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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 2, 2003, 9:20pm
I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. AWI saw that we were offended by the welcome message, and so they changed it to something we weren't. It looks like a good compromise to me; I wouldn't ask for anything more.

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 3, 2003, 2:11pm
John: no, it wasn't.

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Sneek Peek, are you ready?

May 3, 2003, 5:40pm
Download speed is measured in bits, not bytes. 53.3Kbps is equal to about 6.6KBps. Divide the bitrate by eight to get transfer speed in bytes per second. At top speed, a 53KB file would take about eight seconds to download on a 56k modem.

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Unfair Beta Practices

May 4, 2003, 1:19am

The beta newsgroup was once open for anyone to post in it, and the resulting chaos was such that the programmers couldn't sort through the nonsense to find real bug reports. The closed beta programs have been much more productive than the AW 3.0 open beta attempt with everyone being able to post to the beta newsgroup.

If you have a bug report, though, you can submit it to shamus at

Before submitting any bug reports, you should check to see if it's already listed on

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May 4, 2003, 1:23am
Oddly enough, she isn't; at least not according to her citnum (263414).

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For The Lady

May 4, 2003, 1:31am
No one is crucifying you, Lady. All we ask is that you don't flood the newsgroups. It's good that you're trying to bring about change, but spamming the newsgroups will only turn people against your cause. Posting five or six new threads in less than an hour, all consisting of vague outcries with no support at all, will only irritate people. If you want to rally the newsgroup denizens to your cause, then you're going to have to convince us that something needs to be done. Don't just stand up on a podium and say, for example, "The government is evil! Down with the government!". Tell us *why* the government is evil, and what you think should be done to rectify that. Otherwise, you're just blowing smoke.

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Shes got issues!

May 5, 2003, 8:40pm
The complaints (and downright degradation) of The Lady's postings now outnumber her ramblings by several factors. There comes a point when it's just distasteful. I'm surprised no one heard the whooshing sound as that point flew right by.

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Please lay off the personals?

May 7, 2003, 5:35pm
I thought that God didn't have a mother? (Mary doesn't count.)

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Getting Web Teleports to work in WinXP

May 7, 2003, 11:03pm
You can thank OE's 72 char line length.

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 3:05am
Contributing as much to the community as you do, XelaG, more than makes up for a measly $70.00 a year for a citizenship and whatever your world costs. Hell, you should have been on AWI's payroll by now! :P

People, please: let AWI know that we don't want to let XelaG go!

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 2:57pm
Exactly! Bot makers like Faber and XelaG have been doing AWI's work for them for years. How many times do you have to use a bot to do something that you can't do with the world server or the browser? In my case, the number is too large to mention.

Many users consider the Xelagot an extension to the browser that makes up for its shortcomings. It seems _really_ stupid to me that AWI is willing to let a programmer who is willing to do so much work for them and their dwindling community for less than a few hundred dollars a year leave because he can't afford to pay anymore. Cheapskates.

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 3:00pm
XelaG posted his great news at about the same time that I posted this. I would like to extend an apology to AWI along with a hearty THANK YOU on behalf of the citizens of AW.

[View Quote] > Exactly! Bot makers like Faber and XelaG have been doing AWI's work for
> them for years. How many times do you have to use a bot to do something
> that you can't do with the world server or the browser? In my case, the
> number is too large to mention.
> Many users consider the Xelagot an extension to the browser that makes
> up for its shortcomings. It seems _really_ stupid to me that AWI is
> willing to let a programmer who is willing to do so much work for them
> and their dwindling community for less than a few hundred dollars a year
> leave because he can't afford to pay anymore. Cheapskates.

the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 4:58pm
Wait... is this the part where we throw flowers?

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New Alpha World

Jun 7, 2003, 3:49pm
It looks like in NewAW I will finally get the chance to have a go at my life dream - the poultry business!

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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 3:01am
It'll be just fine right up to the point when Scuz suddenly and mysteriously disappears, never to be seen or heard from again...

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New AW Host

Jun 24, 2003, 8:49pm
The chief reason being, unfortunately, that there isn't any news to report :P

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Newsgroups posts lost?

