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Shankahtus in Gor (Community)
Shankahtus in Gor // CommunitytalisanAug 28, 2002, 6:58am
Hi Folks, be very very careful when dealing with Shankahtus of Gor... he is
VERY easily offended. I was going to purchase up to 200 dollars worth of his AVs... but I asked him if he could do something with the elbows of the male avs, as his av arms remind me an awful lot of Pop Eye's arms. He was offended, and told me he could if I paid him to... et al... there was more to it. So I left his world and he grammed me the following: ShanKahtus, sent Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:55 PM: I am an Artist and you have criticized my Art for the last time and I would not sell to you if you paid me double This fella already has a bad enough reputation. But he continues to want to make it worse for some odd reason. This person has LOST sales. He doesn't deserve your business either. Be very careful when dealing with this person. He really loves to throw the phrase "law suit" around as well. He swears if you take even a pinkie off his av;s and use them in another av, he will file a law suit against you for a ridiculous sum. -Talisan bowenAug 28, 2002, 9:46am
He's not an artist, he's a manufactuerer. Artists take pride in their work, sure,
but they better expect to be criticized to the last molecule. If they can't, then they don't need to be in the realm of artisans. Don't worry about it, as long as you didn't get ripped off it's all good. Find someone else who can make you AV's. Dare I say that is a pretty freaking expensive price for even 50 AV's. --Bowen-- [View Quote] eepAug 28, 2002, 2:08pm
I've criticized his female avatars before for looking too "stocky" (wide shoulders, not very feminine, etc) and he didn't get mad at me or anything...
[View Quote] > Hi Folks, be very very careful when dealing with Shankahtus of Gor... he is > VERY easily offended. I was going to purchase up to 200 dollars worth of his > AVs... but I asked him if he could do something with the elbows of the male > avs, as his av arms remind me an awful lot of Pop Eye's arms. He was > offended, and told me he could if I paid him to... et al... there was more > to it. So I left his world and he grammed me the following: > > ShanKahtus, sent Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:55 PM: > I am an Artist and you have criticized my Art for the last time and I would > not sell to you if you paid me double > > This fella already has a bad enough reputation. But he continues to want to > make it worse for some odd reason. This person has LOST sales. He doesn't > deserve your business either. Be very careful when dealing with this person. > He really loves to throw the phrase "law suit" around as well. He swears if > you take even a pinkie off his av;s and use them in another av, he will file > a law suit against you for a ridiculous sum. sw chrisAug 28, 2002, 4:46pm
You don't post messages like this in a public newsgroup. It's a cardinal law (the one you can't use to get around the system, not the other Law ;)). Other people get offended by it. SW Chris [View Quote] goober kingAug 28, 2002, 6:18pm
Umm, methinks the only person who would get offended is Shankahtus
himself, and since it sounds like he's the touchy type, he's probably already too offended to care about more offense. :P Though, I do know some people get offended by Cardinal Law... ;) [View Quote] > Dude, > > You don't post messages like this in a public newsgroup. It's a cardinal > law (the one you can't use to get around the system, not the other Law ;)). > Other people get offended by it. > > SW Chris > [View Quote] -- Goober King He'll let you decide which "Law" it is... robrod at poseidonAug 28, 2002, 8:43pm
Why not post a message like this? It isn't really slander, because he is
just telling us to watch out for the guy, if we go into business with him... he isn't saying "every go out and hate Shankahtus"... Poseidon [View Quote] wings0niteAug 28, 2002, 11:12pm
In article <3d6c90a1$1 at>, wardaor at
