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[NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...

Jul 4, 2002, 12:48am
Lose him quick, guys - if he cannot save on resources in the NG by clipping
posts, how will he do in conserving resources in the tribe? :)

[View Quote] > Signed Mod
> 7/03/02

[NG Survivor 2] 1st to go.../2nd week challenge

Jul 9, 2002, 2:20pm
Well, it's been an interesting few days.

I hardly ever watched any of the survivor series on TV - I like to think
it gives me a little bit of an advantage, in having an uncluttered viewpoint
of current events. Upon entering our camp, I saw I was among the first to be
able to build. Being modest, I built a simple pup tent from the pieces
available. Then I come back later that day, to see someone swiped one of my
pieces - HRRMMPPH!! I sealed off the open end of my tent with a rock (Thank
GOD for 3.3 rotation commands) and I am set.

I did my best on the immunity challenge. Unfortunately, my browser
picked the absolute worst time to crash - 10 seconds into the challenge. I
run my browser in a 1 GB partition, and my available storage space was maxed
out. The browser, being the temperamental #$%^ it is, just shut down cold on
me. I later found the difficulty, deleted cache, and am now back healthy as

We have no fire, no light, but we's got one hell of a tribe working on
making our existence better. More as I think of it later, Mongo
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AWLD independent director vote results?

Jul 14, 2002, 12:30am
I trimmed all your crap out Eep - did I earn your undying love and
admiration. I guess not...

Survivor updates??????

Jul 19, 2002, 1:29pm
This URL referral is to pornography, as defined in your content guidelines
on your website. You might wanna consider deleting either the tread, or the
individual post.

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[NG Survivor 2] Recaplet.

Jul 20, 2002, 7:49pm
Respectfully snipped down to the core message -

[View Quote] Won, exactly 25 in the jar, and Emailed to Nornny, so there, neener!


Fwd: Security Update

Aug 14, 2002, 7:41pm
Added as a click link on their website, linking to this page:

looks like there's gonna be some pissed off world owners, but at least
they'll get the message from the website.

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] The past does hurt

Sep 1, 2002, 11:50pm
No comment - you don't want to hear what I honestly think of this whole
Survivor series. I'm trying my damnedest to leave with my dignity intact,
and what I have to say right now would make Eep look like Miss Manners. I
have met some nice people in the contest, and I hope these friendships
continue. It was good for laughs occasionally - I wish all the remaining
contestants the best of luck - except for the two schmucks that voted me off
the contest, of course.

[NG Survivor 2] The past does hurt

Sep 2, 2002, 12:20am
Awww, suck it up, trooper - you'll get over it. I'm mad - I'll be pretty
much over it when I wake up tomorrow. My getting voted off wasn't because of
my worthiness, or my performance - it was a freaking popularity contest.
Well - now you know me a little better. Good luck to you and your AWTeen
buddies, and try not to vote off those outside your circle of friends too

[View Quote]


Feb 13, 2003, 6:52am
I'll respond, in thread, and add my .02. Who knows, it might actually be
worth something.

[View Quote] All points above this are quite valid. Backwards compatibility, and
maintaining a classic look, are quite reasonable goals for the largest and
original world in the AW universe.

> If the database grows to a size that is impossible to back up (it is
> to large to run mapper) ... it affects EVERYONE

The database is being clogged, almost since day 1, by building practices
that violate your own stated building guidelines. MASSIVE amounts of ground
cover. Even if some of the builders were building beyond ground cover, there
are some prolific builders that have massive amounts of land covered.
Tourists that have done the same as the above. I won't even approach the
subjective, the half completed builds, the vandalism, and the graffiti,
where judgements have to be made about whether to delete or save. It seems
that AW policy has been it's easier to buy more storage capacity, than to
adequately manage and supervise building rights in AW. If the purpose has
been to allow anarchy, and free expression at all costs in AW world, you
eventually will hit that brick wall, ENZO. I normally try not to criticize
without coming up with a solution. I see where this 800 pound gorilla can
pretty much sit wherever it pleases though. I see where in NewAW, you are
working on a more reasonable land management system. Good luck - I guess
that's why you get paid the big bucks - :)

> Try to put a tad more thought into this discussion if you want it to be
> productive?
No offense meant, but AWs management, policies towards tourists, pricing
schemes, etc. have shown less than a cogent, coherent thought process at
times also. I currently log into the AW universe and build with a loaner
account, from a generous friend. I wouldn't pay the fee necessary to remain
in the AW universe as a citizen, let alone a world owner - not with the
precarious financial situation AW seems to be in currently. Citizens and
world owners are leaving in droves, ENZO. The cavalier atitude expressed in
this post towards a paying customer just don't get it. All the ideas
expressed in here aren't going to be winners, but I honestly believe Bowen
was sincere in what he posted.

I love AW - I have ever since I first saw the program. I hope somebody,
somewhere, figures out how to come up with a reasonable, rational business
model for your company, before it folds. Again - good luck.

