zeo toxion // User Search
zeo toxion // User Search
Mar 5, 2002, 6:32pm
well you have to use add a control and timer for each bot right? If your
first bot is controled by the control called sdk1 and sdk2 and so on then
you can set which bot it is controling by putting sdk1. before it or sdk2.
if you want to control the second bot. I may not make sense to you but i
know what im talking about lol.
[View Quote]"swe" <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c8512d6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> aight, emm, well im tring to make a phone bot, as something to occupy my
> time, and well get a better understading of VB. well aight, i know how to
> make multiple bots log in (diffrent way then the post before) but what i
> wanna know is how do i give em each diffrent controls, like how do i make
> specific one say something instead of the other one, or do something
> of the other
Mar 5, 2002, 7:39pm
in vb if you use grimms aw sdk control you have to make a new control and
timer for each bot you plan to make. You contorl the bots by making each
control have a similar name but whith a number for example for if you name
then by sdk# then you put sdk1. to control bot1 and sdk2. to control bot
[View Quote]"jey" <BoBo1186 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3c853579$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> All you have to do is just set the instance. I am not sure of the VB
> command, but in C++ it is: aw_instance_set(void &instance); thats all you
> need. You only need one(1) timer, and one(1) control. Just change the
> instances. Oh and a hint: when a bot "hears" an event, ie: someone
> a world, the current instance of the application is set to the bot that
> "heard" the event. :)
> Hope this helps. :)
> Jey(302100)
> swe <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3c8512d6 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> a
> instead
Mar 5, 2002, 9:33pm
its not "crappy" its just the way it works...for a lot fo people VB is
easier to make things then C++ but yes i agree it is better. I know a lot
about Vb though.
[View Quote]"jey" <BoBo1186 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3c854879 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Mmmm . . . well thats crappy. Another small reason why I stick with
> :D
> zeo toxion <cozmo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3c853b07$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you
> my
> i
Mar 13, 2002, 10:28pm
i doubt they have active worlds bots for vb on there which is what he
[View Quote]"binarybud" <lmauk at traverse.net> wrote in message
news:3c8f9d8b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Tons of VB source code on this site and all free for the looking...;)
> Leo :) aka BinaryBud
> "swe" <m_swehli at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3c8e1162 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Mar 17, 2002, 2:39pm
i was just about to post about that. I'm making a new game that involved
minipulating objects with a "create name" in their action field. And i
really need to learn how to query a small arena type section and chaneg the
action and description fields of them.
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c929547 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hello all :)
> I was just playing with a few functions and came across the object
> which I know between 0 and 0.0001% about.. Could anyone help me solve this
> by giving me a quick explenation on how to set it all up?
> If any of you would it would be a great help!
> - Mark
Mar 18, 2002, 10:32am
I've included a very simple ini module. It's just one funtion for saving to
an ini and one to read from it.
For colored chat youd need to use a richtext box which you can find in
the....compents (?) menu. Its called RichText box or something of that
nature and it looks like a textbox but you can change colors and fonts and
all that junk. I've never actually used it so don't ask me how to ACUTALLY
change colors on it.
[View Quote]"alexthemartian" <beggfam at earthlink.net> wrote in message
news:3c95a81c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> im wondering if someone can tell me how i can make my bot i made in visual
> basic save log-in and other configurations to a .ini and how to load it
> too...
> also can someone tell me how to make a chat box with green CA
> grey tourist messages, and bold CT messages...
> AlexTheMartian
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May 4, 2002, 8:35pm
"My world uses a registry so there's no way there can be encroacments!"
if there IS a registry it means there is enroahcment when someone builds on
another perosn area....no registry means theres no way to detect enroahcment
so peopel can build anywhere even over or under anothers.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3cd433ec$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have to say a good programe went to hell!
> A!!CT used Brant's paintball bot it ran fine most of the time, then on
> Saturday May 4th it starts shutting down saying that "the objects for
> frenzys and grenades is causing encroachment, make sure the field is in
> cit account"
> My world uses a registry so there's no way there can be encroacments!
> upon trying to restart the bot a forced upgrade is imposed, which wiped
> the original folder and the upgrade encounterd errors casuing the total
> of the program from my HD.
> The upgrade is 100% nothing but crashes, it totally stinks, it can't even
> install its self before it encounters fatal errors!
> Brant's paintball bot is removed from A!!CT and I will no longer risk my
> over this buggy error infested program!
> Some people just can't leave well enough alone
May 4, 2002, 9:18pm
well if hes going to use them he should at least know what they do
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"anduin" <anduin at anduin-lothario.com> wrote in message
news:3cd46889 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> mrbruce's worlds are huge.
