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Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 5:08pm
Well, it's not like we have a whole army of porn removers. You do only have
a choice of a few people, who are busy helping the rest of Activeworlds
remove porn. It takes a while because of a lack of labor. Why don't you try
joining the GET and see how much porn, spam, and other illegal material they
delete everyday? I hope you DO understand there is a lot of porn out there
and not a lot of volenteers who want to devote their time in AW to disposing
of it rather than chatting with friends. I mean, you apparently understand
that this proccess is too slow, do something about it. :))

If you truly hate seeing porn in AW, which is pretty rare in the first place
unless you're out scouting for them, just leave. See how many safe havens
out there on the net that are porn or sex free. AW IS SAFE, especially
compared to other chat programs.

And is that "fuck" part supposed to be ironic or something? :)


[View Quote] > How many contacts does it need to get rid of porn? Why not have people go
> in, see the porn and remove it.
> There is a lot of effort here to not do the job, but get around it by
> offering emails.
> I did email, and nothing happened until I emailed the server holding the
> porn.
> And for allowing the porn to stay in active worlds, I say to Active
[View Quote]

Time for you newbies to do some homework

Jun 4, 2001, 10:32pm
Go remove porn yourself. I mean, you contacted the server, the direct source
of the porn, and you got it out. kudos. I mean, why can't you just pat
yourself on the back and have the nice knowing you helped out Facter a
little by removing porn of your own, whereas most people would just complain
through useless telegrams and emails about the matter.

What boggles me is you DID something, and you still end up complaining when
its gone. I don't understand. You're mad at Facter because he couldn't get
there first? because your email was lost? I don't think part of his job
description is to remove pornography in AW, yet he still does so. Unlike
Roland, ENZO, Luc, and the bunch, Facter is helping you out a lot more than
he usually does and you're just accusing him of trash and ignorance.

You have a strange mind. You've become so obsessed with pornography removal,
you make porno even more holy than you do right now. Your impatience and
paranoia that millions of kids will suffer the "evils" of dirty sex while in
AW is just crazy. Did any kids even SEE the porno you saw?

Your fighting something that CAN'T be solved and demolished in a day. AW
does not have the capacity at all to remove all the pornography that pops up
in scattered areas, and decently run 100's of worlds, while still developing
better software. There are many organizations that help, but there's not a
lot of volunteers TO help out.

You're all talk and trash at this point. You're fighting something that
isn't even NECCESSARY to fight with. The rules are clearly set and stated,
and the actions are visible. I don't know why you're fighting and wasting
all this bandwith. Give those Brits something worth reading in this
newsgroup, they do have limits.


[View Quote]

Pornography and public worlds

Jun 4, 2001, 10:54pm
they're not obligated legally or contractually. Morally, yes, but hey, I bet
all of us here haven't followed up on things we promised to do because of
forgetfulness or other setbacks.

it happens, thankfully, not a lot for AWCOM. Almost all complaints are heard
and dealt with (not neccessarily fairly in the complainee, but dealt with),
just as this issue is being dealt with at the present moment by Facter. :)


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[NG Survivor] The third to go?

Jun 4, 2001, 10:52pm
Wow, what an exciting three weeks. Eep has come back from his silence and
giant forest fires are spreading across all camps. Ah, how I love
unrelenting nature. Anyways, Typo, your bad start and Factor's quick
responsiveness in the email challenge puts you up here in Tribal Council.
Another one of you will face the cliff and be pushed off tonight to join
Chuck's Party and Ananas in the death column. Casay has been feeling sick
and unable to play, lately, as with a lot of you. She voted for herself,
which is unallowable, and has yet to vote again. Remember that before
please reply to this post with your Final Words to be posted on the site.
I'll go tally the votes...

1 vote kellee...

1 vote spark...

1 vote Chris...

1 vote Agent...

2 votes spark...

2 votes Agent...

2 votes kellee...

2 votes Chris...

Gosh darn...there's a four way tie...

Unfortunately, Casay voted for herself and disappeared from Tribal Council
and the newsgroup all weekend and today, and she might have broken the tie.
Most likely, she would've added another to the tie. kellee and spark ended
up being a tie in the community vote too, so this just gets real confusing.

