Initially, he gave me FTP access to the site and told me he would get
> the hosting and domain information.
> Over the next few months, I tried (unsuccessfully) to get the
> information from him. Then, Cybor decided that, rather than handing over
> the accounts to me, he would just let them expire and I would have to
> open my own accounts. And that's exactly what happened. On August 1st,
> the domain name account expired and several days later, the domain
> disappeared from the Internet.
> However, I couldn't register the domain under my own name because the
> domain registrar was still holding on to the domain even though it had
> expired. After emailing them, they said that it would take upwards of 2
> months before the domain would be released to the public and I could
> register it.
> Once the domain went down, I began a more frantic attempt to contact
> Cybor in order to either get the login information from him so I could
> renew it under my name, or get him to renew the domain and transfer it
> to me.
> After numerous emails and phone calls, I finally reached him last night,
> only to be told that he no longer has access to the domain account, and
> that the transfer of accounts, both for hosting and the domain name, is
> not a straightforward process. Furthermore, he had proceeded to ZIP up
> the entire AWNews directory tree and database, wipe it from the server,
> leaving only the two ZIP files for me to download, and change the FTP
> account so I couldn't log in.
> So that's the story, and I'm left holding the entire AWNews site on my
> own computer until I can find proper hosting for the site and get the
> domain under my own name. And AWNews, for all intents and purposes, is
> gone from the web, at least for now.
> But, rest assured, AWNews is not down and out just yet. While I'm
> waiting to get hosting and the domain, I'll be posting AWNews stories
> here to the newsgroups, unless someone can offer me a more viable
> temporary solution. Again, they will be prefaced with the [AWNews]
> Heading, so those of you who want to filter it out can do so.
> Sorry to those who actually care, but I will get AWNews back up and
> running eventually. Neither rain.rwx, nor sleet.rwx, nor snow.rwx, nor
> idiot founders, shall keep the virtual news from getting through! :P
> --
> Goober King
> AWNews Editor in Chief
> robrod at prism.net
Aug 28, 2002, 1:16pm
True, but this gives some people something to look forward to, lol. People
may just start skipping all of the *useless* stuff, and go straight for
"[AWNews]" =)
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3D6BD968.50008 at utn.cjb.net...
> Actually, I always considered AWNews to be in direct competition with
> the newsgroups, since this is usually the place where people first hear
> about happenings in AW. My hope was that eventually I would start seeing
> people say "Did you guys see that story on AWNews?" in here, rather than
> reporting on a story someone heard about in the NGs. ;)
> Still, I've begun to learn that even the newsgroups aren't as widespread
> as most people think. Back when I first announced AWNews' domain name
> problems, and the subsequent new address for the site, I kept getting
> tgrams from people asking when AWNews would be back up. Obviously, they
> didn't read the post, or they would've known about the alternative
> And, as usual, the main reason they don't read the NGs is because of all
> the sillyness and pettiness that goes on in here and frankly, I don't
> blame them. If it wasn't for the masochistic pleasure I get from
> verbally smacking other people around in here, I'd be right there with
> them. ;P
> poseidon wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Bringing respectable insanity back to the NGs...
> robrod at prism.net
Aug 28, 2002, 8:43pm
Why not post a message like this? It isn't really slander, because he is
just telling us to watch out for the guy, if we go into business with him...
he isn't saying "every go out and hate Shankahtus"...
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3d6d1a80$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Dude,
> You don't post messages like this in a public newsgroup. It's a cardinal
> law (the one you can't use to get around the system, not the other Law
> Other people get offended by it.
> SW Chris
> "talisan" <wardaor at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3d6c90a1$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> is
> his
> male
> would
> to
> person.
> if
> file
Sep 3, 2002, 12:30am
I think the truly sad part about all of this bickering, is not that
certain people weren't put on the voting balot, but that by arguing like
this, it ruins the whole spirit of the CY awards. The awards, no doubt, are
for the community, to award certain community members that have worked hard.
