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Mar 27, 2002, 7:29pm
> some people with crap machines to actually test for the problems/bigs...
bugs that is


Mar 27, 2002, 8:21pm
As I look at the list of the posters on the beta team they all seem to be
people closely tied into AW. Agent1, Mauz, you, etc. You may not be close
but you know people.. it still should be an open beta, or they should at
least take in a lot more people. The only reason for this is because of the
price increase. When most people find something major, it's either a minor
bug to them, or they just won't fix it as fast as they would from the betas.
Paying more money for a new version that works like crap isn't a good way to
keep people, you need to get them into the development of the software,
makes for a much better product in the long run.

16 MB is still a fairly decent video card ;). MHz has nothing to do with
AW.. besides the minimum requirement. I could see a 500 MHz machine with
512 MB's of ram (or more) and a 128 mb video card blowing a 2.5 GHz machine
with a 5 mb video card and 128 mb ram out of the hole ;)


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Mar 27, 2002, 8:36pm
They still need to throw some of the old beta testers out.. it suprises me
that insanity is a beta tester.. Rotate for god sakes. Some of us other
folks would like to try it too. Since I probably won't be here by the time
it's released I'd like to do it even.

Gee if I throw a link on my site can I be one too?!


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Mar 27, 2002, 8:45pm
Or maybe.. How about an open beta.. disable bug submissions, then only allow
a few people to post to the beta newsgroup. That way roland gets what he
needs, and everyone gets to try out the new browser.

Simply tell everyone not to submit bugs, they'll be ignored.

It's a fairly decent compromise, it's not like anything bad's going to
happen if you let people take part in a beta.


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Mar 27, 2002, 9:23pm
That's why you give roland a new e-mail address and don't post it, then they
just ignore the new one :)

Either way he's going to get bugged. Firstly by people who want to be in
the betas.. and they'll contiounsly send e-mails. Or a couple of bug
reports from those same people.

It's all part of being in a company and business, you have to deal with lots
of people. :P

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Mar 27, 2002, 9:23pm
> just ignore the new one :)

Old one..


Mar 27, 2002, 11:07pm
Umm I know full well that a beta is not a finished piece of programming.
You think I haven't beta tested programs before? Why do people think that
everyone is less knowledgefully about things then they are? I know all the
risks associated with beta testing as well, anyone who has does. You may
not want to do it, but I and quite a few others do.

Open Betas are all full and well, no one has to partake if they don't want
to, thus it's an open beta. It seems more logical to give it to people such
as myself other than the "PR" people of AW because I do things like RWX
development, building, texture mapping, etc etc..

I'm not trying to start an arguement here but it was just a suggestion. I
seem to find a lot of bugs without even looking for them. Now imagine if
people like me actually were part of the beta team. Dur, could it be that
you'd have more of a variety of systems if you allowed everyone? More of a
chance of finding that bug?

Either way, Roland is going to be bombarded with E-mails. Firstly, to join
the beta team. Secondly, bug reports if open beta was allowed. Maybe a few
more in the later, but I'm sure he doesn't really read most of the stuff he


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Mar 28, 2002, 1:28am
LoL I was thinking about asking him too.. just worth a shot. Maybe a well
written letter with nothing offensive? :)

Still wouldn't an open beta be good while only allowing a few people to post
to the beta newsgroup? It'd be the best of both worlds.

But oh well, guess it sucks.


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:00pm
Mmm, the smell of script kiddies is in the air today ladies and gentlemen.


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:07pm
Most likely he'll get them again. What's the point? Rotate them every 2
days. This is why you close off access to your worlds ;).


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Mar 31, 2002, 2:09pm
A lot of those AW ones everyone knew...



Apr 1, 2002, 6:59pm
LOL! he's not a hacker, he used a program to cause damage, that's a script

I believe script kiddie fits him best.


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Happy Easter :)

Mar 31, 2002, 2:22pm
Well even to the dismay of what's happened, I'd like to wish everyone a
Happy Easter... / whatever else you celebrate.



Apr 1, 2002, 9:03pm
almost not :

That's not Cnn's IP :P, it's funny none-the-less.


