The Virtual Olympics are on! (Community)

The Virtual Olympics are on! // Community

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sw chris

Mar 9, 2002, 4:10am
For those of you who couldn't make it, the press conference went off rather
well. Here are the highlights:

1. Host City/World Applications are online at
2. City and World signup applications are also online at that website. If
you're a city mayor or world owner, sign up so your city can be represented
at the Olympics!
3. We have 19 approved events so far with more on the way. Events range
from the usual (Chess, paintball) to the not-so-usual (Wacky Races, relay),
to the just plain original (Day Fly, Skydiving).
4. A full events list will be up shortly on the website.
5. A transcript of the press conference will be up on the website shortly,
as well.
6. And if you have any questions or comments, email them to me by hitting
your Reply button. :) Or just ask any member of the VOC. A list of members
is available on the website as well.

SW Chris


Mar 10, 2002, 12:40am
Just a reminder that the Olympic 5 ring symbol is a copyrighted logo by the
IOC. I suggest you change it.


Mar 10, 2002, 12:56am
Truely you must be kidding. They're not going to sue some person for using
it. Even so, I don't see an © next to it anywhere, thus it's not
copyrighted. Is this going to be one of those if I say windows in a
sentence I must say "This trademark is copyright by Microsoft" things? It's
not copyrighted, it was designed by Baron Pierre de Coubertin in 1913 for
use in the olympic games to symbolize the 5 continents that particpated.
Really it's owned by Coubertin and until the IOC gets permission from him to
copyright it, it's fair game to be used anywhere. Are you going to turn him
into the IOC? Do you know what they're going to do? They're going to give
you the blind eye, they have better things to do.

SW Chris, maybe you should put a notice that the Olympic symbols are not
your design and belong to Coubertin? Then all will be well and we can let
people get on with their lives from this drastic event that's caused so much


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Mar 10, 2002, 1:06am
Why is it every time I bring up a valid point you have to show your
excessive ignorance by arguing. Just because an image doesn't have the (c)
next to it does not mean it's not copyrighted. The IOC controls all Olympic
images. And they have sued for less in the past.

Bowen, I suggest you stick to PS2 and leave real world matters to people
with a bit of intelligence.


Mar 10, 2002, 1:16am
Oh grow up you troll. I'm arguing it because you're completely wrong, the
IOC does not own the olympic ring symbols. If you knew anything about me
instead of what you "think" about me you wouldn't be an arrogant person.

Oh by the way, you've made my kill-file, good job.


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Mar 10, 2002, 1:22am
The answer is in the statement under the heading Organisation


Mar 10, 2002, 1:53am
Bodhitah, of course you're correct - you win a cookie. Now shut the hell up.

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Mar 10, 2002, 2:09am
Nice to see you too Mongo.

alphabit phalpha

Mar 10, 2002, 4:41am
Ahhhh heck...just make the black circle purple and you've changed it enough
to not be infringing on copywrites...LOL

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sw chris

Mar 10, 2002, 6:04am
purple and gold! *grin*

SW Chris

Can we get this thread back on track please? :)

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pc hamster

Mar 10, 2002, 7:04am
Hi everyone:

[View Quote] Oh COME ON peoples!!!! Where's your Olympic SPIRIT????? Besides, this is
EXACTLY the type of thing Flagg is cracking down on. *Sheesh!*

Chris, as a precaution (and suggested ONLY as such), you might wanna somehow
consider altering the logo somewhat so as to avoid some type of legal
conflict. Just a thought. :-)

Now, can we get back to the topic at hand PLEASE?????

Just my $.02 worth.....Cheers :-)

Patrick Cook
Mayor - Hamsterville (better known as Pub 102X)
pchamster at
Denver, Colorado
AlphaWorld Build - Starting at 5000N 280E (moved from 294E, though signage
is still there)


Mar 10, 2002, 8:25am
Okay... I've been far ! The five interlocking rings of any color
are a registered international copyrighted symbol. Changing the color will
not make any difference. You can call your virtual games anything you like,
but you can not use these rings on your website or in AW.

As an employee of a former Olympic venue that has a legitimate right to use
these items...Yes, I will report you for this infraction of International


Mar 10, 2002, 1:27pm
And I will report you as being a part of a deviant S and M group known as

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Mar 10, 2002, 1:40pm
Yes, he may well be, I don't know. But by saying things like that won't
solve a problem or an arguement. That's just like feeding a fire.


alphabit phalpha

Mar 10, 2002, 1:58pm
Ok....I just wrote to the US Representative for the Olympics and requested
permission to use the logo or for his advice.
Hopefully we will hear something back soon.
If permission is denied, what about running a logo contest?:)

shred no@1.invalid

Mar 10, 2002, 2:31pm
[View Quote] I don't like the arrogant moron any more than you do, but what he does in
his private time is his business and no one else's.


Mar 10, 2002, 3:51pm
You can't be serious! If I take any 5 random circle outlines and link them
together and it just happens to look something like the Olympic symbol, I'm
infringing on copyright laws? You can't be serious.

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Mar 10, 2002, 4:47pm
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You CAN use 5 circles and you CAN link them together. I do believe if you link them together the way that the Olympics links
them together and make them the exact colors they do and then you try to label that LOGO as something else for profit for which it
stands without proper authorization and recognition of source. Then you might be infringing upon copyright laws.
In my opinion, I really don't think anyone with REAL authority is going to care if you use the Olymypic's logo for what your
attempting here. It's not like your trying to make profit from it or anything like that. :) It's not like your using a logo that
isn't very well known either. ;)


zeo toxion

Mar 10, 2002, 5:29pm
your exactly right but Boditah likes to create useless arguments either

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