Jeez, we all work hard... but by attempting to raise hell because you feel
you were shorthanded in a community awards event... it just seems a tad
petty to me. Why can't people just accept the fact that they did not make it
on the balot, be fine, and decide to NOT send flaming telegrams to some that
are actually on the balot? I've spoken to some of the nominees, and many are
truly upset because of the backlashing effects they are receiving, due to
all of this nonsense. ALl of this - this arguing, this flaming, and just
plain complaining because of person opinions, is completely ruining the
spirit of the whole event....
[View Quote]"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
news:3d73c143 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> isn't being changed after all are in just the problem ??
> "ambivalent" <kersting at blast.net> wrote in message
> news:3d73a5de$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> btw)
Sep 3, 2002, 12:32am
bah, I made some typos in that ^_^ Try to ignore them, LOL.
[View Quote]"poseidon" <doubleagentjsr at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3d741eb7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think the truly sad part about all of this bickering, is not that
> certain people weren't put on the voting balot, but that by arguing like
> this, it ruins the whole spirit of the CY awards. The awards, no doubt,
> for the community, to award certain community members that have worked
> Jeez, we all work hard... but by attempting to raise hell because you feel
> you were shorthanded in a community awards event... it just seems a tad
> petty to me. Why can't people just accept the fact that they did not make
> on the balot, be fine, and decide to NOT send flaming telegrams to some
> are actually on the balot? I've spoken to some of the nominees, and many
> truly upset because of the backlashing effects they are receiving, due to
> all of this nonsense. ALl of this - this arguing, this flaming, and just
> plain complaining because of person opinions, is completely ruining the
> spirit of the whole event....
> Poseidon
> "linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> wrote in message
> news:3d73c143 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> committee
> the
> 3.
> 22-29.
Sep 3, 2002, 11:22am
True, and some very good points, though I was not necessarily directing that
post at any one person - though there have been many, that have flamed this
topic in an inappropriate way... I hardly call what I said, a flame,
considering I wasn't attacking anyone. There are those, however, that have
sent telegrams to some of the nominees, that could definitely be considered
[View Quote]"wizard myrddin" <admin at activeworlds.org.uk> wrote in message
news:3d747819 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi Poseidon
> To start any "flamming" is not the point that many have raised, the point
> is, has the very rules and regulations that are the fabric of the CY's and
> where acepted and in a Cy forum been altered at the last stage of the
> selection process.
> Although Goober King has stated the forum or not in any way the accepted
> views of the CY committee, the interpretation on the accepted rules was
> published for many to see. This is the problem.
> All people want to observe is fairness and adherence to these laid down
> proceedures and rules.
> If any of the nominees has recieved any adverse/abusive telegrams they
> should send the relevent data to abuse at activeworlds.com
> I'm sure you can agree that if any rule or regulation is ignored, the
> relevance of the result is tarnised. This is what the point of this entier
> thread is about, removing any tarnising of a great community event.
> If any tarnising has acured it lays directly with a posting in the CY
> that all members can visit and see for themselves. Which are very clear
> in plain English.
> Indeed some prominant members of our community have expressed concern over
> this very point of selection process in private commincations with myself,
> and yes these are people that have been placed on the finial nomination
> list.
> This is not any flamming, it is a expression of concern. If members cannot
> display their view and opinions and express concern in a responsible
> environment it is indeed very poor situation that we find ourselves in.
> Indeed initially I did email the cy award committee and recived no
> to clarify the situation before approaching the newsgroups.
> If members cannot criticise or cast views it is a very sad day indeed.
> "poseidon" <doubleagentjsr at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3d741eb7$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> are
> hard.
> it
> that
> are
> in,
Sep 13, 2002, 4:10am
I remember the day just as if it were yesterday. I woke up at my normal
time.. 5:30 AM, here on the West coast.. California. I slowly got up, jumped
in the shower, got out, came back to my room, and turned on FOX 11 news. I
just kind of stared at the news. A tower, in new york - World Trade Center..
burning. Reports were that it was a plane that caused the accident.
As soon as I heard the words "A small craft has crashed into the world trade
center", a chill went all the way down the back of my body. I woke my mom.