Jun 26, 2003, 8:44pm
To my knowledge, no posts expired until everything posted around April 27th and before disappeared. My newsreader is set only to store headers on disk, which means that every time I view a message, it must first be re-downloaded from the server. I could view messages all the way back to the first post until they all disappeared a few weeks ago. If anyone has a cache of all the message bodies and headers, though, it might be possible to rebuild the database.

I don't know anything about your NTTP program, though, so I'm probably completely wrong :P

Still, if anyone has those posts (*points conspicuously to Baron*), you might ask for the copies and see what you can do with them. If you can't merge them back into the post database, then you ought to be able to construct a quick-and-easy website archive for all the old posts.

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they crossed the line.

Jun 30, 2003, 4:54pm
Vermin committed no crime other than expressing his opinion. If you are such an anti-fascist, proud American, then you might recall a teansie little article in the Bill of Rights that allows American citizens to speak out against the government without fear of federal persecution. Just because you don't like to hear what he has to say doesn't mean that he doesn't have the same rights and privileges that you do. If you want to silence him, then you're not much better than Joseph Goebbels.

That, however, is a law planted firmly in the real world, and does not necessarily apply in AW. According to the rules of AWGate, I see nothing wrong, though. There was no real debate going on (as far as I can tell you were the sole opposition of Vermin), there was no slandering, no swearing, and no insulting. Seeing that no one else apparently had a problem with this, you should have muted him (muting the GK was, quite frankly, stupid) and gone along your merry way. If someone's opinions expressed over the Internet can get to you that easily, then you seriously need to learn to have faith in your own beliefs.

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they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 1:30am
[View Quote] > Yeah, but those constitutional rights are taken away on the internet by the
> digital millenium act or whatever its called. Also, iggy is not neccesarily
> a 'proud-american' but had family in the holocaust. I think thats plenty of
> justification.

Read before you respond, please.

"That, however, is a law planted firmly in the real world, and does not necessarily apply in AW."

(Myself, in reference to the Bill of Rights). I then go on to say that I think Vermin was not breaking the rules of discussion AWGate.

"According to the rules of AWGate, I see nothing wrong, though. There was no real debate going on (as far as I can tell you were the sole opposition of Vermin), there was no slandering, no swearing, and no insulting. Seeing that no one else apparently had a problem with this, you should have muted him (muting the GK was, quite frankly, stupid) and gone along your merry way."

> Vermin clearly used the word 'jew' as if it were a bad thing, and you know
> it. However, I don't really think that vermin saying that hitler was half
> jewish was bad at all, and in fact if anything was to make hitler look
> stupid.

Unfortunately, since I wasn't there, I *don't* know it. All I can see is that Vermin didn't seem to be bothering anybody but Iggy, which is why I advised Iggy that he should have muted the fellow and gone along his way. The GK isn't going to eject someone just because *one* person has a problem with him and he doesn't seem to be breaking any (official, as opposed to GK-on-the-spot) rules.

To rephrase: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

they crossed the line.

Jul 1, 2003, 1:51am
[View Quote] I think it's you who isn't understanding. I *never* said that you should have been ejected. All I'm saying (and indeed have been saying for the last three posts...) is that neither should have Vermin. According to the official rules of AWGate, he was well within limits. You were the only one present (so far as I can tell) who had a problem with him. In a situation where only you seem to be having a problem with a user, then it is really not your place to order his or her ejection. Mute him and be done with it.

The reason you were ejected, in case you were wondering, is this:

"IggyTheAlleayCat: those GK's made a sport from ejecting me even when ppl
stalk me I am the one thtat get ejected :/"

The Gatekeepers have been taking a lot of heat recently. People have been coming into AWGate solely to complain about the GKs. Because of this, they've been ejecting anyone who looks like they're going to start ranting to prevent any problems from arising. Note: I am _not_ saying that the Gatekeepers are justified in this regard. I'm just explaining their behavior. Some of you people seem to think that just because I don't totally and instantly agree that the GKs are evil that I must be on the side of the enemy.

they crossed the line.

Jul 2, 2003, 12:45am

Read carefully:

I said in my _first_ post that the Bill of Rights doesn't apply in AWGate. I was never disagreeing with you there; I thought I made this clear in the last post. Obviously I failed. I simply thought it ironic that someone so obviously opposed to Hitler and fascism would wish for the ejection of another. And I certainly never said anything about your mentioning Digital Millennium Act.