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Is It Posible

Apr 2, 2002, 10:18pm
Andras and myself came up with a new idea, he's preparing it as we speak :)


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Strong Encryption

Apr 3, 2002, 1:32am
Sounds like a very good plan to me. Better then zip passworded files
accessable by HTTP :)


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 5, 2002, 6:08pm
That's one downside to the US. We definately need a new system of
government and laws. Rework the Amendments to disallow any outside money to
gov't officials.


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 5, 2002, 7:09pm
It doesn't matter who hasn't done it. Most of our gov't officials are
corrupt because they get big business money. 90% of lawsuits aren't thrown
out. Ever hear of the one where a robber was robbing a house and fell on a
knife? He sued the people he robbed, and won the lawsuit. Now tell me
that's not frivilious.


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 5, 2002, 7:35pm
I don't remember that, it was a long time ago. We talked about it in my
Government Mechanics class :P. I wish I still had the article on it..


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 8, 2002, 2:20am
It's a pretty damn "frivilious" one. It's more so then anything I've ever


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 9, 2002, 1:24am
You never said most.. you just said if it was truely frivilious.. and it


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 9, 2002, 8:31pm
Very true.. it's all about the money ;). Power corrupts, and absolute power
corrupst absolutely... that's my favorite quote of all time.


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Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 11, 2002, 2:46am
> The RIAA come to mind here.....
> 90% of lawsuits aren't thrown
> That's why people dread the idea of going to JURY DUTY...

And why people "mysteriously" lose them in the mail. I don't understand
jury duty.. if it's my right to server on the jury.. it should be my right
not to and not be the judge of someone's crime. Maybe I don't want to
decided someone's guilty? :P

> Well now gee Bowen....Falling on that knife serves him right, dontcha
> think?? I measn think about it. Had he not broken into that woman's
> he wouldn't have landed on that knife and he most certainly wouldn't have
> been wounded by it either. If *I* was on that jury, I would've taken the
> "serves him right" approach and voted NOT GUILTY.

Some people don't have a lot of common sense though.. Hence why most of
these lawsuits come to be. Oh you peed in my toilet without my permission
while looking in the mirror, time to sue you!

> Same goes for the plant guy. If he had delivered what he had promised
> he promised, his name or company wouldn't have been plastered all over the
> Internet like it was. Again, it serves him right.

People are way to jumpy with the deformation of character and slander.
Slander is saying.. well you screwed me over, so I'm going to take your
picture and put it around town saying what you did. Not just saying... "god
you're so stupid.. I should warn my friends about you."

Nothing really big, we just really need to change our laws to protect the
innocent bystandards more. Such as from fraud, and the likes. The gov't is
made for the citizens and by the citizens, that's the principle of
democracy, but for some reason it's being run by a totalitarian republic.
Basically we select people we want to represent us, but they're being payed
off and people they didn't originaly want get put into power. The biggest
representation of this is the recent elections in the US. Bush was not
elected by the people, but since his brother is the governor of Florida,
there was a "glitch" and he just happened to get the electoral college
votes, thus guarenteeing his win.

I hope people don't think I'm anti-patriotic. LoL that's really not my
point. I just don't like the way the gov't of my country acts and carries
out it's duty. Power should be taken away from the house and put into our
hands, more of a citizen representation there.. maybe make a "representation
body" so they can do the houses work with retrospect to what the citizens
want? Hope I didn't bore you guys with politics.. it's just a fun issue to
discuss.. to me anyways.


Wonder if AW will ever take this stance against the "dis'ers"?

Apr 11, 2002, 10:42am
I've been thinking about getting some books like that.. be glad to finally
find something to read that won't put me to sleep in 10 minutes ;)..

Hillary is one of the better politicians though?


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Apr 5, 2002, 6:21pm
There's a rumor going around that AW has lost a lot of money recently. Is
this true? If it is.. all I need to say is, "I told you so."



Apr 5, 2002, 6:36pm
I mean recently, because of their "business expert's" great decisions.


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Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 3:20am


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Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 2:56pm
Not all shareware expires ;).


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Folder protection

Apr 6, 2002, 2:58pm
How about this one?


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Folder protection

Apr 7, 2002, 7:15pm
Well you can chmod them to read only, hide, and standard..

I used to have the chmod thing for windows.


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