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Statistics show problems (Community)
Statistics show problems // Communityjust inMar 11, 2002, 11:29pm
After seeing the huge 2800 worlds with the release of the "home page" worlds
I naturally assumed there would be a big drop once all the trial period expired. Sure enough they did drop very quickly. But the drop continued and after getting down into the 1400s I decided to keep notes. This was the result: 30/01/2002: 1341 31/01/2002: 1319 01/02/2002: 1297 03/02/2002: 1277 07/02/2002: 1266 02/03/2002: 1247 10/03/2002: 1222 My biggest problem with AW right now is the inablity of tourists to enter worlds without the world being enabled to do so. I wrote to AW by email to arrange this for my world and got this response: >Hello Justin - > >At this time tourist access orders are not being accepted. Our community >will be alerted when this changes. > >Sincerely, > >Noelle Caterino Customer Service >Activeworlds Corporation >95 Parker St. >Newburyport, MA 01950 Last time I checked the worlds that could take tourists are AWGate, A!!CT, America, Amigos3, Arisia, Ataco, AWSingle, Grimm, Hole, Horizon, Italcity, Leaves, Librarea, Olympe, Singles, Southbay, Whitewav, Storage, Spadtest, and most recently AWSchool. How tourists are suppose to know this is beyond me, but even so AW Alpha World is NOT on that list. As far as I know, the only world on the list that is open to public building including tourists is America (? or it was a while ago). I know its been said already, but I just cannot see how AW will grow, and going by AW Management's letters to us they have not given any comment on how they plan to achieve growth of users. They did talk about profitabilty and longevity, but without a growing userbase I can't see how they will achieve either in the long term. I've also kept one eye open for the small communities that existed in privately owned worlds, and those communities are now missing. Worlds like Castles, !Friends, Y2000, and BluPearl would always have nice little gatherings, but that is not the case anymore. Only the "cult" (mostly Gorian) worlds seem to be keeping their communities intact. I can only assume that loss of users and inabilty to attract new users, including tourists, is the cause. What to do? I don't know - I've already sent my emails to AWC. I guess just sit back and wait. One thing is certain though: when my world comes up for renewal I won't pay $800 for a P80 that no-one uses. -- Regards, Justin zeo toxionMar 12, 2002, 12:12am
The only reason i didnt renew my world at the end of last month was becuase
i know i wont be here next year. I dont know about other people but to me if i know im leaving in a year when prices go up for me (which i cant afford at this time. so who knowx s i could stay and then get a new world if i do) then i don't want to spend any effort on a world. So when next year comes it'll just feel like a waist. But if i do get more money by then and AW seems to smrten up a bit i might stay but theres no promises. The onyl reason i'm staying know is becuase of the freinds ive met over the years and this is the onyl way i can hang out with them. -Zeo [View Quote] sw chrisMar 12, 2002, 2:46am
The GKs have been announcing what worlds are tourist enabled like crazy. So
that's one question down. :) SW Chris [View Quote] dotar sojatMar 12, 2002, 4:33am
Well I know my world is not doing too badly without the tourists. But then
we are prepping a full scale launch of an RPG in it and there has been interest generating for it. [View Quote] dotar sojatMar 12, 2002, 4:36am
katerineMar 12, 2002, 4:21pm
Another stats to add and not very optimistic neither:
Before the 2d of jannuary the daily average of new creation of citizens was 40. February until now, this average dropped to 10/day And we can't know how many of them are still active (trial perdiod). "just in" <justefyde at> wrote in news:3c8d5a06 at > After seeing the huge 2800 worlds with the release of the "home page" > worlds I naturally assumed there would be a big drop once all the trial > period expired. Sure enough they did drop very quickly. But the drop > continued and after getting down into the 1400s I decided to keep > notes. This was the result: > > 30/01/2002: 1341 > 31/01/2002: 1319 > 01/02/2002: 1297 > 03/02/2002: 1277 > 07/02/2002: 1266 > 02/03/2002: 1247 > 10/03/2002: 1222 > > My biggest problem with AW right now is the inablity of tourists to > enter worlds without the world being enabled to do so. I wrote to AW > by email to arrange this for my world and got this response: > > > Last time I checked the worlds that could take tourists are AWGate, > A!!CT, America, Amigos3, Arisia, Ataco, AWSingle, Grimm, Hole, Horizon, > Italcity, Leaves, Librarea, Olympe, Singles, Southbay, Whitewav, > Storage, Spadtest, and most recently AWSchool. How tourists are > suppose to know this is beyond me, but even so AW Alpha World is NOT on > that list. As far as I know, the only world on the list that is open > to public building including tourists is America (? or it was a while > ago). > > I know its been said already, but I just cannot see how AW will grow, > and