She was shocked.
For the rest of the morning, it was normal proceedure in my life. I had just
started Sophomore year in high school a few days earlier, and was getting
ready for school. I remember keeping the television on while getting ready,
steadily listening to the news... Then, I heard that a second plane had
crashed into the remaining tower. More chills. Screaming newscasters, and
people in the streets from the live feed. It was 6:25 and time to go to
school, so I snagged my brothers walkman and ran out the door to the bus.
Needless to say that the bus was full of people comparing stories, what
happened when, the current events. I was the only one with a *working*
radio, so I tuned it in... As i did, I remember the most horrifying thing in
the world. A newscaster.. hysterical, yelling as I heard that the first
tower fell. It was the strangest feeling in the world. I looked at my
friends on the bus... and... could barely say it... when I did, the bus got
completely silent. The rest of the ride happened in almost silence, with me
relaying what was occuring to friends. For about a half hour or so things
were... the same. Then, as we got close to my school (it takes about an hour
to go from my house, to my school on the bus)... I hear "Oh my god.. oh my
god, the pentagon has just been struck by another plane" - we were five
minutes away from school by then, and I remember the faces of everyone on
the bus as I turned around, and told them "The.. the pentagon has just been
hit". Utter shock, silence, and fear in their eyes, and indeed, in my own.
For the next five minutes, and as I walked into my first period class, I
just remember praying over and over "God please save us. God please save us
all..." over and over. I don't think I have ever prayed that much, in that
short amount of time...
Upon coming into my first period english class, it was the most horrifying
thing I had ever seen. The TV was on, and everyone was watching it.. as we
sat down, within those 30 seconds of entering, and sitting, I saw the second
tower just... crumble down. I think I almost went into pure shock as i
stared at that television. I had not seen the first tower fall... only heard
the screams... For the rest of that period, people came in silently, sat,
and watched... the whole day was like that, until I got home and called up
one of my greatest friends.
That is my story. As I said, I don't think it will ever leave me. I've had
some dreams about it. But.. I will never forget, being on that bus, on my
way to school... and hearing those reporters - the people who always keep
their cool, screaming such horrified words... I certainly won't ever forget.
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3D7FEAB4.1060106 at utn.cjb.net...
> Where Were You When...?
> As I'm sure all of you have noticed, today is Sept. 11th, 2002: One year
> after the horrific events that changed a nation, and changed the world.
Oct 19, 2002, 1:40pm
Greetings everyone!
Today at 7pm vrt will be the AWTeen CY Pre-show Party. We
will have some people making speeches, some demonstrations, good music.. and
lots of fun :D I hope you can all make it on out... again, it is at 7pm
vrt - the coords of the event location will be announced about a half hour
before the actual event.
Oct 19, 2002, 7:13pm
The coords are AWTeen 1630.21S 50.09E 0.00a 359 - thanks :D
[View Quote]"poseidon" <doubleagentjsr at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3db17cf4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Greetings everyone!
> Today at 7pm vrt will be the AWTeen CY Pre-show Party. We
> will have some people making speeches, some demonstrations, good music..
> lots of fun :D I hope you can all make it on out... again, it is at 7pm
> vrt - the coords of the event location will be announced about a half hour
> before the actual event.
> Thanks,
> Poseidon
Nov 5, 2002, 11:43pm
No kidding, heh. I mean, it's all rather ordinary in most newsgroups, isn't
it? Tech support NGs aside... But really, I personally look forward to
signing on in the morning and reading both this Newsgroup, and the AWTeen
Newsgroups for the reason that it makes me feel attached to the community,
even if I am not signed in. Sure, the newsgroups get a bit crazy sometimes.
