brant // User Search
brant // User Search
Nov 14, 2002, 11:12pm
Well, that was the original plan, but they haven't been released. Builds
are always released in stages during a beta program, as bugs are fixed. But
the plan was for 3.4 to be released as 3.4.1, 3.4.2, etc. with one or two
new features each time.
As I said, new features are great, and YS and ENZO are doing a great job,
but I think it's time to finally release 3.4. There's always another great
feature to add, but sometimes one has to draw the line on any software
package or the product will never be released.
[View Quote]"ncc 71854" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3dd444a9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The various builds actually came out in stages :P
> "nornny11" <Nornny1 at attbi.com> wrote in message
> news:3dd443f3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> you
> There'll
> view
Nov 15, 2002, 8:30pm
Well, then I'll have to disagree with the people who bugged ENZO. While I
personally won't take advantage of these features most likely, I'm sure a
great number of people using Activeworlds will.
But they could just as easily have been added in 3.5. You said you wouldn't
mind waiting for a few months, so why rush them? if 443 is stable, spend a
few more days writing documentation and release the new version first.
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dd4849c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I'm not so sure about the key mapping, but I would think there would be
little room for bugs in something as simple as new 3rd person camera angles,
so that shouldn't delay the release much at all. Anyway, I'm not complaining
about it. Looks like this will be a new releaase worth looking forward to,
and if anyone thinks I'm only saying that because I'm on the beta program,
that's not what it's about. I'm on the beta program to take an active part
in helping to make the next version of ActiveWorlds a better product. When
I first got on the beta, I was crashing all the time with no warnings or
error messages. There's no way I would put up with so much trouble just for
an early look at the next version, but the worst part is over and I'm happy
to say that from my vantage point this beta [build 443] is looking pretty
stable now, and these new features sound pretty good. Besides, since people
bugged the heck out of ENZO to squeze certain changes they wanted into
version 3.4 a new alpha version was necessary, so as long as the beta stage
has to go back to the beginning they may as well give us a few extra things
to test at the same time.
> TechnoZeus
> "zeo toxion" <brandon at metrocast.net> wrote in message
news:3dd44b31 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
for so long. People need updates or
the last minute bugs and release 3.4 as
going to, not dragging beta on and on and
updates to stay interested.
news:3dd410e6$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 15, 2002, 10:50am
Well, I agree that backdrops are obsolete, but the feature shouldn't be
removed. Legacy compatibility is very important, especially for worlds who
use older world servers or for other universes who might not have the money
to upgrade.
[View Quote]"ncc 71854" <NCC-71854 at USS-Venture.Starfleet.UFP> wrote in message
news:3dd4c82d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Agrees. And the backdrop feature could be taken out since it's really
> obsolete. Just the backdrop color needs to stay and be renamed to Fog
> And it would be really nice if the titlebar would show the current
> as fractional coordinates. I.E. "AlphaWorld at 0.7N 28.2W facing W"
> or "AlphaWorld at 0.7N 28.2W facing 097"
> By the way, why is the heading counter-clockwise instead of clockwise as
> a compass (E=090)?
> "syntax" <syn at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3dd49cc8 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> do
> for
Nov 15, 2002, 8:21pm
Skyboxes can already be made with masks. There was one in AWTeen a while
ago. Contact Robbie if you're interested in using the one he made.
[View Quote]"technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
news:3dd53638$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I was thinking the same thing... and also, correct me if I'm wrong but it
seems to me that a simple old style ground object is actually pretty
efficient since it's really only a single object rendered in a position that
jumps to stay with you as you cross certain zone boundaries, and the
backdrop feature is both very efficient, and the only way presently
available to place an image in the background that takes full advantage of
the actual screen resolution of the computer that ActiveWorlds is running
on. I wonder if a mask feature could be added to it so you could let the
new 6 color sky and a sun, moon, or glowing planet show through. Hey, ENZO,
any plans to allow jpg images already on the texture path to be used as
masks by specifying a .jpg ending on a mask file name?
> TechnoZeus
> "e n z o" <enzo at activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3dd51cfd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
clockwise as
Nov 16, 2002, 12:38am
I think you misunderstood the post. The proposal was for a treaty between
many countries. Thus, it wouldn't only be the US who would be dealing with
hate speech.
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3DD577FB.2000909 at utn.cjb.net...
> And besides, how can anyone think they can control the entire Internet?
> At best, the US Government can only prevent "hate speech" from being
> hosted on US servers.
> technozeus wrote:
them is enough to advocate, promote or incite hatred and discrimination...
which means that if they passed a treaty which made it illegal to distribute
anything which might cause one of those reactions then either such people
would have to be somehow "eliminated" or all communications would have to
cease. And I do mean "all" communications, because even a personal note to
your closest friend might some day result at least indirectly in such a
reaction by somebody someplace on the planet.
news:3dd53c99$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
support a proposed treaty to restrict "hate speech" on the Internet.
> --
> Goober King
> Hates hate speech legislation...
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Nov 19, 2002, 9:11pm
Agreed. There are more important problems in the world than HTML posting -
more bandwidth is wasted in complaining about HTML posts than the posts
themselves. If you don't like it, then complain to ENZO.