going by AW Management's letters to us they have not given any > comment on how they plan to achieve growth of users. They did talk > about profitabilty and longevity, but without a growing userbase I > can't see how they will achieve either in the long term. > > I've also kept one eye open for the small communities that existed in > privately owned worlds, and those communities are now missing. Worlds > like Castles, !Friends, Y2000, and BluPearl would always have nice > little gatherings, but that is not the case anymore. Only the "cult" > (mostly Gorian) worlds seem to be keeping their communities intact. I > can only assume that loss of users and inabilty to attract new users, > including tourists, is the cause. > > What to do? I don't know - I've already sent my emails to AWC. I > guess just sit back and wait. One thing is certain though: when my > world comes up for renewal I won't pay $800 for a P80 that no-one uses. > > -- > Regards, Justin > > > macb z@x.yMar 13, 2002, 2:08am
Based on that reply, maybe they are reconsidering their pricing once
again (although I think its too late). What they need(ed) to apply to the situation is a little more common sense and a little less accounting. Somehow they don't seem to have figured out that fewer users means less revenue. Simply adjusting the prices up every time the user base drops will lead to 6 users paying ten thousand a month for the pleasure of one another's company. I guess those folks will be using AW from high speed satellite connection on their yachts (drinking Starbucks coffee of course!) I think a lot of us have thrown in the towel on this one. We would all like to see a comeback, but it's too emotionally draining to keep one's hopes up. Based on the 50 or so posts after yours its easy to see that the remaining users of this newsgroup are still struggling with the concepts of the copyright law, even after dozens of such discussions in the past. If that's intended to drown out any true discussion of what faces this community, so be it. I think many people have tuned out of these groups and are off somewhere else talking about the future one of many new technologies. I'll keep reading and posting 'till the bitter end though ('cause I care) *sniff*. If you keep taking statistics...make sure to add these: Number of worlds with someone in them (90 at the moment), number of worlds that are inhabited, and open (70 or so), number of worlds with more than 2 people (about a dozen). The terms "world", and "universe" have never seemed so out of place. Maybe "room", "house" and "auditorium" would be more suitable. We cudda been a continda ! [View Quote] > After seeing the huge 2800 worlds with the release of the "home page" worlds > I naturally assumed there would be a big drop once all the trial period > expired. Sure enough they did drop very quickly. But the drop continued > and after getting down into the 1400s I decided to keep notes. This was the > result: > > 30/01/2002: 1341 > 31/01/2002: 1319 > 01/02/2002: 1297 > 03/02/2002: 1277 > 07/02/2002: 1266 > 02/03/2002: 1247 > 10/03/2002: 1222 > > My biggest problem with AW right now is the inablity of tourists to enter > worlds without the world being enabled to do so. I wrote to AW by email to > arrange this for my world and got this response: > > pc hamsterMar 15, 2002, 10:28pm
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] [snip....] I've noticed the same thing Justin. However I've also noticed something else too. Ever since AWLD banned tourist access to AW, participation there beyond GZ is almost non-existent. I mean for example, I now see that there are now 68 people on AW, but yet I only see maybe only a dozen people on GZ. And good luck trying to find anybody in any of the other towns because it's either me and my timing or the other towns are quickly becoming *ghost towns*!!! You don't see anyone going down the road to explore anymore because they've probably seen everything there is to see a thousand times over by now. AW needs tourists. In fact, so do the 3DHPs. And speaking of 3DHPs, wasn't the concept of the 3DHP supposed to be to BRING IN tourists (namely from 2D websites)???? Seems as though AWLD shot itself in the foot by deciding to charge 3DHP owners a fee to drive in what 3DHPs were supposed to drive in in the first place. That being tourists. With that in mind, I've got a proposal (since AWLD is getting a CC of this message) which I think will be ideal for everyone..... 1). Close AWGate. It's NOT that popular anyways nor is it very attractive (AW is more attractive). 2). Close those STUPID Gaming worlds like AWBingo which AWLD sanctions. Those can consist of a build on AW. 3). Grant tourists FREE access to 3DHPs and to AW. Just do NOT give tourists building rights. If they want to have building rights, they'll pay to become a citizen. Am I totally insane or am I on a roll here???? Am I the only person who feels this way???? I say let's use 3DHPs and AW as a springboard to bring in LOTS of tourists. Afterall, it's the tourists who become citizens which bring in the $$$ to AWLD, right????? Give us the means in which we can promote the AWUni or sooner or later, you're gonna find yourself in a position where - and when - you wish you had. In other words - QUIT FATTENING LITTLE RICKY'S POCKETS AT OUR (and the company's) EXPENSE!!!!! Just my $.05 worth.... :-) Patrick Cook Mayor of Hamsterville pchamster at Denver, Colorado just inMar 16, 2002, 1:20am
