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Seq stuff

Jun 19, 2002, 2:44pm

-Shows the tumble sequence. Pre 3.3 it went to the far right...tumbled to
the far left and came back to its original position. In the first 3.3 it was
ok but a little different. This pic shows it with the latest patch 418.
Basically when it returns to its position the avatar sprouts another set of
arms for about 5 seconds.


-Shows the sleep sequence. Pree 3.3 it used to slowly lie down ON THE
GROUND. In all 3.3 versions it would do whets shown. First it would pull up
its legs and hold it there with its head between its legs before lieng down
floating in the air.

This could all be in the sequences but they did work fine before 3.3 just to
let you know. Another thing was you could do one sequence and walk at the
same time without it resetting. And sometimes I could do two at the same
time which is really funny (like doing the tumble and then sit where its in
a sitting down position and its flipping around that way).

Just wanted to show you.

A message from Zeo Toxion

Broken suggestion box

Jun 25, 2002, 10:50pm
This has been down since January I think.... the last time I used it was
before then and then sometime (not sure) after it stopped working.
Coincidence.....I think NOT!

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 12:26am
Mind telling us the link?

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 12:31am
Hard to implement? Not REALLY... Theyd just need to do a few changes to the
world server to allow this type of connection.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Oberserver Mode Aka new Mode for AWCom to spy on us.

Jun 28, 2002, 2:11am
I think he knows nothing about bots so he mis interpreted Global Mode.

Just a few opinions about his site and opinions on it:

this person, well...he seems to find all these bugs and yet thinks AW will
telepathicly find them all or something. The beta testers dont catch
everything so if you find a bug you don't just sit there and complain.
They'll most likely fix it if they know about it. He doesn't seem to realize
that every new version is going to have bugs and will not be the smoothest
running application. It seems to be worse thats becuase with new features
brings new bugs. Although they SHOULD have been fixed in beta, maybe we need
more testers?

I dont think he reads the beta page either. He takes general terms like "seq
fix" and thinks that it means all problems with seqs are all fixed when in
fact only one problem with sews was fixed.

He cant just say my world he has to say my world, ThisIsIt every time which
is really anoying heh, but what the hey its his site.

He thinks that putting your contact list on the uniserver means theyre
snooping into it. Uuuh...right...like theyre going to want to know who your
contacts are....seesh. He also does not trust AW management at all and
thinks they look at your credit card number and who you have on your contact

He has a thing about Gor and thinks aw should stop them becuase in his
opinion they are wrong. And i never hear anyone talking about adult topics
in aw worlds, which is really impossible through regular chat anyway. And he
doesnt like PKs becuase they eject you if you talk about gors or "try to
speak out against them" *cough* riiiight.. I can tell he knows no truth of
Gor and just thinks that people are controlling and talking about adult
things with little children. There is an age limit and theres nothing to
force here either, you log out of you dont like it. And just becuase he gets
into a fight with a few gor person he immediatly stereotypes all gors that
way. I doubt he treated them with respect in the first place becuase of his
believes against them so why should they to him which is problem why they
are so hostile in the first place. He also says gor worlds are breaking the
law because the role-play killing. HA! So that would mean playing practicly
any game out there would be murder also since it involves killing peoples
characters. come ON...

So thats it >:)

A message from Zeo Toxion

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GZ Teleportation Bug

Jul 1, 2002, 7:44pm
It seems that if you have your ground zero set to something other then 0n
0w, teleporting to 0n 0w through the teleport menu still works even with
local teleports off. People without caretaker or any other special rights
can do this and it allows them to get places they are not normally allowed.
Please repost to beta so this can get fixed if it is a bug.

A message from Zeo Toxion

Strange waste of storage

Jul 10, 2002, 8:27pm
Mp3's are sound....you can remove certain notes and the human ear wont tell
the difference...A lot of people automaticly make them very high quality
when they sound just as good if they were lower but they think it will sound
better. Lower quality removes certain notes so the lower it is the more you
will notice. I personally wouldn't go any higher then CD quality though.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Strange waste of storage

Jul 11, 2002, 1:39am
You know what i meant....

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Jul 12, 2002, 10:44pm
Was there a techtalk today? If there was I missed it AGAIN (I do practically
every time). Anything interesting said? Logs?