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3ddac435 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> oh lay off...who cares, the owner of the universe is posting in html, if
> can, who can't? He started it anyway...
> awmaki.com
> "syntax" <syn at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3ddabebc at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Nov 20, 2002, 12:41am
I disagree.
This isn't an issue of morality, but an issue of being broad-minded about
others' views. Many people don't approve of the words you hinted at in your
post. True, some may believe that using them in public is acceptable, but
I'm not sure that you or anyone can say that a "majority" feels one way or
the other. In order to make this statement, a poll would have to be
conducted and the answers posted.
But more importantly, there are many children in these G and PG rated worlds
whose parents don't wish them to be exposed to such language. What good is
a new ratings system in 3.4 is AW doesn't enforce the ratings of its own
There are no customs aide bots in worlds like WildAW that are rated for an
older crowd. We just got through a huge discussion about the Gor worlds in
the universe - why are we complaining about the Gor worlds when we can't
even agree on whether AW's worlds should be moderated?
[View Quote]"kellee" <kellee at my.activeworlds.com> wrote in message
news:3dd9cf10 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The Customs Aide bot in AWNewbie is bad for business and an insult to
> and i suggest that its word list be broadened to exclude the slang words
> that are not offensive to any one, save a judgemental moralist.
> It is wrong to impose the morals of a select few from one country on
> The Customs Aide bot ejects for words that are totally acceptable in other
> cultures but the one that programmed it feels that everyone should adhere
> his/her's own narrow minded view.
> If i was a tourist I would be VERY offended if i was ejected for such a
> trivial offence as some for which it ejects, and never bother to pay for
> citizenship in a narrow minded psuedomoralistic place.
> As well as it is just plain wrong to inflict the views of some onto others
> that do not share them. If a moralistic value is shared by the vast
> majority, fair enough.
> But when only a minority have the power to dictate morality to the
> that is WRONG.
Nov 25, 2002, 9:18pm
Am I the only person who has read through the beta newsgroup in complete
disbelief? If the testers can't post constructive criticism or at least
observe basic manners, then don't waste the programmers' time by being a
part of the test group. A beta program isn't supposed to work right - I
don't test because I don't want to have to deal with these issues. It's
downright appalling what some of the people posted there this afternoon, and
I only had time to look over a quarter of the new posts, if that. Not even
two year olds would be allowed to insult people like some of the testers are
doing right now.
There's a way to express your opinions, and a way not to. I sincerely hope
that Young Shamus and ENZO don't decide to remove functionality that could
benefit many users just because a few people didn't read the help files.
Nov 28, 2002, 5:08pm
Pure genius. Don't listen to them, Goober - I'll have to be like Nornny now
and put my writeup as my signatures :)
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3DE5C9E3.5060800 at utn.cjb.net...
> Don't look now, but it's another edition of the NG2tNGs! That's right,
> the Newbie Guide to the Newsgroups!
> For those of you just joining us, the NG2tNGs is the perfect companion
> to help you get acquainted with everything you'll encounter here in this
> wonderful land we call the newsgroups. To start things off, here's an
> introduction to just some of the characters you'll encounter in your
> thread-tracing travels:
> Absolute Monarch - Ruler of Sapphire Estates and self-proclaimed "Evil
> Chaotic Lord of the Dead and Demons", this necrophile will beg, borrow,
> and steal to get attention for his town. Be especially wary if he starts
> asking about worlds...
> Agent1 - This Voice of Reason in the NGs will jump at any opportunity to
> point out faulty logic or blatantly obvious blunders in the driest
> manner possible. In fact, just about the only thing that could get him
> to crack a smile is the thought of harassing AWI staff.
> AlphaBit Phalpha - Former Head of the You-Know-What Awards, ABP now
> oversees worms and fishing hooks under her new role as the purveyor of
> the Bite Me Bait & Tackle Shop (yes, it's a real place). At least you
> won't hear the worms complaining about a "popularity contest"...
> Ambivalent - This one's a total misnomer, especially when it comes to
> ripping her off. World hosters, BEWARE!
> Ananas - And oldie but goodie of the NGs, this one's always ready with a
> quick one-liner or friendly word of advice. In other words, he's one of
> the quiet ones your mother always told you to watch out for...
> Andras - Overseer of the "other" AW newsgroups, this one is also
> responsible for almost every non-bot related program used in conjunction
> with AW. Rumor has it AWI tried to hire him once, but he turned them
> down, saying "You still haven't reimbursed me for the work I've already
> done for you!"
> Anduin - One of the local G-men, this self-proclaimed Scribe knows how
> to put a woman in her place, at least when he can tell the difference...
> BinaryBud - This one has recently gotten into the habit of referring to
> himself in the 3rd person. Just another notch in his odd writing style
> that makes you wonder "You sure he isn't drunk?"
> Bowen - Here's one that will say anything just to say something, even if
> he has no clue about the subject at hand. I guess there are some people
> who just like to watch themselves type... *looks around innocently*
> Brant - Former Caretaker of AWTeen, he's apparently decided to trade the
> hassle of dealing with immature teens to dealing with immature posters
> in the NGs. Sounds to me like he got ripped off on that trade.
> Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
> especially when it concerns others in his own age range. In other words,
> the perfect NG candidate.
> CarlBanks - Caution: May contain brain-like substance. Also prone to
> lashing out, especially when it feels its RPG territory is being
> Daphne - You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and
> WILL be used against you, anytime, anywhere. This one's penchant for
> storing away chat logs and telegrams for later use makes the Library of
> Congress look like the local newsstand. If you are at all worried about
> your virtual reputation, don't talk to her. Ever.
> E N Z O - Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The CEO of AWI has now appointed
> himself the new moderator of the NGs and has taken upon himself the
> unenviable task of ridding the community NG of all nastiness! Want to
> get on his bad side? Just mention one of the three magic words: "Gor",
> "CY", or "Committee"!
> Goober King - With a name like this, anyone who takes this guy seriously
> is just asking for trouble.
> InSaNiTy/Filmkr/Host - Whatever name you call him, this one always boils
> down to one word: "Distrust". In fact, he's probably the only person in
> the NGs who can claim to be universally loathed by every NG regular. And
> yet, he still somehow manages to run a successful business...
> J B E L L - The self-described "Everyone's Favorite Troll", this guy
> appears to simply fall under the "Trying Too Hard" category. It's almost
> as if he *wants* everyone to hate him, but something prevents them from
> doing so. No wonder he owns a world centered around debates...
> JerMe - One of the many resident geeks in the NG, this one's clearly
> started his turn to trolldom. Just don't get him started on AWI's
> incompetency. Wouldn't want him to get banned or anything...
> jstone2004 - AWTeen Poster Boy, he's decided to make it his mission to
> prove to the world that AWTeen isn't full of immature ingrates. Of
> course, it makes his job that much more tragic when those same immature
> ingrates prove him wrong...
> Kellee - This saucy Aussie is just about the only thing holding the
> entire AWSchool system together these days. No wonder she wants to
> approve the use of the word "shit" in AW...
> Kerstin - Keeper of the Sigh Awards. Voting for the Sigh Awards will
> begin on December 6th... no wait, December 13th... no, December 25th...
> no, that's a holiday... oh, screw it! *sigh*
> Linn - She of the Garbled English, no one has been able to figure out
> exactly what causes her to act the way she does. Whatever it is also
> apparently causes her to think everyone else is telepathic and can read
> her mind. Makes for interesting conversation, hmmmm?
> Lioness. - This is one cat that's definitely got some teeth! Just be
> careful, because she doesn't usually go for the quick one-bite kill, but
> rather prefers to bury you under huge piles of words. Paragraph nerds
> need not apply.
> Maki - Here's another one that's made a rather infamous name for
> himself, first by pissing off an entire contingent of NG Survivor
> players, and then pissing off the normally infallible AlphaBit Phalpha.
> When you can actually make ABP break out the frowny face, you know
> you've hit a nerve.
> MrBruce - He wants to help the AW community, but apparently some people
> don't want his help. This one still needs to learn the basic rule of
> success here in AW: Don't listen to anyone but yourself.
> NCC 71854/72897 - A trekkie geek who's also apparently trying to be
> "black". Don't hate on the playa... hate on the Romulans! After all,
> wouldn't want to look like a hypocrite, now would we?
> Nornny - Creator of the LSD-enduced trip known as Newsgroup Survivor,
> this guy's another one that can be filed under the "Tries Too Hard"
> category, except instead of getting people to hate him, he apparently
> wants people to think he's insane. So far, it appears to be working.
> PC Hamster - Like Bowen, this one likes to insert his 2 cents wherever
> he can. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell him that the
> Hamsterville-NG credibility exchange rate is terrible, and that
> mentioning his town every chance he gets will not make it any better.
> Strike Rapier - Another AWTeener that's well on his way to Troll
> stardom. He seems anxious to pick a fight with just about anyone. Too
> bad he always seems to get owned.
> SW Chris - The Brains of the SW City Brigade. Of course, when you look
> at the rest of the Lingo-ridden bunch, that's not saying much...
> SWE - Another Teener Troll with an apparent hard-on for all things
> Anti-American. I guess living in Libya, a country labelled by the US as
> harboring terrorists, will do that to you...
> Talisan - G-people Poster Boy who's made it his personal mission to
> prove that Goreans aren't just about sex and slavery. They're also
> about... umm, well... loyalty! Yea, that's it...
> TechnoZeus - Newly appointed Punching Bag for the CY Committee (He
> thought the "PB" on the application form was a typo). He said he took
> the PR position because no one else would. Now he's starting to
> understand why.
> Wizard Myrddin - Linn's apparent partner in crime, this one can at least
> claim to have a decent head on his shoulders. Now if he could only get
> some of that to rub off on his female counterpart...
