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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 25, 2002, 5:27pm
I do believe you can force people to change their avatars. As for the rest,
I have no clue, but I seriously doubt any of it is possible currently.


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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 12:11am
Hmm.. allow a person to choose a weapon before hand, then check to see if
they click it two times? Maybe for a more powerful weapon that wounds the
other user more and doesn't allow them to leave the "wounded area" for a
longer period.


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Wishlist Bot Commands

Feb 26, 2002, 12:25am
Click signs? Maybe have a base they can run into and click on little signs
for new weapons then? :)


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Multiple Login

Mar 4, 2002, 6:39pm
use a while statement (not sure if you're using VB or if there's a while
statement in VB)

such as this in c++
int x = 0;
while ( x < 3 )
Do the login stuff here

That should work .. or just convert it to your friendly neighboorhood VB


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linux SDK

Mar 11, 2002, 1:18pm
I'm with ya. :)


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:00pm
Mmm, the smell of script kiddies is in the air today ladies and gentlemen.


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:07pm
Most likely he'll get them again. What's the point? Rotate them every 2
days. This is why you close off access to your worlds ;).


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:09pm
A lot of those AW ones everyone knew...



Apr 1, 2002, 6:59pm
LOL! he's not a hacker, he used a program to cause damage, that's a script

I believe script kiddie fits him best.


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AW Facing Direction

Apr 26, 2002, 9:28pm
What about if it goes below the person moving? like -10a maybe? And the bot
has a little window that has a compass on it etc.. that'd be cool ;)..


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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 2:59pm
Yup, that'd be the reason there'd be any encroachment with a registry right


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May 20, 2002, 6:22pm
Need some help from the resident geniuses of the SDK group.

How do I get the aw_console_message to work..

I can't seem to get it to compile correctly, blah blah blah, what's
everything I need to have? If possible could I have an example? Thanks in


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May 20, 2002, 7:12pm
hehe ok, got that part done.. now.. how would I get an object's number when
clicked and give it to an int?

say I want to give it to int obj


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Very Puzzling Function

May 24, 2002, 5:21pm
No, VB just isn't the best thing to be used.

BASIC is a beginners language and should be used for stepping up to other
languages that are more suited for programming. Hence Beginner's
All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. Note Beginners ;).

Sure it's great for kids to start, but that's what it's for, a start. You'd
be amazed at how much faster and smaller C++ programs are that do the same


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Very Puzzling Function

May 24, 2002, 5:44pm
Mmm, stay away from microsoft stuff. Get borland, learn normal C++, then
get a different compiler if you so want. You should learn how to program
C++ before you get into that microsoft .net BS.

So once you do learn C++, you can switch right over to different platforms.
And not have to unlearn anything that Microsoft does that other things

Borland has a nice free C++ compiler as well. Great for learning. I make
my stuff with it still ;).


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Very Puzzling Function

May 24, 2002, 6:55pm
Of course it's not. It'd probably be something around 8 mb's and take 2
minutes to boot up.


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Very Puzzling Function

May 25, 2002, 5:29am
hehe, I hear an echo. :D


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Very Puzzling Function

Jun 5, 2002, 1:47am
> As I say, I know very little about VB. :)
> However, read my message again and THINK before you reply. All my points
> actually valid to some extent, or may be. :) I'd hazard a guess that I
> optimizing code before you reached puberty. This is not a put-down, just
> simple statement of the fact that I've been doing this a loooong time and
> am actually quite good at it.

Well.. If you know very little about VB, and I know KAH knows a damn lot of
it.. it wouldn't make sense to tell him he's wrong. Just my opinion.
Optimizing code before he reached puberty makes you a better programmer?
I've seen 13 yr olds that just learnt a language show up a teacher that's
been a system programmer for 20 years. The longevity of your time with a
language has little value of your experience really.. but that's also my
opinion. No offense intended if you took any offense :D


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Very Puzzling Function

Jun 5, 2002, 9:12am
How so? And another thing, his is all just opinions as well ;).. excluding
the fact about doing it before pueberty which has no basis for expertise.
Especially if it's in a language he knows very little. Again, that's an
opinion too.


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yab (yet another bot)

May 29, 2002, 6:30pm
Learn to reply.. I can't make out your replies from his.. very hard for him
to follow as well I'd assume.


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Nasty console message problem [attachment ~3.20 KB]

Jun 1, 2002, 12:04pm
Hey all,
I need some expert help here. When I try to use the enclosed sdk app, the
bot messes up and repeats a aw_console_message when it was supposed to say
something else. Say you click the "switch" but you clicked "cable" before
that.. it'll repeat the cable one, if you click "switch" again, then it'll
say it right.

But there's also another problem. Say a person last clicked switch and the
person that has their name in aw_avatar_add enters, it'll say the switch's

Any help would be great on solving this problem.


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begin 666 consolebot.cpp
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Nasty console message problem [attachment ~3.20 KB]

Jun 1, 2002, 12:56pm
Thanks man :) that works great.


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terrain help

Jun 1, 2002, 9:51pm
Me again :). I cannot make sense on how to edit terrain in the SDK. What I
basically need is and example on how to edit the entire world with a single

Thanks in advance.


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terrain help

Jun 2, 2002, 2:04am
For all those that care.. this should help you out.. and it answers my

short data[70][70];
for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 70; j++)
data[i][j] = -10;

for(int z=0;z<70;z++)
if(rc = aw_terrain_set(-100,z-100,70,0,data[z])) {


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Why won't the build 24 SDK convert properly using dlltool? [~74KB attachments] - 2 attachments

Jun 3, 2002, 5:40pm
Try to use this file when you compile your apps.


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begin 666 awbor.lib
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mIRC bot !

Feb 22, 2002, 4:23pm
Internet Relay Chat I believe.


[View Quote]


Feb 16, 2002, 4:35pm
I still think you should spruce up the page a little :)


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What would it take...

Feb 16, 2002, 6:51pm
Probably a different version of the SDK. I don't think AW will do that..
could lead to some spam problems. (would be flaged as a citizen and would
be allowed at GZ.. could also use Tgrams I'd assume)


[View Quote]

What would it take...

Feb 16, 2002, 7:22pm
Hmm, but what if a company bought a citizenship and used a both like
interface for that and started spamming it's website to you every 2 minutes?
And the 3.3 issue of blocking it.. what if they buy a lot of citizenships
and rotate them? It would be a pain :) I'd just rather use a bot to do odd
tasks for me, if people want to chat with me without the graphics, they can
download all those little clients :D.

On the other hand if they could just recieve them, that'd be cool.


[View Quote]


Mar 7, 2002, 8:33pm
Uh, try not to cross-post to newsgroups it doesn't belong too :) such as the
wishlist or sdk.


[View Quote]

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