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Slow Moving Throughout AW

Sep 8, 2002, 6:55pm
you know what chiklet meant. =P

Anywho, a system with a 233mhz processor that hasn't been upgraded in some
time has likely not been upgraded at all. So it would be worth yanst's time
and money to purchase a new computer right off the shelf. You can probably
find a reliable 700 or 800mhz machine for closer to $600.

You will be happy with it, yanst. Trust me. :)

I would look at purchasing a Gateway or a Dell desktop if you don't want to
build it yourself. Both those brands are highly customizable.


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Slow Moving Throughout AW

Sep 9, 2002, 8:03pm
They don't make 800Mhz Pentium 2's....

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Slow Moving Throughout AW

Sep 9, 2002, 8:07pm
If you are buying the computer for running Active Worlds, it is a good idea
to buy a computer that comes with Windows, since AW is made for Windows.
The best Lindows could do in its current form is emulate Windows and its 3D
acceleration in hardware mode.


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Alpha World Building With Special Commands

Sep 8, 2002, 5:11pm
I think they were going to enable it in version 3.4


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Alpha World Building With Special Commands

Sep 8, 2002, 7:01pm
That's what I've been telling people. =)

And it's one of the few worlds that my university hasn't blocked yet. :(


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Alpha World Building With Special Commands

Sep 11, 2002, 10:36pm
Actually that is what 999 is planning to do, right?


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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Sep 30, 2002, 4:13pm
Argument done. Finished. Over With. Please!

This is one reason why I like bulletin boards. It's much easier to lock
topics on those. :(

Usenet is overrated.

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 5, 2002, 7:02pm
I thought you said yesterday you were done with this topic. The worst
comes out in everyone I guess... at one time or another. :)

SW Chris

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 6, 2002, 4:18pm
I tell ya Goob, why do we put up with it? ;)

SW Chris

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 7, 2002, 4:46pm
I think i speak for most free-thinking individuals when I say... you don't
need to defend yourself.


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iCandy Cy Nominations Withdrawn

Sep 15, 2002, 7:09pm
Someone's just not doing their job. Don't take it out on poor Taun or the
people on top. But if they dont' start doing something soon about the
slacker, then things won't go very well for any other ceremony after this.


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[Events] AWTeen Festival Canceled

Sep 16, 2002, 9:03pm
It never fails...

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AWNews.com Domain Name

Sep 19, 2002, 1:14am
I too will support any legal action.


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AWNews.com Domain Name

Sep 19, 2002, 1:16am
Well in the next few years if it gets passed you can bring that to Mike's


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AWNews.com Domain Name

Sep 19, 2002, 1:18am
Which is what ya should've done. ^_^


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AWNews.com Domain Name

Sep 19, 2002, 1:24am
Well you're the one who's always talking to us SW's about community. What
better way to unite a community than a legal case? ^_^


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AWNews.com Domain Name

Sep 20, 2002, 3:55pm
You cannot get trademarks unless you are selling something. However you can
probably claim to be a non-profit one-man organization, in the same way that
Worldwide Media Inc or whatever its called a for-profit one-man
organization. I'll post some info about trademarks on the newer thread.


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[AWNews] If You Insist...

Sep 19, 2002, 5:36pm
I would get a lawyers's opinion before snatching up another awnews domain.
In court, Berkins could just argue that you have awnews.org, or awnews.net,
so it's fine and both parties can be happy.


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[AWNews] If You Insist...

Sep 20, 2002, 3:49pm
You should get in contact with these people who have been similarly


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[AWNews] If You Insist...

Sep 20, 2002, 3:52pm
I wonder if the Council of Better Business Bureaus will take it up in
addition to Berkins' local chapter. BBB is NOT a government organization,
therefore Berkins doesn't have to do what they say. They can just make his
life a living hell. You might do better to lodge a complaint with the
Federal Trade Commission.


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AWNews Domain

Sep 20, 2002, 3:46pm
I think you should still call the site AWNews.Com since you can claim
intellectual copyright on the name of the website (not necesarily the
domain) and its contents.


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AWNews Domain

Sep 20, 2002, 4:15pm
Some of this may be bogus, because let's face it. I'm not a lawyer. ALWAYS
get legal advice from a professional and don't listen to me if you go
forward with a suit. This is just general information.


You cannot get trademarks unless you are selling something. However you can
probably claim to be a non-profit one-man organization, in the same way that
Worldwide Media Inc or whatever its called a for-profit one-man
organization. I'll post some info about trademarks on the newer thread.