> And those are just some of the folks you'll run into here in these
> newsgroups! Now that we've got introductions out of the way, it's time
> for a little newsgroup history lesson! I now present you with:
> The NG Troll Hall of Fame
> -------------------------
> Eep - He is the Alpha, he is the Omega. He is the be-all and end-all of
> trolls everywhere and they all aspire to be like him. With a "Drive
> through" here and a "Suck filter" there, he could annoy the most stoic
> of NG travelers. And yet, he somehow managed to retain a lovable quality
> about him, much like the grumpy old man in the rocking chair you just
> love to hear complain. Even today, after he was finally banned entirely
> from the NGs, others have tried to duplicate his attitude and demeanor,
> but never to the success he achieved in his long and storied career. A
> true Troll legend.
> Pokemon Web - Nothing would be terribly notable about this Troll, except
> he was the first person to introduce the Troll strategy of Capitalizing
> The First Letter In Every Word In His Sentences. Needless to say, it
> drove people nuts and he was eventually driven out of the NGs, never to
> be heard from again.
> Nova - Grammar was a concept totally lost on this Troll. Punctuation,
> Capitalization, Sentence Structure; none of it mattered to him as he was
> content to simply spill out a constant stream of incoherent words. Many
> NG Grammarians tried their hardest to instill some semblance of
> coherency to him, but they all failed horribly. Eventually, Nova simply
> disappeared without a trace and with not even so much as a "you guys are
> annoying im going now ok bye bye" :-/
> Legion - Never was a name more apt, for it definitely seemed like this
> Troll was possessed by a multitude of annoying demons. Not only was his
> English atrocious, but he also had many eccentricities, including an
> extremely misplaced loyalty to AWI (he was afraid he'd get sued if he
> didn't kiss up to them) and the idea that he was chummy with Eep.
> Naturally, Eep didn't take to well to this and battles ensued.
> Eventually, Legion would too fade from NG lore with nary a garbled peep.
> Agent Fox Mulder/Col Klink - Think about what the bastard child of
> Pokemon Web and Nova would look like, and you get Agent Fox Mulder. His
> thickheadedness was second to none and he was much like a disease: he
> never really went away. Thankfully, he eventually did go away, but not
> before leaving behind a world that would make a heroine addict trip out
> and ensured that you would never look at the TV show "Boy Meets World"
> in quite the same way again...
> Lanezeri - With an ego the size of Jupiter, this Troll seemed to firmly
> believe that the entire NG revolved around him and his AW exploits,
> including his anit-USWF campaign. He also seemed obsessed with the idea
> that everyone actually cared that he was leaving the NGs. Of course, he
> "left" about 5 different times, but eventually he did leave for good,
> and there was much rejoicing.
> SonofSolaris - Famous for picking a fight with BinaryBud, this one
> launched himself face-first into Trolldom by suddenly going ballistic on
> the entire NG, including posting false reports of Gavroche's death.
> Mercifully, he was banned from the NGs shortly thereafter.
> M a r c u s - This Troll made it his life-long quest to rid the entire
> AW Universe of the scourge known as "porn". After that gambit failed
> miserably, he hung around the NGs, constantly bashing AWI for what he
> perceived was inaction on their part concerning said porn. Later on, he
> also decided to accuse them of cheating him out of money for a free cit
> he received with a world. Naturally, after all the accusations and
> general thickheadedness, Marcus was silenced, to the relief of all.
> Chucks Party - Infamous for getting involved in the Broadway/NewYork
> world feud and turning it into an all-out war. As he continued to
> escalate the conflict, it became obvious that neither of the original
> feud participants wanted anything to do with him. Eventually, Chucks
> earned the contempt of practically every NG regular with his tactics and
> was summarily run out of the NGs, with AWI locking the door behind him.
> JFK2/JFK2 Builder/Ohhhhhmy - Never has the AW NGs seen a Troll like this
> one before or since. Not even the mighty Eep could contend with his
> completely incoherent ramblings and word spasms. When Chucks Party
> dragged him into the Broadway/NewYork conflict, it just made the mess
> even worse due to JFK2s unpredictable and irrational outbursts. Even
> Chucks Party wanted nothing to do with him after awhile. But, unlike
> Chucks Party, JFK2 was not banned from the NGs and continued to pop up
> frequently to remind everyone of his love/hate relationship with Just
> In, and his love/love relationship with little boys. Eventually, all his
> talk of pedophilia got him banned, but he recently resurfaced under the
> name Ohhhhhmy to torment the NGs once again. Thankfully, it didn't take
> AWI long to see that he hadn't changed a lick and punted him out the
> door a second time. We can only hope that this time, it's for good.
> So, there you have it: Some examples of what NOT to do in these NGs. If
> you stay away from the paths these immortalized few have followed, you
> can expect to have a pleasant stay here in these NGs. And, for those of
> you aspiring trolls out there, you can use this as a word of warning for
> where you may be headed if you continue on this well-trodden path.
> Thanks for reading, and enjoy your stay in the NGs! :)
> --
> Goober King
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Nov 28, 2002, 5:10pm
One more comment about the "Hall of Fame" - where is Eep now? For the
number of times he's complained about not being able to jump in AW, he
should get an award :)
Nov 28, 2002, 7:37pm
Sounds great - I'm glad to hear that the world is expanding. I just thought
I'd make one point, though, and that's that there are many mature people of
all ages who are part of Activeworlds. By limiting yourself to hiring
adults only, you could be ostricizing many people who are just as mature but
might be a little younger. Some of the younger people might even have more
time and knowledge to assist you in your goals.
