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zeo toxion // User Search

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AWCom Advertisement

Feb 23, 2002, 1:16am
i may be wrong but your saying advertise for AW, in AW? That doesn't make
much sense to me as the only people who would see the signs in the worlds,
advertising for AW, are people who are already using the product and the
would have no use for that.

Clear this up if im wrong.

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 12:11am
A-MEN!! aint that the truth....

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 1:44am
Hes just trying to make a point. It has gotten pretty bad here latey. A year
ago it was much better then this, but then again there was really nothign to
complain about. I kind of agree with you that customers telling what they
dont like about a product helps improve it but like you said, to us it
doesnt really look like they give a damn or if they even read these posts.
Lately its just personal attacks and how everything is "illegal" or

Also it kind of surpised me how you repeated the misconceptions about some
of the posts. It wasnt a "Spy Bot". Yes it didn't announce itself but why
would it, its just doing its job. Cit # 1 isnt a "backdoor" it was made to
have CT in all worlds for a reason and in now way modified anything of the

Yes i agree we should tell AWCorp what they don't like but the point is the
replies of personal attacks and so on are not ok. That's what moff's whole
point was about.

This is just my opinion and it does not need an insulting and attacking
response. Thank you.

-Zeo Toxion

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 5:17am
OMG he misspelled ONE word lets complain how bad teenagers SPELL!

Hey weren't you the one that put up signs all around my old town in AW with
warps to your builds and then deleted it. Aftwards placing walks over the
exact same area? Hmm I think your build was the only one that survived, but
nah it couldn't be you...

Seems to me the problem is people who think everyone is inferior little 12
year-olds with no actual knowledge of anything and think they are the
all-mighty god of what is right and have to criticize everyone and their
opinions. They have to make a come-back to everything to make sure that they
argue what the right answer is to the problem until they get the last say,
always trying to improve their images and how other people should act and
feel, always selfish and never thinking about anyone else's view of opinions
of things (I guess you could call it the "I don't CARE its going to be MY
WAY and that's FINAL!" attitude). These are the people that try to corrupt
everyone else's mind to make them think that whatever they think is right
and morally just.

Wouldn't you agree? Well, I guess your superiority would make me wrong no
matter what I say because you know-it-all. It's not all about knowledge or
age, it's mostly about stereo-types and biased opinions of age groups how
people automatically see each other as. *That* is how most people base there
opinions of other people and it's pretty sad it has to be that way but for
most people it's hard to look past things like that and judge each person

Let's see, right now I'm 15 years old, I work for my money, buy my own
things, and run a business-like service for extra money. I do not get an
allowance and I never have. I don't mention my services in the newsgroups or
to anyone I just happen to meet because of the fact it pisses me off that
most so-called mature adults do the opposite.

Now if I stopped after the years-old part you would instantly think in the
back of you mind that I'm some immature kid sitting on his computer that was
paid for by his parents who buy him everything (on a side note: what do you
expect? We have to get an education and a lot of kids can't work, where else
are they supposed to get their money? Oh wait, why didn't YOU think of
that...?) and who never does anything for himself except for spend his
parents money and cause trouble, listen to loud rap music, and hang out with
friends all the time. I'm not saying some kids aren't like that but most
people tend to only look at the bad examples of things and think that
everyone must be like that, yes adults do this just as much as kids but they
are WAY to OLD to EVER act like THAT.....

So to get to the point, since I'm guessing your an adult, although I
wouldn't normally guess this by looking at the way you act, I would expect
for you to blame things on the so-called immature teenagers to be the cause
of every known problem on these newsgroups. Adults act just as bad and
people on these newsgroups act exactly like I said above and its the exact
same people who attack other peoples posts while thinking they did absolutly
nothing wrong who cause problems here. Don't blame it on some little kid.

-Zeo Toxion

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 3:34pm
Why the hell can't anyone chaneg their names around here without everyone
coming after them? I chnaged my name becuase i like this name better, are
you goign to call me a terrorist now?