says... > Hi Folks, be very very careful when dealing with Shankahtus of Gor... he is > VERY easily offended. I was going to purchase up to 200 dollars worth of his > AVs... but I asked him if he could do something with the elbows of the male > avs, as his av arms remind me an awful lot of Pop Eye's arms. He was > offended, and told me he could if I paid him to... et al... there was more > to it. So I left his world and he grammed me the following: > > ShanKahtus, sent Tue Aug 27, 2002 10:55 PM: > I am an Artist and you have criticized my Art for the last time and I would > not sell to you if you paid me double SNIP Talisan - I've done business with Shan in the past for some objects and I feel he was more than fair with me. I happened to notice in his telegram to you he said "you have criticized my Art for the last time..." which makes me wonder how much criticism was made prior to this incident?! Perhaps this was the first time, but it does not appear to be from his telegram. My experiences with Shan have been very good ones, in fact on several occasions he actually gave me some objects he made, and gave the same objects to friends of mine when I asked him to. Wings0nite talisanAug 29, 2002, 12:58am
I appreciate your opinion, but I don't appreciate there being a suggestion I
did anything wrong. Read the log and determine for yourself whether I did anything wrong. At the end of this chat log, I left without saying good bye. I sent Shan one gram which told hime "You have insulted me Shan, I will not be making any purchases from you" That is almost word for word. You've seen his reply. Immigration Officer: Gor is NKZ / NCZ All slaves are safe in Gor. Free are safe too unless you mess with the Panther Girls. People that desire to Hunt the Panther Girls often find themselves to be the Prey! Talisan: Tal Shan Talisan: Tal Mirah ShanKahtus: what are the relative dimensions of the picture you want to frame Mirah: Tal Shan , hugs you Sechen C: yes ShanKahtus: Tal Mirah and Talisan fawnS2 GORfgr: greetings Master Talisan Talisan: Greetings girl Mirah: Tal SechenC Sechen C: shit its a pict3 thats all I know, its in my yurt. Mirah: greetings fawn Talisan: Tal Sechen Sechen C: oops sorry did not know there werre guests here. ShanKahtus: these are all mannequins Sechen C: TalTalisan Sechen C: Tal Mirah. ShanKahtus: I can put seven hair styles on her Mirah: wow ShanKahtus: can build the av before a person Talisan: Pretty cool Shan ShanKahtus: settle on textures ShanKahtus: then put it together in a few minutes for them Mirah: wow impressive Talisan: Did you make a new boy av Shan? ShanKahtus: actually I have two more hair styles besides these fawnS2 GORfgr: greetings Master Verus Tor, smilessssssss Verus Tor: Tal Shan Talisan: Tal Verus Verus Tor: Greetings fawn Mirah: Tal Verus Verus Tor: Tal Talisan Sechen C: Tal Verus Verus Tor: Tal Mirah Talisan: I remember the picture you sent me Shan. Verus Tor: Tal Senchen Talisan: Are those Tatoos? Mirah: Tal Krait Talisan: Cool Krait: Tal..and loads s Sechen C: winks ShanKahtus: yes tatoos fawnS2 GORfgr: greetings Master Krait Mirah: how are you Krait ? Talisan: Nice idea Shan. Tats are cool. I know several who like them. Talisan: Myself included. ShanKahtus: I am making a couple of non Gor avs too ShanKahtus: come over here ShanKahtus: Tal Krait Talisan: I'm very impressed by your new av's, you a real artist Shan ShanKahtus: Tal Verus Talisan: Those axes and swords are great Talisan: Mermaids in Gor? ShanKahtus: read lpost above ShanKahtus: Be Well Sechen Mirah: wb Krait Krait: ah.. Tal..and can see now Talisan: Tal Krait Sechen C: Be wellShan ShanKahtus: I trimmed the merman done even more Krait: smiles..and my thanks..Mirah Sechen C: be well all. grinz Mirah: be well Sechen , smiles fawnS2 GORfgr: this girl wishes you well Master Sechen Krait: checks myh Talisan: Take care Sechen ShanKahtus: Nice Female Av Krait Mirah: no Mirah: smiles I just told him that ShanKahtus: come over here Talisan Mirah: smiles Talisan: ok Krait: finds a likely looking one ShanKahtus: on the makle I am working on ShanKahtus: is a trimmer male torso and arms Talisan: *nods* Mirah: ooh the blond is very sexy Talisan: Looks good so far Krait: loads and listens Talisan: SJust a thought Shan, can you make the elbow's a little thicker? What do