In my experience, age doesn't determine whether a citizen will do a great
job or not. What matters more is whether he or she will stick through to
see that the job gets done :)
From the Newbie's guide to the AW newsgroups:
"Brant - Former Caretaker of AWTeen, he's apparently decided to trade the
hassle of dealing with immature teens to dealing with immature posters
in the NGs. Sounds to me like he got ripped off on that trade."
[View Quote]"mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
news:3de66b05$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Hi all, as owner of A!!CT and it's associated worlds, I am putting out an
> all points bulletin that I am looking for AW citizen volunteers to help
> and become a part of a growing community.
> A!!CT World has been renewed and soon will be upgrading from a P-100 to a
> P-130, the user limit will be 100 users.
> I am looking for mature adults to be head of my world's PK and GK
> you will pretty much be acting on your own most of the time. You will be
> charge of organizing and establishing the program and keeping track of who
> is screened and who is accepted into the programs.
> I am also looking for people to help as building teachers.
> I am also looking for serious people with bot knowlege, to maintain a
> current bot infomation center, one that contains links to all available
> downloads.
> I am interested in someone who has the ability to build bots and has
> knowlege of C++ and visual basic programming.
> I am also looking for serious people to help maintain A!!CT's personal
> object yards. This involves co-ordinating objects into catergories and
> organizing things to make them user friendly.
> I am also interested in having someone on board who is great with
> space will be provided for a textures yard.
> Let's face it folks A!!CT is here to stay, why not be a part of a growing
> world that tries hard to bring new members into AW by pampering them?
> Intrested? or need more info? Contact MrBruce or email me at
> A1CTworld at aol.com or MrBruce at A1CTWorld.com today for a better AW tomorrow.
> MrBruce
Nov 29, 2002, 11:44am
Why not send an E-Mail to devteam at activeworlds.com? Young Shamus might not
be reading this newsgroup and this important post would be missed :)
[View Quote]"andon13" <CodeMaster at nothing-inc.com> wrote in message
news:3de70b58$2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Here's an example I found while testing Ultra BOT 2.0...
> Ignore the URL, it's just a demonstration;
> First, I tried simple URLs, such as www.google.com, http://foo.bar.TLD,
> etc... They both worked, then I came unto this little devil of an URL:
> "Check out www.nothing-inc.com/network.php :)"
> This message works fine in whispers and plain broadcasts, however, the
> console message code fails to recognize it as an URL. Which is intriguing,
> as it seems console messages aren't being processed the same way as normal
> text. There is some degree of URL detection present, but it doesn't appear
> to be fully / properly implemented.
> This is probably pretty trivial to correct, as I've identified the problem
> for you already :)
> - Andon13
Dec 3, 2002, 9:36pm
I completely agree. Close? hah! They were "close" a month ago before
Young Shamus was ordered to add more features.
I used to read the beta newsgroup and follow what's new with 3.4, but I've
given up now - who cares if there's new features? The features that were in
before were good enough. Just release the thing already.
[View Quote]"jerme" <jerme101 at bellsouth.net> wrote in message
news:3debcee0 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Drawing to a close? You've gotta be kidding me... Take a look at the list
> current bugs and the list of things that need to be fixed. Maybe they're
> adding any new features, but i feel this beta is *far* from over.
> -Jeremy
> "mod" <mod at darkbirdie.com> wrote in message
> news:3dead262$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> program
> to
Dec 4, 2002, 10:53am
"Small" things? I'd bet that it will be mid- to late- January before this
version is released. The beta newsgroup is still flooded with posts every
But more importantly, the documentation hasn't even been updated yet!
That's what'll hold up this release - with all these new features it's going
to take days or longer to write everything up.
[View Quote]"jstone2004" <J at Jlife.net> wrote in message
news:3ded5e72 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> with the latest release, most of the major bugs were fixed, so now YS is
> just dealing with the small things :P
> J
> "brant" <awteen at shoemakervillage.org> wrote in message
> news:3ded4000$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> in
> list
> Sorry.
> haven't
Dec 5, 2002, 12:10pm
I'm pleased to announce the public release of the Demeter terrain editor.
Demeter is an improved version of the terrain bot that has been running in
AWTeen since June 29, and allows world owners to provide safe and
encroachment-checking terrain editing capabilities to all visitors, even if
they don't have Caretaker rights. Everyone is welcome to download the
application and use it in their worlds.
Demeter was designed with three main goals:
-Ease of use: Enter your privilege password and get started right away
-Stability: Beta testing has been ongoing for some time, and seven beta
builds were released before this release
-Universiality: Demeter works similarly anywhere it's placed, so someone who
has used Demeter in the past can easily visit a new world and continue
building with terrain without having to relearn.
