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tony m // User Search
tony m // User SearchFree Internet without Banners?Apr 21, 2001, 5:12pm
What does this have to do with AW?
[View Quote] > Guess what! If you get a free internet that has banners and make sure you > have a ppp log turned on (contact me for info on how to do this), you can > clear the file C:\Windows\ppplog.txt and then connect. Disconnect, and look > for a section that says something like: > 2-28-2001 18:31:03.47 - Data 0008: 7d 23 c0 21 7d 21 7d 21 | > Look after this point and keep looking down until you find something like > briannaxxx at spinway.blah.blah . Gotta go hehe contact me for more info on how > to do this -- - Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at] "Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United" "Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of Progress?" ____________________________________________________________ building in offline without internet connectionJul 24, 2001, 10:05pm
I just learned this whilst in offline mode building screenshots for
somethign I'm working on: if you modify alot of stuff in offline mode and teleport somewhere in the same location, all your changes go *POOF* as the scene is reloaded from cache. [View Quote] >Sure it could be a risk doing this. >Same thing as trying to build on someones elses property will happend if you >try to upload your buildings and someone else have already built there in >online mode. >No problem to solve that, just lay grass all over the place you plan to >build on in offline mode. I did that! >If you got a blue screen or a computer lockup while doing this, you're in >trouble...but such trouble don't happend often, right?? :-) > >rypp - Tony M. privlage pass word detectionMay 20, 2001, 3:56pm
aWwuY29tPiB3cm90ZSBpbiBtZXNzYWdlIG5ld3M6M2IwNmQwMzgkMUBzZXJ2ZXIxLkFjdGl2ZXdv cmxkcy5jb20uLi4NCj4gSSBkbywgc3BlY2FpbHkgd2hlbiB5b3Ugb3duIGEgd29ybGQuDQo+IA0K PiBtIGEgayBhIHYgZSBsIGkgPHR1cGFjaXNkYWJlc3RAYW9sLmNvbT4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2Fn ZQ0KPiBuZXdzOjNiMDY4ZjAwQHNlcnZlcjEuQWN0aXZld29ybGRzLmNvbS4uLg0KPiA+IFRoYXQg anVzdCBnb2VzIG92ZXIgdGhlIGxpbWl0LCBJIGRvbid0IHdhbnQgYW4gZS1tYWlsIG9yIHRncmFt IHNlbnQgdG8gbWUNCj4gPiBldmVyeSB0aW1lIHNvbWVvbmUgaXMgb24gbXkgUFBXLg0KPiA+DQo= collision argument for warpMay 20, 2001, 3:59pm
ZUBwcm9kaWd5Lm5ldD4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZSBuZXdzOjNiMDZkYjJhJDFAc2VydmVyMS5B Y3RpdmV3b3JsZHMuY29tLi4uDQo+IGp1c3QgaGFkIGEgdGhvdWdodCBoZXJlLCB3aGF0IGlmIEkg d2FudCB0byB0aHJvdyBFIE4gWiBPIGFnYWluc3QgYSB3YWxsIHdoZW4gaGUgc3RlcHMgb24gbXkg Zmxvb3IgYXQgYSBoaWdoIHZlbG9jaXR5PyBDYW4ndCBkbyBpdA0KPiB3aXRoIHdhcnBzIGJlY2F1 c2Ugb2YgYWNjZWxsZXJhdGlvbiBhbmQgZGVjZWxsZXJhdGlvbi4gQlVULCBJIGNhbiB0aHJvdyBo aW0gdGhyb3VnaCB0aGF0IHdhbGwgYXQgYSB2ZXJ5IGhpZ2ggc3BlZWQgd2l0aCB3YXJwcy4gU28s DQo+IHdoYXQgaWYgdGhlcmUgd2VyZSBhbiBhcmd1bWVudCB0aGF0IGFsbG93cyBvYmplY3RzIHRv IGJsb2NrIHRoZSBjb3Vyc2Ugb2YgYSB3YXJwPw0KPiANCj4gDQo= avatar dialogMay 20, 2001, 4:00pm
aXRoIGFuIEFWIG1lbnUpIGFuZCBpdCBoYWQgYSBtZW51IGp1c3QgbGlrZSB0aGF0IG9uZS4NCg0K ImFuYW5hcyIgPHZoYUBvY3QzMS5kZT4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZSBuZXdzOjNCMDZGRUJGLkY2 MDIwMzAzQG9jdDMxLmRlLi4uDQo+IGh0dHA6Ly9udHBhdWwuc3Byb2cuYXVjLmRrL2F2YXRhcnMv Ym9vay9DSEFXL0FXTjRELkdJRg0KPiANCj4gSXMgdGhpcyBwaWN0dXJlIGEgZmFrZSBvciB3YXMg dGhlcmUgc3VjaCBhbiBhdmF0YXINCj4gc2VsZWN0IGRpYWxvZyBpbiBhbiBlYXJsaWVyIEFXIHZl cnNpb24/DQo+IA0KPiAtLSANCj4gICAgICAiXw0KPiAgICAgIHwNCj4gICAgIC9cDQo+ICAgIFwg Lw0KPiBfXy8gL18NCg== Telegram SubjectsMay 29, 2001, 5:00am
Uh, this is not what he asked for. he asked for it in the (get ready for
this) *** ACTIVE WORLDS BROWSER *** please try to keep pace of the conversation, or in the mighty words of the great Eep: "suck filter, twit" [View Quote] To drop Clertion (spelling?)Jun 6, 2001, 11:21am
theoretically, it's possible. manually processing the ".RWX" file and
calling all the engine functions to render it shouldn't be too hard.... [View Quote] New features for 3.3Jun 5, 2001, 4:06am
New features for 3.3Jun 29, 2001, 11:09pm
-- see comments below --
[View Quote] This probably won't make it into 3.2/3.3 because of the very high risk of -SPAM-. Unless you can find a way to make multi-recipient teles that don't have a very high risk of spam, I doubt it'll happen. New features for 3.3Jun 30, 2001, 4:37am
or maybe make the mass-tele send only to all of your contacts at once.