To rephrase again: I know full well that the Bill of Rights does not apply on most Internet mediums. I have never said that it did. If you aren't going to read my posts, then I'm going to stop bothering to reply to yours.

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they crossed the line.

Jul 2, 2003, 1:06am
I see no evidence in the log that Vermin was attempting to insult the Jewish community. In fact, it seems obvious to me that Vermin is very much opposed to Hitler and the Nazis.

Vermin was:
A) Promoting individualism
B) Calling Hitler a fool

Vermin was not:
A) Insulting the Jews
B) Supporting Hitler

What happened in the log looks like nothing more than a misunderstanding gone out of hand. No one but Iggy thought that Vermin was insulting the Jews or supporting Hitler. Rather than set his sights straight, though, the Gatekeeper on duty solves the problem by ejecting him. Giving the Gatekeeper the benefit of the doubt, it was probably just a mistake. The GKs could avoid these kinds of entanglements if they hesitate just a little longer before they pull the trigger, so that they can get a clear picture of the situation before acting rashly.

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Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 2, 2003, 1:18am
Sadly, I doubt you'll be getting much cooperation from E N Z O. He destroyed years worth of posts in the newsgroups trying to delete a single post that he didn't like, and all he has to say for it is "Erm... woops! Sorry about that! Won't happen again." There are enough users around here with a cache of all the old posts to assemble a web archive of some sort, but not many people (E N Z O included) seem to care.

Now with my own rant out of the way:

Get enough people to e-mail (but not flame) AWI about the mapper, and eventually they may feel enough pressure to issue a response. I doubt that you'll get the Mapper itself back, but an official explanation would be better than nothing.

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Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 2, 2003, 5:42am
Guess they didn't want to be thought consistent or something ;-)

Anyway, thanks AWI.

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Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 2, 2003, 9:01pm
We lost all posts previous to April 27th or close to it. Check the thread 'Newsgroups post lost?' posted by Baron on 6/25/2003. If you're still seeing the old posts, then the headers and/or message bodies are probably still in your cache.

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BI Message - Try Building Somewhere Else Because This Space Is Too Full - WHAT IS UP????

Jul 5, 2003, 6:27am
There is no technical problem with the building inspector. The 'area is full' message derives from the cell data limit set in the world features dialog. This data includes the object's name, description, action text, XYZ position, and rotation. Try clearing up some of the space by using shorter URLs for picture and sound links, replacing 'create visible/solid off' with 'create visible/solid no', and using no spaces between commands in the action field.

AlphaWorld's cell data limit is set at the smallest setting, 'normal', which I believe is 1500 bytes per cell. People have been begging for the data limit to be bumped up to 'large' for years, but the pleas fall upon deaf ears...

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Jul 7, 2003, 1:01am
Unfortunately, AWI has no marketing department and apparently doesn't care about getting the word out. Hell, AWI is too lazy to update their account and don't even bother getting listed on Tucows... Do they want to fail, or what?

There's absolutely no excuse not to take advantage of free advertisement. The idea of virtual reality may no longer be 'hip' enough to spot a free interview with a major news corporation, and I have many doubts that AWI could afford even thirty seconds of commercial airtime on a popular television station, but listing their product on popular download sites (something which is entirely free) is just plain incompetence or simply a lack of caring.

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Jul 7, 2003, 1:12am
I take it this must be coming from personal experience, seeing as you can't even spell 'truly' properly...

The moral of this story?

If you can understand what the man is saying, then shut that gaping orifice in what you call a face before it spews out something potentially more embarrassing than what you already vomited.

If you don't have anything to say to Richard other than being an asinine pedant, then don't. It's really quite simple. So Richard wants attention. Well, maybe you didn't notice, but by nitpicking about his spelling and arguing with him, you're doing just that.

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Jul 7, 2003, 9:03am
Umm... I hardly care for Richard's particular brand of melodrama, but I like your staunch accordance with 'newsgroup tradition' even less. Just because someone has been in AW longer than another doesn't give him the right to act as though he's an anal retentive, xenophobic thirteen year old with a penchant for 'mine is bigger than yours!' competitions.

I apologize if I overreacted, but threads like these are, quite frankly, starting to piss me off. I'm getting tired of wading through endless ego-inflating one-liners or seeing legitimate topics being steered off into flame wars by the well-known trolling faction.

