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The Video4 is out!

Sep 30, 2002, 2:41am
Eepishness? I'm sheepish sometimes, but definitely no eep. :) Just trying
to stave off the tidal wave of any further discussion on 'proper grammar'.

SW Chris

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The Video4 is out!

Oct 1, 2002, 6:26pm
US copyright prevents you from using more than 30 seconds from any song or
track. Any more and you must pay royalties.


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The Video4 is out!

Oct 1, 2002, 7:54pm
Oh, btw that is for non-profit use. If AW wants to use these as commercials
and the tracks you used in it are copyrighted, then they have to either get
permission or use different tracks.

However the track I would take, no offense, would be to get some free
airtime on technology shows and networks like TechTV and magazines and
journals as well. In uh, otherwords... actively solicite those shows and
mags to demo and rate your product. That solves the financial issue, I
think. :)

SW Chris

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just so you know

Sep 27, 2002, 2:52pm
I don't seem to recall contradicting opinions ever being called flames. Syn
did flame you, but the least you can do is to stop trying to be saintly and
at least think about why you posted this in the first place instead of
claiming that you will not engage in any flame war. You're just dragging up
muck that has already been passed over. Which is one cause of flame wars of
many if I remember correctly.

SW Chris

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just so you know

Sep 27, 2002, 3:12pm
And it's so full of propoganda that even the CIA would be proud.

As cringing as it may sound to some readers out there, I for one think that
the Cy Awards could do with a little bit less community involvement, seeing
as what happened this year, I'd just as well want something like the Oscars.
But that would invalidate the awards right there.


'Usually though, with programs like this, if people don't like the way it
they can just choose not to participate. In this case, what's odd is that
when you tell them you don't like it and you don't want to participate, they
force you to. (People who attempt to withdraw are told they are not
"allowed" to. Go look at all the signs for all the people who have
withdrawn still up in the new voting center.)"

This is what is referred to as a bureaucracy. They aren't forcing you to
participate, they're just slow and/or someone STILL isn't doing their job.

"Finally, what really sums it up is goob's final statement about people
getting a taste of power. The people who run this awards program have come
to believe that they wield significant power. When pleaded with to be a bit
more open minded and open up the program so that it is more for the
community, they feel threatened because they fear the loss of what they see
as their power."

That certainly is the case for some of the people some of the time, but not
ALL of the people all of the time. Just like in real life. But you're
inadvertantly accusing people like Weebo and Alphabit Phalpha of that, and
that's not right. Because I know them more or less, and in my estimation
they would never delude themselves and let this perceived "power" go to
their heads. Come on people. It's a virtual awards ceremony. Even USA
Today has never heard of it. WHAT POWER!?

Cy Awards, you're not finished after this round. The people in charge need
to start downsizing that committee and delagating out work to _trusted_
individuals. There are what? 50 members? That's way too many. Being that
community oriented just slows things down. There's so many people there
that nobody knows who's doing what because the work is spread _too_ far out.
And if Taun or Weebo could let me know if I've hit the nail on the head as
to why the voting center hasn't been updated yet, that would be great.

My only regret is that I can't help out because of other prior commitments.
Or... to hell with it. Even though I'm not on the committee, this ONE TIME
ONLY, I'll update the voting signs if it doesn't invalidate any nominations
that I have.

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just so you know

Sep 27, 2002, 3:13pm
I dunno... Syntax was a new face. =P

SW Chris

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just so you know

Sep 27, 2002, 3:15pm
You obviously do care, or you wouldn't have posted that. And I'm there
caring right along with you.

SW Chris

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[NG Survivor 2] Surprise! It's Survivor! :)

Sep 27, 2002, 3:21pm
Welcome to the Newsgroup! :D

SW Chris

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Oct 2, 2002, 5:10pm
My first reaction to this is.... why are you posting this on the community
newsgroup? We can't do anything about it.

My second reaction to this is... at least you took the time to report it.

SW Chris

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Oct 4, 2002, 1:08am
Sarcasm I sense in you. No newsgroup is perfect. So let's stop complaining
that we're not. We ourselves can do the best to be polite to others, and we
can do a bit of self-policing because let's face it. If the moderator
actively moderated this group a lot of people would be up in arms about
censored posts. I'd hate to have his responsibility. He's deep fried no
matter what he does.

Honestly I'd think this newsgroup would be better off with a little bit of
authority around here. The moderator doesn't have to censor the posts, but
he should read them all and give some textual warnings from time to time.
And if it warrants it, like that porn link up there, that parts of the posts
be edited. And number one thing to keep in mind is... a good moderator
always participates in discussions. That way he doesn't end up looking like
a god from on high. Just make sure its understood that your opinions aren't
the opinions of the company, because that seems to be what you guys over
there in Newburyport are worried about. :)

Now I personally don't know if you can edit posts in a newsgroup, but if the
moderator can't, then that's another good reason for a bulletin board
system. :)

Nobody said this was a democracy. But many folks seem to think it is.