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everything is bad

Feb 24, 2002, 3:34pm
I wasn't exactly saying it was just the adults. I know it's everyone but I
was just trying to prove a point that bodhitah thinks its just some little
kids who are causing all the trouble all the time and it's not, its just as
much adults.

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Feb 27, 2002, 8:48pm
wow its been a long time :) I remember in my newb days (year ago hehe) when
i used to love hanging out in that world (not saying its bad now its just
ive outgrown that sort of thing)

Is there anything new? Like updates or new features, etc?

-Zeo Toxion

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Feb 28, 2002, 6:01pm
IT wouldve made sense just to leave out the states part and call it
something like United Worlds and Towns Federation or whatever (i dont really
like the federation but whatever). But that name is good too :) What about
United AW Communities instead? kinda makes more sense but its your decision.


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Just a thought

Mar 1, 2002, 8:14pm
do you really have to create so many new posts just to tell other people to
stop flaming you (or other people)? I'm not justifing flaming but seriusly,
you create just as much trash too, keep your arguments in the same posts.

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Just a thought

Mar 2, 2002, 12:33am
as you can see, filmkr started the post and i was directly repling to him,
so the obvius asumption would be i was directing it at him.... he seems to
make a new post every time an argument breaks out, its going to happen
wether we like it or not, itd be ok if he did it once but he ddoesnt have to
do it every time an argument occurs.

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Sunofsolaris is on my bad list!:(

Mar 2, 2002, 11:07pm
who the hell cares if they welcomed you or not. People enter my world and i
completley ignore them sometimes that doesn't mean they go act childish and
spam, and sometimes they do and i tell them to shut the hell up and eject
them. Well, its my world....

Although i dont see how saying "im gonna make a bot" is a threat but really
you didnt have to take the useless comments to grams.

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My appologies to swe and all who were offended....:(

Mar 2, 2002, 11:08pm
this is the first time since I've been reading these ngs (a year) that I can
ever remember someone apologizing...seriusly.

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ATTN: All those who are here for a NG, and not a circus

Mar 3, 2002, 9:27pm
cant you just be mature enough to ignore him? If you know your right then
you are and should be able to accept that and stop so other people wont
start to hate you.

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Dont reply to sunofsolaris

Mar 4, 2002, 8:03pm
I think the 50 posts in the last week from sun is getting way out of hand
and ill be glad to see him gone when flagg gets back. but ive decided to
block and delete posts from such spammers,etc becuase its getting sickening.
theres about 100+ posts every day! and about 75 from just him and the other
losers who have nothing better to do! come on guys, get a life.

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Pricing Scheme

Mar 5, 2002, 7:37pm
too late....due to the very recent update i think they already foudn out
hehe THANKS ALOT!!!!! j/k lol

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Press Conference

Mar 7, 2002, 6:30pm
what does olympicas have to do with anything

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The Virtual Olympics are on!

Mar 10, 2002, 5:29pm
your exactly right but Boditah likes to create useless arguments either

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I Have To Renew My Citizenship - JUST TO ENTER MY OWN 3D HOMEPAGE?!?!?!?

Mar 10, 2002, 4:26pm
its a bug. It happened to me a few times but i just waited a few seconds and
tried again and it let me in my world (not 3dhp)

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Mar 11, 2002, 6:33pm
next tiem please only keep it in the worldowners group since it DOES only
apply to worldowners not the entire community >:)

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Mar 12, 2002, 5:49pm
my mistake....but usually if you own a world you also build in it.

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Mar 12, 2002, 6:00pm
actually a lot of the money is goign towards the families of the victims i
beleive. And reading your other posts, do you expect us to just go "oh well
another skyscraper blew up and another mass of people dead, too bad" and
turn our heads? We don't just let people kill us and ignore it. If someone
killed tons of inocent people in your country on purpose i don't think you'd
just sit there and not care. And i'm sorry about whatevers happening in
africa but thats something the government controls and i dont really have
any idea about how they do it. There are a LOT of things people could pour
money into so it can't all go to one thing no matter how bad it is. We have
to run a country here, nothings free. Not saying its not worth helping but
really, people do care abotu these sorts of things.

