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zeo toxion // User Search
zeo toxion // User SearchInfoJun 29, 2002, 3:04pm
I dont see the point in telling people your instant messanging info over
another chat/instant message (in a way) program. Chat with them over aw. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] InfoJun 29, 2002, 6:31pm
oh, right
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] GZ TeleportJun 29, 2002, 6:33pm
Simple addition. Now that gzs coords are not always at 0n 0w have a Teleport
> Ground Zero option that will teleport you to the ground zero of the world. I hate re entering when i dont have to. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- GZ TeleportJun 30, 2002, 2:14am
>:|....i hate being proved wrong
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] COOL IDEA! READ!Jun 30, 2002, 1:41pm
No offense but LOL
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Maximum visibilityJun 30, 2002, 3:50pm
I think this would be a good idea maybe. Lets say your maximum fog is at 60.
Some people might have their visibilty over 60 and are seeing objects past what they can see. If you put the maximum visibility at 60 then they wont see anything past the fog no matter what their fog is set at in their settings and it will be less laggy for them. I know if you set it high you can probably handle that much but makign it lower will increase framerate even more. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Maximum visibilityJul 1, 2002, 1:25am
In my world with max fog set to 100. If you set your visibility to 200
(mines usualy on 70 or so) I noticed it doesn't effect frame rate but you still get the jerkyness that is still considered lag and it is a lot worse at 200 vis. I guess it is still doing calulations for the objects past the fog but it doesnt effect frame rate since its not rendering? Either way its still laggier. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Defualt Terrain Texture ChangabilityJul 4, 2002, 4:14pm
I've decided I want to buy a world but I refuse to buy it until AW includes
something they should have in the first place. Ability to change the default terrain texture! How hard is this!? I own an object path and there's is NO WAY I'm making another one or changing every single terrain square just to have another texture. But even then I can't change the texture past the edge of the world. Other worlds use this path and have been for a long time. I'm not going to force them to have their world turned ugly because I want another default terrain texture that isn't just grass or something. I know this wouldn't be very hard to add another world option. And even if it is it is VERY important. I don't know why this wasn't thought of in the first place because I thought of it the first time I ever used terrain. I'm going to e-mail this to the developers becuase no one ever reads this ng (i still wonder why it even exists). -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Defualt Terrain Texture ChangabilityJul 5, 2002, 1:37pm
Well I'm sorry not everyone likes to create another object path and copy
millions of files over just to change one texture (terrain0.jpg) and that not everyone uses the godly Linux operating system. Object paths were meant to be used by more then one world, or we wouldn't have things like leased ops or the activeworlds op (or any other op for that matter) being public. It's easier to change one setting then change the entire way we use object paths to the way it should be according to you. There's usual no other conflicts except for the one that was created with terrain. I don't see any sense in wasting space by having more then one path with all the same objects on them anyway just because I'm afraid something might "conflict". There, I think I've complained enough for today... -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Defualt Terrain Texture ChangabilityJul 5, 2002, 5:45pm
Yes, I heard what you said. What I'm trying to say is, this should be a
feature. I don't even host my own OP so even if it is Linux there's nothing I can do about it. I doubt it's so hard to do that they skipped it on purpose. I'm reminding them that this is a very needed feature. I don't know where you get the impression that object paths are only supposed to be used in one world unless you've taken a poll or something. If they made it easy for one world OPs and not OPs that multiple worlds use then that would cause hassle for a lot of world owners. Thanks for trying to help but I just want a feature not a work-around :) -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Defualt Terrain Texture ChangabilityJul 5, 2002, 5:50pm you even know what a My Briefcase is? It's when you want to
synchronies files between two computers like your home and laptop computer that you'd edit on both so that both versions of the briefcase are always the newest. At least I'm pretty sure that's what it does. If there's some other hidden feature to it...... -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Defualt Terrain Texture ChangabilityJul 5, 2002, 5:58pm
Thanks for all the suggestions. If I really could use them they would be a
big help. Most of the people who have this problem wouldn't even know what your talking about so either way the feature is still a good idea. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Defualt Terrain Texture ChangabilityJul 9, 2002, 10:49pm
Yeah...maybe you should stick to Linux Bowen >;)
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Internal ViewingJul 6, 2002, 5:00pm
I think a lot of things should be options. Like your defualt terrain
texture.... >:\ -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] disable chat scroll with mouseJul 7, 2002, 3:36pm
It's not random, it goes to where the umm....well when your typing theres a
blinking |.... thats where it goes to. Its REALLLLLLYYYYYYY anoying becuase i have to click at the end to set my blinking | to be at the end so i can copy without it scrolling up. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Upside Down ViewJul 10, 2002, 12:22am
Why would you want to build an upside down house? Its not our fault if you
can't rotate object properly >:P Try turning your monitor upside down and switching your arrow keys around. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Update Walking on Terrain SpeedJul 9, 2002, 10:57pm
Well I know the reason for it. When you normally walk up a hill, you slow
down, its a little thing called Gravity that does this and having it in the browser adds realism. I don't mind this though. It could be slightly faster but you shoudl slow down somewhat when goign up hills. I also think aws gravity needs a little fixing. You fall 1,000 mph and straight down instead of sloped. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] SorryJul 10, 2002, 12:58am
keep this in related ngs.....*sick of reading and downloading the same
messages 5 times* -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] SorryJul 10, 2002, 12:59am
In personal messages no one needs to know this except
carlbanks. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Welcome Message LengthJul 19, 2002, 3:12am
Does anyone else think the welcome message character limit is too short? I
find myself having to make signs at gz because the wm cant hold more then 3 or 4 average sentences. Maybe it's just me but I think it does... -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Welcome Message LengthJul 19, 2002, 4:56pm
Yeah I could do that but i'm not running a whole bot just to send a message
to everyone. Here's an idea that would fix both. -Increase the welcome message length -Ability to set the welcome message color from the world options (and the ability to subsitute "Immigration Officer:" for another name would also be nice) -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Telegram RedirecterJul 19, 2002, 4:58pm
So lets say I get a new cit. I say "I used to own the citizen called 'pc
hampster' before'. So then all your telegrams will be forwarded to me :) -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Multiple People GramsJul 20, 2002, 11:47pm
it's a bad idea. it incourages spamming without any real benifit, except
maybe to the sender who is trying to advertise. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Variables inside the WMJul 29, 2002, 6:07pm
It's already one... >:P
-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] TeleportingJul 29, 2002, 11:36pm
It doesn't matter. Other people will see you warping to the location if its
close even if the command is teleport or warp....if you've been paying attention. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] TeleportingJul 30, 2002, 9:21pm
It also does this with "create teleport". The whole point was TELEPORT *was*
used and not warp (to agent1). -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] hear everythingJul 31, 2002, 10:14pm
I don't think it lets you see everyone in the world. It only does that for
people within range, its just they dont have to talk for you to be able to see them. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] Auto-MuteAug 4, 2002, 7:30pm
What if you don't own the world? Not everyone can go into, say AWTeen, and
change speak rights. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] coronas should decrease their size with increasing distanceAug 5, 2002, 2:10pm
This is becuase people use them as general lights... They are meant for
things like realistic lighting from a sun originally and the sun doesn't shrink when you move backward. I don't think its likely that they will scan every object between you and the corona and check its opacity, that's a bit too much work to do. -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A message from Zeo Toxion -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [View Quote] |