Here's what we do in a tiebreaker, Casay, Wing, and Tony, you all are
allowed to vote again and to pick from the four. :))

COMMUNITY: A new votecaster has been set up on the same ngcouncil.html page
on the survivor site for you to vote between the 4, the person with the most
votes will gain the community vote.

Should there be another tie, person with the most previous votes is kicked
off, but let's try and stop it here. :) You have until Tuesday night or
Wednesday afternoon. VOTE ASAP!!!!!! We have a game to continue here.


[NG Survivor] The third to go?

Jun 5, 2001, 8:34am
Thank you Syn, I updated the votecaster, should be working now. :))


[View Quote]

[NG Survivor] The third to go?

Jun 5, 2001, 8:37am
There are 7 of you, all of which who voted, except for Casay, who never
revoted. :)

That's 6 votes. And then, there was a two way tie in the community vote, so
I added BOTH votes. :) That's why there was 8. Should Casay had revoted, it
would've been 9. :)


[View Quote]

[NG Survivor] The REAL third to go...

Jun 5, 2001, 6:03pm
*runs and tallies the votes* I'm sure you Typo have been extremely nervous,
expecially the four of you who are up for this vote.

1 vote Spark...

1 vote Agent...

Another vote Agent...

Last vote......Agent....*takes a brief second to recover from shock* Hand me
your torch Agent. *extinguishes* Off you go, you know the routine. Before
you leave, reply to this thread with your Final Words. You'll be missed.
Typo, head back to camp from this extremely long council. Another challenge
awaits tommorow if not sooner.

<production note> Site will be updated soon with all the votes and
everything. it will all definately be up by tommorow.


[NG Survivor] The REAL third to go...

Jun 5, 2001, 7:17pm
<producer> Well, now that you've made that leap of death, do you have
anything else to say on this game? how it was played? This secret Typo core
alliance? Give us some scoop on the tribe that had to kick you out.


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Pornographic Material In Active Worlds (email #3)

Jun 6, 2001, 8:38am
No, but 3 emails and constant notification of the newsgroup on how you seem
to be failing at it is...

Look, I enjoy passion as much as the next guy, but we KNOW you have a
passion, and we've tried to help you. We heard you. We can't do anything
else but to filter or flame you at this point, because you're trying to make
this into a community thing. The only thing I see out of this is our 12 year
old newsgroup readers going into AW and deliberately look for porn, now that
they know it's "somewhere". Unintentional consequences, you gotta watch out
for those. :)


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AWUniversity to Offer New Courses!

Jun 6, 2001, 8:34am
Well, that's quite pessimistic, marcus. :) There are plenty of people out
there looking for a place to build, you just need to get to them correctly.
:) And a town isn't used just for the attraction of people. You can use it
as a gathering place for your mini-community of friends, as a little summer
haven when the months get boring, as the site of events you'd like to hold.
Population is not a large key in a successful town. If you build it, they
will come. ;)


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Off Topic stuff

Jun 6, 2001, 4:34pm
Unfortunately, if other people who are the subjects of Eep's attack could
only do the same. :) This is why Eep has some credibility to him in the
midst of hyppocracy whereas his subjects don't. :) Weird, really.


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[Fwd: Re: Off Topic stuff]

Jun 7, 2001, 8:26am
Personally, I don't see the need for "enforcing" the charter, but rather
just knowing that it is there. If we can say it's against charter rules to
post something, these silly off topic posts won't come up anymore.

People are so insistent on posting something sometimes in here they seem to
forget what the "community newsgroup" is. They think community means sharing
your thoughts with the community or whatever, when it's really just a place
to announce events for the community, and discuss COMMUNITY topics, like 3.2
and how it will affect building, rather than how Eep affects your nervous

I mean, the rest of the newsgroups are pretty sane, but their topics are
obvious in their charter. We should try to establish the same thing. :)


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Bruce Judson added to AWCI's Board of Directors

Jun 7, 2001, 8:28am
I think in the Board of Directors, don't you just have a whole bunch of
shares and stocks in AWCOM, giving you a certain percentage of the company?
You're not actually WORKING on anything, as Gamer implies, but you can tell
what Roland and ENZO and the other programmers should do. I haven't read the
article yet, but tell me he's not associated with Juno. ;)

Sorry if I'm totally incorrect.