Activeworlds Organization Meetings

Mar 29, 2003, 10:14pm
More accurately, if there were only more people in AW to know.
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AW & Revenue

Mar 31, 2003, 10:41am
You've been spending WAY too much time online in AW, and not enough time
listening to world events, if you don't understand the UN references.

[View Quote]

OK the truth, Whitestar is wrong!

Apr 25, 2003, 8:28pm
I did, I needed a good laugh. I noted several points during the War and
Peace length post:

1) Note the time it went on the news server - 5 PM, on a Friday. This
allows maximum exposure before AW reviews it to yank it, due to the weekend.

2) No matter how loud you scream it, or how many times you post it, you
cannot demand respect, you can only earn it. And frankly, MrBruce, these
posts make you look damned stoopid and childish.

3) If you spent 1/10 the time you spent writing this post looking
properly for utilities, you'd know there is one out there written to rename
objects and textures to lower case. Ya see, there are more productive ways
to spend your day than posting in here.

4) That reminds me, I'm sure I have something better to do than this -
cleaning my cats litterbox comes to mind, for some odd reason.

[View Quote]

The Human Condition

May 4, 2003, 6:00am
I agree with you 100% Daphne. The Lady got the answer to her question,
directly from ENZO, in the thread "What citizens want". In case you are
unaware of it, ENZO is about as high up on the food chain as you'll get in
AW corporate. The economics for AW aren't the rosiest in the world. Their
staff is currently down to 6, if my reading of the NG posts is accurate.
They are surviving, where many programs before them have folded up shop.
They might not be doing everything fairly. They might not oversee all
community groups with the vigilence they've exercised in the past. They're
fighting to survive, period - and the fact they are still afloat as a
corporate entity is appreciated by some of us.

Life isn't fair. Logging into AW isn't really representative of real
life anyways - it's a program on a computer, and it's a sheer luxury for
those that participate. If the inequities in this online venue causes you
such personal grief, you do not have to log onto AW. I wouldn't hold my
breath waiting for fairness and equality in AW, or in the volunteer
organizations that currently exist in the browser. Of course, that's just my
opinion - and I've been known to be a tad cynical. My pointed sarcasm at
your Christian references was not my disrespect for Christianity, it was my
laughing at using it to buttress a point of view rapidly degrading to
hyperbole and NG spam.

Good luck - :)

[View Quote]


May 3, 2003, 9:33pm
Oh my gosh, she's quoting scripture. Sounds like she's wacked on Jesus
boys - I doubt there will be any chance of shutting her up. We is all going
to hell in a handbasket.rwx - but the journey ends at -350 meters, so don't
you fret!! ~shakes head, and howls with laughter~

[View Quote]

How to ignore a poster?

May 4, 2003, 6:04am
Highlight the post, go to message on the top toolbar, then "block sender".
This only remains in effect as long as the poster uses the same Email
address in their settings for these news group. Hope that helps.

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Object makers please reframe from using caps!!

Jul 13, 2003, 5:36pm
A question along these lines -

I know of at least one world where they built using caps in the object
names, on a case insensitive webserver (upper/lower case didn't matter).
When they migrated to a *nix server, the object path was cleaned up for this
issue. However, the world contains MANY dead loads, due to upper/lower case
conflict. A tool to clean up trailing space errors, if it exists, would be
appreciated also. Is there any automated tool to clean up these problems?
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.

[View Quote]

Object makers please reframe from using caps!!

Jul 13, 2003, 6:18pm
Please - let me clarify.

The problem doesn't exist in the object path. It exists in the object names
placed in the world. Previously, upper/lower case didn't matter, the
webserver spooled the objects out anyways. Now, the upper case in the
objects causes dead loads (triangles). I was hoping to find a tool, possibly
a bot or a Xelagot script, to check all objects in a world for lower case
object names, and convert if needed. Trailing spaces in object names are
causing some load errors also. Again, any help would be appreciated.

[View Quote]

Port surfing, illegal ?

Jul 16, 2003, 3:40pm
Technically, I can understand the intent of Calpantera's message. However,
even within AW's user guide, they recommend changing the aworld.ini,
altering settings. See - I'm sure it appears
in more than one place. You can't have it both ways. You can't claim
altering the aworld.ini is a violation of EULA, and at the same time
recommend doing it within your own help files.

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Floopy drive help

Aug 3, 2003, 9:45pm
Sounds like a good bet would be to replace the floppy drive flat ribbon
cable. I've had this happen before, when one of the wires shorted to the

[View Quote]

A!!CT Coming back.

Nov 28, 2003, 11:13am
11 millimeters, or a teensy bit over a centimeter. Happy? But seriously - I
have a question for Enzo. Is the level of venom allowed in newsgroup posts
in direct proportion to the world renewal fees you collect from the world
owners? Or is it more that policing this news group for content is not a
major priority for AWI? To everyone teeing off in this thread, grow the hell
up. Take the money you'd pay for world renewal, and invest in anger
management counseling, or even possibly an industrial strength prescription
for Xanax.

[View Quote]

A!!CT Coming back.

Nov 29, 2003, 12:12am
> really not a bad guy...but my time is too precious to be running in this
> all the time fighting over senseless posts that only set out to make the
> community disbelieve in me.....

