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AWNews Relaunched

Nov 29, 2003, 10:43pm
I'm excited AWNews has reopened! Congratulations on your work... I hope to
see a lot of good work come out of this site :))


[View Quote]


Nov 30, 2003, 10:38pm
I believe Mr Bruce gets "all of this" mainly because a lot of what he does,
or rather what he apparently does, is lost in the way he conveys himself to
the community... For reference to what I mean, look at his posts.. Same to
you, as well. There actually are other ways of communicating, other than
cussing up the wall :) The purpose of your message tends to get lost in it.


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Dec 1, 2003, 5:56am
I believe I can speak for two worlds who generally get closer to the top of
the world list - and that we've never sent any crones after you or wanted to
"see A!!CT fall" :) In fact, two people I work with now are people who used
to build in A!!CT.


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OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 1, 2003, 5:59am
Good points, very good points. Ever since the little problem with awrpg a
few months back, we have been making world backups frequently :) Granted we
aren't forced to make them every night, or every thirty minutes as people
claim, because really we don't make *that* many changes to the world
itself.. but yes, ever since then we've been fairly regular in backing up
our world :)


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AWGames Reopning Party Today

Dec 13, 2003, 5:01pm
Sounds awesome! :)


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Dec 31, 2003, 12:26am
There was only room for being the 'better man' about a few months ago. Hes
gone straight to the crud list for just about everyone in AW. Too late :)


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M A T T situation

Jan 14, 2004, 9:48pm
Way to go! Happy New year, heheheh


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3.5 is out

Jan 29, 2004, 8:25pm
I really like it ;)


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beta 531 comment

Apr 11, 2004, 7:48pm
Okay, generally when critisizing a feature its better to say exactly why you
dont like it... "It sucks" wont get you anywhere with it...


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Jun 11, 2004, 9:29pm
Let me check it out and I'll see what's happening :)


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AW Radio Stations

Jun 28, 2004, 5:53am
Right.. Im pretty sure it has something to do with the quality of it too -
The stuff played over the air, at least on normal AM/FM isn't CD quality,
and for whatever reason isnt require royalties.. At least I remember being
told that quite a while ago. May have changed with all the piracy stuff
though :-D


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AW Radio Stations

Jun 28, 2004, 4:14pm
lol, this is a newsgroup... We can all comment on anything. Its up to you
the reader to read it or not. I dont know anything about Radio stations :)
Just presenting what I thought I knew, and if it turns out to be wrong, so
be it.. lol... *puts on the flame retardant gear*


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AW Radio Stations

Jun 30, 2004, 2:44pm
Yep ;) I hope you didn't think I was speaking to you though, lol


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Funny little AWI Rates Quirk...

Jul 15, 2004, 2:12pm
They could always just do a force update by setting it to 0 for a few days


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Jul 23, 2004, 5:26am
I would imagine it relates to thinking that the GKs time is more important
helping people... In theory anyway ;)


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Jul 24, 2004, 12:30am
The Iran/Iraq is one big error to make :D


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Jul 24, 2004, 1:07am
And you are a fool if you compare Bush to a Nazi dictator, yet ignore the
true "butcher" - But in your UN attack, lets not forget the other countries
that have blatantly walked from UN sessions simply because they disagreed.


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Jul 24, 2004, 1:21am
Furthermore, you tread dangerous water to attack an entire people for
something that roughly half the nation (more by now) completely disagree
with.. that being this war. You also tread on dangerous water in your claim
that this war is completely about money, and oil. I have news for you -
there has been evidence to suggest, and prove that the other handful of
countries that refused to enter this war, did so out of fear of LOSING their
oil rights in Iraw. Also very interesting. I don't disagree that we
shouldn't be in Iraw any longer.. but that honestly doesn't seem to be the
point of this entire argument. What offends me about what *you* are saying,
is that you are doing just what everyone outside of the US, accuses
Americans of doing - and that is simply throwing everyone of one "nation" or
"people" into one bag, one motive, etc, without distinguishing. News, thats
what youre doing right here. As I said, I dont agree with this war
currently... but attack American citizens verbally, and ethically, because
you feel the war is about money.. is dangerous.. Look through your facts
more. As I said, there is evidence that countries wanted to stay OUT of that
war out of fear of loss in oil rights.. So we ignore a "butcher" dictator
because he's paying us. Wicked cool! Your news report is biased, because all
of this is biased currently.


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Jul 24, 2004, 1:22am
^ Doh ;) Darn the Q for being by the W lol... *Iraq..


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Jul 24, 2004, 1:45am
I wouldnt say Ive flamed, or threatened you. Its against my personal policy.
If I were flaming you, you would have come back to 10+ replys from me to
everything you've written ;)


[View Quote]

3d models to real objects

Aug 1, 2004, 4:18am
This is the NG... What do you expect? lol :) Cool idea though!