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A simple solution??

Jun 7, 2001, 8:31am
I think that is TOO general of term, and a general newsgroup should be
created for that. Community has just as much of a specific detail as does
beta, worldbuilders, and bots. It's not a place to socialize really, but
just to post and go. We're lucky enough to incorporate many discussions on
community topics in here (and I don't mean milking cows or porn) such as 3.2
and other things that affect the community. But, the reason why I think
AWCOM never made a more general newsgroup is that they didn't want the
newsgroup just to be spam and flames or the next Star Wars newsgroup. Just a
simple place to post if you need help, and get the help you need. :)


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Newsgroup Charter...

Jun 8, 2001, 8:55am
Eep is truly a community newsgroup creation. AWCOM REALLY hates Eep with a
capital H, the last time I checked. But, there's something about upfront
honesty, ego trips, and good experience in programming that will get the
love of us twits. No, he's not the best example of etiquette and niceness,
but there's plenty of good examples that newbies frst encounter in the first
place. Yes, he HAS been banned, multiple times, in fact, but he's just TOO
useful to the group. I know you can't see the usefulness in him, here, but
check out the other newsgroups, and technical posts that are put here in
community. He rarely swears in them or anything. He CAN program AW if he
ever was in that position. See, the difference between YOU swearing is that
you have no credibility, you swear because you're mad, you haven't
established the fact in the begining that you're evil, and we can live
without you because you don't contribute too much. (YOU as in anyone who is
reading this, not Chuck's specifically). Eep can swear because YOU'RE the
stupid person who posted something stupid (and you most likely knew it), and
it's part of his lingo besides all those technical mumbo jumbo I never
understand. :)

We as a community would fall without Eep, whereas we'd thrive if Eep was the
only one standing. lol.


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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:48am, any usage of conversations, through whispers or in a public chat
shouldn't be posted without consent, especially when the person you're
conversing with says its not okay. It might not be a direct rule, but it's
definately common courtesy, which you really show none by posting this. It's
not going to kill anyone or make us care anymore in the first place. You're
hurting a nice person, you're becoming more hyppocritical by the minute
(this one just tops the Top ten immoral things that can be done in AW), and
YOU'RE RUINING YOUR IMAGE! If you think trampeling others and degrading
everyone is the way to win a war, well, you're obviously not winning anyone
over here.

If porn is immoral, maybe you're just another porn picture. Personally, I
don't see any "art" in yourself, where I can see art if an artist creates
it. Be an artists, not a conartist.


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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:59am
Well, it's not AWCOM's fault, they made a "ratings" system for parents to
look at and put a reasonable rating. If they don't do it, their kids will
turn it to X and be able to enter any world, which would be the parents
fault, not ours, yours, or AWCOM's.


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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:06pm

1) Don't post porno in AW.

2) Don't post private conversations in public without consent in the NG.

Why? Both can be seen as immoral. Although ONE can be argued as art, the
other can't be justified in any correct manner. So, should I send an abuse
report to AWCOM? Think it will get through, get read, and be dealt with
eventually? ;)


[View Quote]

A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:10pm
I think the children you're looking after are in AW looking at the porn in
Alphaworld, because now they know it exists, thanks to someone who couldn't
keep matters in private, but had to share with the whole community.

Alphaworld, WildAW, and all of the public worlds are rated PG or higher
because they obviously need a parental guardian to be there to watch over
what is seen. If parents take care of what their children are doing, instead
of companies and paranoid freaks, we wouldn't have this problem. So blame
the parents of the children who see or post pornography. That's attacking
the source and getting porn wiped out entirely. Attacking AWCOM and the
newsgroup won't get your porn deleted any faster, if you haven't noticed.


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A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 8:12pm
The reason why you cut out posts or snip or whatever is for the Europeans,
who are charged by the bandwith they use in the newsgroup. So, in having
your WHOLE conversation with only one line of text in response because
you're too lazy to just look back at the thread , you cost the people who
are charged to view newsgroup more money, which isn't very nice, and you're
not going to get very nice and informative responses either.


