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aim features

Nov 27, 2002, 3:11pm
AIM doesn't have any ads accept a little button in the buddy list that goes to aol.com

and plus if i wanted video i can download the video software that you can use with it. Theres a lot more people
on aim then yahoo, at least people i know.


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aim features

Nov 30, 2002, 2:53am
Huh? AIM doesn't have the option in it only OE does (the option of whether or not I want AIM to start
automatically when I run OE). The reason I usually have AIM check my e-mail is because that's usually open
whenever I'm on the internet and OE isn't running unless I'm actually reading it.

I'm getting the error messages because both OE and AIM (because OE starts AIM when it starts) check my e-mail
at the same time. Get it? heh

I do have broadband but that doesn't have anything to do with this. I turned off AIM mail checking until I
figure out how to actually stop AIM starting automatically with OE even when I turned off the option in OE.


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aim features

Nov 30, 2002, 7:35pm
I'm hardly a noob :) Unfortunately there was no value that was related to AOL or AIM so I didn't have to worry
about this. And yes I know all about the registry, I'm not going to go in and screw with it without care.
Though I don't think changing a value from 0 to 1 will destroy my registry unless the value is supposed to be
something other then 0 or 1 but it's pretty easy to tell.


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aim features

Nov 30, 2002, 7:42pm
No wait I think I found it.

"Messenger Auto logon" which is set to 0.

See, it's uncheck in the options yet it still does it. Oh well I guess I can live with it. It's just strange
why it still starts by itself.

Another thing that seemed off place was under Outlook Express there is only 5.0 but my IE and OE are 6.x.
That's the only one so it must still be using 5.0 in the registry for some reason.


A fun little thing to do in VStudios for christmas.

Dec 4, 2002, 12:12am
But still like they said your setting them up to be let down.


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A fun little thing to do in VStudios for christmas.

Dec 4, 2002, 6:41pm
The difference is the parents hear what the kids say they want and they dont when they chat it.


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Dec 6, 2002, 7:45pm
Boo hoo...


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Incredimail.. scum of the universe...

Dec 21, 2002, 2:24am
I've used it once a while ago. Who really NEEDS little pictures and graphics and sounds and what not in their
e-mails. I don't mind HTML for fonts, backgrounds, and whatnot but Incredamail is a bit overdoing it.
Fortunately no one I know that sends me e-mail uses it.


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Incredimail.. scum of the universe...

Dec 21, 2002, 3:46pm


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satelite image

Jan 20, 2003, 3:47pm
theres an html version


[View Quote] > its a satelite map viewing thingy majiga. but u can only use it on nvidia


Jan 20, 2003, 12:14am
So first you enCROUched then you enCOUChed?....its encroach ;) Sorry just felt like pointing that out.


[View Quote] > floor00.rwx was encouching over one of his objects

World hosting and free downloads

Feb 18, 2002, 5:17pm
im guessing he puts passwords on them (like everyone else)

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World hosting and free downloads

Feb 18, 2002, 5:58pm
actually he said directories which means people cant view the list from the
web...although thats pretty easy just by putting an index.html in there

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Alpha has got to go

Feb 19, 2002, 4:53pm
I do agree that the world is far outdated but i do not think it should be
deleted. Yes it could use more avs and the gz could use soem work but i dont
want it to look like awgate becuase AW was the first and only world there
was back in 1997 (i think thats when it started) and its so much a part of
activeworlds history it cannot totally be deleted or replaced.

I do think that a new building world might do better but it would have to
have a lot of the newer avs they have been working on (i think they look
better) and definitly new objects (maybe actually puting those 3d homepage
objects in like they were supposed to do).

The builds need to stay but the gz could be made to look better which
wouldnt maek it look so old and the avs, like i said, all that would make it
look a littl ebetter but a new buildign world is a better choice then to
completley replace it.

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 4:46pm
in one second in each world a bot with privs of citezin number one could
change everyones.....welcome message...? you never know bots work very fast.
It could also collect data about your world such as any sor of settings
althoguh i dont think it can qeury that fast. It could wipe out a world that
fastim pretty sure (though i dont think they are stupid enough to do that im
just saying its a possibility).

I'm not THAT worried about this although whoever owns it *coughcough* had
better tell us what they are up to before a riot starts.

(formerly Cozmo)

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Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 4:47pm
oh something else....if the name is [Search Spider] maybe it was looking for
something? Perhaps a person or something? But using cit number 1 just to get
into privite worlds isnt such a good thign to do to the worldowners.

Spy bot

Feb 21, 2002, 9:34pm
unless they hack your world server?

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Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 4:52pm
since when is the welcoem message and title (or whatever was collected)
personal information about the user? never. The way i see it was there was
no harm done and im glad people can find my world now although i dont see
what the title OR welcome message has anything to do with whats in your
world. I admit they should of at least mentioned it on the uni welcome
message or the ngs but its over with boo hoo.

And all you people who are claiming its illegal, its perfectly legal for
them. CIt number 1 was MADE to have caretaker in all worlds for a reason,
who says they cant use itm it IS their software and you are paying to USE
it. You do not own your world server becuase you cannot sell it to other
people or modify it. Try reading some of the user agreements or whatever
they are called im pretty sure it will be explained in there.

