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java interface - where can I find it?

Mar 10, 2002, 5:14pm
I think flash can use java stuff.. java is a good programming language. :)

Certainly not the best, but good none the less.


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:00pm
Mmm, the smell of script kiddies is in the air today ladies and gentlemen.


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:07pm
Most likely he'll get them again. What's the point? Rotate them every 2
days. This is why you close off access to your worlds ;).


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:09pm
A lot of those AW ones everyone knew...



Apr 1, 2002, 6:59pm
LOL! he's not a hacker, he used a program to cause damage, that's a script

I believe script kiddie fits him best.


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Brant's paintball bot is full of errors

May 5, 2002, 2:59pm
Yup, that'd be the reason there'd be any encroachment with a registry right


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bot range

Mar 8, 2002, 7:17pm
Yeah but it only costs about $2 to make the shoes in the first place.
(including labor charges) They just want to stuff their wallets. It takes
no more money to have that kind of bot then it does what they have now, so
why charge more? Why not just add a new feature into the SDK? I think the
new price increases should take care of the labor charges for implementing
new SDK features.


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bot range

Mar 8, 2002, 7:29pm
$2 to make the shoe, not to research and develop it. That's a whole
different division. Still it probably wouldn't take much more editing of
the sdk to allow it. I think that's what this is about.. to allow people
who own their own worlds better control over it? Who knows, I don't see it
happening though, along with the linux sdk/browser :\


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Feb 8, 2002, 9:18pm
they'd spam like someone we know


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Feb 8, 2002, 10:19pm
true, but if they want to they'll get more cits and keep doing it.


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for LInn

Feb 19, 2002, 8:12pm
It's a ground object I'm betting.. (jpeg with mask above a big flat piece of


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Colors Options....

Feb 20, 2002, 11:37pm
pc hamster (pchamster at wrote on Wednesday 20 February 2002
08:24 pm:

> Hi everyone:
> If there's ONE option which I think AW could EASILY add into 3.3 that
> option
> would be a COLORS OPTION. By that, I mean the ability to change the color
> of any given text as well as the text and worlds list backgrounds whereas
> we don't have to use the default color setting for Windows.
> As it is now, with my RED background, I can't even read telegrams and I
> can BARELY make out what the Immigration Officer and Building Inspector
> are
> saying. Hypertext links are okay, but it's awfully hard to read just
> exactly what web page I'm opening up, so the ability to change the color
> of hypertext links would also help.

Well don't change the windows defaults :) Your internal text box shouldn't
really be any other color but white since a lot of programs use it.
Wouldn't red be kinda icky for that box?

> Also, I'd LOVE to run a dark Windows background (which would be even
> easier), but that seems to throw the AW browser off balance as objects
> (especially internal objects such as furniture) appear to be all gray.
> Hence the use of a red background instead.

I don't follow that. It didn't mess mine up with dark blues and blacks,
this might be a video card problem.

> I prefer to use darker colors because A). They're less glaring than the
> standard default Windows comes with. Thus making it easier on my eyes and
> B). I can IM with a blind friend of mine without having to make major
> changes to my colors just to be able to see what he's saying (he types in
> yellow)..

Dim the monitor :). If you're talking with someone on many of the IM
clients, you can usually change the background inside the IM field in your
preferences. (how does a blind person see what he's typing and what you
respond with?? try a dark blue with yellow instead of red)

> Any chance of a colors option being added to 3.3??? I sure hope so.
> Besides, many IRC clients have this option. Why on earth the AW browser
> doesn't is beyond me.

AW is infinately more complex then a standard IRC client. You can probably
zing off an IRC clients in a couple of days, but a program like AW takes
years upon years to develop.


Colors Options....

Feb 21, 2002, 5:29am
pc hamster (pchamster at wrote on Thursday 21 February 2002
02:04 am:

> Exactly Zeo!!! Just change the text color. Not the size (though one
> should have the option of changing the type and boldness too, but those
> are luxuries).
> And Silenced, when was the last time *you* tried reading yellow text (bold
> or otherwise) on a standard Windows white background??? Also, if I were
> to use a cool blue background, then I couldn't see hypertext links in any
> of my programs unless I had the option to change the colors in the program
> I was using.