[View Quote]

A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 7, 2001, 9:27pm
You have NO respect for other people in here, then, as you are not giving
them the fair oppurtunity to look through all of your posts and comments on
what you want to talk about.

God, are you so thickheaded and selfish? I know you aren't, but yet, you

People from Britain and the rest of Europe don't HAVE a choice of free phone
minutes or internet time because of a bunch of different factors totally
unrelated to them. You could at least show some newsgroup etiquette in here
if you want to be treated as an equal. God, don't abuse and be so ungrateful
of the rights and priviledges that you and the US have (and really don't
deserve most of the time) and show some respect to the rest of the posters.
People like Mauz and the like are some of the most informative people of the
newsgroup chain who can voice their opinions and who knows, maybe help you
(although it seems you don't need help, you just need to blow off excess
steam or something).

No, there is no law against cutting and pasting, but it's called etiquette.
Just like there isn't any specific law to spit on an old grandmother or
drive over squirrels and birds. Show some ettiquette, man. It doesn't take a
lot of work or effort, and it really gets you farther even in a horrible
crusade of ignorance and flaming.


[View Quote]

A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 8, 2001, 8:37am
Tech Talk is posted by our fateful community member, Mauz. It IS done with
AWCOM's consent, and those logs aren't spammed or copied into the newsgroup
each week. They're just there, on Mauz's website, for everyone who wants to
to read. And unlike your chats, we want to read the Tech Talk logs. She
never uses them to twist someone into a bad, she never uses them to bring up
topics or anything, she uses them for the SOLE purpose of helping and
informing others. maybe you should try that one day, because you're not
really informing us at what you're trying to get at in responding and
creating all these threads even though, as you yourself even stated,
repeated mostly everything you wanted to tell us here already.

As with any newsgroup, we really don't hate you, I hope you know. Well, not
a lot of us who disagree with you. We're just fed up that you're starting so
many wars with every word of disagree-ence. I personally would wish you can
help respond to other threads and do something around here that's not
related to porn, so we can get to know more of how you work (you must admit,
you ARE an interesting character). I mean even Eep, in all his
repetitiveness, never thrives on one topic. Be a jerk, but be a universal
one. :) I know everyone else here is. lol.


[View Quote]

A brighter and better Active Worlds!!! Tom, please read

Jun 8, 2001, 8:39am
uh HELLO! I cut off everything except the post that I was responding to.
THAT is a good way of responding and still having a reference. You don't
need to cut off the whole previous post, but down to something that can be
easily referenced yet small in size. It's a give an take, not a tug of war.


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An interesting question

Jun 24, 2001, 12:18am
lol, I must say, as much as I wanted OUT of this post, this post was so
true, it was slightly amusing. :) How come no one ever uses their mute

Anyways, I've never seen a thread with such a variety of demands. I want pks
here, I don't want pks there, I want this feature, you want that feature, we
don't like Facter, we love Facter...

Can't you guys agree on anything? No wonder AWCOM never listens to any of
you. You guys pull them in 20 different directions at once. At least a
company or corporation has set things in mind. You guys can't even decide
where to start. lol.


[View Quote]

[NG Survivor] Enuf' Fighting in the NG, let's fight in Survivor! Results!

Jun 23, 2001, 7:00pm
Well, thanks to Facter and all his hard work (or lack thereof for the
paranoid who think AWCOM just sits around all day idly staring at the
ceiling), the Community Newsgroup Survivor is finally back up and running.

Now, where did we left off. Oh yes, the cows!

Well, let's recap on this event and we'll see who won immunity. Be careful
guys, we're nearing a merger. :)

Facter, as usual, brought in the scores early in the game, while
Typo took their time. But, Typo gets kudos for uploading most of their
while Facter saw it fit to fill up my inbox with large cow photos. Chucks
first to be voted off of the troubling Typo tribe went against his team
sent in a score to help Alphabit and enemy Facter tribe.</p>
But maybe it wasn't totally in deceit and contempt of Typo, as
the score was only a mere 410. Either way, Alphabit would rebound, and
in her score of 450, beating all the other members and beating herself
flinging all those mad cows. BirdMike and Nornny would try their best, but
up short of the high scores their fellow tribemates would deliver. The
would happen for Spark and SW Chris. And maybe even worse, Gamer and KAH's
would never be recieved (either that or it was lost, hey, it's been a
to add to the Facter average.
Typo, it seems, even with the boot of two members already, would
seem to be pulling together in an attempt to come in the merger
Let's hope that their members continue the unity, even with the many days
Anyways, let's average these scores.

