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sw chris // User Search

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WHo here dosnt liek Lanezeri?

Aug 4, 2001, 2:45am
And if it's a flame, DON'T POST AT ALL!!!!!

SW Chris

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Aug 29, 2001, 1:54am
Close enough. :) Freedom of speech means Freedom of intellectual speech.
That means if you know what you're going to say and you have a reason for
saying it, it's alright to say it. That's the general gist of it. There
are other things... slander cuts into this a bit and so does libel.

SW Chris

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Aug 29, 2001, 2:02am
He's trying to take the blame off of trekkerx and lanezeri.

SW Chris

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 17, 2001, 10:58pm
It's also in every other newsgroup. Besides, you're about 16 days too late.
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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Magsbot classes in exchange for script help?

Sep 28, 2001, 2:05am
Geez explain it jerme before you flame the ignorant. =P Not that being
ignorant is bad.

In Europe, many people have to pay for their Internet service by the
megabyte. It's not a one-time payment like in North America. HTML takes up
more space than plain text, so please respect the cultural difference and
post only in Plain text.
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

[View Quote]

Magsbot classes in exchange for script help?

Sep 29, 2001, 7:17pm
It's for future reference, pal. Sheesh...
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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Magsbot classes in exchange for script help?

Sep 30, 2001, 8:11pm
Ok. Why not? I'm interested too. A good time would be a Saturday
afternoon, CST. :) That's 10 p.m. VRT to 2 p.m. VRT.

SW Chris

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About My Capitals

Feb 26, 2002, 10:38pm
Don't be so quick to judge, you. Jbell made a simple mistake. There was
nothing idiotic about it.

SW Chris

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About My Capitals

Feb 27, 2002, 4:54pm
True, but still not justifiable. :)

SW Chris

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Apr 1, 2002, 5:57am
Better double check with andras, first, Wings0nite. He is thought to have
confirmed this, since he is a co-owner of Storage world, one of the worlds
that was supposedly cracked.

SW Chris

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Apr 2, 2002, 12:54am
Chuck's Party in disguise. :)

SW Chris

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Once again..

Feb 21, 2001, 3:13am
You know what? I don't know. =P All I think I know is that there needs to
be an ultimate bot that can do everything. Magsbot and Xelag have come
close, but uh, no cigar.

SW Chris
p.s. I guess that saying went out with the Clinton era, huh? ;)

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Apr 18, 2001, 9:47pm
lol. You go! :)

SW Chris

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New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 1, 2005, 2:26am
And now so are they. Good luck with that job offer. :P


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New World - Now Hiring Lead Programmer(s)!

Nov 1, 2005, 1:21pm
You're already unemployable. Stop while you're ahead...


WHo here dosnt liek Lanezeri?

Aug 4, 2001, 2:45am
And if it's a flame, DON'T POST AT ALL!!!!!

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Aug 29, 2001, 1:54am
Close enough. :) Freedom of speech means Freedom of intellectual speech.
That means if you know what you're going to say and you have a reason for
saying it, it's alright to say it. That's the general gist of it. There
are other things... slander cuts into this a bit and so does libel.

SW Chris

[View Quote]


Aug 29, 2001, 2:02am
He's trying to take the blame off of trekkerx and lanezeri.

SW Chris

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Aug 15, 2001, 5:05pm
You can always move to New York. There's tons of Amish there. :)

SW Chris

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Message to "Eep"

Sep 17, 2001, 10:58pm
It's also in every other newsgroup. Besides, you're about 16 days too late.
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

[View Quote]

Magsbot classes in exchange for script help?

Sep 28, 2001, 2:05am
Geez explain it jerme before you flame the ignorant. =P Not that being
ignorant is bad.

In Europe, many people have to pay for their Internet service by the
megabyte. It's not a one-time payment like in North America. HTML takes up
more space than plain text, so please respect the cultural difference and
post only in Plain text.
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

[View Quote]

Magsbot classes in exchange for script help?

Sep 29, 2001, 7:17pm
It's for future reference, pal. Sheesh...
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

[View Quote]

Magsbot classes in exchange for script help?

Sep 30, 2001, 8:11pm
Ok. Why not? I'm interested too. A good time would be a Saturday
afternoon, CST. :) That's 10 p.m. VRT to 2 p.m. VRT.

SW Chris

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please read and please try to help.Thanks.

Nov 7, 2001, 9:24pm
Python, downloadable from python.org is a good starter language to learn the
syntax that most high level programming languages use, but I don't think you
can make bots with it. If I'm wrong though, someone let me know.
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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Surveyor/Propdump Bot

Mar 16, 2002, 6:34am
Can someone point me to a bot that will survey a very large area, like say
1,000,000 square cells (Yes that'll take awhile)? Xelagot doesn't work.
It's area it surveys isn't big enough.


SW Chris

Surveyor/Propdump Bot

Mar 16, 2002, 4:19pm
I hadn't planned on it. Just for backup purposes.

SW Chris

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Surveyor/Propdump Bot

Mar 16, 2002, 5:43pm
Thanks. That is working great so far. :)

SW Chris

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Apr 1, 2002, 5:57am
Better double check with andras, first, Wings0nite. He is thought to have
confirmed this, since he is a co-owner of Storage world, one of the worlds
that was supposedly cracked.

SW Chris

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Apr 2, 2002, 12:54am
Chuck's Party in disguise. :)

SW Chris

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Needed: C/C++ Programmers!

Nov 1, 2002, 5:31pm
Ok, there is a difference between a fight and a debate. The Gor thing so
far has pretty much been a debate. :)


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