Just for the sake of argument, let's use this thread as an example. First we have a somewhat dramatic but completely harmless post that is no threat to anyone. Then along comes a mighty warrior who can't resist the urge to give his ego a cheap boost by demonstrating his obviously superior intellect, and feels the distinct need to totally ignore the message at hand and instead focus on irrelevant spelling mistakes. But hark! Thence cometh the cavalry to support their mighty leader in the quest to vanquish all that is erroneous! But woe, these would-be glory fighters are indeed inflicted with the same plague of the one to be vanquished. Undeterred by this, the soldiers fight valiantly until their spelling-error ammunition is depleted, but fear not! another tactic is at hand.

The basis of this new strategy involves a complex tactical maneuver which relies on a meme, or better thought of as an idea virus. The core element of this virus is an illogical thought process which convinces the infected that flaming the living hell out of someone for making trivial mistakes is indeed in rigid accordance with the finest traditions of AW newsgroup posting. It doesn't need to be said that this virus has made exemplary progress in spreading itself.

Little do the light warriors know, however, of a simple way to defeat, once and for all, the poisoned soul of The Erroneous and Melodramatic Enemy. This method is surprisingly painless and requires no effort to enact. All a warrior has to do is to ignore any errors in a post and instead respond to the content therein. Failing that (assuming that the content of the post is rubbish written by an infidel who will burn in the eternal afterlife punished forevermore by the flaming swords of the guardian light warriors), the said warrior may then simply ignore the post and many would-be casualties of war will be spared. In fact, by doing this, the light-warrior faction would be discouraging posters from making similar pleas for attention and thereby winning future battles before having to actually do battle. If only Gandhi could see it now.

And now, to be fully inconsistent and for once follow my own advice, I will now cease further posting to this thread, because after careful examination, I have found that I hate it.

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Jul 7, 2003, 11:43am
I'm being quite a hypocrite for posting when I said that I've stopped, but oh well. I thought that I made myself pretty clear, but there are some misunderstandings still abroad. I promise to beat myself with a wooden spoon to make up for it, though.

[View Quote] Threads like these are a disruption to the newsgroups. It has nothing to do with my taste. It has more to do with common decency and usenet etiquette.

> "Just because someone has been in AW longer than another..."
> I seriously doubt I am senior to any in the newgroups. I have never made a
> comment about the rights of 'senior citizens' over junior ones.

Then I misunderstood you. My apologies.

> "xenophobic thirteen year old..."
> I fail to see any connection between a xenophobic teenager and someone who
> posts on a newsgroup full of technically foreign people.

Hint: try reading. I was using a xenophobic, anal retentive teenager as an example for the behavior of some posters here.

> "... well-known trolling faction."
> Could you tell me where I can sign up?

I was not implying that you are a troll, but I don't believe a sign-up is necessary to attain the position if you're interested.

> "First we have a somewhat dramatic but completely harmless post..."
> This post may have been quite harmless to you, but when someone complains
> that they not appriciated enough by the community, as a member of that
> community, I get offended.

If you're this easily offended, then you shouldn't be using the Internet. The Internet is the largest database of human opinion and controversy in the history of humankind. You will find people you disagree with, and you will find opinions that you detest. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

> " ...feels the distinct need to totally ignore the message..."
> I believe I did address what I found wrong about his statement outside of
> the spelling errors.

It was a cheap one-liner that sparked a whole pandora's box of cheap one-liners that became overkilled after the first two or three posts.

> "...the cavalry..."
> I have yet to see mine.

Erm... huh?

> "The core element of this virus is an illogical thought process which
> convinces the infected that flaming the living hell out of someone for
> making trivial mistakes is indeed in rigid accordance with the finest
> traditions of AW newsgroup posting"
> Welcome to the newsgroups?

Negative on that, Houston. People who think that the newsgroups should be like this are the whole problem. It should *not* be like this. Many forums operate on a friendly, useful basis just fine. There's no reason why we can't.

> You contradict your own method by responding to a post by a proposed
> "infidel"

If you re-read that section, you may find that I was not calling you an infidel. In case you didn't notice, the entire post was laced heavily with sarcasm. The "infidels" are the people who make spelling errors and get roasted. The nitpickers are the light warriors. A novel concept, this sarcasm thing. It may just catch on someday.

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