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Another idea.. read.. its kewl!

Aug 11, 2002, 4:21am
Don't worry, arguments/debates/whateveryouwanttocallthem explode all the
time in here...

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Aug 13, 2002, 1:57am
The size doesn't change at all. But all the other objects shrink because you
are moving farther away. They weren't designed to be used as regular lights,
but so you could have a realistic sunlight effect.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Consideration for Lesser Speeds, Equip etc.

Sep 8, 2002, 1:38pm
No offense but that computer is ancient....

Computers do get obsolete fast and yes it can be a problem if you cant
afford to get one every few years. I mean theyre just hitting 3ghz computers
i believe (or awfully darn close). I personally don't think that people who
fail to keep up with the times should keep back the improvement on something
to get better, which usuaully means older computers won't be able to run it.
If we did everyone would still be using 2.2

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Sun Feature

Oct 18, 2002, 3:23pm
If you have terrain you could put it as a ground object but then it wouldn't rotate.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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ngs on a mac?

Feb 25, 2002, 5:57pm
no i dont think the Mac people make a newsgroup reader. Microsoft just
happens ot make its own email/ng program but Mac people usually use Netscape

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Site hosting with Road Runner

Feb 27, 2002, 10:35pm
your running a server on your computer? Well that would be called a
redirecter which would forward anyone who visited the url to your ip adress
but most ISPs dont give you that with your account. Most ISPs just give you
a little bit of space on their servers that you can upload your pages to.

You can either pay for a domain name (.com, .org, etc) to point to your
server if you have a static (non-chaning) IP adress or get something like
No-IP (www.no-ip.com) which also has just plain redirecters, if you have a
dynamic ip (one that changes every time you connect), although most cable
companies have static i cant be sure its true for everyone.

Hope that helps.

-Zeo Toxion

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Site hosting with Road Runner

Feb 27, 2002, 11:17pm
umm...im not an expert but you have to give it info for DNS servers? thats
what i think but i have no idea where to find one, i think your ISP has one
you use but im not sure. Anyone know?

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An ob

Mar 2, 2002, 4:35pm
I asked a while back if someone knew the site for the Pad avatars ( little
colored ball avs for bots) and i remembered they had a sort of docking ob
for it and i was wondering if anyone knew the url or had the ob. It was
meant so if you programmed the bot to "dock" it would fit exactly inside of
it. Thanks.

-Zeo Toxion

P.S. I dont need any $40 helicopter avs so please only reply if its exactly
what im looking for (or if they're free avs hehe)

has the world come to an end!?

Mar 15, 2002, 7:45pm
it looks like the computer world has finnally come to an end...

I've been looking for a good laptop lately. Has everyone switched to Pentium
ready computers or what!? The only two laptops i found with AMDs were the
cheapest model of Compaqs and the cheapest model of Sony Vios (although you
can customize them)...its an outrage. They're all Pentium 3's and 4's.
Although i've heard a lot of bad things about P4's im not sure about P3's
but i just woudl rather stear clear of them all together.

It's really frustrating me that they cant even make you decide but they
force you to choose pentiums on all models but one (on some places) They
should at least give us variety with AMDs.


Rotate Command Clock

Mar 25, 2002, 8:32pm
does anyone know a way i could make it sync to vrt time? If you layed it
down so it was facing upwards you could always rotate it two but no one
really does that. If someone had a way if the clock was on the wall with
poles (or if you knwo of a better object to use)

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Help with Webcam.

Mar 28, 2002, 7:52pm
whats with you and telling people to get cracked software on a PUBLIC
newsgroup? some people..... ;)

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Mar 29, 2002, 10:08pm
So you don't care if there is software installed without your consent that
contacts a host server to transmit information about you? I find that hard
to believe. Who WOULDNT care about this sort of thing? I'll download 3.3 but
imediatly check it with Ad-Aware (it detects KNOWN spyware, i highly
recomend it) BUT sometimes the software will detect if the spyware installed
with it is removed and will tell you to reinstall but there are ways around

Although i highly doubt AW would steep this low (or WOULD they....?) i'll
still check it to make sure and post here if i find anything. Yes i know, i
will scan directly before and after to prove it.

