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Second Life? What happened to the First one?

Dec 12, 2002, 11:20pm
I thinkt he 1.2 gig download was referring to the SimsOnline, as enzo said
he has not seen Linden :)


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More on Linden - thanks MacB

Dec 15, 2002, 3:34pm
I think I agree with some of what you said ^_^ Believe it or not, it is now
with 3.4, more than ever, possible to create stunning landscapes and
environments. All you need is to know how to put the stuff together
correctly, and have the correct objects. Look at Lady Murasaki's work (I
know there are others who design stunning sets, though she is the only one
I've worked with first hand) - it's incredible and in many cases, very
realistic to the point where people have not been able to tell that they are
in active worlds (by focusing on the environment alone :P browser aside).


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Good Bye

Dec 22, 2002, 1:04am
Personally I wouldn't leave AW for those reasons.. I guess im an addict :(
The thing tying me is the community, and while people leave, a strong
community is still around, and is much fun :)


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 12, 2003, 3:00am
In terms of the stuff at the memorial site for th Columbia... that incident
was not unique in AWTeen. We have been having a problem with a specific
citizen posting that same pornography... I saw the very same citizen,
posing as a tourist... posting the very same pornography. Considering it all
happened in such a small time frame, its logical to think it was the same
person.. ie a citizen posting both under their cit, and as a tourist.

Most tourists who are serious about the program, are good people that show a
true interest in learning the browser, and learning about the community.
Tourists as a whole aren't bad - I would say its the citizens that enjoy
posing AS tourists, that are the main problem.


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The Problem With Tourists

Feb 13, 2003, 1:39am
I purposely didn't give the name for...well... the reasons stated by Goober.
The only people that need to know the persons name is AWI =) Otherwise, the
problem is being taken care of in AWTeen... and if AWI takes care of it,
well that's good enough. Giving people a good moral bashing in the public
spot light doesn't usually affect people in the way you want it to. Often
the person gains more self esteem through the trouble they cause, because it
gets recognized... no matter how good or bad the recognition is.


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AW Next Year

Apr 16, 2003, 6:36pm
I think it sounds like a challenge to me 0.o *gets lawn chair and popcorn*


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We Invite you :)

Apr 17, 2003, 5:04pm
Greetings all,

In AWRPG we will be having a Spring Festival, dedicated to the coming of
Spring in the world. The festivities begin at 4pm VRT, on Saturday April
26th. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you there :) Prizes
available for the winners of our various contests!

So far, we have some great events planned.. A few things like Archery
Contests, Arena Battle Matches, Scavenger Hunts, a play, a footrace through
one of our forests, a dance, the opening of our newest quest and a whole lot
more. up to date information on what is being planned for the event, please
visit our forums at: http://eclipse.disaxiom.net - the boards which contain
information for the festival are: Festival Planning, and Festival Booths.

If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to contact me
either through AW, or through e-mail: jimmy at disaxiom.net

We look forward to seeing you!

Side Note =D :For those of you who do not know what AWRPG is, it is one of
the newer Role-playing worlds to come to Active Worlds, and it is an AWI
world. The aim of the world is to deliver a fun role-playing atmosphere
where you can live a life in a different land.


We Invite you :)

Apr 19, 2003, 9:34pm
To follow up, I have a list of the prizes that will be given out on the day
of the festival:

In world:

Spell Scrolls
Increased Mana/HP
Increased Weapon Handling

Out of World Prizes

1 - my.activeworlds.com email addy
1 - 3 month citizenship extension
1 - 6 month citizenship extension
1- world size upgrade for 2 months


In world prizes means things that you are able to use inside of AWRPG. They
tend to be a lot of fun, and fairly rare, so they would give any new comers
an "edge" in the world.. And obviously, out of world prizes... you know what
those are :) Thanks much to Active Worlds Inc for Prize donations.


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AWRPG Spring Festival!

Apr 26, 2003, 3:33am
Hello there! AWRPG's Spring Festival will begin tomorrow (Saturday) at 4pm
vrt. We hope to see lots of people out throughout the entire day. The event
will be lasting throughout the whole day - many of the events will repeat in
order to allow most all visitors the ability to take part in the attractions
:) Please join us tomorrow at 4pm for fun, prizes, and entertainment! Thanks



Greetings all,

In AWRPG we will be having a Spring Festival, dedicated to the coming of
Spring in the world. The festivities begin at 4pm VRT, on Saturday April
26th. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you there :) Prizes
available for the winners of our various contests!

So far, we have some great events planned.. A few things like Archery
Contests, Arena Battle Matches, Scavenger Hunts, a play, a footrace through
one of our forests, a dance, the opening of our newest quest and a whole lot
more. up to date information on what is being planned for the event, please
visit our forums at: http://eclipse.disaxiom.net - the boards which contain
information for the festival are: Festival Planning, and Festival Booths.

If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to contact me
either through AW, or through e-mail: jimmy at disaxiom.net

We look forward to seeing you!

Side Note =D :For those of you who do not know what AWRPG is, it is one of
the newer Role-playing worlds to come to Active Worlds, and it is an AWI
world. The aim of the world is to deliver a fun role-playing atmosphere
where you can live a life in a different land.


The Teen Gate Beta Has BEGUN!!!!

May 8, 2003, 12:46pm
Hi :) This is a cool looking place, but it's important to note that it is by
no means an official "AWTeen Gate", and the opinions that are represented
there are not those of AWTeen Staff. Though it is a nice build.