> "baro" <baronjutter at shaw.ca> wrote in message
> news:3cd46477$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Otherwise
May 5, 2002, 7:50pm
are you sure the bot is even running on the same citnumber as the
feild....maybe you made the feidl bigger then you actually made it...theres
tons of reasons that couldve happened and the community knows its a beta so
thats warning enough.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3cd58240 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok appears to be alot of misunderstanding here, first A!!CT has had a
> registry since September 2001, the field was built in March 2002, buy
> my world has a registry is to say how can there be encroachment warnings
> made by the bot, no one can build on my field as it is built in a cit
> account, so how out of the blue could a frenzy power-up or grenade object
> resting on another person's registered object?
> I am not sure why the up-grade deleted all the original files, but after
> up-grade crashed during its install and after it wiped out the original
> files. I tried clicking on the paintball.exe icon and windows popped up an
> error saying searching for Paintball.exe. it directed me to windows media
> player shortcut. I did a file search for all the cabs or any part of
> paintball, all that was left was an empty folder in C://Programfiles. As
> a backup I had not had time to back up the lastest game file as the bot
> unexpectedly crashed, which is rare with my system, upon restart the
> paintball.exe started with splash-screen and started installing an update
> saying it was removing certian files, then poof it crashed my whole PC, I
> had to hit reset to pull out of it.
> As for why I cross-posted in Community, is because a crash like this, can
> wipe out many none saved files on a PC, if they are not backed-up before
> crash. Your PC does not have a chance to save them to the Hard drive, I
> wanted others to be aware of this. Anyways I have found the original zip
> file and reinstalled the bot, so far no errors to date, but it is 2.24
> version I am running and since no one has played the game since its
> re-install 24 hours ago I have no clue if works right. But this install
> nothing about encroachment as of yet, and nothing has been changed in the
> playing field even the origional frenzy and grenade objects are still
> and work. So the big question is why did the bot keep shutting down saying
> "Encroachment warning, tying to create frenzy powerups or grenades, this
> caused by another citizen's object being on the playing field" As I said
> before with a registry there's no way another persons object can be in the
> field, it's covered with my cit name. By the way 27 attemps were tried and
> even a bot was used to detect if there was an object by another cit on the
> field, it turned up none, but my cit number, but the bot kept shutting
> saying the same thing, this is the version 2.24 I have been using since
> March, it was fine 80% of the time until
> this up-grade was available.
> Sorry to make so many people up-set over this issue, was just trying to
> protect others from possible disaster.
> MrBruce.
> "mrbruce" <MrBruce406969 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3cd433ec$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> one
> Then
> out
> loss
> OS
May 25, 2002, 7:41pm
I'm trying to use a RichTextBox in a bot (this is vb btw) i'm making that i
can *hopefully* get done an release so it needs to look good. Im using one
for the chat window since i need colors and bold and all that. Thing is, i
don't know how to change the colors, make it bold, make indents, or
anything. I did find some code but it was for a text editor type prog where
you select the text and press the button. I need something where you can
chaneg the color through code before i change the text property.
Also a way to save the chat in a simple text file for logging purposes. One
part is whenever the chatevent is triggered it would add the line to the
file and another place where there is a button that saves all the chat
visible in the richtextbox into a text file.
A message from Zeo Toxion
May 25, 2002, 8:59pm
Its not working. It just displays blank lines and if colorval is a text then
i guess "black" should work. It does error and highlight .SelColor =
colorval though.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3cf00608$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I think this is what you need , A lil function Baron taught me :)
> Function Display(text As String, colorval As String, IsBold as boolean)
> With frmmain.rtb1
> .SelStart = Len(frmmain.rtb1.text)
> .SelLength = Len(StrReport)
> .SelColor = colorval
> .SelBold = IsBold
> .SelText = StrReport & vbCrLf
> .SelStart = Len(frmmain.rtb1.text)
> End With
> End Function
May 26, 2002, 1:49pm
it doesnt matter, fett already helped me its working perfectly...i
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3cf0a9be$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Shock horror!! SelColor is documented in the VB Help Files and MSDN!!!
SelColor Method:
Color Constants:
RGB Function:
Rich Text Box:
(Bother to) Seek and ye shall find.
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3cf0176a at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Its not working. It just displays blank lines and if colorval is a text
> i guess "black" should work. It does error and highlight .SelColor =
> colorval though.