Facter Tribe - Scores divided by 6 to average to 420
Typo Tribe - Scores divided by 6 to average to 421.666667

There you have it, Typo manages to squeeze by Facter and take
immunity by just 1 and two thirds point. Facter must face their second
council, and now the game becomes even.

For the full scores, head on over to the Survivor site and on the council
page at


[NG Survivor] Enuf' Fighting in the NG, let's fight in Survivor! Results!

Jun 23, 2001, 7:27pm
Oops, forgot to add this too, but to keep the game running, we need to hold
Tribal Council immediately. Besides the fact that it is the weekend already,
we've lost a few days, and personally, I don't think many people can take an
extra week to the already 16 weeks to finish this game. lol

In the ngcouncil.html page, Facter, you will find instructions on how to
vote. Remember you cannot vote for yourself and keep in mind the special
notes on each of your members. You have until Sunday night or Monday
morning. Alliances and dirty gameplay is of course acceptable and more than
welcome. it makes for a good game to watch. ;)

As usual, email me at nornny1 at with your vote and a little message,
and put "My vote" in the header for easier reference. Good luck Facter and
hope to see all of you on the other side, except for one. :((

COMMUNITY: As usual, in, you will find a Vote
Caster in which you can choose who you want to see go. You have only ONE
vote, so make it good, and don't be afraid to allign with non-players to
make advantage on who you want to see go get that community vote.


[NG Survivor] The 4th to go...

Jun 25, 2001, 11:31am
Well, it's nice to know that most of you have survived the crash that lasted
a good week and a half. But it's time for business. Factor, you lost
immunity, in just a narrow margin. But Survivor isn't a game of fairness, as
you all know, and now one of you has to leave the newsgroup and be pushed
off the cliff down to where the general.discussion'ers hang out. Hopefully,
it's not me.

Anyways, it's been a long night, so let's count the votes...

1st vote, KAH...

2nd vote, KAH...


Another vote for KAH. That's 4 out of 8 votes. One more, and KAH, you've
lost the game.



KAH. :(

*tribal council climax plays* Please hand me your torch. *extinguishes
flame* Before you go, please leave us with your Final Words, and what you
think of the game, your tribemates, whatever. It's your last chance to
affect the game and its outcome. Off you go. :( *pushes off cliff*

Factor, and Typo alike, you are now tied 6 to 6. And, there's only two more
weeks before 10 of you merge into a newly formed tribe. That means you only
have ONE chance left to come into the merger dominating, or else you go into
it 5 to 5. So, be ready and get your heads together. The next challenge
awaits tommorow, and it will *hopefully* be the dirtiest, unfairest, and
cruelest one yet. But that's how the newsgroup likes it. :)

<production note>As always, you can check out the stats and confessionals on
KAH at the Survivor site at To save on lag and
load time, the ngvoting.html page has been split up to ngvoting.html (which
shows the stats for Weeks 1-3), and ngvoting2.html, which shows the stats on
who voted for KAH and will eventually show the stats on the last two people
before the merger. Also, new mini poll for betters. Guess who you think
isn't making it to the merger in two weeks.


[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 27, 2001, 12:15am
Time to play dirty...
As you're all WAY too nice...
Time to stab your way to the top...
So you better get out that knife...

4 people's games have been done...
Two more will follow...
Before the game changes and tribes merge...
Where 10 will become 1...

I'll say this now, this challenge will occur again later in the game, but
let's get acquanted with this challenge.

PART I: You will ALL have until Firday to
write a diary entry. Not just any diary entry, and evil one. :))

In this diary, you must MEET the following requirements:

The diary must be under this thread, no others will be accepted for this
challenge unless it is replied to under this thread. The subject can be
changed if you wish.

