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Nov 8, 2002, 2:58am
What about them, indeed? Create a different website? And call the award
something else? Maybe keep the same name?

Whether you decide to create two awards or choose one or the other, my
arguement still stands.

SW Chris

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Nov 8, 2002, 3:00am
Such worlds would be minimal in number, at best. That would double the cost
since one would be maintaining both worlds.

Then again it might just prove more economical just to not allow that kind
of stuff in one's world. But that's just me being fecisious. :) Bad joke?


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Nov 8, 2002, 5:51am
Don't look at me. I just copied and pasted what she wrote! Sorry byte me.

SW Chris

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Re: Identifying what worlds allow Tourists

Nov 6, 2002, 3:47pm
Moderators accidentally disintegrated it. ;) *blows smoke off gun barrel*
Whoo that's hot!

SW Chris

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ESRB Ratings Website Link

Nov 6, 2002, 4:56pm
Here are the definitions of each rating for ESRB.



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Re: Identifying what worlds allow Tourists

Nov 6, 2002, 7:24pm
O_O Who's gonna download it all? 22757 messages.

SW Chris

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A non-inflammatory post for you.

Nov 7, 2002, 5:20pm
Ah, you have just stumbled across one of the finer points of politics;
Insulting another without really doing so. One on the receiving end of such
subtlety cannot fight back very easily with words at the risk of sounding
much less intelligent than his argumentative opponent. And that is what
separates mature discussion from "flaming": word choice.


SW Chris

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 6, 2002, 11:23pm
Look, you have the thanks of 150 new citizens. You have my support. You
have SW City's support. You have the support of your community that you
built from the ground up, which from my understanding is quite large! And
I'm sure you have the support from many many people who post here and don't.
You do a good thing for this community. And you care about it. Otherwise
you wouldn't be this flustered over what a few people think of you.
Shouldn't that be enough? Why are you going to throw all that away?

Yes, I understand that criticism frustrates you. But look at ENZO. This
guy's flame retardant suit is virtually disintegrated and he's still hanging
around. He didn't call it quits because he never got any recognition for
his efforts. And he has the thanks of many of us who are still here.
Personal attacks need to be taken lightly because hey, nobody really knows
you and who you are. Anybody who attacks your worlds are morons. That's
simple. They have their opinions, and that's all they'll be. Opinions.
And anybody in the public AW spotlight has to deal with that.

These are the two sides of the scale. And I think all of the silent support
that you have going outweighs all of the negativity towards you or your
worlds. So please, give it one more chance. After all, next year you're a
shoe in for the next CY Awards. :)

SW Chris

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 5:39pm
He's also leaving because he got shunned by a bunch of folks at the Cy's and
other places. :( That's sad. Let's make him feel a bit better.
*mischievious twinkle in eye*

SW Chris

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 10:32pm
Thanks for undoing whatever effect the last dozen posts had on the poor man.

SW Chris

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 7, 2002, 11:00pm
Then give them a chance to figure things out on their own. Tourists are part
of AW's future, and so _were_ MrBruce's worlds because of that. You owe him
an apology. It is not MrBruce's fault that some tourists act stupid. You
gotta think these things through, Brock. I'm rather disappointed in you.

SW Chris

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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 8, 2002, 4:42pm
You realize there are bigots who hate AWTeen for what it is? The place that
you hang out in to get away from tourists? Can you understand that? Then
perhaps you can understand why 100% of everyone in here thinks you are being
bigotted towards MrBruce? I'm sorry, but if nobody has stuck up for you
then there is obviously *something* wrong with your opinion. That is a


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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 8, 2002, 4:54pm
Then you stand up for him. Think it through. What is right? Jumping on
MrBruce for something he has absolutely NO control of is not a good example
of thinking things through.


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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 8, 2002, 5:00pm
Besides... if you can't defend your own opinion then you have no business
giving your opinion. Anywhere. Not just in the NG's. :)


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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 8, 2002, 9:26pm
what do you mean?


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MrBruce drops A1CT world

Nov 8, 2002, 9:42pm
*glances up at title*


SW Chris

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My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 8, 2002, 6:12pm
Careful... some people might take you up on that if Al's slated to go with
you. ;)

Republicanly yours,
SW Chris

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My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 8, 2002, 9:28pm
You're going to need some serious moderation in there if you want everyone
to be heard. "The speaker calls upon the respected Senator from


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My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 8, 2002, 9:38pm
Well, the entire issue being discussed is not just about morality. Btw I
agree with you entirely on that part of it, kellee. One part is what
parents might think if they saw adult worlds being promoted and awarded for
their efforts. And yet another is that because of ENZO's declaration that
the CYAwards world will be set at the world rating of its highest winner's
(or is it nominee's?) world rating, either way a part of this community is
going to be alienated; either kids whose parents monitor the content of
what they do, or adult worlds that allow x-rated activity to go on.

For the first time in its history, the CY Awards is being forced to define
just what makes up the community: people or worlds. If CyCom puts a cap on
the maximum rating of a world that is allowed to be nominated for a CY, then
every person can still participate, it is only the content of certain worlds
that will be excluded. But if they do not, then many kids will be excluded
from the CY's.

SW Chris

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My Final Involvement with the Cys

Nov 9, 2002, 5:34pm
There *is* reason they call it Devil's advocate, you know... ;)

SW Chris

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This is Getting Ridiculous...

Nov 8, 2002, 4:48pm
Um... all moderating is retroactive. You can't delete posts from people who
haven't posted yet. :)


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This is Getting Ridiculous...

Nov 8, 2002, 9:25pm
It's pretty much settled down now, anyways...


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Stop reindexing!

Nov 8, 2002, 9:19pm
I also have my Outlook Express reader to download only the most recent 300
headers, which I think is the default setting in OE.


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Stop reindexing!

Nov 8, 2002, 9:21pm
A simpler solution would be to pester the company who publishes your
newsgroup administration software to fix that bug. :) In the mean time, I
think we can all live with the reindexing with the solutions presented by
Lara and kellee below.


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Stop reindexing!

Nov 9, 2002, 2:48am
Then who has the superior news reader? I use outlook express. I can
configure my news reader to do it. Outlook Express is available on every
machine. So the way I see it, you got a choice to use your non-superior
news reader or Outlook Express. Microsoft sucks, and I feel like I'm eating
poison when I promote their products, but their news reader is okay. So in
conclusion, it's not Enzo's fault. Bear with it till they get the software
fixed, or get a different reader. :)

SW Chris

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Stop reindexing!

Nov 9, 2002, 5:31pm
AW is a PC-based product... But anyways, for those who want to shell out
money for an emulator, it is also available for Macintosh. I've used it.
And Netscape, which Lara posted a solution on, is available for Linux, and
that takes care of 99% of AW users and probably ALL of the newsgroup users.

If the mods stop moderating, they're likely not to start back up again once
they get a new build of Dnews. And I think the newsgroups just got about
100% better when the moderators became active. I don't want that to stop.
So either they stop moderating, or we live with the reindexing until they
can get their Dnews fixed.

SW Chris

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Stop reindexing!

Nov 9, 2002, 5:33pm
But the fact remains that it's your choice you're using your Xnews. You
could always use Netscape.

SW Chris

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Stop reindexing!

Nov 11, 2002, 1:14am
Works for me. 8)

SW Chris

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maki and Bits resolution:)

Nov 8, 2002, 6:09pm
congrats. Maybe you could pull some strings and get maki his job back at
thebeans, bits? :)


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maki and Bits resolution:)

Nov 8, 2002, 6:13pm
whoever the world owner is? *shrug* Go to the world and ask around...


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