-Zeo Toxion

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 3:01pm
he DOES work for AW and hes the one who did it so i think he would know what
he was doing

[View Quote] Aine

[View Quote] [View Quote] Principles are VERY worthwhile things to debate about. The fact that AWC
management apparently doesn't understand the importance of principles, such
as integrity and honesty, and continues to do one thing after another which
blatantly points out their lack of principles, SHOULD be disturbing to
anyone here who has money invested in worlds and/or citizenships.

Whether the bot was indexing or not isn't even a salient point in this
debate, although I would like to point out that no one has actually PROVEN
what the bot was actually doing or is capable of doing... we only have the
word of one unidentified GrimReaper who supposedly works for AWC.


Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 3:04pm
AW doesnt own there own software? Umm....im pretty sure we are all paying to
USE it. Im going to go read the agreement thingy right now anyways.

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Spy bot

Feb 23, 2002, 3:04pm
attacking? oh please....

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Spy bot

Feb 24, 2002, 9:38pm
Its not a backdoor unless it wasn't made to do that and it is neccesary to
build the database. The bot will be used in the future for updates and we
can't have an eruption of threads every time it happens. Its not coping our
builds or anything its just collecting a few things which will benefit the
cmmunity but the community has to jump on every little thign AW does and
make them look like malicous hackers. Why can't you just accept that they
know what thay're doing (and they do) and leave it alone.

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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 1:14am
actually it is documented in many places that says citezin number one has
rights in all worlds, etc etc... its pretty common knowledge if you've been
here a while. they arent trying to hide this fact and really can't with
other uni owners knowing about it. It could be a security risk becuase any
user can use cit#1 privs if they know the ppw which is highly unlikely. but
the post is saying that the bot would do harm to the worlds, steal, etc when
the programmer works for AW i think he knows what hes doing unless he wants
to get fired and banned, i think if every world got wiped out or something
they could figure it out pretty easily.

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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 5:53pm
i doubt it. there would be a huge argument saying its their worlds etc
etc....either way peopel are goign to complain and this way they arent
waisting their time

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Spy bot

Feb 25, 2002, 5:54pm
its not like their gettign you adress and phone number my god.....

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Spy bot

Feb 26, 2002, 7:25pm
let's see...Any bot can record the welcome messages if it wants to in any
public world. And the only reason "it gets the heck out of there as quick as
it can not to get busted" is becuase it's not goign to sit there and have a
coversation in every 1000+ worlds it stops at. They made it log-in invisible
(which any bot can do) so that it wouldnt bother anyone or see the chat.
They aren't sneaking around that's just the way bots work.

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Spy bot

Feb 26, 2002, 8:00pm
if i was the one doing it i wouldnt think poeple would overreact to it so
much and i probably wouldnt have bothered saying anything becuase it usually
wouldnt matter but people in the ngs complain about everything so whatever

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sale of aw3.3

Feb 22, 2002, 4:56pm
Great if its being sold in the stores thats great more publicity. AS LONG AS
WE CAN STILL PAY THE WAY WE ARE. And if what dion said is true then that
would be the worst decision they could ever make. Almost everyone will stay
in 3.2 and continue to use out-dated software that hampers AWs ability to
grow until they eventually make a forced upgrade and then lose their entire
customer base except for the few people that actually want to waist their
money buying upgrades do. If they do that then thats it, im gone. I wouldn't
be able to take anymore of their crap.

Let this be a lessson to you AWCorp!

-Zeo Toxion

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See ya...

Feb 22, 2002, 9:15pm
Im not trying to say that you shouldn't help people but business dicisions
are for a good reason. AWCorp isn't trying to hurt little children ok.
Either they raise prices and stay in business and maybe some of the customer
base can't use their product anymore or they go out of business and EVERYONE
can't use their product anymore, what can they do? Either way someone going
to be restricted. Businesses don't just make their product free becuase some
people can't afford it. I'm not trying to be mean but that's how a business

Some of us complain about your links becuase of the number of times you do
it. A simple link at the bottom of your post would be fine but you repeat it
a few times people see it as spam. Please don't reply with "i help people so
that means i can do anything i want (no offense)" Also not intending to be
an insult, by looking at your posts people wouldn't think of you as a person
that helps people, alls you really are doing is complaining and attacking
people. Your reply to agent says that he is "looking for a fight" when hes
trying to defend himself from your posts and then you reply again and give
him another reason to leave, why can't you just leave it alone or tone down
your replies a bit?

AW will adertise if they want, again thats a business decision and i don't
really go out of my way to question the way businesses run. Ok so maybe at
first i blow up but then i realize theres nothing i can really do about it.

And another thing, just becuase you help people (obviusly not on the boards)
does not mean your world hosting services is any better. Im not trying to
say its bad but come on, if i ended world hunger would that make my hosting
services any better? Not really. It doesn't have anything to do with the
services at all. I know a marketing plow when i see one. And again imnot
trying to bash your services as they are porbably as good as any others but
the way you act on the NGs does reflect on how others see your services and
right now you are not representing your services very well. In fact you say
you help people while at the same time attacking another persons posts.
Think about it.

I know you'll reply and confirm what i've just said but its not my problem
ok, acting immaturely like that doesn't help anyone even if you help other
people sometimes as most of us do anyways (and yet we don't boast about it
and mention of our businesses at the same time). I hope you really realize
what your doing and act like an adult about it.

-Zeo Toxion

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See ya...

Feb 25, 2002, 5:56pm
if you pay attention he said hed stick around to read the replies.....

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