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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:02am
We want you to trim down a 12k post, when you're adding a single sentance to
the post. We want you to pull your head out of your ass, and take a look at
the real world, rather than whatever alternate universe you exist in. Better
yet, we want you to shrivel up, like a hemerrhoid with the proper
application of Preparation H. PS Have a nice day.

[View Quote]

A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 6:31pm
BOTH can be equally obscene, when they are without any redeeming social
values whatsoever, and your credibility is plummeting faster than a rock
thrown off a cliff. Keep it up, dipshit - we got all the time in the world
to dissect you like a lab rat, verbally.

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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 8, 2001, 2:54am
Please - it's getting late - we got any Europeans or Australians to step in
for the overnight shift with this chucklehead?

Folks - he's delusional. He's on a mission from God. Don't bother trying to
talk reason to him - the sheer volume of his posts points to him liking to
read his name in print. He's prolly sprouting a chubby even as we speak. He
don't need pornography in a pict3, he's getting off on all the attention

Buh-bye, say hello to Mr kill-filter.

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Holy Guacamole -

Sep 25, 2001, 4:23pm
Looks like 3.2 went public - Fantastic!!

Pricing Model FAQ

Jan 3, 2002, 12:24am
I read this closely. According to their updated price structure,
citizenships given with worlds will not be effected. So, on citizen renewal,
you buy a 10/5 world <initial cost, $69.95 registration + $10 world fee,
renewal at $10 annually>. Included with the cost of this world is 1
citizenship. The first year, you will realize a $34 savings, the second year
more like $104 savings...

[View Quote]

another idea

Jan 6, 2002, 6:00am
The new pricing scheme is $9.50US/month - roughly $2US/week.

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help me fight for my rights!

Jan 10, 2002, 8:49pm
Rather than going off on a tangent, approach this from a world owners
standpoint, in figuring out who to contact.

I know of the world Loki - it was a 50/10, means 3 cit numbers on
renewal, all sequential. Search on 314062, 061, 064, 065, and get the
citizen name attached to these accounts - they will most likely be the world
owner. I also know the world owner, and AWCOM policy on citizenships
attached as part of a world. At ANY time, the world owner can reclaim the
account, and ask for a reissue of the password. I give you this piece of
advice when you talk to the world owner . You give them attitude like you
put forth in this thread, and you'll be SOL. You approach them reasonably,
and you might be able to work out some sort of compromise of some sort.

[View Quote]

help me fight for my rights!

Jan 10, 2002, 9:20pm
Contact me ASAP, Data21. Email is mongo at - I have news of this
that you might want to hear -

help me fight for my rights!

Jan 18, 2002, 4:21am

I contacted you in Dreamland Park, and I thought we worked out this
issue. Since you're such a whiny lil pissant, and can't accept my good faith
efforts to try and resolve the problem, I withdraw my offer of help. Good

[View Quote]

pass protected objects

Jan 14, 2002, 3:58am
Errr - I downloaded them, right clicked them, picked extract to folder
.../--/couch5a, and voila - neither of them are password protected. I'd post
the raw .rwx files, but I don't think AWCOM would like that too much -

[View Quote]

pass protected objects

Jan 14, 2002, 5:59am
1) Attachments of that size are generally frowned on in here. Hell, I didn't
attach 2 small .rwx files out of respect for common Usenet etiquette.

2) I don't know what world you got the objects from, but the object path at: - has both of the items you are
looking for, without zip passwords.

[View Quote] <snip - >


Jan 29, 2002, 12:41pm
I talked to both Hamfon and Roland on this issue. I didn't totally
understand the exact specifics of how whispers are conveyed (session level,
IP based peer to peer, etc.), but the impression I was left with was this.
The world server client would have to be rewritten to intercept whisper
traffic happening within a world - and not just patched, major portions of
code would have to be rewritten to allow this practice. Needless to say,
this is not likely to happen in the near future, but it indeed is not

[View Quote]


Jan 29, 2002, 1:55pm
Then don't whisper in the worlds you suspect are compromised - take your
conversations to ICQ, a much more secure online chat venue <this is sarcasm
guys - :)>

[View Quote]

ATTN: NoMad -

Feb 2, 2002, 5:28pm
Killer website you had up - I just got a 404 off of it, trying to get to it.
Is this a temporary thing, or is your website down for the long haul? I
appreciate your fine efforts on behalf of all us world owners and builders -
:) Mongo


Mar 3, 2002, 4:25am
> at

There - you see it? He vilated the Hilter/Nazi proviso of Usenet etiquette.
Once someone mentions either, they can be safely, and completely ignored.
Sorry Paco, Added to New Killfile.


Mar 3, 2002, 2:06pm
guess it's time to pipe his output to dev/null.