you think? Talisan: Looks great so far. ShanKahtus: people that send me money ShanKahtus: and don't just talk od sending money ShanKahtus: I can make anything for them Talisan: Just offering an idea Shan. ShanKahtus: I never made a mermaid ShanKahtus: offer me money Mirah: laughs ShanKahtus: and I will make an av like you want it ShanKahtus: you are never happy are you? ShanKahtus: send me a naked picture ShanKahtus: and I can make one look like you Talisan: No need for that, we often don't look like we want to Shan. Why are you sensitive over a thought? ShanKahtus: Sure I can make the elbows thicker Mirah: Shan? ShanKahtus: because you offer too many"Thoughts" and suggestions about my art when it is not requested Mirah: do you still have pics I have sent you? ShanKahtus: Pictures? ShanKahtus: of you? ShanKahtus: yes Mirah: yes of my I had to reformatt my computer and lost all mine ShanKahtus: ahhhh want them back? Mirah: please , smiles ShanKahtus: sure Mirah: and the last ones of you [View Quote] talisanAug 29, 2002, 1:13am
I've only been in Shan's worlds a few times. I was going to purchase some
AV's from him for one of my worlds. The only other time that I ever discussed such purchases is shown below, and I was politely asked to leave as you can see down at the bottom because of my 'suggestions'. The last 25% of this conversation, when he apparently got upset with me, he changed his av to that of a male nude and stood before me floating with his genitals clearly visible and apparently being deliberatly insulting on purpose. ******************************************************* * Active Worlds chat session: Wed Aug 7, 2002 3:13 PM * ******************************************************* Immigration Officer: Welcome to SHANWORKS TreeHouse Village...featuring custom made avatars and objects...available for purchase. Enjoy your visit! Talisan: Tal Shan ShanKahtus: Tal Talisan Talisan: Very interesting display ShanKahtus: wanted a client to chose his hair color Talisan: Looks cool, but eerie Talisan: That's a cool one Talisan: I like those clothing Talisan: A lot of detail ShanKahtus: all of mine are know for detail and relatively small size Talisan: I like the axes, but too northern for my liking. ShanKahtus: likes scimitars? Talisan: Very nice. yes I do Talisan: i like the concept of the hood, but I've never been totally happy with the look. Talisan: pg Talisan: Like the hair on that one. Talisan: I think I am looking for 3 female, 3 male, and assorted slave av's, not sure of a number however. ShanKahtus: oops you said G rated Talisan: Say 9 to 12 av's Talisan: Yes, must be G Talisan: Like the color, but not the dress :) Talisan: That one is nice. Talisan: veil? ShanKahtus: FC Wedding ShanKahtus: those are not mine Talisan: ok Talisan: There's been some dispute in talking about male slaves, they don't fit the generical 3 color scheme of the females slaves right? Talisan: I like her Talisan: She's nice Talisan: I like the simple hair and the face Talisan: She available? ShanKahtus: you mean one of this style? Talisan: Can she be made at least PG? ShanKahtus: different hair? Talisan: I like the hair, can have red? ShanKahtus: you mean one dressed like this? ShanKahtus: but that other hair? Talisan: I liked the look of the previous girl in yellow silks. Talisan: Like thehair color Talisan: Reminds me of Anna's on hers ShanKahtus: this red or the other color Talisan: I like this red ShanKahtus: it is like Aaminahs Talisan: I saw, yes. I have not installed her av yet, thanks for reminding me. Talisan: I like the previous hair style on that yellow silk av, with this hair color Talisan: Erm, nope Talisan: The coils are neat nice idea, expensive hair do ShanKahtus: this is an older style Talisan: *nods* ShanKahtus: I have made several hir styles since I made this av Talisan: reminds me too much of auyark however ShanKahtus: Vicki? Talisan: Dunno if that is her name. that girl with NDN that I had briefly Talisan: Lady Moonstar ShanKahtus: Katya Talisan: Changed names again? Talisan: Yes ShanKahtus: she was first trained as a kajira in Gor ShanKahtus: I called her katya Talisan: Anyho, this is the av style she was using when