-Zeo Toxion

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Mar 30, 2002, 1:42am
The thing is you can't be sure what exactly they are collecting. It's an
invasion of privacy and i think they should at least tell you, as most don't
but just print it in ity bity words somewhere inthe mile long agreement. It
also takes up bandwidth with it contacting them all the time and basicly if
you dont want to recieve tosn of ad and/or spam i wouldnt instal spyware.

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Is It Posible

Apr 6, 2002, 10:13pm
Uh, thanks for telling everyone how to crack OPs.....? God what are you
on... hehe

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Awteen maps

Apr 3, 2002, 5:56pm
AWTeen is in AcitveWorlds and is owned by AWCorp. I don't suggest you play
"moderator" it will onyl get uou flamed.

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Kazaa and Brilliant

Apr 4, 2002, 12:07am
search for AD-Aware on somewhere liek download.com

run that, it will detect all known spyware. Dunno if brilliant is on there

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Apr 5, 2002, 9:51pm
january 1st i believe

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Apr 6, 2002, 12:38am
AW went to court with Juno!? Holy....never knew that....they actually got a
lot of cits from juno actually so that kinda sucks for them...

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Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 2:00am
Does anyone know a program that allows passwords to be set on folders and/or
files to open them? It doesn't have to be anything special just something to
run int he background and do it's intended job. Trust me I HAVE tried
lookigb but its hard becuase there are so many programs in that category i
cant find one that does just this.


-Zeo Toxion

Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 6:14am
Thanks but i don't do shareware....thanks anyways

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 7:20pm
Um I was talking about regular folders in windows but thanks for the info
anyways. Is there anything that makes it so people can't open the folders
unless they type in a password but will still allow programs to view and
modify them?

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Folder protection

Apr 7, 2002, 7:20pm
thats not the point....there are programs that can do it i just cant find
any free ones

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Folder protection

Apr 8, 2002, 11:15pm
sounds like a lot of work. I really dont need THAT type of protection just
something so that when other peopel get on my computer they wont be abel to
open that folder. Thanks though

A message from Zeo Toxion

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wutz the holdup????

Apr 6, 2002, 9:30pm
Whered you hear that? They said sometime this summer. Beta testing hasn't
even begun yet, itll start soon i think.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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wutz the holdup????

Apr 7, 2002, 1:07am
i said ITLL (Beta) would start soon......and i heard it on the nwesletter or

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Apr 9, 2002, 10:03pm
Some of you may not find this intresting but i just went to look at the
newsketter archives and this is the very first issue of the AW newsletter.
They were just starting to make 2.1 and the SDK and they even mention Factor
in there as "one of the community members" or something....


A message from Zeo Toxion


Apr 10, 2002, 9:31pm
well it WAS written in 98

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Download Site

Apr 12, 2002, 10:32pm
I was looking around download.com today and was bored so looked to see if AW
was on there (I knew it was). After reading the description and comments I
started laughing. These are people that are new to AW and have downloaded
and tried it once. Yes its 3.2. You should hear the description. It's kind
of outdated now but that's bad for them because new users see trial and
might not download it.


About 99% of the comments are saying do not download it because they are
just trying to get your money. Other people are coming in and saying its
only $20 a year when its not anymore. You can tell that people think the
software is awesome but the price is not. I'm sure they would've played the
old price for it. Its pathetic that they are driving away even more users
that coud've been paying customers.

Take a look at this line:

"You can explore more than 2000 unique worlds..."

Uh....figures...they write this when theres over half of the world
population of empty 3d homepages. The number has dropped back to its normal
number within a month.

So i suggest you update it at least and take a look at what these potential
customers are saying. But of course we all know they probably won't even
read this message in the first place nevermidn follow it....

A message from Zeo Toxion

Download Site

Apr 12, 2002, 10:33pm
And i just realized how they said over 2000 UNIQUE worlds! How can half of
the world with pre-built templates be UNIQUE!

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I'm a proud father....

Apr 17, 2002, 1:42am
I remember mine...i was still a newbie and had nothing better to do then
just hang around junodome (i actually thought it was intresting at first)
but it grew up and went away

A message from Zeo Toxion

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