Ok, very crazy - but the problems you see exploding here haven't all been
sparked by things that have occurred in here. There is always an exception
If you haven't noticed, most of the trouble starts IN world.. Not here! It
is then the act of certain people bringing their problems into the
newsgroups (and letters saying "to: so and so" - which really doesn't help
the ratio of flaming posts to important posts) that spark heated flames, and
personal battles. If people would only learn to keep their *personal*
problems in world, or in e-mail, the newsgroups wouldn't be filled with such
violent outburst - well not as much :)
What I'm trying to say is that in a community, there is bound to be
fighting. In a newsgroup, you cannot avoid it. Yet a majority of those
problems begin outside of the newsgroup. Besides, whats a community if no
one posts their *community* concerns about a big topic in our universe, on
our main means of communication? Nothing, really. If people didn't air their
true concerns to this newsgroup, it would show what a lack of community
spirit we all have, which fortunately, is not true.
[View Quote]"nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
news:3dc87d48$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Meh, let them tarnish some reputations, it's not mine. :) I'm happily
> sitting back and enjoying the flame throwing, as many others are too. You
> have to realize, you're all in the heat of the moment (moment being days
> weeks, of course) and you shouldn't be making such hasty decisions and
> indecisions. :)
> This community newsgroup has A LOT to offer. :) What I don't understand
> Eep creates a million of flame threads and he gets banned from the
> newsgroup. You guys create a million flame threads and all of the sudden
> whole newsgroup has to be closed. lol.
> I mean, eventually, this will come to a point where no one would WANT to
> bother to post their idea for the 50,000th time and we'll get back to real
> matters. If not, there's always 3.4 in two months.
> You all worry too much about image. Loosen up guys, there are communities
> much worse than this. :) Embrace the infighting. What would we be without
> the community newsgroup, there's so much history and life in here to throw
> it all away on a few threads.
> --
> From the Newbie's Guide to the AW NG:
> "Nornny11 - The original wishy-washy man, this one can actually insult
> and compliment you in the same breath, and in the end say absolutely
> nothing! What a talent!"
> "wizard myrddin" <Hippyring at rdescape(DOT)co(DOT)uk> wrote in message
> news:3dc868a5 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 5, 2002, 11:58pm
Hey there Daph,
I am willing to help out as a Judge, and will also offer up
some AWTeen advertisements for the cause =oD Let's see if we can make this
some great fun!
[View Quote]"daphne" <Daphne at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3dc87da9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> From Daphne:
> So,,, No one thinks we should have a "Design A Holiday Season Bingo World
> Contest"??? *S*
> From Antigon (AlphaBit Phalpha):
> lol Daphne:)
> Whats the prize? (s)
> Also...Tex and I will be in Boston nov 19th thru Dec 3rd...then Los
> Dec 20th thru Jan 6th.
> What all would need to be done to organize this?
> From Daphne:
> 1, it would take ppl willing to participate as contestants...
> 2, it would take a panel of judges..
> 3, it would take a web page outlining what the requirements are when
> creating a Bingo world... (the bot, though good, can only "talk" to
> that are within it's range..
> 4, it would take participants as contestants!! Oh.. I said that
> already!! LOL
> Prize??? Well, I could see about a prize I suppose but I kinda thought
> that the pride of winning such a contest and having your build put in an
> public world would be a really GREAT prize!!! Second prize (or call it a
> co-first prize) could also having the build duplicated in the other
> world...
> If King Tex wanted to get the AWBingo worlds on this then we could really
> to town with some cool builds in the Bingo worlds over the Holiday Season
> and the best builds going into AWBingo worlds too would just add to the
> first prizes ---> the prize called well-earned pride!!!
> A few more details would need to be worked out but this is pretty doable
> to me, sounds like fun!!! :o)
> elyk <KFoerst at telocity.com> wrote in message
> news:3dc86f9a$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Dec 3, 2002, 5:13pm
Greetings all :)
I thought I would pop in here and include all of you in the
Holiday Spirit :) If you didn't know, AWTeen is currently holding a Building
Contest, which is open to all. The theme is appropriate for the holiday
season: Build your ideal Winter Escape. This could be anything from a cozy
cabin, to a sky lift hill that holds a hidden home - you pick!
The deadline to build, and enter, is Decemeber 19th, as all
building must be completed by December 20th. If you are interested in
joining in the fun, check out:
www.awcommunity.org/awteen/contest - The prize is well worth it =D
Thanks much,