It must give your opinion, NONE of them good or else unacceptable, of the
remaining members of the OPPOSITE tribe. You can list them, wind a story
around them whatever. Spy on them even and see if you can get any info off
of them. :)) None or all the info you give can be true. :)

You must say who you will be voting off next should you lose. THIS DOES NOT
HAVE TO BE TRUE, or it could be. :) We'll let the "victim" decide that.

You must give your opinion on the game so far and confess any sins you might
have committed on the game (ie, who you voted off and why). Again, this
doesn't have to be true.

You must recount an event with a member in your tribe, either good or bad,
true or false. This can be incorporated with the other requirements, since I
diary entry usually describes an event anyways.

PART II: By Friday morning, a poll will be set up for everyone to vote as
many times as they wish on who's diary entry was the best. The tribe with
the most total votes for all members on their tribe wins. However, IF by
Saturday morning, a person on your tribe has no submitted at least one diary
entry, the tribe gets 50 votes subtracted from their total for each person
who doesn't submit an entry. 10 votes is added for every EXTRA diary a
member makes as long as it meets requirements. :))

Whoever wins makes the best diary entries and gets the most votes. Simple.
:)) Good luck.


[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 27, 2001, 1:43pm
Alphabit's Diary. Posting it for her, since she didn't post it here. :)

Dear Diary,

This week has been a weary one....*sigh*
As much as I don't enjoy saying bad things about people....It has been
issued as an assignment.
I have spoken with each of the Typo tribe members and find that their
demeanor regarding this whole game is that only of negative comments about
each other...and the whole concept of the game.
Spark has volunteered to tell me whom he plans on voting off
ext....Casay:( He mentioned that she feels she knows everything and that she
is always right.
Wing shared with me some interesting facts regarding his team. I promised
not to disclose them as they were told to me in confidence. For now
kellee plans on also taking Casay out on the next vote.
TonyM says he has a crush on kellee so his choice would be Casay as he
doesn't like older women.
SW Chris has asked that I vote him off as a community person because he
detests competitiveness amongst friends. I couldn't promise him that I could
do that, cause he's soooo feeling for others:)
Casay has told me she has a great plan that will ensure her being the
winner. She wouldn't disclose it....but I know that Gal and know she is
capable of anything.
Should we lose this round I plan on taking out our leader Nornny. He trusts
me way too much and will never see it coming:)
I have to confess Diary...that in the cow flinging contest...I attempted to
take a pic of the game and rework the totals in Adobe
Illustrator...LOL...All's fair in love and war eh?:)
I am truly having a ball with this game! I'm actually hoping to do it again
I have to confess that BirdMike and I were getting up an alliance with Leaf
and Syntax. I'm not sure I can trust Leaf and BirdMike to stick to their
pledge tho....hmmmmmm
Well time to rest this weary brain.
Nite Diary...I loves ya!

[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 27, 2001, 4:44pm
Dear Diary,

I think the lack of food has made EVERYONE insane. I swear those oppossums
had rabies, I knew it!

And now everyone and their freakin monkeys are junping around newsgroup to
newsgroup thinking they're secret agents and spies on a covert operation to
vote someone off. Maybe I flamed them too many times...

Anyways, my propane tank is running out of propane (duh!) and we're barely
at the merger yet. This is ridiculous. The ONLY reason why I can survive out
here is because I could burn the stinkin daylights out of these losers to
keep them away from me. I think it makes me isolated from everyone, but
someone who JUST doesn't get it is Syntax. You could engulf him in total
flames and then shoot a bazooka at him and he still tries to talk to you.

"Who are we voting off today? I'm scared! You're not lying to me are you?
YOU'RE A SPY!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH," is all he ever says to me. For god
sakes, if I hadn't lost my whacking paddle on the boat ride over to this
heckhole, I'd be <expletive> whacking his <expletive> head over and over

Anyways, let's talk about.... <page torn>

Darn monkeys!! I'm down to my 23rd to the last page...hey, you get bored. :/

Anyways, about today. Everyone's been getting on my nerves as I slowly get
sick and tired of the stupidity level. Everyone must be going through Agent1
denial or something man, but they're acting nuts. Tony from the other tribe
is hiding behind a coconut on the Factor camp here hallucinating that I'm
making evil E's or something. He can barely talk, I think he's drunk. Who
knows. Hang on, lemme just flame him real quick...

