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Slow Moving Throughout AW (Community)
Slow Moving Throughout AW // CommunityyanstSep 8, 2002, 1:09am
I have a 73.6 frame rate looking straight ahead, and .1 frame rate looking
down when approximately 100 meters above AWHS. Can anyone tell me why? At AWHS Amphitheater it's really pretty, but seems like it bogs my computer down to the point where I cannot move. I have to preset a teleport and have little to no mobility at the meetings. I have a pretty decent computer, it's not new but it's a 233 MHz with a lot of ram. And I should be able to go to a meeting without difficulty moving around. This is evident throughout all of AW. The last three builds Activeworlds has come out with have markedly cut down my ability to move around AW. And it's worse when world owners set the minimum visibility to anything above 30. Because of this, I was unable to take a tour of AWHS museum. Please take into consideration those with small processors, smaller modem speeds, and lesser hard drive space. The AWHS pillars were given the rotate command that made what little frame rate I had (1.2) struggle to maintain, but also tended to distract from the speaker. Whoever added the features is a talented builder, however, the people without bleeding edge technology on their desktops should be given consideration as well. And, of course, first priority in building a gathering place for all to conduct business should be given to the one doing the speaking. It's nice to have the ability to use and utilize new features, but we must not forget those that it might put a hardship on. I know of one other person in AW that has the problem I do in regards to mobility in highly animated areas. I wonder if there is anyone else that has these problems. I love new features, newer, better, versions of the software, but I have to be realistic about trying to make due with the equipment that brings it to my monitor. I'm willing to make some sacrifices, but not to the point where it hinders me from enjoying AW. eepSep 8, 2002, 2:39am
Er, first of all, a 233MHz CPU isn't "decent"; it's quite obsolete, in fact. You don't mention your video card so you probably have a crappy integrated one or something too, so you just need to upgrade to an ACTUAL decent system.
Anyway, AWHS is most likely full of high-poly bloatware conjested objects which is why lag occurs, so the more polys in view, the more lag. Multiple lights and coronas also contribute to lag. [View Quote] > I have a 73.6 frame rate looking straight ahead, and .1 frame rate looking > down when approximately 100 meters above AWHS. Can anyone tell me why? At > AWHS Amphitheater it's really pretty, but seems like it bogs my computer > down to the point where I cannot move. I have to preset a teleport and have > little to no mobility at the meetings. I have a pretty decent computer, > it's not new but it's a 233 MHz with a lot of ram. And I should be able to > go to a meeting without difficulty moving around. This is evident > throughout all of AW. The last three builds Activeworlds has come out with > have markedly cut down my ability to move around AW. And it's worse when > world owners set the minimum visibility to anything above 30. Because of > this, I was unable to take a tour of AWHS museum. chiklitSep 8, 2002, 2:59am
A 233MHz is more then obsolete it's not even worth having. Why not upgrade a
1.3MHz only costs $799 [View Quote] dionSep 8, 2002, 3:43am
1.3MHz? What an upgrade.
$800? You're talking about a whole system, all he needs is a new mobo and processor which can be bundled for like $150 [View Quote] chiklitSep 8, 2002, 4:40am
strike rapierSep 8, 2002, 10:48am
2.5Ghz dell for £900 available now
And I agree, 233Mhz is slower than my computer I bought it 6 years ago, my Paltop goes faster than that. - Mark [View Quote] kelleeSep 8, 2002, 11:49am
Heya :o)) I don't think you need to defend your restoration of anything,
Tyrell :o)) Your work, as loving and careful as it was, is going to bog down any "old" computer, no matter how minimalist you make it......its just what AW is, now AND then. One can only please some ppl, some of the time:o) [View Quote] I believe I should point out a few things about the AWHS Museum and surrounding area... agent1 webmaster@shatteredplattersdotcomSep 8, 2002, 1:01pm
tony mSep 8, 2002, 2:00pm
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>[..] I have a pretty decent computer, it's not new but it's a 233 MHz with a lot of ram. [...]