[View Quote]


Mar 3, 2002, 6:50pm
OK - some 120+ posts later, over an interval of 3-4 days, this "citizen" has
gone a little bit too far. His posts are completely off topic,
argumentative, in questionable taste, and subverting what miniscule useful
content still exists in these news groups. Any possibility you can pull this
guys posting right, or introduce him to the NGs charter? It's obvious, on
his own, he has absolutely no self control. Thanks, Mongo

[View Quote] > What do you mean use "Periods" ? You want me to get some girl's monthly
> discharges and do something with them ???? Hmmmmm, let me think. How
> about i creatively photograph them and post them to this group ?

Immaturity...SunofSolaris... go hand in hand

Mar 3, 2002, 7:20pm
Keep it up, Einstein - the more volume of nonsensical, totally off topic
posts you generate, the better the chances of us getting someone at AWCOM to
pull your posting privs. The sooner you STFU, the better your chances at
posting longevity here. Have a great day - and do get up from that chair,
long stints at the keyboard writing posts does get you tired and cranky.

[View Quote]

Gavroche has died.

Mar 3, 2002, 11:56pm
I am so sorry for the loss. I never got to know him well, but I know his
passing will leave a void in the AW family. Vaya con Dios.

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ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 3, 2002, 8:26pm
Very simple folks - we gots us a troll here.

I don't care how you slice it, dice it, justify it - it's a troll.

SunOfSolaris, in the last 300 posts to this news group, has generated by
himself 43% of the posting volume to this news group. I sucked a clean feed
of 300 posts, then kill filtered out his Email address. 300 posts dropped to
171. Sure, he's mildly amusing - but he's out of control.

Only one of three things will cut down on the signal to noise ratio here. He
can stop posting, not a likely scenario. Flagg can remove his ability to
post, also not a likely scenario. Or...

We can stop feeding the attention starved lil weasel, and let him move on
when he doesn't receive the attention he craves.

Food for thought, eh?

The Virtual Olympics are on!

Mar 10, 2002, 1:53am
Bodhitah, of course you're correct - you win a cookie. Now shut the hell up.

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Mar 12, 2002, 6:25pm
Oh boy, now you've gone and done it - you told BodhiTah he was right about
something. We'll never hear the end of it now <just kidding>

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Mar 29, 2002, 11:48pm
1) rename the art folder in your cache to something like art2.
2) Start up AW, and enter all 4 worlds.
3) Look in the cache folder, art sub-folder, at the folder names. AW naming
convention places "-" rather than "/" - besides that, the path reads exactly
as the names on the folder.
4) Delete the art folder, rename the art2 back to art, to reset your cache
as it was before you went hunting.

[View Quote]


Mar 31, 2002, 8:55pm
[View Quote] > AlphaWorld: > AWDemo: > AWGames:
> AWGate: > AWMusic: > AWDisco:
> AWShow: >AW sci-fi > Mars:
> AWTeen > AWSpades: > Axis:
> Bugs: > CASTLES: > Chicago:
> COFmeta: > Colony: > Cubed:
> Elysium: > England: > FunPark: 911
> HamGlaze: > Hole: > Holidays
> Image: > JADE: > JunoDome:
> NetTaxi: > No-Where: > Nomad:
> Objectd': > Rick's: > Russian:
> Seashore: > Storage: > Storage2:
> Symbolic: > The13th: > TyriaX:
> TriMoons: > Wien2: > Yellow:
> Mayumi: > Skye: > Germ at n
> Serenity:
> ----------
> Gor Worlds
> ----------
> GorAr: > GorenA: > GorHith:
> GorMoons: > GorTyros: > GorVernA:
> TalGor:

A Test-- Sort Of!

Apr 29, 2002, 7:57pm
To prevent cross-posting on your reply, you need to manually delete out all
news groups except the one from which you read the post when you hit reply.
This is what I do with OE, and what I did with this post -

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Does anyone know of a CGI and CHMod host for YaBB

May 7, 2002, 3:04am
Read the signup page, moron - you get a free month if you pay a year in
advance. From what I've seen of their service, they're definitely worth the

[View Quote]

[NG Survivor 2] Win "the Million" Please read. :)

Jun 13, 2002, 5:32pm
For a 50 sized world, I'll be more than happy to try my lot against anyone -
I'm signed up.

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AW Info Squares closed today

Jun 23, 2002, 7:14pm
Duskbat doesn't need info squares - he has more than enough guerrila style
advertisements sneaked into the GZ area to advertise well enough on his own.
And a PK to boot, this is one hell of an example - :)

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[NG Survivor 2] Oh yes, it begins...

Jul 2, 2002, 2:18pm
I have arrived.

I eagerly await the contest, and the chance to see if the kevlar I had
sewn into the cape of my clint5.rwx protects me from knife and spear
penetration from the back. I didn't notice, does the cape cover my butt?
Does this outfit make me look fat? And I'm smoking a blunt 24/7 in this
avatar - I hope I don't get a hackers cough (No, not THAT kind of hacker).

More later, as my feeble atempts at humor come to mind - Mongo

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[NG Survivor 2] The tribe has chosen...

Jul 3, 2002, 11:21pm
[View Quote] Sounds like I missed a good time - I'm sure I'll meet my teammates on the

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