New low figure (note that this statistic is taken as the lowest observed
figure, and usually varies upward depending on the time of day): 13/03/2002: 1210 I think the old system of allowing tourists to build was fine, giving a further incentive to register to preserve what they have built for prosperity. It also gave them something to do while they mulled over the prospect of paying. And finally, gave them the opportunity to really test out the part of the "chat program" that is its biggest strength - building with (relative) ease. Regards, Justin [View Quote] pc hamsterMar 16, 2002, 5:40am
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] 13/13/2002 ??? Did I somehow miss a month??? I thought the calendar went from December (the 12th month) back to January (the 1st month of the New Year). Am I missing something??? :-) Anyhow, what's even more disturbing is the worlds to users ratio. That leads me to this.... > I think the old system of allowing tourists to build was fine, giving a > further incentive to register to preserve what they have built for > prosperity. It also gave them something to do while they mulled over the > prospect of paying. And finally, gave them the opportunity to really test > out the part of the "chat program" that is its biggest strength - building > with (relative) ease. I totally agree Justin. In fact, I think the ONLY change they should've made was to eliminate building rights for tourists on AW. In fact, I wouldn't at be surprised to find a few objects in my city which were put there by some tourist passing by. But nonetheless, I can't delete it even if it's just a single piece of road. A classic example of this is along the road leading to Osirus, which is now connected to my town via North Brookline Avenue. If one were to follow the road to Osirus (especially Northbound and Southbound starting at about 2700N 625E), you'd see what I mean here. Really strange that they would ban tourists but NOT their "builds". Admittedly, this was probably OUR OWN doing as a Community, but still...... Either way you look at it, the best way for AWLD to make more $$$ and to attract more citizens, I repeat what I said before..... > wasn't > 2D to in > in this > attractive > pay > tourists. to > when - just inMar 16, 2002, 6:50am
PC... you can delete tourist objects using your cit account. Which is why
I think its good to allow tourists entry in Alpha World and let them build. Regards, Justin [View Quote] lady vanethicaMar 16, 2002, 8:37am
Makes you wonder about teh AW Universe owners... could they be Gorean and be
doing this so that it will be all gorean on AW? After all you said that it looks like the worlds that are staying are the Gorean ones. -- ,,oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·..·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo,, Vegetarians eat vegetables I'm A Touristarian ,,oº°ºo,,(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·..·'´¯)¸.·'´¯),,oº°ºo,, ......... I've also kept one eye open for the small communities that existed in privately owned worlds, and those communities are now missing. Worlds like Castles, !Friends, Y2000, and BluPearl would always have nice little gatherings, but that is not the case anymore. Only the "cult" (mostly Gorian) worlds seem to be keeping their communities intact. I can only assume that loss of users and inabilty to attract new users, including tourists, is the cause. What to do? I don't know - I've already sent my emails to AWC. I guess just sit back and wait. One thing is certain though: when my world comes up for renewal I won't pay $800 for a P80 that no-one uses. -- Regards, Justin 83058Mar 16, 2002, 12:47pm
You are missing something. In most of the world (excluding the U.S.), the
date is expressed as the day.month.year. 13.03.2002. I completely understood the date that Justin wrote in his message. [View Quote] 13/13/2002 ??? Did I somehow miss a month??? I thought the calendar went from December (the 12th month) back to January (the 1st month of the New Year). Am I missing something??? :-) silencedMar 16, 2002, 12:52pm
Maybe it's just me in the US that uses that when I write dates in that
format.. dang. Either way 13/03/2002 should at least be able to figure out that the month is second (don't know how he got 2 13's). -Silenced [View Quote] sw chrisMar 16, 2002, 6:22pm
er... That's right up there with the theory of the US gov't assassinating
JFK. It's a company, not a shadow gov't. :) SW Chris [View Quote] pc hamsterMar 17, 2002, 7:07am
Hi everyone:
[View Quote] Well that's good to hear. :-) However though, I say SURE give tourists ACCESS to AlphaWorld. But don't give 'em building rights. AWLD has to use *something* as an incentive for people to become a citizen PLUS it sounds like a fair compromise to me.... Comments anyone??? How 'bout flames??? Cast Iron skillets??? Tar??? Feathers??? :-) > > |