The program is available for download at
http://www.shoemakervillage.org/programs.html. Everyone is free to use it
in any world they choose, whether it be public building worlds or private
RPG-type worlds (Demeter is invisible to non-build users). I would suggest,
however, that those who would like to put help on their world's websites
link directly to http://www.shoemakervillage.org/help - if you copy the
documentation to your site, then it would be imposible to notify everyone
when it's updated. A features list is at the site - go check it out
yourself :)
Feel free to post comments if you decide to enable Demeter in your world so
I can go check it out :)
Dec 11, 2002, 10:57am
Don't look toward me - I didn't program the world server, lol. You'll have
to ask Calpentera about this one :)
[View Quote]"sw chris" <chrisw10 at skywalkeronline.net> wrote in message
news:3df70e08$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I don't think it would operate like that, as AWTeen itself is pretty
> large... But let's go to the source. Brant?
> Chris
> "technozeus" <TechnoZeus at techie.com> wrote in message
> news:3df70a8c$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> efficient format? I haven't looked at it, but I'm just thinking about how
> quickly it could get out of hand in Alpha World if it's not. For example,
> if someone changes the terrain height or a single cell location at or near
> each of the far corners of Alpha World, would there suddenly be a huge
> containing a bunch of level terrain?
> news:3df6bd5f$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> who
> easy
> give
> they
> "my"
> have
> right,
> you
> Worlds
> should
> good
> Worlds
> for
> make a
> the
> difference...
> can
> So do
> with
> but
> There's a
> needed.
> the
> list,
> also.
> no
> mean
> added
> besides...
> be
> command.
> their
Dec 5, 2002, 10:31pm
Well, I disagree with one stipulation - A!!CT most likely isn't one of AW's
highest sources of income because universe servers cost much more, and there
are many universes out there.
[View Quote]"brock" <Brock at iceflare.net> wrote in message
news:3defb2bd$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Basically What I Think
> AW gives him a free user upgrade because he stuffs so much money in their
> pocket already, fenix renewing the world for like 1,400 him adding X,XXX
> amount of dollars for a size upgrade and user upgrade so they probally
> bumped him up 50 or so users.
> I mean wouldnt you want to do favors for one of your highest sources of
> income, now that's what AW is thinking ;) It's all about da perks. Then
> again i could be 100 percent off lol.
> --
> Brock - 308723
> AW 3.4 Build: 447
> Brock at iceflare.net
> From Newbie Guide to the Newsgroup (4th Edition):
> "Brock - This dude with a 'tude isn't afraid to speak his mind,
> especially when it concerns others in his own age range. In other words,
> the perfect NG candidate."
> "mrbruce" <A1CTWorld at aol.com> wrote in message
> news:3defb1db$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> on.
> AW
> other
> world
> You
> of
Dec 11, 2002, 10:55am
Well, I can see what TechnoZeus is saying - perhaps this release will have
the opposite effect in that it will give some publicity to these type of
systems - and of course, publicity is never bad, since people will sign up
for both this thing and for AW.
AW doesn't need to "reinvent itself," however, simply because of one
release. Version 3.4, from what I hear, would have been quite competitive
with these systems. But I'm starting to doubt now we'll ever see 3.4 :(
[View Quote]"facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3df70019 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> http://www.gamespy.com/previews/december02/secondlifepc/
> Notice that it uses "Streaming objects" ...and full customisation...it
> honestly looks like AW on steroids.....
> Dear me, but it looks phenominal - and they say it has a downloadable
> of only 8 megs (though it IS only able to be used for broadband...but what
> good aw world doesnt take years to download now as it is on a normal
> Another AW-killer app I'm afraid .... something drastic really needs to be
> done - like free aw membership or something to increase the user base,
> because more and more of these new-gen mmorpg type things are coming
> up..with Second Life and the Simes Online, what will AW be but just a
> peice of software on the sidelines?
> F.
Dec 11, 2002, 7:13pm
I disagree with this comparison to The Sims. I would never want AW to be
like The Sims. If I want to play The Sims, then I'll buy a copy of the
The difference between games like Quake and The Sims is that while these
games might look graphically impressive, it's just one game. You play the
game and interact, sure - but that's it. With AW, you can purchase a world
and do a variety of different things with it - make it a building world, as
Facter suggested, just make it a chat room, restrict rights, add rights,
turn the world into a game, network the world with other worlds, and so on.
I personally see AW's future in the SDK more than anything else. While AW
might not be as graphically impressive as other "games," it has more
possibilities in other areas that the other games don't have. Two years
ago, there weren't a quarter the number of people who are developing bots
now. 3.4 will have some 70 new attributes (if it's ever released) - imagine
the type of things that can be created with it. NewAW will be an
interesting experiment, because it has many features that are "gamelike" -
the collection and spending of credits, for example. Will NewAW succeed?
Only time will tell.
This debate comes up every three months, and the same conclusion is reached
every time: AW is done; it's going down the tube; everything's over. But AW
somehow continues to hold on, and juding by the number of people in the
Universe these days, it seems as if there's been an upswing in citizenship
purchases. In short, AW's been around for longer than most IT companies -
they must be doing something right (except for releasing 3.4, that is).
[View Quote]"facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3df74d94 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "ananas" <vha at oct31.de> wrote in message
news:3DF73359.A716C893 at oct31.de...