[View Quote] Weizer
"linn" <ironhead at digitalpassage.com> a écrit dans le message de
news:410c7dbc$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
great idea vote yourself the award pay for it yes!
[View Quote] Weizer

"elysium" <colinl at ihug.co.nz> a écrit dans le message de
news:410c6545 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> found this site maybe could get real CY awards statues made next time
> http://www.3darttopart.com/index.php
> --
> 3DElyvisions for 3D Enviromental Creations
> http://www.3delyvisions.com
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date: 22/07/2004

VWTV and their so called "factual information"

Sep 28, 2004, 7:00pm
Im not sure what is so hard to understand about the fact that some people
found it very offensive :) Maybe you didn't and truly in the real world some
people will take offense to things while others wont... However after the
recent "hacking" of the forum, it was a highly inappropriate "joke". That is
the point.


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For Kellie Williams

Sep 28, 2004, 10:42pm
Here here!!


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O/T *Superman* dies...

Oct 11, 2004, 9:57pm
Or we could just go with the just as wonderful "...You make me sad.."

Wonderful Monty Python ;)


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[Other Universe] Invitation :)

Oct 30, 2004, 3:03pm
Greetings :)

As some of you may or may not know, I'm a member of the original staff that
started the world known as 'AWRPG' - well, as of late, myself and some of
those original staff members, working with a few new faces, have created a
new set of gaming worlds which are actually opening over in the AWEurope
Universe. I do understand that this is a community newsgroup for AW,
however, since all of us are AW cits, I wanted to extend the invitation over
and say that you are all more than welcome to check out the gaming worlds
there :) As it stands, there is one general game world, "Games.nl" which is
sort of like our gaming "gateway" of sorts. From there, you are more than
welcome to visit our demo world, which acts as the first level of the game;
its name is 'EUrpg1'.

Right now we're just beginning to open and appropriately, there are bound to
be a few problems here and there - one such issue is avatar selection,
however other than that, the game itself is fully functional to both
citizens, and tourists! Down the line in a few months, we actually hope to
have an entire chain of these worlds, all focusing on the same storyline.

For more information about this project, you can visit the following
website: www.draeda.com/gamesportal/games.nl - I suppose you could say that
this is a similar concept to what people associate with the world 'Mutation'
in the respect that this isn't so heavily focused on role playing, but more
so strategy and quest completion. If you have any questions, feel free to
contact me either by email, or in either universe :) The name is Poseidon in
both. I DO apologize to anyone who feels I've wasted their time.. Oh well
:-P You're all invited anyhow. Cheers, and we hope to provide some more fun
and entertainment through AW.


[Other Universe] Invitation :)

Oct 30, 2004, 3:07pm
I always do this.. lol... You can download the browser at www.aw-europe.com



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Dec 7, 2004, 6:28pm
Greetings everyone,

A couple of weeks ago I told you about a gaming world that was opening up
inside of the AWEurope Universe, called "EUrpg1" as a part of a series of
games for "Games.nl" website. Thank you to those of you who stopped in and
gave me some feed back on the world! For those of you who did not get a
chance to come on in and take a look, I have opened up a mirror of that
world, inside of the AW Universe. So, if you would like to check it out, you
don't need to leave the comfort of our uni :) Just pop into the world

The place should be working well, but there may be a few hitches here and
there (just let me know actually, and I would be greatly appreciative).
Right now a few of the NPCs that give you a few hints aren't up and running,
but you should be able to figure it out. Upon landing, just walk North, and
you should be able to find the temple. You will know you reach the end of
the puzzle when you get to a huge "portal" looking object, and you can go no
further. As of yet, this is the only world I plan on putting in AW from the
Games.nl series, but down the line I may add in some of the others for demo.
You don't get anything for going through the demo, just a sneak peek at a
cool series of gaming worlds to come inside of AWEurope. As always, your
comments/suggestions are greatly appreciated! Enjoy.



AWRPG Discrimination

Dec 16, 2004, 12:23am
You were not permanently ejected - and therefore could in theory speak to
the Caretaker (Bluemaxe) in private about the situation in a civil manner :)


AWRPG Discrimination

Dec 16, 2004, 12:28am
Your ejection :) It's been clearly stated in the world rules set forward by
the caretaker, Bluemaxe, that player hating/abuse/harassment, will not be
tolerated... So, if you can clear your situation up with him, and speak with
him in an appropriate manner about your feelings and your character, then if
someone gives you issue about who *you* or your character is, then that
becomes their problem and violation of world rules - and not your own.


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AWRPG Discrimination

Dec 16, 2004, 12:44am
Very much so, but accomplishing that cannot be done by acting out in AWRPG,
as the world through and through is generally "In character". In order to
sort it out in a way that doesn't worsen the problem, you need to speak to
Bluemaxe privately about the situation - prominant RPG players are not the
authority of the world, contrary to popular belief.


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