233MHz is not a decent system, as already stated. sw chrisSep 8, 2002, 6:55pm
you know what chiklet meant. =P
Anywho, a system with a 233mhz processor that hasn't been upgraded in some time has likely not been upgraded at all. So it would be worth yanst's time and money to purchase a new computer right off the shelf. You can probably find a reliable 700 or 800mhz machine for closer to $600. You will be happy with it, yanst. Trust me. :) I would look at purchasing a Gateway or a Dell desktop if you don't want to build it yourself. Both those brands are highly customizable. Chris [View Quote] dionSep 9, 2002, 12:39am
You want a cheap computer that's about 3x as good as what you got now? (at
least!) That is a lindows computer, it can run all windows applications and the computer is only $200! 800MHz Celeron processor 128MB memory Trident Blade 3D/Pro Media AGP 4x graphics card 10GB HDD Lindows OS I'm almost thinking about getting a system like this for my LAN gateway. [View Quote] athnexSep 9, 2002, 12:47am
DO not buy a dell or gateway.. find a good respectable site on the internet,
and have them build you one.. Dell and Gateway are horrible companys to deal with. They bolth buy obsolete parts from 3rd world countrys and write there own drivers that do not work. there coustomer support is almost non existant. [View Quote] athnexSep 9, 2002, 12:48am
on pc133 that means you really couldent run it faster then 800mzh. If your
gonna buy a processor with anything over 1gzh get at least DDR 2700, or if your gonna run over 3gzh get 533mzh ram [View Quote] athnexSep 9, 2002, 1:09am
My dad has a dell he got for beta testing the starband system. When it was
running slow, he went out to buy 128 megs of ram, and when he stuck it in, it wouldent boot, and when he took out the ram it worked fine. Turns out he had to do 3 bios updates to get the ram to work, apperently PC100 is to fast for it. Also.. my the older computer.. a Intel Celeron 400mzh runs way faster then the dell one wich is a 800mzh Pentium 2. Also haveing delt with gateway customer support.. gateway always drops you and dosnt know what the hell there talking about. Same with dell, there a little better. but i dont like ether of them. [View Quote] eepSep 9, 2002, 2:16am
Uh, don't even bother; Celeron CPUs and Trident video cards suck...
[View Quote] > You want a cheap computer that's about 3x as good as what you got now? (at > least!) > > That is a lindows computer, it can run all windows applications and the > computer is only $200! > 800MHz Celeron processor > 128MB memory > Trident Blade 3D/Pro Media AGP 4x graphics card > 10GB HDD > Lindows OS > > I'm almost thinking about getting a system like this for my LAN gateway. > [View Quote] dionSep 9, 2002, 2:22am
eepSep 9, 2002, 8:39am
Yea, if cheap = shit, sure. You'd be better off putting that $200 towards a new motherboard and CPU.
[View Quote] > for $200? that's a cheap comp! > [View Quote] dionSep 9, 2002, 9:07am
LOL, well this guy thinks his 233 is decent and I'm sure this thing is a
shitload better than that. :-P [View Quote] anduinSep 9, 2002, 10:40am
An identity claiming to be known as "dion" <Dion at> scribed the following <3d7c2208$1 at>:
>impossible to get over 3GHz without have dual processors. >Penitum sucks, AMD rules! Are you sure it's impossible now ;o) Nothing is impossible... ,,,,, (o o) /--------------ooO--(_)--Ooo--------------\ | Anduin (317281) | | o The Gorean Scribe | | o | | o World: GorSJ (18+ Only) | \--------------ooO-------Ooo--------------/ tony mSep 9, 2002, 12:03pm
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>[...] That is a lindows computer, it can run all windows applications [...]
Lindows uses the same (or at least is based on) code that the WINE emulator for Linux uses-- hence, it really can't run ALL Windows programs. Either way, Lindows seems to be more focused on Linux apps than Windows (at least non-business apps for Windows) -- Tony M. bowenSep 9, 2002, 12:31pm
> Lindows uses the same (or at least is based on) code that the WINE emulator for Linux uses-- hence, it really can't run ALL > Windows programs. Either way, Lindows seems to be more focused on Linux apps than Windows (at least non-business apps for > Windows) WINE runs DX programs now. It runs AW (pre 3.4) great. 3.4 has some serious issues with the new world dialog being linux compatible. Along with the contact list bug that's always been present in WINEd up AW (it shows all contacts as online unless they're using the ? thingie mabobbers). --Bowen-- paulSep 9, 2002, 4:25pm
I would only by a custom system on the internet if you are a technician
yourself. Who is going to service it if there is a problem. You either pay some one locally or ship it off. I'm a technician so I bought my dual P III system from Next International to my specs and I work on it myself (getting warranty part from them when I had a memory module go bad). If you are not a tech then you should (1) buy a custom system locally but not with "low quality" parts and from some one who give a good long term warrant on parts and labor or (2) buy a P4 system from Dell or Gateway since they provide onsite support and offer extended warranties. Paul [View Quote] dionSep 9, 2002, 4:59pm
It's impossible now but it won't be later on. The MHz and GHz of processors
is very irrelevent to their speed, too. The Athlon XP 2200+(1.8GHz) is is just as fast [if not faster] than the P4 2.4GHz. [View Quote] dionSep 9, 2002, 5:01pm
Yeah, it's basically linux with a windows shell so even the dumbest of
people can use it. :-P [View Quote] sw chrisSep 9, 2002, 8:07pm
If you are buying the computer for running Active Worlds, it is a good idea
to buy a computer that comes with Windows, since AW is made for Windows. The best Lindows could do in its current form is emulate Windows and its 3D acceleration in hardware mode. Chris [View Quote] eepSep 10, 2002, 12:14am
I doubt it considering the video card...
[View Quote] > LOL, well this guy thinks his 233 is decent and I'm sure this thing is a > shitload better than that. :-P > [View Quote] athnexSep 10, 2002, 5:42am
its something like that, its not important enough to go look at...
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