May 26, 2002, 3:56pm
I'm still having trouble with the following code. Its hard to get it to
follow exactly behind you based on the avatars yaw. Can anyone help? I swear
this is the only other thing im having trouble on! (hopefully) :)
A message from Zeo Toxion
May 27, 2002, 1:28am
May 27, 2002, 1:41am
You could even tell me what it was in C and i could convert it... heh
May 27, 2002, 5:59pm
that did the trick...thanks for all who helped....
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3cf227bd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> For your AwEventAvatarChange proc.
> Dim radianYaw As Single
> With awSDK
> radianYaw = ((.AwAvatarYaw / 10) - 180) * 3.1415927 / 180
> ' Divide Yaw by 10 to get degrees
> ' subtract 180 from result because you want the point behind the
> ' multiply by PI/180 to get radians
> .AwMyX = .AwAvatarX + (200 * Sin(radianYaw))
> .AwMyY = .AwAvatarY
> .AwMyZ = .AwAvatarZ + (200 * Cos(radianYaw))
> .AwMyYaw = .AwAvatarYaw
> .AwStateChange
> End With
> "zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf121c1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> swear
May 27, 2002, 6:01pm
oh one thing...what do i need to change to change the following distance
from the followee
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000 at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3cf227bd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> For your AwEventAvatarChange proc.
> Dim radianYaw As Single
> With awSDK
> radianYaw = ((.AwAvatarYaw / 10) - 180) * 3.1415927 / 180
> ' Divide Yaw by 10 to get degrees
> ' subtract 180 from result because you want the point behind the
> ' multiply by PI/180 to get radians
> .AwMyX = .AwAvatarX + (200 * Sin(radianYaw))
> .AwMyY = .AwAvatarY
> .AwMyZ = .AwAvatarZ + (200 * Cos(radianYaw))
> .AwMyYaw = .AwAvatarYaw
> .AwStateChange
> End With
> "zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf121c1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> swear
May 28, 2002, 9:49pm
Sorry one more thing...
I have world files ("\data\worlds\" & sdk.AwWorldName & ".zwd") that hold
information about worlds that needs to be retratived when entering a world.
I have this under world attributes event so that when the bot enters the
world this event should trigger and have a check for this file to see if it
exists. If it does exist then it has data for this world and if not it will
set new data (i already have those parts). How do i check to see if this
file exists?
A message from Zeo Toxion
May 28, 2002, 10:53pm
Well the thing is if i try to read from the file itll just create the file
if it cant find it. Its sort of like an ini/file reader.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"lysimachus" <BoBo1186 at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3cf41c43 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Usually when you try to open a file, it will return a value, like 0
> true and 1 for false or something or other, try checking it with an if-e
> statement and see what happens.
> zeo toxion <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf417a6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> world.
> it
> will
May 28, 2002, 11:01pm
Scratch that my fault. Seems it DOES return a value but also will create it
at the same time. Problem was the world attributes calls too soon, i think
even before it has a change to change its state. I cna easily fix that
though sorry.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"zeo toxion" <zeo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3cf42698$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Well the thing is if i try to read from the file itll just create the file
> if it cant find it. Its sort of like an ini/file reader.
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> A message from Zeo Toxion
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> "lysimachus" <BoBo1186 at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3cf41c43 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> for
> hold
Jun 3, 2002, 6:13pm
I know that happens to me a lot too :|
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"kah" <kah at kahnews.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:Xns9222DDE7F776Bkahatkahnewsdotcjbdo at
> Actually, it was all due to my stupidity lol, I had forgotten to update
> files in the include path (had some 2 year old files for build 17 heh),
> sorry for that and thanks for the help anyway :-)) *ashamed*
Jun 29, 2002, 6:40pm
In vb how do i take a string and look for certain words or a group of words
and replace those words with another string.
A message from Zeo Toxion
Jul 7, 2002, 10:27pm
It does that to everyone I believe it's not just you. I don't mind anyways
its not like it that's much extra work >;)
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"baron" <pk39srt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d28a01d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Calling sdk.aw_create(0, 0) returns 429, it needs an explicit call with
hostname and port to sdk.aw_create("auth.activeworlds.com", 5670) to
connect. Am I missing something here?
> -Baron
Jul 13, 2002, 5:03pm
Do not call aw_state_change and the bot will not appear in the world.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"kristy8963147" <bluemoon8963 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3d307603$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> This is kind of a dumb question but what's the code for making a bot
> invisible. Delphi is prefered but any language will do.
> __________________________________________________________________ Kristy
> ICQ#: 76500997 Current ICQ status: + More ways to contact me i See more
> about me:
Jul 13, 2002, 7:47pm
And another thing is the bot cannot use aw_say while invisible since there
is no avatar for it to come from. It cannot recevive whispers either since
it won't show in the whisper list. The main way to communicate while
invisibile is console messages.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"grimble" <grimble2000NOSPAM at btinternet.com> wrote in message
news:3d309eab at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> True enough answer, but I think a little more guidance/info would be
> here.