I last saw her on one of your worlds Talisan: I'm not so sure I like the male slave avs ShanKahtus: these are my old style PGs ShanKahtus: I make them with cape and or Hood or without Talisan: Pretty nice for the older av styles I haven't seen these before ShanKahtus: the Males Talisan: those first Master av's you showed me I liked a lot. Talisan: The texture details were great Talisan: Like the one I am wearing now Talisan: I like that one yes ShanKahtus: I need to set up an account for a friend Talisan: ok ShanKahtus: I will be changing accounts Talisan: *nod* Shanwrks1: dang ShanKahtus: join me Talisan: ok Immigration Officer: Gor is NKZ / NCZ All slave are safe in Gor. The Hall of Knowledge is updated and located at 0n 12e .5a 270 ShanKahtus: forgot all of my accts Talisan: I know how that can be Talisan: I've unloaded a few recently Talisan: Same avs here? ShanKahtus: yes ShanKahtus: I have misplace an account Talisan: This looks a lot like an indian Talisan: lol ShanKahtus: it depends on which avs you get ShanKahtus: if you want my latest ShanKahtus: even in quantity Talisan: I think I have settled on the Masters and also the female slave av's I like. I think the other 2 sets for Mistress and male slave will be harder to choose ShanKahtus: they will not go below 25 Talisan: Less than 25 per av? ShanKahtus: that model of kajira ShanKahtus: and the Masters you saw ShanKahtus: I can use that head ShanKahtus: and body ShanKahtus: this was the kajira Talisan: Yes ShanKahtus: My ver very latest ShanKahtus: well this one is Talisan: Erm, well, not happy with this one. Liked the other one very much, had an also anime appearance. ShanKahtus: the face is japanese Talisan: I like the coloring very much, it's a very nice av Talisan: Can I have one like this? How much? but pg and red/aburn hair? ShanKahtus: just one av is 50 ShanKahtus: 4 avs for 100 ShanKahtus: but Talisan: Won't be just one av. But that one I do want for sure. ShanKahtus: if you do not want a lot of changes ShanKahtus: other than ShanKahtus: texture changes ShanKahtus: I will do you 12 for 150 ShanKahtus: but Talisan: Well, will be hard to pick 12, I'm picky ShanKahtus: only one style and hair of kajira ShanKahtus: picky? ShanKahtus: 300 for 12 Talisan: lol :) ShanKahtus: what I can do Talisan: Well. you have a sale on at least this one av. ShanKahtus: is four avs styles ShanKahtus: this av and the kajira Talisan: 3 giels, all 3 silks, each with different color hair or only one? ShanKahtus: would be 70 Talisan: giels=girls ShanKahtus: different hair color and different silk color Talisan: ok, you have 3 girl av's sold so far, depending on price ShanKahtus: you don't like these dresses? Talisan: I like the darker colored ones like this one Talisan: I don't like the brigher pinks and such Talisan: This is Aaminah's? ShanKahtus: I can texture you some in darker blue and geen and burnt orange ShanKahtus: this is Aaminahs Talisan: Burnt Orange sounds interesting, as does the green ShanKahtus: this hair style ShanKahtus: is 1/3 the size of the Aaminah's Talisan: Any Mistress models similar to this one? ShanKahtus: you mean smaller in frame? ShanKahtus: I can swap hair ShanKahtus: and face ShanKahtus: fast Talisan: I do like that frame. ShanKahtus: it is 20% narrower ShanKahtus: smaller breasts Talisan: I like Aaminah's frame as well. ShanKahtus: this is aaminah ShanKahtus: naked Talisan: *nod* Talisan: is skin color different? ShanKahtus: yes Talisan: Thought so Talisan: I like that dress a lot Talisan: The colors are great ShanKahtus: I searche 9000 textures to find the right combo for this dress Talisan: I'm sure, I do texture searches all the time, I know what a long task that can be Talisan: ok, 3 Masters os similar ilk as the one you wear Talisan: 3 gilrs of the kind previously discussed ShanKahtus: 3 PGs? Talisan: I'm still debating on the Mistresses Talisan: You use paypal right? ShanKahtus: yes ShanKahtus: only way to go Talisan: ok, just checking Talisan: I don't know about doign PG's Talisan: I suppose I should have at least 1 token PG, and one token male slave ShanKahtus: the filesize on these ShanKahtus: can be greatlyreduced If I make him without