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I feel left out

Mar 23, 2004, 12:26pm
Hey hey hey - don't be bagging on us TrueSpace modellers. Some of us
actually can use the program, and not create lag monster builds. I still
tweak my models in Notepad though - it's one of the most efficient methods
for making sure what I model and convert actually is shown as I intended.

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browser build [558]

Oct 29, 2004, 12:49pm
OK - can someone tell me why the HELL I'm getting an error message telling
me I'm not a beta tester. Did you chuckleheads force feed an upgrade to a
beta version of hte software, to the general public?

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BSoD popping up in odd places

Nov 20, 2004, 11:40am
Oh, and give up his funds to a blind trust? AND put up with a pitiful
250-300K salary? Dream on.

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Multiple Citizens

Dec 5, 2004, 11:49pm
Use 2 different AW chat clients, installed to 2 distinct folders. Each one
can hold the login/password of the account you wish to use. I suggest
labelling the icons for the 2 AW programs appropriately. Of course, you'll
only be able to run one at a time.

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GOR world owners

Feb 23, 2005, 5:01pm
Oh please - next thing you know, someone will claim AW Gor worlds are allied
with Al Quiada (sp), and Rick and JP will have to sandbag the front of their
office building to hold off the US military invasion.

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