Okay, anyways, then there's Leaf. I swear, I don't know WHAT he's thinking.
Does he WANT to kill me or not?? Because Gamer has disappeared off this
newsgroup for who KNOWS how long and he still thinks he's here. And worse
off, now, he's smacking a palm tree with a toy light saber he found. Where
do these guys find all these things!! We're deserted!!! I dunno, but my
migraines are acting up big time.

Okay, so let's talk about strategy. Thinking of how to win a game always
makes me feel better.

It was strange to me that they voted off Agent, I guess he wasn't a team
player in their "alliance". I wonder who else is out of it, and how I can
get them to make it to the merger and allign with me. Darn, Agent would've
been my winning ticket to the top, but I guess I'll just have to buy another

And who better than Spark. That kid's so dumb, he'll do anything. And he
better, as he owes me BIG TIME for me getting him back in the game. I mean,
really, if I could carry him past Typo, past my alliance buddies, who I
question sometimes reading all the diaries everyone's been writing (hey, I
like to snoop. ;) ), and it'll be just him and me at the Top Two. And who
would be stupid enough to vote him to win? Well, that's plan B, why would I
give my Plan A in this diary? It's just going to get read and foiled.

I wonder how many are in the typo alliance. I'm thinking Wing is the
mastermind behind it all, and I'll be darned if that loser is getting above
me in the game. And then there's Casay, who's just at the right level of
invisibleness and visibleness to win it all. Heck no, she's going the next
oppurtunity I get on her. I oculd prolly wipe those two out in any order
because once one falls, the other follows. Oh wait, can't forget about
kellee. She's somewhere in there too. But I think she follows the lead, so
she'll jump boats as many times as she thinks she can. She'll sink though.
That <expletive>! I can't stand her!! She thinks I'm dingo deficient or
something, trying to explain to me what dingos really are! Darnit, I know
what a dingo, a wallabee, and anything else you want to throw at me, I know
what it is! Don't be giving me no dog lessons, because I've got a lesson to
teach you, missy!!

*counts fingers* I know there's a few more Typo's left in there...Oh yeah,
Chris. Now Chris is interesting. You see, he hangs out with my alliance
buddy here, Syntax. And why would those two ever be separated if they can
make the merger. Luckily, I have Syntax on strings like a puppet. I can pull
him either way. So long as Chris follows Syntax, goodbye Typo!

That's assuming I want to keep Syntax. He may be my alliance buddy, but he's
too much of an annoyance. I should end his misery and team up with BirdMike
or something. In the end, Syntax is actual competition, and I hate
competition. Should I follow him to the top, I'll be in jeopardy of losing,
so maybe I should dispose of him ASAP.

Maybe after we vote off Gamer the next time we lose immunity. I'm not being
pessimistic, just running through my options. I think it will be him or
BirdMike, but KAH always had it out for Bird anyways. God, with Ananas here,
everything was fine, and now our tribe is losing it's unity. Gamer is in our
alliance too, but I can't be sure about those Brits. They scheme, they're
lazy, especially Gamer. He didn't even participate in the last challenge,
and all he's DONE in this camp is make sandcastles. Freakin sandcastles!!!
Even the monkeys are looking at him funny. I have everyone at the palm of my
hands, because in the end, all decisions start from me. KAH's vote was
unanimous for a reason.

But some new news has come up. I was reading ABP's diary, and she's having
it out for me, and eyeing Gamer. Smart girl, but she's too busy making prom
dresses out of bamboo to really know anything. She'll be sorry if she messes
with me.

My tribe better shape up and stay together, before they find real guns and
going James Bond on my <expletive>, it's bad enough Gamer has been missing
for weeks except at tribal councils, Typo members are infiltrating our camps
drunk and smelling like they jumped into who-knows-what. To conclude the
game so far, I think the game will rest on Syntax and his moves for Factor
tribe. He's just laying there in the trees, swinging back and forth in his
paranoia. That paranoia is dangerous to me if put into any others hand other
than myself.

I guess we'll just see who's the smartest around he for sure. It's going to
be me, the rest of the players are too dumb and emotional to win at


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