sandals Talisan: What is the file size? ShanKahtus: making a back texture for these too ShanKahtus: lookin Talisan: The one thing about these that bother my eyes are the clumpiness of the arms and legs. I think they look good, but perhaps should be slightly less exagerated. Ever thought about that? ShanKahtus: 46KB without sandals and 67 with ShanKahtus: that is what the other av makers do ShanKahtus: well it is because they do do shit Talisan: I hear ya. ShanKahtus: but steal parts from AW avatars and Shytown avatars ShanKahtus: like this ShanKahtus: aw avatar parts Talisan: *nods* ShanKahtus: no fingers ShanKahtus: no muscles ShanKahtus: but then ShanKahtus: I am making a Masters body ShanKahtus: that is not as Beefy ShanKahtus: to attach the head you sall in Shanwrks on ShanKahtus: saw Talisan: Well, beefy is not a complaint... I was simply speaking of exaggeration is all. Pop Eye style. A man can be very muscular without the bulges like that. ShanKahtus: so you may want to come see in a couple of days Talisan: ok Talisan: I like the new facial textures you are working on. Much more expressive Talisan: Can you change the male slaves head to a newer style? ShanKahtus: the arms mainly ShanKahtus: well you see ShanKahtus: now you are getting to 300 dollars ShanKahtus: how about Talisan: :) ShanKahtus: you come and see me in a week Talisan: I can do that ShanKahtus: if you are not so picky ShanKahtus: then we can deal ShanKahtus: one avatar ShanKahtus: minimum ShanKahtus: I spend enough hours to easily deserve 250 dollars ShanKahtus: and you are talking of custom making everything ShanKahtus: you want a 1000 of work for 150 ShanKahtus: you have no idea ShanKahtus: what is involved ShanKahtus: spend an entire day ShanKahtus: on just that face ShanKahtus: two days Talisan: I have no doubt. ShanKahtus: on the hair ShanKahtus: and they like you are "picky" ShanKahtus: people get too picky ShanKahtus: I send them their money back through paypal and thank them anyway ShanKahtus: there is Nothoing that i can't do ShanKahtus: question is ShanKahtus: do you want to compensate me Talisan: Talk to you in a week then. Be well Shan. ShanKahtus: I should get back to my modeling ShanKahtus: Be Well johnny b uniquectatoptonline.netAug 29, 2002, 8:34am
Well, the way I see it, When someone's an arrogant obnoxious jerk, you no longer do business with
them...... Pretty simple, don't you think .... JB wizard myrddinAug 29, 2002, 9:12am
Humm 50 avatars for $2.00 each, you call that expensive? at that price I
would not even bother considering making them, (I don't mean retexturing as well) As many original avatars do take considerable time and planning to create. As you mentioned "artists take pride in there work" and the many talented modellers in aw consider any input in there creations a great asset in producing a quality product. Perhaps some conflict between the two parties involved is indicated in the base message of this thread. As Eep has mentioned he has never recieved any adverse coments from the same person. As as said SW chis has stated personel conflicts should not be brought into the Newsgroups. [View Quote] wizard myrddinAug 29, 2002, 9:13am
talisanAug 29, 2002, 5:16pm
I never said 50 av's, Bowen did. I was asking Shan for no more than 1 dozen
av's. I wanted 6 females and 6 males, but we were negotiating the price. I had told him that I liked the new male warrior avs, and I had also told him that the girl av that he had recently made was quite good. However, when I made requests for hair color changes and after telling him I didn't like the way some arms on male av's were exagerated(like popeye) he started increasing his bid price for the work, and started getting arrogant and insulting. Everything that took place is written into the logs I posted for wings0nite. anduinAug 29, 2002, 10:14pm
An identity claiming to be known as "johnny b" <> scribed the following <3d6df89d$1 at>:
>Well, the way I see it, When someone's an arrogant obnoxious jerk, you no longer do business with >them...... > >Pretty simple, don't you think .... Well, to me it seemed as if he was selling his avatars as they were already and at a nice and easy price. He started raising it because of customizing each avatar which requires more work put into them. He doesn't seem to want 'thoughts' on his work as he sells them as is, and if you wish them to be customized he adds more of a price to them for the work, which was reasonable. ,,,,, (o o) /--------------ooO--(_)--Ooo--------------\ | Anduin (317281) | | o The Gorean Scribe | | o | | o World: GorSJ (18+ Only) | \--------------ooO-------Ooo--------------/ johnny b uniquectatoptonline.netAug 30, 2002, 12:29am
> Well, to me it seemed as if he was selling his avatars as they were already and at a nice and easy price. He started raising it because of customizing each avatar which requires more work put into them. > He doesn't seem to want 'thoughts' on his work as he sells them as is, and if you wish them to be customized he adds more of a price to them for the work, which was reasonable. Well, Talisan claims he did change to a nude male av and started hovering with the crotch face height in front of him...... qualifies an an obnoxious jerk in my book.. kinda hard to NOT think of him as a jerk, ya know...... paulAug 31, 2002, 11:24am
it doesn't require much work to resize and arm or other limb (if he made
them in truespace for instance). Might take about 15 minutes. Paul [View Quote] casaySep 4, 2002, 3:03pm
Hey ya Paul! :-)
That's 15 minutes though to change and is extra work no matter how you look at it. It's extra work to just change textures even if it doesn't take long. Also, there's many custom seqs on his avatars and just 're-sizing' an arm might not be that easy. Are you selling your avs at such a low price? I know I wouldn't be and if I was I certainly wouldn't make any changes for free. I guess I really don't understand this thread. If a person is wanting to buy an avatar and doesn't like the looks of it then don't buy it. That's would be the bottom line to me. To post in the NG whining that someone is going to charge more for a custom avatar, esp when they are so low priced to begin with is pretty childish I think. A person can always spend the hours it takes to learn to make them and create what they want. ( Maybe then the people that whine about this stuff just might learn to appreciate how much work it takes to learn to create even basic objects let alone avatars!) If you don't like the person making them.. don't buy it. If you don't like the avatar..... don't buy it. I you want custom changes... pay for them. Pretty simple folks! Casay P.S. I've been critical of some of his AVs too, same as Eep and Shan was never offended by it. If Eep didn't offend him I can only wonder how anyone else did.... ;-) :p~ <--- for Eep Gotta luv me! P.S.S. I'm sick of seeing private chat conversations and telegrams being posted in the NG!!!!!!! [View Quote] paulSep 4, 2002, 6:20pm
The problem wasn't that he was charging extra to change the av as I read the
post. It was that he got all bent out of shape because she complained about the arms and wanted them changed so my post was to say that there was no reason for him to get upset about it but to simply say "ok I will change the arms but it will cost you such and such" and do so in a relatively nice manner" I have had people dissatisfied witn some proportions on my avs and I have changed them at no charge because after looking at them again I see that they may be right and what I thought was a good proportion at the tmie I made the av isn't. I try to accomodate the customer within reasonable limits. Paul [View Quote] casaySep 5, 2002, 9:28pm
I guess in the very first post Talisman wrote that he asked for the change
because they looked like Popeye arms and Shan said would make the change for more money. At some point Shan was offended by the comment. Seems like Talisman tied the 'offending' comment it what caused a higher cost. Of course neither of us was there and that may well have been the case or not. My point wasn't really to take sides but to point out that if someone doesn't like an avatar don't buy it but don't expect the creator to make free changes. I agree some people here have more tact than others. I know you certainly do :-) Hope you're doing well! :-) Casay [View Quote] |