that would make things such as name-change announcements easier [View Quote] Increased Contact ListJun 29, 2001, 11:07pm
Gah! Do you ppl not read old posts? we battled this before.. the
uniserver handles the contact lists, and as KAH pointed out the universe would -DIE- of the tremendous amounts of CL lookups. 200 is the final limit change, why must you keep track of so many people anyway? i have enough that my list doesn't have to use scrollbars, and i keep it that way.. [View Quote] New and Improved AV's for standard use?Jul 1, 2001, 5:29pm
[View Quote]
actually, 10080 is a week. 100000 is 9wks 6days 10hrs 40mins
A new commandJul 8, 2001, 12:41am
AW WebbrowserAug 2, 2001, 5:03pm
please do not post HTML when you crosspost to wishlist, beta, bots,
community & worldbuilders On 2 Aug 2001 04:55:45 -0400, "simba1" <shaun.okeefe at> [View Quote] >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. *snip* - Tony M. The bird botAug 4, 2001, 3:16am
thats the whole POINT of bird BOTS (note the 's' at the end).. duh!
ask AWC if you want your bot limit increased, or run bots on multiple cit #s. [View Quote] >I think the "bird bot" should only count as one bot.... because when i log >them in i can't log in my preston it says "you can not have any more bots >online" >I think its silly! and i wish they would fix it! > > Eep, Bots should not be intigrated into the browser as plugins.Aug 6, 2001, 6:15am
this doesnt even belong here! DUH!
[View Quote] >Bots are best as separate programs. If they where integrated into the >browser then we would have to stay logged in to AW all the time just for >some of up to keep out 24/7 bots running. having the bot in a separate >program like they are now means we don't have to be in AW just to keep the >bots running, saves on PC resources, and on people thinking you rude not >answering telegrams or letting them join you not knowing your sleeping and >just keeping your 24/7 bot running. > > Welcome messageAug 25, 2001, 2:06am
you can by editing the Message Files.....
On 24 Aug 2001 22:09:31 -0400, "brandon" <brandon at> [View Quote] >I think we need to be able to chnge t to something besides immagration >officer.... > >-- >- Brandon >(website coming soon) >World: A'Dude >Co-owned world: Safira > > Build # missing on the browser download pageSep 5, 2001, 12:26am
It costs money to upgrade a galax/uni server, you don't just flip a
switch and do a little dance. On 3 Sep 2001 21:21:35 -0400, "the derek" <ImTheDerek at> [View Quote] >ok in every universe is a settings option. whoever >runs the universe sets that to the highest browser >the server will work with. for example there are >many 2.2 universes out there so they set their >universe>>>options>>>latest browser attribute >this then tells you the latest browser that will >work with that universe >whatever is in the latest browser in the aw >universe is what youll be downloading > >and they dont take time to update: >when they change it anyone who is in/logging in >the universe with a lower browser will get an >upgrade message >when you upgrading you are downloading right OFF >OF their site > >there is nothing worng with saying what build >number youre downloading on the site but i doubt >aw will do it cause its usless > >and if you want to know what build you HAVE (not >just what is the latest that works for the >uniserver youre logged into) help>about >this tells you your citizen number in the box but >the build number is the second line of text on >that window > 2 small wishesOct 1, 2001, 9:37pm
good ideas.
[View Quote] >1. Integrate "downloads (f3)" into the GUI. It's nice to have around but >having the floating box can just be annoying. > >2. When you right click an object, perhaps there could be some bar or >percent number of the amount of cell space you got left. This would be nice >for planning, so you don't end up making 90% of something only to find out >that you can't finish it. Also, perhaps as your typing things into the >action or description field, there could be another percentage that'll >indicate how much space it'll cost you. > >- SW Comit > > -- Tony M (fldmshl2013 at WeatherDec 25, 2001, 5:21pm
[View Quote] >Some real life weather would be cool.. > >Density fog.. (more dense in some areas then in others.. instead of inside >buildings it could be around it).. > >Snow.. little snowflakes come down until they cover the gound.. you could >specifiy how much snow cover you want.. > >Rain.. comes down.. maybe even puddles of water if there's some hilly areas >:). > >Evaporation rate for the rain/snow.. Choose a rate.. 0 it doesn't evaporate >100 it evaporates as soon as it hits the ground.. > >Cloud cover.. a lot or a little. (would have to tie into the rain/snow) > >Maybe in the future if they do this some Ice.. for the puddles that freeze >over since they don't evaporate if you change the weather to snow. Or a >calendar.. you can set up weather on a monthly basis.. maybe longer :).. > >Just adding these featuers along with the "landscape" feature would improve >AW beyond belief. Tell me what you think of all this :) > >--Bowen-- > > > > > -- Tony M (fldmshl2013 at Idiot ReportMay 20, 2002, 11:02pm
would anyone like to post this to a webpage? my newsreader cannot
interpret that attachment. On 18 May 2002 04:38:58 -0400, "strike rapier" [View Quote] >This is a multi-part message in MIME format. > >------=_NextPart_000_014F_01C1FE4D.37EF6FA0 >Content-Type: multipart/alternative; > boundary="----=_NextPart_001_0150_01C1FE4D.37EF6FA0" > > >------=_NextPart_001_0150_01C1FE4D.37EF6FA0 >Content-Type: text/plain; > charset="iso-8859-1" >Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > >Hi Brant, Just reporting this idiot your chess bots probably detected. > > >And so on for quite a while.... > > > *snip* |