Hey, here's a thought MrBruce - if your time is too precious, why not
just unsubscribe to these news groups, and move onto bigger and better
things? Do you actually think a blessed thing you post here is going to have
any effect, except to make you look like a whiny pissant? Also, if you have
personal issues with any one person, the more appropriate place to settle it
is in Email with this person. If I want drama, I'll watch "Days of our
Lives" on TV. Then again, your posts are like driving by a BAD auto
accident - you know you shouldn't look, but you HAVE to slow down and take a
peek. Have a great day, Mongo.

22 Citizenships to be canceled

Nov 30, 2003, 1:41am
1) How many of these 22 users read the news groups?
2) Why not just telegram them, as obviously their renewal notices are
flashing, and they're prolly wondering about what's up?
Or is this another pathetic ploy for attention and sympathy on MrBruces
part, albeit through a second party?

[View Quote]


Dec 1, 2003, 11:41am
WRONG. CTs are unable to be ejected, and have been for quite some time in
the AW browser. However, your other points about restricting world rights to
preserve the security of the world build are quite valid.

[View Quote]

OK, what have we learned this weekend?

Dec 1, 2003, 2:43am
I believe if you look closely at the events in AW and in this news
group, you should have learned the following:

1) Some people crave attention so badly, they'll stoop to any level to
get it - even when it makes them look like total fools.

2) Evidently, there are people that like to prey on the appearance of
"cyber terrorism" to in and of itself terrorize the AW community.

I do not, for a moment, believe a world was deleted without backup
copies of the data existing somewhere. I do not, for a second, believe a
world with talented individuals as A!!CT has wouldn't take the simple
measures of backing up their data regularly. This simple point aside, I
believe this soap opera gives us an opportunity to review how we can protect
our worlds within the limitations of the AW browser and world servers
available to us.

If any of the world owners out there are concerned about the security
and stability of their world builds and object paths, there are several
methods that can be taken. First and foremost is a REGULAR backing up of all
world data. This is easily accomplished either by using bots to back up the
data, or by having the world host do regular prop/at/elevdumps. This helps
protect against innocent accidental deletions, along with deliberate
malicious action. Second is to protect the security of the object path. This
can be accomplished in a couple of ways. Make sure you place blank
index.html files in the directories of the object path. I built some booby
trapped Flash pages for that purpose. 5 seconds to get out, then a mass of
popups, calling URL loads of - you guessed it, more booby trapped Flash.
What can I say, it's cheap entertainment.

Also, the zip password is important to maintaining the security of the
object path. I honestly do not believe any object paths that are being
compromised are being "sniffed" to have the PW derived from browser
communication. I believe it is far more likely that common AW objects in
object paths are being used for comparison, cutting down on the time to
crack the password. If you are able to provide a special program an unzipped
example of a .rwx file, then give it the zip with that file inside, password
protected, it takes FAR less time to crack the password than with a "brute
force" crack. I believe Andras has come up with a tool for inserting comment
lines, to take the text of .rwx files inside zips to a non standard file VS.
the stock AW objects downloaded.

Can anyone think of any points I've missed? And ENZO - I don't envy you
the job of cleaning up this mess tomorrow morning - :)

Increase AlphaWorld's cell limit

Dec 15, 2003, 8:36pm
Multiple select then duplicate gives you the capability right within the
browser to cover land almost as quickly as with a bot. I practiced on this
right after the feature came available, getting ready for the Oklahoma land
rush in WildAW (A now pretty dead world, by the way).

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Dec 22, 2003, 3:31pm
Just poofed here also. The flamefest in there over the weekend musta been a
bit too much for AW.

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Matters of good Grammer

Jan 18, 2004, 2:37pm
Let's see - someone wishes to make a point regarding how we post in this
news group under the title of "Matters of good grammer", misspells grammar,
and proceeds to thrash proper English syntax during their post. Some things
never change. Oh - this is jennifer775 at in a new nickname. Nevermind.

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major doo doo hitting the fan

Jan 27, 2004, 8:07pm
Confirmed - the word "awgossip" generates a boot from AWGate out of the
bots. No comment beyond this, except to say this is a pretty myopic method
of handling dissent.

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The Game

Feb 21, 2004, 1:34pm
I took just one sentance, and attempted to clean it up a tad.

If this makes no semse (sense), then I can understand why, (comma spliced
sentance) the education of the children today is abhorrent at worst, and
learining (learning)about no (not learning about?)readin (reading)or writing
(comma rather than "or") or arithametic (arithmetic) like when I was a
little girl.

Nuff said. I won't even comment on the delicious irony of the message stated
being lost in the grammatical errors.

URL Question

Mar 4, 2004, 1:48am
If it's any help in deciphering this problem, I'm able to access the page by
manually altering the URL to refer to the as the URL, rather than the actual
URL you posted. I've had similar problems before when my domain name host
forwarded into webspace. I'd only be able to access the root index.html, no
pages below that. I don't know how your domain name is hosted, so I can't
speak to that. Hope that helps.

[View Quote]

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