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Mar 12, 2002, 11:28pm
Im not complaining you are...we dont just go bomb people for no reason ok.
If someone does something to start a war *ahem* then we arent going to sit
here and do nothing.

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Mar 12, 2002, 11:32pm
So getting bombed is us doing something wrong?

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Mar 13, 2002, 10:24pm
look, dont expect us to not be sad and remember what happened. We're just
paying respects for those who died why do you have to turn this into a
verbal country-this country-that war? Its not very respectful when the post
was just to tell people of this event and you have to go complaining about
other thigns and how you don't care. We dont care that you dont care.

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Statistics show problems

Mar 12, 2002, 12:12am
The only reason i didnt renew my world at the end of last month was becuase
i know i wont be here next year. I dont know about other people but to me if
i know im leaving in a year when prices go up for me (which i cant afford at
this time. so who knowx s i could stay and then get a new world if i do)
then i don't want to spend any effort on a world. So when next year comes
it'll just feel like a waist. But if i do get more money by then and AW
seems to smrten up a bit i might stay but theres no promises. The onyl
reason i'm staying know is becuase of the freinds ive met over the years and
this is the onyl way i can hang out with them.


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Mar 12, 2002, 5:55pm
Then what the heck are we supposed to call it wif we cant even use the world

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Another world gone :(

Mar 18, 2002, 10:28am
I'm not trying to be mean here but what makes you think that not paying is
going to help them get past all of this? They wouldn't be going bankrupt if
everyone continued what the were doing but since everyone decides to just
stop paying as they usually do they keep making less and less money.
Although they might still end (no one knows but you can't just say it will)
I really don't think that deciding to pay less is actually helping AW to
stay alive I think it's just causing the end to come sooner.

Since I renewed in January which was the smart thing to do if you really
still like AW, although most people didn't do that, I'm just going to wait
until next year to see how it's going and if AW has smartened up by then
I'll renew and maybe buy another world who knows.

Well that's what i think...


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Another world gone :(

Mar 18, 2002, 2:59pm
well it did because everyone was selling and no one was buying. But you
can't say the stock market will crash because of one company.

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Follow up to last post (about deletion of AW properties)

Mar 19, 2002, 7:15pm
who cares...?

[View Quote] SW Chris
[View Quote] Here's what he had to say:

Hi Daniel,

While I am sorry to hear that you feel that JP and I are incompetent and
"have done more damage to AW than anyone ever has before", (*wondering
YOU were when Worlds was shutting it down*) I can agree with your feelings
about AW.

I am unsure as to where this rumor about AW started but please be assured
that it is untrue.

Don't believe everything you hear either about me or AW,

Rick Noll

Activeworlds Corp.
(978) 499 0222

Well, it is a relief to hear that, and I sure hope he's letting the truth,
but I really don't know what to think, seeing as they have LIED, LIED, and
LIED again so many times in the past. And I STILL stand by my opinion of
their incompetence and of their damage to AW. If they actually do go through
with the "rumor" after stating this is would be even worse than anything
they have done before. Now all we can really do is sit and wait until the
next time AW management decides they want to rape the citizens up AW up the

Oh, and by the way, Mr. Noll, if I'm not mistaken I WAS there when world
was shutting it down and I recall news that there was a competing bid (I
think it was Protag and Da5id), so much for you being the "saviors" of AW
you'd like to make yourself out to be.

I think I'll give him a call one of these days to clarify why I shouldn't
believe what I hear about him.

Tell me what you guys think....


More proof (follow up to last posts)

Mar 21, 2002, 8:16pm
thats still bad becuase people who have renewed since whenever aw started
the fees...if they expired now all their builds would be deleted too even if
they are 10 year old builds

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