
Wishlist Bot Commands (Sdk)

Wishlist Bot Commands // Sdk

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Feb 25, 2002, 4:58pm
This sort of fits with the wishlist and SDK, but I decided to put it here.

Anyway, I think there should be added things to allow the bot to change the
avatar of someone (if CT) to a different avatar, even avatars that are not
shown in the avatars menu! That way if you made a CTF game, you could force
the person's avatar to a guy with a flag so that he could try and run out of
their base with the flag without getting shot.

Also, allow the avatar to force a seq on a certain person. For same types of
reasons but then you could make someone fire their gun when they tried to
shoot you (in paintball).

Also forcing someone's sequence to be kept into one frame or stop in the
middle and begin another one while the avatar stays in the same position
without returning to it's default standing position. That way you could make
an avatar crouch and crawl across the ground.

It should be able to control the speed at which the avatar can move. Or at
the very least, cancel the use of the control button for running for certain

I think AWCom should pay special attention to the games going on in their
software. They don't seem to care about the few gaming worlds and gamers
that play things like paintball. With a more complicated SDK system, these
games could sky-rocket. There's not many places where you can create your
very own FPS, but with a little bit of work on AWCom's part, AcitveWorlds
could be the first to offer that sort of thing.


Feb 25, 2002, 5:27pm
I do believe you can force people to change their avatars. As for the rest,
I have no clue, but I seriously doubt any of it is possible currently.


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Feb 25, 2002, 5:29pm
Well, they were ideas for later SDK additions :-)

You can force an avatar change? Hm... I'll have to go take a look at the SDK
again, hehe :)
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lord fett

Feb 25, 2002, 8:08pm
I asked MrGrimm if a bot could change someone else's avatar and he told me
no. This is not possible. It is something I hope for too. I currently have a
CTF bot and it requires people to be on the correct avatar for their team in
order to shoot.

-Lord Fett

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young phalpha

Feb 26, 2002, 12:05am
I suggested to Roland he add something like custom right-click menu actions. Like if you right
click someone, a custom item with a caption of "Shoot" would appear. That would help alot with
games in AW :)

[View Quote] Anyway, I think there should be added things to allow the bot to change the
avatar of someone (if CT) to a different avatar, even avatars that are not
shown in the avatars menu! That way if you made a CTF game, you could force
the person's avatar to a guy with a flag so that he could try and run out of
their base with the flag without getting shot.

Also, allow the avatar to force a seq on a certain person. For same types of
reasons but then you could make someone fire their gun when they tried to
shoot you (in paintball).

Also forcing someone's sequence to be kept into one frame or stop in the
middle and begin another one while the avatar stays in the same position
without returning to it's default standing position. That way you could make
an avatar crouch and crawl across the ground.

It should be able to control the speed at which the avatar can move. Or at
the very least, cancel the use of the control button for running for certain

I think AWCom should pay special attention to the games going on in their
software. They don't seem to care about the few gaming worlds and gamers
that play things like paintball. With a more complicated SDK system, these
games could sky-rocket. There's not many places where you can create your
very own FPS, but with a little bit of work on AWCom's part, AcitveWorlds
could be the first to offer that sort of thing.


Feb 26, 2002, 12:08am
It would take too long to click 2 times before shooting the person. I don't
think that would be very useful. The SDK already has avatar_click for the
left-click on an avatar and that works sufficiently, although there is no
good controls for changing weapons and such (for a new bot I hope to be done
with soon) without whispering to the bot, which takes too long to do in a
fast-paced FPS game.
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Feb 26, 2002, 12:11am
Hmm.. allow a person to choose a weapon before hand, then check to see if
they click it two times? Maybe for a more powerful weapon that wounds the
other user more and doesn't allow them to leave the "wounded area" for a
longer period.