SW Chris

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Oct 6, 2002, 4:11pm
Well... see the first choices would have been e-mail or telegram. Now just
because people tell you there is a better way to do things does not mean
that they lack any sort of courtesy. The best thing you can do for yourself
is be be polite to others, and that is all you should expect from this
newsgroup, or any public forum on the Internet. I, sir, respect you because
you took steps to bring this thing to the PK's attention. Unfortunately you
made mistakes, like many of us do. Take heart in that when you receive any
criticism, and move on. :)

SW Chris

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Oct 6, 2002, 4:13pm

SW Chris

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Oct 6, 2002, 4:14pm
LOL. Nice deflection, GK. :)


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Oct 7, 2002, 4:43pm
Whoa man, ease up. He was making a joke in response to your joke.


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Oct 7, 2002, 9:00pm
I guess not. =P


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Oct 8, 2002, 8:24pm
Now that is a cool build. Where is it? : )

SW Chris

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Deadly Shooting Spree In Montgomery County (In Maryland, USA)

Oct 4, 2002, 1:11am
Pay no attention to him. :) Thanks for the heads up. BTW guys... THIS is
why people don't post here! :( You take this self-policing thing _too_
far. A little is good, but this is ridiculous.

SW Chris
P is for Politeness. :D

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Deadly Shooting Spree In Montgomery County (In Maryland, USA)

Oct 5, 2002, 6:58pm
Honestly, I think a news report about people being randomly murdered can
slip by. Or have people around here lost their sense if humanity? Come on
guys... lighten up. Even TF.N isn't as bad as this.

p.s. Don't use capslock... makes it seem like you're shouting. :)

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Deadly Shooting Spree In Montgomery County (In Maryland, USA)

Oct 9, 2002, 10:48pm
Well put, lioness..


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AWDebate Now open to TOURISTS!

Oct 12, 2002, 9:09pm
Thank you strike.


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Sigh.... another test

Oct 9, 2002, 10:47pm
LOL. Welcome! ^_^

SW Chris

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citizen restrictions

Oct 14, 2002, 8:07pm
Given my limited experience in playing around in Nutinmuch's world, I cann
tell you that if everyone has Caretaker on they will be able to fly. In the
World Rights box put your citizen number in there and whoever else you want
to have all rights, and that should hopefully take care of it. :)

SW Chris

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Playing THE GAME pays off!

Oct 14, 2002, 8:08pm
a a a hundred and fifty dollars!? O_O

SW Chris

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Concerning The Game

Oct 16, 2002, 3:58pm
Regardless that Robbie's post comes across as... unwelcoming, he is right.
It is very annoying to many people to have to see the same message over
again in all of the newsgroups here.

Now, I certainly don't know what the deal is with your corporation.
Unfortunately many AW citizens are distrusting of businesses, and I think
(mostly) with good reason. So, to verify your claims, could you please post
the link to your most recent SEC filing? It is also suspicious to people
here that there appears to be no catch to all these fabulous prizes. After
all it looks like you're spending cash needlessly without the thought of any
compensation. Clearly not a good business model. Even Monty from Lets Make
a Deal had a catch with everything he gave away. :)

So, if you could enlighten us a bit on those issues, I think that you will
find that you will probably be welcome here. :)

SW Chris

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Concerning The Game

Oct 16, 2002, 4:09pm

You can't sue him.

SW Chris

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Concerning The Game

Oct 16, 2002, 11:53pm
Kids these days.... Try jumping on someone _else's_ bandwagon and check
things out for yourselves. DASH Enterprises is indeed legitimate. They use
the money advertisers pay to advertise with them to purchase the fabulous
gifts and prices. That is my understanding of it.

Now knock off this horse crap of illegitimate companies. Good grief, he's
not some other company that I know of... I'll give you two guesses.

SW Chris

ORB's Haunted House

Oct 25, 2002, 3:46pm
LOL. Sorry, but I have to laugh when I read your comment and then read your
name. =P Ironic, isn't it?


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Shame on the Cy Core/Committee...

Oct 29, 2002, 7:44pm
All Hail the Royal Navy. :D


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Tourist on Alpha Prime

Oct 28, 2002, 12:55am
The logic of survival, my friend, is the core of any sound business plan.
:) There are two types of tourists. Those who primarily build, and those
who primarily chat. Chat tourists are just as content to chat and not
build. So letting them in world without building privs is akin to just
letting them in world. I challenge you to find a solution to find a balance
that will benefit the company and allow Chat and Build tourists to
experience AW. I think AWI would have done it if they could.

SW Chris

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Tourist on Alpha Prime

Oct 28, 2002, 9:56pm
Well, see, that's the crux. It was never intended as a world to move all
the aw former cities and towns to.

SW Chris

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