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NewAW Flyover!

Nov 21, 2002, 3:30am
Plain-text only news readers... an elegant weapon from a more civilized
age. Old timer... Just disappear. Or... or something! =D


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NewAW Flyover!

Nov 21, 2002, 9:31pm
You gotta download this. Cause... cause.. it's cool. Andrew Lloyd Weber

Star Wars Musical - Let's Blow This Thing
Lo Res:
1-24_sh5.mov 6.91MB On2 QuickTime

Hi Res:
22_sh3.mov 21.3 MB On2 QuickTime

Yeah. Oh, um... and go to fanfilms.com! Download The Formula, which is
made by a friend of mine. :) It's an hour long, but it DOES keep you
entertained for that entire time. It's well worth the time.

The Fanboy Within Me,

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Customs Aide Bot

Nov 19, 2002, 6:24pm
Well, typically speaking, there IS no majority morality. Why does morality
have to be brought into everything anyways? A simple request without
getting preachy does wonders. :) And usually you get a nice reply back,
too, explaining exactly why that word is banned or if it will be unbanned.


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Customs Aide Bot

Nov 21, 2002, 3:47am
It's typed text. Tourets is a spoken impulse. =)


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Nov 21, 2002, 11:05pm
Hey, I DID get my Spiderman DVD...


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Reporters & Commentators Needed

Nov 23, 2002, 5:22am
I don't think a lot of people would have a big problem with it if it didn't
sound like spam. While I recognize he is operating on behalf of a company,
_please_ put some personality into it. :)


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Stop *mass* advertisement

Nov 23, 2002, 5:15am
Yeah... I have to agree with equin0x here. While I feel that the community
newsgroup *should* be a place to advertise your events, it was not meant as
an advertising vehicle. There must be a balance. And The Game Master is
taking advantage of this, perhaps unconsciously, and it is beginning to get
on our nerves. Please Game Master, don't advertise "as much".

SW Chris

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Stop *mass* advertisement

Nov 23, 2002, 7:20pm
Yes, well, that was before he started posting something every few days. You
also wanted him to stop completely, if I understand correctly. :P


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Poor behavior of beta testers

Nov 26, 2002, 5:40pm
It sounds like you need a few more serious testers. If you are still
accepting, I can help you out. I was going to stay away from it, but there
are just too many kiddies running around who just want the new features
early and don't intent to report any bugs. Sooo if you want me, here I am.


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Expanding world Needs volunteers

Dec 3, 2002, 9:27pm
It's also a very economical attitude.


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Public release of Demeter terrain editor

Dec 8, 2002, 3:18am
Oh please, please, make this part of AW world! Enzo!? Your largest and
post popular building world needs an upgrade. I don't care what any history
preservationists say. It won't make old builds look bad! :)


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Public release of Demeter terrain editor

Dec 9, 2002, 6:46pm
Add to that neither GET nor the Peacekeepers have reported any vandalism
using the move and rotate bugs in alphaworld. And I don't think AWTeen has
had any cases with it either.

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Public release of Demeter terrain editor

Dec 10, 2002, 4:18am
In Alphaworld, there were several loopholes in the restrictive code against
move and rotate than enabled regular users to take advantage of these
commands. But an update to the browser a couple months ago stopped that.
But during that time that the loophole existed, no cases of move or rotate
vandalism were ever reported, and a lot of people who built there on a
regular basis knew about them. :)


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Public release of Demeter terrain editor

Dec 10, 2002, 7:45pm
Your name may be literal after all, TechnoZeus. ;)

SW Chris

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Public release of Demeter terrain editor

Dec 11, 2002, 2:21am
I hope so. :) But let's get back on topic. Demeter in aw. Please.


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Public release of Demeter terrain editor

Dec 11, 2002, 8:06am
I don't think it would operate like that, as AWTeen itself is pretty
large... But let's go to the source. Brant?


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Dec 11, 2002, 1:48am
cause he and his girlfriend keep forgetting to renew his citizenship. :P


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Dec 13, 2002, 7:43pm
We are the SWorg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add
your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Resistance is

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Dec 13, 2002, 7:44pm
Too bad. Stick around equin0x. You might learn something. :) I did! :D

I learned that pink elephants with umbrellas are cool.


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 7:59am
I thought Linden Labs was working on LindenWorld or whatever it was. Was
that only a test for this???

I know when these competitors to Active Worlds have millions to throw at
their projects, it can be very hard to keep up. But I think the best way to
keep this type of thing from killing AW is for AW to reinvent itself.
Similar to what Radio did when Television was introduced. I have some
ideas, but I think perhaps I'd like to let them stew a bit before I share my


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 6:34pm
I think what kf is trying to say is that you could have said all that
without being insulting.



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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 10:05pm
Both of you aren't helping your images, really...


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 10:08pm
Then leave. Or hang around us SW's more. ^_^


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 11, 2002, 10:48pm
Oh yes, I forgot you're going through this bad boy "Rebel without a cause"
phase... :P


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 1:07am
Sorry, I was trying to be cute and I made a bad joke. Kind of like Trent
Lott. But I'll shut up now. :)


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 1:09am
If Second Life is like AW, and it improves in one single thing, like
graphics, then it's better. But we don't have a feature list yet, so it's
all conjecture at this point.


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 1:28am
I've stewed, now the pot is boiling. :)

Possible reinventions
1. Cease development of the Active Worlds software and concentrate on a new
client, built from the ground up that will implement new technology and
features that have surfaced since AW was introduced. New code designed from
the ground up may make it easier to compete with Second Life without having
to program around the legacy code of the AW clients and servers. Continue
operation of Active Worlds, but at a lower price. Charge the current prices
or slightly higher for the new software. Allow legacy propdumping in the
new client.

2. Concentrate on Business to Business applications, selling the software
and servers to corporate clients like Volkswagon. Run a limited ad campaign
in several B2B magazines to gauge the affectiveness of advertising. Hire a
media planner!

3. Create a brand image that makes Active Worlds stand out from Second Life
and the Sims Online. Abandon the "3D chat and design tool" image. Use
buzzwords. :) Make sure people know you're the first one out there and
still the best.

4. Market aggressively to people bored with life (office workers,
secretaries, teenage internet surfers, stay-at-home moms, anybody who surfs
the net when they are bored, babysitters). If you have any friends in
Hollywood, see if you can get a product placement on any TV series or film.
Ham up the community. Update your primary build world to the latest
features available in AW, including 3rd party features like Demeter. ;)
Reward those who respond well to your advertising.

Unfortunately it all costs money, and you have probably already considered
these options. As far as advertising, radio and the internet are your best
bets for a product like AW. Television is much too competitive.


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 1:36am
True, but they are all measurements of time. You don't need to divide
months into two because the world chose to divide it into days. Therefore
it is logical to divide the day into two sets of twelve, roughly indicating
the part of the day where there is human activity, and the part of the day
where everyone is sleeping. But it is also logical by that reasoning to use
a twenty-four hour schedule. Or to divide the day into twelve periods.

Neither is better than the other, so you elitists on both sides stop.
Really. It's dumb to argue about something you can't change.


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 1:40am
For the entertainment or what? The guy was making no sense, an issue out of


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Oh dear - another release that will be very bad for AW...

Dec 13, 2002, 1:45am
If AW markets its product like what you've just described, then that would
help tremendously. :)


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