> Bots don't have "invisibility" without some sacrifices unless it enters
> world in Global Mode (AW_ENTER_GLOBAL attribute which gives you
> overload in comparison). Because the bot is not actually present as an
> avatar, it has no hearing radius - because there's no centre point for the
> radius, usually the avatar's position. As with the browser, this radius
> usually acts as a filter for the interaction events for other avatars
> (entering, leaving, moving and chatting within the local area), and so
> events will not be supplied to the bot at all.
> If you have caretaker rights in the world, you can use Global Mode to stay
> invisible and still receive these events, but there is still no hearing
> radius to restrict which events are delivered and you get ALL the avatar
> add, delete and change events and all chat events occurring in the whole
> world.
> Things you can do without announcing your position in a world where you
> don't have caretaker rights include property surveys and object
> add/change/deletes.
> Grims
> "zeo toxion" <zeo at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
> news:3d307992 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Kristy
Jul 30, 2002, 1:52am
Maybe this is a Windows XP thing becuase none of my bots using the new dll
do that in win98.
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"tomilius" <homeworkkid at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d4608e1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I use the VB SDK (the new com dll) and there seems to be a problem with
> When the bot's window isn't active or visible, the bot doesn't work. The
> only receives its events once it becomes active. For example, you log your
> bot in and go to Active Worlds and talk to it. It will not do anything or
> respond to any events until you make it active, so if you tell it its a
> stupid bot or something and have that command programmed in, it won't
> respond until you make it active or visible. It took me a long time to say
> that, but I just wanted to be clear on the issue at stake. It can be fixed
> by setting the priority in Windows XP's Task Manager to Above Normal or
> (but lately even this hasn't worked). There's an API command to make it's
> priority high also, but it kind of makes the whole computer slow down when
> it's doing anything. I wish there was away around this! Someone help me,
> really not a bad person, I just want my bot to work ^_^
Aug 1, 2002, 4:47pm
As you probably do not know...the AW Browser uses the same SDK as bots do.
Telegram events are used by the browser and cannot be used by bots, hence
why they arent in the help *duh* >:P
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"tomilius" <homeworkkid at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3d48f7c7 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I have visited the SDK site (activeworlds.com/sdk) and the grimmsoft VB
> site and cannot seem to find EventTelegram. What is this and how does it
> work? I can tell it has something to do with receiving telegrams but bots
> can't get telegrams and it doesn't seem to work when I've tried it.
Feb 22, 2002, 4:39pm
lol, nice one...
[View Quote]"strike rapier" <strike at rapiercom.freeserve.co.uk> wrote in message
news:3c768c12 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> okay, goto 1 side of alphaworld, load the script on the bot nexto you..
> then make it face the other way and say [ Botname ] move forward 655000,
> about 20 hours later, your bot shuold have arrived at the other side of
> alphaworld presuming your computer does not crash from executing
> aw_state_change commands (I think).
> And once your script has done a "little" running keep doing it about 3
> a week and your bot should start speeding up because its level of fitness
> increases.
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> - SR
> *Writing posts that will probably never be read*
> "dion" <GovDion at subdimension.com> wrote in message
> news:3c6e1475 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> for
Mar 23, 2002, 12:54am
i dont want to keep repeating what everyone else says but dont use html for
text-only questions. Your one question took about 20k when that with just
text would only have taken about 1k. That 19k graphic and font information
is useless and just takes longer to download.
[View Quote]"absolute monarch" <ultramew at ozemail.com.au at ozemail.com.au> wrote in message
news:3c9bcd50 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Does Any1 know where i can get a bingo bot? if so plz t-gram me on AW
(Cit:Absolute Monarch Cit #:338508).
I would much appreciate your help! btw the bot is for my new city Sapphire
Yours Faithfully,
Absolute Monarch (338508)
May 4, 2002, 1:28am
Um i beleive Hal9000 was FORWARDING (Note FWD:) the information that the
real world-owner posted but i COULD be wrong....
A message from Zeo Toxion
[View Quote]"johnny b" <uniquect at optonline.net> wrote in message
news:3cd350b8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Yes..... Die..... the WORLD..... Hal9000 was awful kind to be generous
> enough TO give away the path and all that stuff...... He doesn't HAVE to,
> after all...
> at least be polite enough to WAIT until he's ready to....
> "carlbanks" <Virtualcarlbanks at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3cd33a1d$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...