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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 23, 2002, 12:51am
well considering you did announce that there was a tourist build near your
city im pretty sure someone decided to piss you off and deleted it, and if
you have a good amount of visitors in your town i dont think anyone wouldnt
notice it. Trust me there are many people who delete any tourist builds they
see for no reaon but thats just the way it goes.

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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 25, 2002, 9:27pm
Do you always have to assume it was some punk- at $$ teenager? I know a few
older people who have vandelized before.

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I apologize...

Apr 2, 2002, 11:45pm
Exactly, our purpose is not to decide how criminals should be punished so
why do you even say that? We cannot make him leave, its either his choice,
AWs, or whoever.

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looking for citizens

Apr 6, 2002, 7:18pm
woah...each of those buildings has to be one object right? If not it must be
really laggy.

A message from Zeo Toxion
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Apr 17, 2002, 5:08pm
whats your question.....you just answered yourself.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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This is kind of funny

Apr 19, 2002, 7:12pm
Like i mentioned before. It may take a while for the DNS servers to update
to the new server's ip adress. Although you can just connect directly to the
new ip that binarybud has told you about. I have no idea why your server can
connect and you can't though.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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New Cy Pages!!!!!

Apr 26, 2002, 5:34pm
Or he could just center it and it would look muhc better.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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FWD: AASwamp

May 4, 2002, 1:28am
Um i beleive Hal9000 was FORWARDING (Note FWD:) the information that the
real world-owner posted but i COULD be wrong....

A message from Zeo Toxion

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FWD: AASwamp

May 5, 2002, 1:20am
I just noticed that half his obejcts are passworded......free? HA! what a

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 8:35pm
"My world uses a registry so there's no way there can be encroacments!"

if there IS a registry it means there is enroahcment when someone builds on
another perosn area....no registry means theres no way to detect enroahcment
so peopel can build anywhere even over or under anothers.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 4, 2002, 9:18pm
well if hes going to use them he should at least know what they do

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 7:50pm
are you sure the bot is even running on the same citnumber as the
feild....maybe you made the feidl bigger then you actually made it...theres
tons of reasons that couldve happened and the community knows its a beta so
thats warning enough.

A message from Zeo Toxion

[View Quote] > OS

Flawed Logic?

May 6, 2002, 7:24pm
I can just use Multizip to unzip them all....then hopefully if they do,
someone would make a similar program for that type of compression also.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Flawed Logic?

May 6, 2002, 7:53pm
I find this funny that one of thier users is giving them business
advice...lol....they sure do need it though

A message from Zeo Toxion

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External browser CGI teleporting on Windows XP

May 8, 2002, 4:00pm
I have IE 6.0 and i had to follow the instructions on the aw mapper page for
it to work.


Excuse the coords i just picked a random one but the instructions are on the
bottom part.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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External browser CGI teleporting on Windows XP

May 8, 2002, 5:13pm
actually I wouldn't recommend the average person just go in and change
things in their registry...my other reply shows to do it without touching
the registry. but oh well

A message from Zeo Toxion

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3.3 Feature list

May 9, 2002, 8:51pm
Looked over the official 3.3 feature list at <
http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw33/aw33.html > which has some new
features I haven't heard about in other sources (newsletter, etc) like the
search tab and keywords, ejection enhancements, gz modification, etc....

I can say that I am happy of these LONG (very long) awaited improvements
although there are a few important things I think they left out and should
have been included (maybe more op security features I've mentioned before
for example where it wouldn't say the ops url in building errors and cache
enhancements maybe)

Although I'm not exactly sure that this can make up for everything and bring
everyone back it's definitely a good step in the right direction, let's just
keep it keeps going this way :)

Anyways, what do you think, any comments, etc.

A message from Zeo Toxion

3.3 Feature list

May 9, 2002, 9:37pm
actually it said for complex objects youll just stick to it like it is now.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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3.3 Feature list

May 10, 2002, 4:52pm
Actually I've never seen the full list until now. I knew about terrain,
coronas, and whatever else was in that newsletter but there is over half of
it that is new (at least to me) and I'm very happy about. This doesn't
changed my opinion about prices much but I do think that's a great step for
the _software_ which is what I really meant.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Quick comment about 3.3

May 16, 2002, 11:18pm
I agree. I read this the day it was posted and I was thinking "NOW they put
this feature!". I don't believe in whining about something that someone has
given you though so I wont say anything.

I'm sorry any of your software had to become old news but this feature opens
up many new possibilities that are much better then the hiding feature.

I am curius as to how this works though. I'm assuming the bot cant chat or
whisper right...what is allowed other then just recieving events? Does this
mean the only thing we can do with this is have commands to change the world
options? I don't understand it fully yet.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Quick comment about 3.3

May 18, 2002, 12:39am
Quick question not in reply to any particular post.

Does the 3.3 SDK only work in 3.3 worlds does it not? Can I use for example
the global mode in my 3.2 world server and be able to command in in 3.2

A message from Zeo Toxion

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when do we get 3.3?

May 18, 2002, 8:34pm
slow down that only started testing it a week ago...if they released it now
everyone would quit because it would be so buggy. bottom line is don't
always think what companies say is a promise vie learned that less a long
time ago.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Read this.

May 21, 2002, 6:55pm
Maybe but look at the bright side. Maybe this will start up the highly
needed marketing change for AW and maybe if we had new managment we could
finally take some large steps in the right direction. Let's just hope the
best comes out of this.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Invitation to see creative genius

May 22, 2002, 6:47pm
And which world would that be? ;)

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 1:35pm
Yeah great idea....why don't we just have one big database for everythign
that has to do with AW then? The thing is if people can just upload bots and
programs we would need someone to check it for viruses and keep an uptodate
virus checker to check them all before they are uploaded.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 1:43pm
If theres no way to virus check it we could put some sort or review thing on
it where if no on ehas reviewed it theres a big warning sign if you want to
download it but someone could post a review saying its legit or if its bad
news...then i guess if it gets bad news ones then the site operator would
have to check it and delete it if its bad. Something like that. Just an

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 6:06pm
I don't really mean reviewing to say how good it is or something but
something where if the program had a virus then people could post and say
that..or something...just a way of making sure.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Calling all PHP'ers...

May 24, 2002, 9:37pm
i see your point

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 3:54pm
Hes saying hashes are harmless and static ip adresses are much worse of a
problem and we arent sitting around complaining about ejection by ip so why
should it matter.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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Browser Tracking....

May 26, 2002, 5:03pm
Actually you sort of didn't ask a question so i didn't take it as one. I
don't feel like explaining it right now.

A message from Zeo Toxion

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