Lanham Act of 1946
A. Legal Requirements
1. must be used with an actual product or intention to market a product
2. Trademark must be distinctive enough
3. Trademark must not be confusingly similar to trademarks of other
4. Trademark must not be deceptive, immoral, or scandalous
5. Trademark must not be only descriptive.
6. Trademark must not consist of photos or signature of a person without
prior consent.
7. Trademark must not be geologically descriptive in origin.
8. Trademark must not be a surname.
B. Types of Trademarks that are Protected
1. Housemarks or trademarks.
2. Trade characters
3. Service marks
4. Collective marks
5. Certification marks
6. Slogans (also usually protected by copyright) if slogan has a
secondary meaning attached to it, i.e. McDonald's slogan for its Big Mac.

As I said before, you can claim intellectual copyright and being a
non-profit one-man organization, and probably because you have this at the
bottom of your website:

"All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective
Comments are the property of their respective posters and do not necessarily
reflect the views of AWNews.com. All other content © 2000-2002 AWNews.com."

Notice the .COM there. Goob, I would still call your site/organization
AWNews.com even if you have to set up a temporary domain at AWNews.org. In
my reckoning, if you change your name, you just provide Berkins that much
more ammunition.

The Copyright Law is designed to protect authorship of creative and written
works, including books, music, performances, art, computer software, and

Proof of Existance Statement to make me look cool ---> The above
information comes from Kansas State's University's Principles of Advertising
class. Proof of the above laws existance can be found by referencing the
Lanham Act of 1946 or Copyright Law via appropriate legal channels.

The Act is designed to implement the treaties signed in December 1996 at the
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Geneva conference, but also
contains additional provisions addressing related matters. You can find an
overview and the full text of the act here:

DMCA probably has very little to do with this situation, as Copyright Law
takes care of most of that, in my reckoning.

SW Chris

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AWNews Domain

Sep 20, 2002, 4:17pm
The copyright info on AWNews.com is cached by Google:

Just putting it in a reply to this text in case we need it later and can
easily find it.


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AWNews Domain

Sep 20, 2002, 8:32pm
Well Goob, perhaps. But I'm not entirely sure what an SM is, or if it's

Are you sure you have to meet _all_ three of those requirements you posted?
I really would get a lawyer's advice. There are services out there on the
net where you can get a legal opinion, but it might work out better if you
asked someone local.

They say hindsight is 20/20. But thwack Cyb0r one anyways for me for not
bothering to renew and transfer... ;P

SW Chris

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/whois Mr. Kwok Li

Sep 21, 2002, 3:43pm
I must have missed something, but what you guys doing digging up this poor
man's personal information?


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opinions and flaming and stuff

Sep 22, 2002, 8:29pm
xwlegacy.net Forums.

These NGS just got beat. :)

SW Chris

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Aw Video 4 Almost coming out

Sep 25, 2002, 1:34pm
Then I must recommend to you Sorenson 3, which is free with Quicktime. It
should be available from the Video Compression pulldown menu in Premiere or
After Effects once you install QuickTime.

SW CHris

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The Video4 is out!

Sep 26, 2002, 2:39pm
Nice. Very high production value I think. It would make a nice commercial.

The Good:
- Sped up footage removed a lot of the jerkiness of mouse-controlled camera
- Used more than one transition effect.
- Nice choice of music

The Needs Improvement
- Stick with one font. Nothing says professional like a standard font for
use throughout your commercial, if indeed that was what you were going for.
- I've never really been a fan of the glass breaking transition, probably
because I've never seen it on TV. Again that might go back to
professionalism, but I really don't know. To each his own. :)
- If you're trying to market AW, people probably aren't going to go nuts
over Chess and Checkers, especially since Internet-enabled versions of them
have come with the last few generations of Windows. That part struck me as
kinda cheesy. Focus more on community oriented things. The Cy Awards could
get some airtime when things get straightened out over there. Chat of
course is an all important staple of the active worlds experience, just like
- Your water may be mistaken by potential customers as something that you
can see in Active Worlds itself.

The Bad and the Ugly
- Nothing!

For any other promotional videos, I can give you a teleport to a Titanic
recreation an a recreation of Hyrule (which is the one I built). And of
course who can forget New York? :)

All in all a good effort.

SW Chris
Self-proclaimed film critic and Rama Mageesh of Guru :D

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The Video4 is out!

Sep 26, 2002, 3:16pm
>_< I posted my siggy wrong.

SW Chris
Self-annointed Rama Mageesh of Film Critics everywhere.

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The Video4 is out!

Sep 27, 2002, 2:43pm
Not really. It should be the name of the program. Active Worlds. And that
is that.

SW Chris

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