A message from Zeo Toxion


Jul 13, 2002, 1:20am
Um... i still want to know if there actuall WAS one... everyone ive asked
seems to have either missed it or doesnt know. Eh whatever...alls i know is
the next one will be PRETTY intresting, unless its canceled.
A message from Zeo Toxion

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Uni WM

Jul 14, 2002, 6:10pm
Does anyone else notice that there is usually a blank line at the end of the
uni WM. Is this done on purpose?

A message from Zeo Toxion

Re: newsreader woes (was Re: URL breakup)

Jul 18, 2002, 4:13pm
Windows Update works for Windows 98 also.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Jul 24, 2002, 8:09pm
I can came across a very interesting website today in a newsletter. It
included a link to "The Internet Archive" http://www.archive.org/. This has
copies of websites from multiple dates such as one from when it first
started and every change of it to the present. I've got to say yahoo.com,
amazon.com, etc look very very boring in 1996 hehe. Anyways if you type in
an address in the "WayBack Machine" Box it will show you a list of old
version of a website.

Interesting one here: Activeworlds.com

The oldest version is from 1998, perhaps because they weren't actually
activeworlds until later on. I have no idea what Circle Of Fire's website
address was. If anyone knows I'd like to see what it looked like...

A message from Zeo Toxion


Jul 29, 2002, 6:06pm
Where have you been......

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Aug 4, 2002, 5:31pm
What the hell are you talking about? I don't see what this has to do with
anyting at all (not to MENTION typing LIKE THIS is very ANOYING)....

About your first post... its Activeworlds Inc. previusly Activeworlds CORP
(not com). Even if it DID have a com in it that would mean absolotley

I don't see the point of this thread anyway. As i see it AW is telling us
its in financial troubles not making it look like they arent.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Another AW employee gone!

Aug 5, 2002, 6:18pm
*cough* when did we ever say we WANTED your e-mail address? You make it seem
like everyone's scrambling to try and find it. You exaggerate
everything....none of us need to know how big your mysterious inboxes are
either. News flash: no one gives a damn about you, and they aren't stupid.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 15, 2002, 5:42pm

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 15, 2002, 6:51pm
I know...i didn't understand what he said at first :)

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 16, 2002, 12:42am
That's his point. It's always been the limit, it's how it was designed...
you never could go below that.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 16, 2002, 12:44am
Whoops wasn't reading that fully :) Actually wasn't the limit 350 in both
directions? I'm not sure....

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 16, 2002, 3:59pm
I think it's laggy as it is with huge cell data limit and have the place
filled. But if you turn that option on in your world have fun watching
everyone crash on entrance :)

A message from Zeo Toxion

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a website

Aug 15, 2002, 9:18pm
Found some intresting sites/pages today:


A message from Zeo Toxion

a website

Aug 16, 2002, 4:01pm
Yeah... www.engrish.com

Japanese sounds like a pretty good guess.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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a website

Aug 16, 2002, 8:11pm
It looks more like an old video game. I don't think they make movies that
look like Nintendo games

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Why isn't anyone renewing?

Oct 21, 2002, 7:11pm
Becuase its boring as hell. Good job holding 3.4 back for a friggen year heh. Oh well.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Just For Fun...

Nov 14, 2002, 11:33pm

A message from Brandon
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Just For Fun...

Nov 15, 2002, 6:31pm

A message from Brandon
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aim features

Nov 26, 2002, 7:59pm
Gah there's this new fangled feature in AIM where they integrate your buddy list into your OE contacts...

I think it's kind of stupid because AIM has to be running for the list to show and will run itself when you run
OE (option in OE) so why do I need my list there when AIM is already open? The only good it does is if your
reading a lot of messages and you have your buddy list closed you can see who's online and open an IM without
opening the list first. I really don't even think its an option anyway.

And I've been getting this nag screen to sign up for Netscape network which makes me want to uninstall it even
more though luckily it stopped showing after about 5 times canceling it.

Oh well I guess I can live with this....as long as AOL *vomit* doesn't start taking over my computer every new
version. It already added links in 10 different places for me to delete (again).


aim features

Nov 26, 2002, 11:36pm
I'm sure yahoo has just as much self-advertising as aim has...i've used it a long time ago too. Everyone i know
uses aim anyway so the only way ill switch is if i move to something like trillian.


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aim features

Nov 27, 2002, 3:07pm
Ok thats it, i turned off the setting and it still starts up when OE does. And since i have my AIM check my
e-mail every once in a while they both start up and try to check my email at the same time which results in OE
erroring and when i start recieving again i get duplicated messages...ugh...ill just have to turn off mail
checking in AIM..

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