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Feb 26, 2002, 12:18am
I've already come up with what it would do when clicked with different
weapons, but I've been looking for a better way of changing weapons quickly
without whispering the bot. I think it's pretty impossible to do anything
else. I don't know what else would work. :-\
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Feb 26, 2002, 12:25am
Click signs? Maybe have a base they can run into and click on little signs
for new weapons then? :)


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Feb 26, 2002, 12:28am
But I want them to be able to change weapons on the fly, while they're
running about. I know I can make signs in GZ, but how to change on the fly
in the middle of a game while you're running after someone or something...
I'm still thinking about that one ;-)
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young phalpha

Feb 26, 2002, 12:39am
Depends on the game, people like RPG's and you can make it have turn-based fighting...

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Feb 26, 2002, 12:42am
nooo no no, im trying to make it like an advanced PBall
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young phalpha

Feb 26, 2002, 12:50am
Well you can right click to say which weapon to use :) That should be faster than typing it...

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Feb 26, 2002, 12:59am
huh? right click....? elaborate? heh.
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young phalpha

Feb 26, 2002, 1:22am
Right click to choose your weapon to use against someone...

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Feb 26, 2002, 11:38am
right click isn't an SDK command... object selection is but i have that
turned off in my world, hehe.
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strike rapier

Feb 26, 2002, 4:33pm

Someone is bound to abuse it and tart changing peoples av to the oposite sex
etc... abdd idae... *reads on*

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Feb 26, 2002, 5:02pm
Then just make a CT-only command.
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Feb 26, 2002, 5:18pm
That's exactly his point, he's saying it would be nice to be able to make special menu items appear in the right click menus of the users of your world, through the SDK
I must say I can't see that happen.

Fox Mc Cloud

"dion" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c7b8fd4 at
> right click isn't an SDK command... object selection is but i have that
> turned off in my world, hehe.


Feb 26, 2002, 5:45pm
ohhh :-) That would be neat... but I don't think that'll be very easy to
accomplish... heh :)
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Feb 26, 2002, 8:49pm
Well, you could use the AW_EVENT_OBJECT_SELECT, I don't think object
selection has to be turned on for it to work, to switch objects. Right click
an object and the bot would change the persons weapon, plus whisper the
weapon they changed to. The only thing is you would have to have objects
scattered around, or just walk objects covering your world.

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Feb 26, 2002, 9:18pm
How about having a standard set of gestures on all avatars (say the first
six 0 - 6) where the SEQ does nothing? This would be communicated to the bot
as part of the AW_EVENT_AVATAR_CHANGE message when clicked by the player?


I'm only looking at it as
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lord fett

Feb 26, 2002, 9:27pm
You could say something like -w and the bot would teleport you to the gun
room where you are safe while you select a different gun. When you click on
the gun to change to it, the bot would teleport you back to the playing

[View Quote] you
> move.
> for
> in
> system,
> create


Feb 26, 2002, 9:39pm
I checked already, it has to be turned on, unfortunately :-(
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Feb 26, 2002, 9:40pm
But then people would use that just to escape from almost getting shot at
and then others would camp around waiting for him to return.
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Feb 26, 2002, 9:40pm
That might work... but it still isn't as fast as I was hoping :-\
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Feb 26, 2002, 10:31pm
Not sure how fast you want it then. Its going to be as fast as "shooting"
the guy - the bot has to do it whatever.

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young phalpha

Feb 26, 2002, 11:24pm
Yeah, too bad it most likely won't :(

[View Quote] Fox Mc Cloud

"dion" <GovDion at> a écrit dans le message news:
3c7b8fd4 at
> right click isn't an SDK command... object selection is but i have that
> turned off in my world, hehe.

young phalpha

Feb 26, 2002, 11:25pm
AW could make it an SDK command with the parameter of the avatar session of a menu item to add
with several other parameters and functions to remove or change...

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Feb 27, 2002, 12:42am
Well, you have to change your avatar and that takes awhile when you're in
the middle of a fast-paced FPS game.

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