A couple of days ago I read some yellow on white.. I have great eyesight so
it's not a problem for me. I said *dark*-blue exactly for that reason, so
you could read the bright blue highlighted hyperlinks. It should work out
fine. Or maybe choose a medium gray, and change your displayed text to a
white color, that is the type I have. :) (works fine in linux and in

> Personally, I don't think this is an unreasonable request and can easily
> be done simply by adding another tab in the OPTIONS menu.

Longer then you think to implement these things. Windows programming is a
pain in the butt no matter what you use to do it. And on the scale of a
software like AW.. it's bound to take a couple of weeks.

> As for not being able to use the black background with my AW browser, Zeo
> pointed one valid reason, however as far as *my* system is concerned, yes
> it *could* be a video card compatibility issue, however since I use
> software
> rendering due to not having a 3D graphics card, it shouldn't be. And
> since the main chat text is black (and unchangable), I doubt that it's a
> video
> issue within my system. :-)

Not all video cards are 3d graphics cards. But all 3d graphics cards are
video cards :). I didn't have a problem and I have a very very bad 3d
graphics card. So it's my opinion that it's indiginous to your system


Colors Options....

Feb 22, 2002, 5:43pm
You can't see black on white? In the case of an IM client, you're forced to
see what colors they want you to see, unless you have an overide option.
Few clients have that.


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Colors Options....

Feb 23, 2002, 12:22am
Yes, I know, I use it. But I wasn't referring to all-in-one clients. :)
still a nice utility to have.


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(WARNING D/L)world light settings

Feb 21, 2002, 3:29pm
elysium (colinl at wrote on Thursday 21 February 2002 12:26 pm:

> instead of having to change the numbers in x y z maybe small graphic of
> sun over a horizon make it easy to postion light settings in world
> examples

That's a great idea. I'd love to see that. Even if AW doesn't do it,
maybe a bot programmer could make a bot to do it?


MM Flash

Apr 23, 2002, 5:00pm
Variant, it's used for different things. It's still flash though.


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A Scale Command?

Mar 11, 2002, 9:32pm
Hmm, what about if the fetch script creates a registry entry when the model
is used?


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A Scale Command?

Mar 12, 2002, 2:14am
I think it's whenever an object is created, it checks to see if there's a
registry entry. Maybe Ananas could add onto his fetch script for registry
support (scans the registry and if the object isn't there it adds it with
those wild funky names :) ). Of course, does anyone have a use for it?


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:00pm
Mmm, the smell of script kiddies is in the air today ladies and gentlemen.


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:07pm
Most likely he'll get them again. What's the point? Rotate them every 2
days. This is why you close off access to your worlds ;).


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:09pm
A lot of those AW ones everyone knew...



Apr 1, 2002, 6:59pm
LOL! he's not a hacker, he used a program to cause damage, that's a script

I believe script kiddie fits him best.


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Strong Encryption

Apr 3, 2002, 1:32am
Sounds like a very good plan to me. Better then zip passworded files
accessable by HTTP :)


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create shift off

Apr 10, 2002, 8:08pm
Or create shift off doesn't allow you to pass through it in anyway.. so
basically if the area is within a "box" with create shit off, you can't get
into it. It'd take a lot of work to do to make it work though.


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AW 3D Full Screen Mode

Apr 22, 2002, 10:12pm
Just put a resizable text box above the viewscreen.. move it around etc.


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Definately need this..

Apr 28, 2002, 9:20pm
A graphical light interface, to change the way the directional light is
pointing. Messing with those #'s is such a pain in the butt to do. Maybe
someone can make a bot to do it?


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A Test-- Sort Of!

Apr 29, 2002, 1:55am
Welcome aboard. :) Some advice though, try not to cross post to unrelated
newsgroups. *didn't know what cross posting was until I used AW*


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Sound Alert

Apr 29, 2002, 5:40pm
Xelagots have a feature that you can enable to use a sound of your choice to
play when someone comes near the bot or enters the world. Hope that helps


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My wish..

May 9, 2002, 5:23pm
That in 3.3 (even though it's still beta) that the user who owns the world
has control over if it's displayed on the world list.

Possibly offensive places should be deteremined by the administrators. (ie
Gor worlds are not suitable to anyone not an adult and thus should not be


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