> See, this is what many people dont understand you see this dividing line
> between "games" and "chat/modelling" software...but when yuo look at
> like the Sims Online, there is no boundary here. You cant call the Sims
> Online a "game"..sure it is inth e game realm, and it is in that are where
> it is marketed, but do you kill each other in it? No...what do you do? you
> chat to people. You form relationships. You build things......
> ...sounds like the kind of software AW is supposed to be, right? The only
> way AW is ever going to succeed in the *long run* is for it to be given to
> greater audience...it will never truely, and *has* never truely gotten off
> its feet because it had constantly been marketed as a "building and chat
> tool"...people can chat on IM these days, they can build things in the
> Sims.....no, I disagree - AW has to enter the more "games" side of things,
> or at least start purporting to give itself "game" qualities if it is goin
> to get anywhere, and I believe that this is what they have been doing with
> NewAW.
> So yes, it need better placement, but unfortunatly that falls under the
> ubiquitous "games" category, even if it isnt strictly that itself - its
> to take it out of the "chat" category altogether.
> F.
Dec 11, 2002, 9:50pm
Well, even if 3/4 of the world can't use it, there will still be a LOT of
people who can, lol. But the truth nowadays is that over 70% (it might be
closer to 3/4 by now, ironically) use broadband Internet connections.
Dial-up connections are fading fast, and most of the 25% who still use
Dial-up probably won't be using them by the time this product is released.
Maybe they have a good idea with this connection thing after all?
[View Quote]"swe" <swe at swe-e.com> wrote in message
news:3df7b8b3 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> i saw the second life thing, it got one of the best inventions of 2002,
> its gonna suck cuz not everyone has a fast internet speed and fast
> connection, hell, over 3/4 of the worlds internet users wont be able to
> that second life thing. and so, it wont have many users. but everyone can
> use AW lol. all it needs is for the citizens to tell thier friends about
> :)
> "facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3df7b73e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> never
> that
> its
it -
> about
> I
> with
> the
> crowded
> unique.
> Sims
> given
> chat
> the
> its
Dec 12, 2002, 10:58am
I'm still not convinced that this Second Life is much better than AW is.
Sure, it might do what AW does, but that doesn't mean that it's better - how
can Facter or anyone for that matter make that judgement without having
played the game?
I still think that AW will benefit from this because if that game's a hit,
then more attention will be drawn to the AW-type environments that are out
there. Sure, some people will leave AW for Second Life if it is what it
claims, but there will also be people who leave Second Life after
discovering AW.
[View Quote]"canopus" <canopus-aek2 at msn.com> wrote in message
news:3df8162e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I agree, facter. Second Life sounds uncannily like AW, but with uptodate
> graphics, model-making, chatting, world-building, and online delivery.
> big new RPG I've been playing have spectacular graphics, like Asheron's
> 2, or encourage players to build and script their own online worlds, like
> Neverwinter Nights, but they still make it hard to reproduce everything
> we've gotten used to in AW. (For example, I built a noncombat,
> erotic-adventure world out of NWN tiles, scripted dozens of characters,
> it online --caves, lava lakes, island castles, canal city, and all-- it
> terrific fun, but tiles aren't AW objects, and everything has to be built
> ahead of time.)
> This Second Life seems to be about to do everything we like in AW, and
> it better...if we can believe the previews. Maybe we should sign up for
> SL Beta, and find out for ourselves how really good it is.
> "facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3df70019 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> client
> modem?)
> little
Dec 11, 2002, 8:36pm
I know - he E-Mailed me the URL, but I keep forgetting it - it's hidden
somewhere in the bowels of the Internet :)
[View Quote]"maki" <maki at awmaki.com> wrote in message
news:3df7bbb9$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> somewhere on vrvilage's website .. :)
> awmaki.com
> "facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:3df7b958$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Dec 13, 2002, 7:06pm
Well, not so fast there. I doubt 3.4 will be released for at least a month
or two - while closer to Q3 2003, it's still a long way off :)
[View Quote]"kerstin" <kersting at optonline.net> wrote in message
news:3df9cdea$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> If 2nd life is hyping a Q3 2003 release, surely AW could begin
> 3.4 now...
> "kerstin" <kersting at optonline.net> wrote in message
> news:3df9cd5b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> wouldn't
Dec 13, 2002, 6:49pm
Who in their right mind would want to be on 3.4's beta program? Have you
seen the bugs?
But about the skinned avatars, it's a great idea - I hope that Young Shamus
gets around to implementing it :)
[View Quote]"echomencer" <ghostrider at spiralmatrix.com> wrote in message
news:3dfa0bad at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Thanks very much for your prompt reply, I will email them both and hope
> will let me try what is there all ready, I don't mind a few bugs, even If
> didn't make it on the Beta program for 3.4 ;)
> thanks again,
> Echomencer
Dec 13, 2002, 6:46pm
I disagree. While Christmas is over-commercialized, it's a great time of
year to spend with family and friends regardless of whether you celebrate
the religious aspects of the holiday.