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Help required

Jul 27, 2003, 11:44pm
Hi there.. I attempted to use the pluggin link to instal the universe but I
have activeX features disabled, so nothing seems to happen =/ I dont really
want to undo these disabilities... anywhere to download the program directly
from the site?


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 1:13am
ahhh thanks :D


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Help required

Jul 28, 2003, 1:13am
Nope, I can see flash :) My virus program just doesnt allow programs on the
net download directly to the computer through activeX... or something :P


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AWCntest Voting Opens!

Aug 20, 2003, 11:29am
There was no reason to be so negative about it.

Thanks for telling us, Absolute Monarch :)


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AWCntest Voting Opens!

Aug 21, 2003, 4:24am
Where do I sign up to vote? =P


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Thread deleted for language?!?!?

Aug 21, 2003, 9:10pm
Why dont you quit while you're still ahe.... er.. not so far behind? 0_o


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Sep 4, 2003, 8:46pm
awnews.org is going to be gone?


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Public Beta of Proxima RPG

Oct 1, 2003, 9:44pm
Proxima is a pretty cool world :) I had fun exploring some of the aspects of
it, though I must say I was a pretty bad newbie, lol.. I couldnt figure out
how to equip my weapon =X Overall, it looks like a cool place.


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AWRPG Expansion Release Date

Oct 1, 2003, 11:10pm
Greetings everyone :)

On October 11th, at around 11:00 PM VRT, AWRPG will be reopened after being
closed for a few hours to release the expanded version of the world. Before
hand at 6:00 PM VRT, there will be an in character event which will in
effect "usher in" the changes that take place in the world for the expansion

Just a bit of information on the expansion... =) Currently the world reaches
out to about 100 coordinates of used space, in each direction (N,S,E,W) -
once the expanded version of the world is opened, the world will reach to
250 coordinates in each direction. In th is new area are 6 new "epic" quests
(quests that were not designed to be completed quickly, easily), all new
terrain to enhance the world (in the past most of the terrain work was done
by hand, so in this version we've made the new areas include bot done
terrain). On top of all of that, we will be releasing new spells, weapons,
armor, and shields for player use. We will also be opening up new "hunting"
grounds where players can fight various types of monsters in order to
further certain skills.

Basically, the expansion itself is going to be incredibly large, considering
the amount of physical things which have been added to the world, as well as
the storyline that has been expanded upon.

Anyway, you are all invited to attend the kick off of the expansion on
October 11th, either at 6pm VRT (the in character event) or at 11pm VRT,
when the world re-opens. For more information on AWRPG itself, check out
these two sites: www.remmiz.com/awrpg/awrpg1 and http://eclipse.disaxiom.net

As a general note - I know that in the past while people have explored the
world, there have been problems with the bot lagging - sometimes not :) This
for the most part is cleared up, because of the new server that all of the
bots are running on (they were previously running on Magine's computer).

Thanks for listening, and I hope to see ya around :)


AWRPG Expansion Release Date

Oct 1, 2003, 11:48pm
AWRPG is an AWI world :) I barely have enough money for my little 3d
homepage hehe..


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AWRPG Expansion Release Date

Oct 2, 2003, 8:29pm
The part about being new to AWRPG and being completely behind... is just
absolutely not true :) We get newcomers who learn very quickly, and again,
quickly become an integral part of the world dynamic.. All it takes is an
effort to learn the story, and the way the world works - just like anything.

There is no AWRPG3. There is an AWRPG2 for testing purposes only, because
the things we've added are not things we can test in the current AWRPG
without disrupting game play.


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AWRPG Expansion Release Date

Oct 2, 2003, 8:47pm
The whole world isnt about fighting :) Generally, the people who are going
to be eager to fight, are probably the people who know theyre going to win,
heh. But hey, thats what training is for, right? Well, at least people train
in groups, in order to get better... if that made any sense..


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AWRPG Expansion Release Date

Oct 4, 2003, 5:55pm
Just a bit of an update on some of the things we're including in this
expansion :)

We are a dding approximately 26 new spells, making over 40 different spells
one can obtain in the lands. As a result of the expansion, we will also have
around 50 different weapons that people can use.

Cheers :)


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AWRPG Expansion Ceremony :)

Oct 10, 2003, 8:42pm
Greetings once again, everyone!

Tomorrow we will be holding the In character event, to usher in the new
expansion to AWRPG. The event will take place at 6pm VRT - all are invited
to attend.

The world will close down for a few hours to import the new additions, and
will re-open around 11pm VRT :) Hope to see you all around! It should be a
blast =)


The Language Thing

Oct 26, 2003, 2:21pm
I give the Lady credit :) Her post was extremely amusing on a saturday
morning. here here, the lady ;)


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The Language Thing

Oct 26, 2003, 2:51pm
Probably not :) But I admire her ability to continue to post things out of
the blue... Its a good quality to not care about what people say about you
or to you, heh.


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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 12:32am
It's comments like this that dont help the current situation of the
community. Period. Was some of the staff of AWI not with everyone as the new
3d homepage opened? Has ENZO not been taking the time to respond to our
posts as of late? Im not sure what more you expect.... daily breakfast and
coffee with the staff? 0.o


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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 3:28am
I wasn't refering to the actual rant by Comit :) In fact, I enjoyed the rant
quite a bit. I was refering to Brock's comment. Saying things like "AWI
Sucks, Bad management..." isn't helpful to the community.


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My rant...

Nov 8, 2003, 1:50pm


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AW needs incentives for world owners

Nov 21, 2003, 9:49pm
AWI never really promised anything to private world owners :) So why should
private world owners be frustrated? Im confused... If someone had such an
idea that they wanted supported by AWI, they can contact them, right?


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