[View Quote]"facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3dfa2b92 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "wizard myrddin" <wizard at rdescape.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:3dfa0882 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> wonderful
> Am I the only person in the world who thinks that Christmas is merely a
> corporately hyped pile of bullshite?
> hahahaha
> F.
Dec 14, 2002, 3:31pm
Wow - and I thought that the first rule of life is never to burn bridges.
All of this is still speculation. Adobe MIGHT enable in-world building;
Second Life MIGHT be released; these other products MIGHT be developed.
None of the things alluded to below have happened yet. Furthermore,
statements such as "AW's lead in this marketspace has slowly evaporated" say
very little - what's the definition of "slowly" evaporating? And just
because a product isn't based on Renderware doesn't mean it's radically
different - it's possible to program something very similar if not the same
as AW with another 3D engine. And who is "we"? And how are you a "former
AW user" if you're posting here?
I'm not going to abandon AW until any of these products comes into existence
(or the extra features are implemented in the case of Adobe) for sure, and I
hope that nobody else does either. I'm sorry to say this, but this post,
its timing in comparison to the previous ones, and your taking your leave of
AW a few months ago seem to make this add up to the fact that you're trying
to spread as much negative PR as possible. Isn't it a little premature to
be predicting AW's demise when these products haven't even been released
[View Quote]"facter" <invurt at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:3dfb6738 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Was emailed this today, and I found it a great look at more of the Linden
> initiative for anyone who is interested - thanks Mac.
> Interesting thread. I think if ENZO signed on as a closed beta tester
> he would be in more trouble than simply disclosing his participation.
> Isn't industrial espionage illegal?
> Anyway, we published a short article on Linden (Now Second Life) a few
> months ago, with permission. For anyone that is actually interested (as
> opposed to FUDing in an AW only newsgroup). Here is the link:
> http://www.3dvrweb.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2
> and another here:
> http://www.3dvrweb.com/modules/mylinks/singlelink.php?lid=306
> They have info on their web page about what the product plans are and
> when it is expected for public release, not nearly the long secretive
> process alluded to in the earlier posts. Steller was also quoted in a
> lengthy Wall Street Journal article done several months ago,... here is
> a Linden press release page that has the link. It's a metered link or
> something so posting the link directly might not work.
> http://lindenlab.com/news_1.php
> Another product that is comming along nicely is:
> http://www.3dvrweb.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=117
> And there is yet another one that we are not at liberty to even give out
> a link for just yet. And finally, there is Adobe Atmosphere, which is
> overlooked by anyone obsessed with in-world building, but which in all
> other respects produces far more realistic 3D scenes than is possible
> with AW. (and is free) (and has quite a community of former AW users
> already). They plan to add in-world builting at some point too.
> I think as these products emerge there will be no confusion about them
> having stolen ideas from AW. From screenshots, videos, and reading
> betweeen the lines you can see that these programs are taking radically
> different approaches than AW. As far as I know none of them are based
> on Renderware for example.
> Several of the emerging products have objects that can be freely
> manipulated by any user, without the use of the kludgy "bot" concept.
> They also have full "physics" components that allow for fairly realistic
> gameplay and simulations, again, without the use of "bots".
> AW's lead in this market space has slowly evaporated. While I agree
> with you that ENZO will not be inclined to let the product die, there
> are certainly a number of oportunities that were missed to ensure it's
> long-term survival. No point in going over them now though :)
> I really liked ENZO when the program was just geting started, then
> things changed, and never got better again. I kinda think AW and maybe
> even ENZO got taken for a ride. Need I say more? Interesting that he
> is actually interacting with the community again. Is it too little
> too late? I think the newsgroups are a bit TOO moderated at this point.
> They go from one extreme to the other. Everything about AW seems to
> operate at two speeds, ON or OFF. hehe
> Post this if you wish. As a former AW user I can only read.
> PS: I forgot to mention, we've been in touch with some university types
> who are working on a totally open source 3D-VR that has some really neat
> new concepts. One that I particularly like is that (like the web) it
> can pull objects from anywhere on the net. As you might have a web page
> with graphics drawn from several other web sites, so you might have a 3D
> world with objects drawn from servers all over the world. They are
> designing the thing from ground-up with voice and text handling
> features, and building it to compile for Windows, Linux, or even OS X.
> The graphics are primitive at this point, but these days, getting the
> underlying design right is much more important, otherwise you paint
> yourself into a corner where new features are harder and harder to add
> (sound familiar?). Here is the link for their site:
> http://www.interreality.org/
Dec 17, 2002, 10:47pm
Well, I disagree with your statement, for two reasons:
First, I think it's past time for a change. Change isn't bad, and if you
look at the way avatars look now while walking, it's pretty pathetic. The
new system was made with the intention of making avatar walking more
realistic. Keep in mind that the problem isn't that the new browser speeds
are too slow; it's that the old speeds are too fast. If you look at the
size of many of the objects in Alphaworld, for instance, many of the walls
are ten meters high! Compare that to real life - having 31-foot high
ceilings in a normal house would be somewhat unreasonable. Avatars zip
along at unrealistic speeds, being able to run many times faster than
normal. In short, this change should be welcomed for adding realism to AW.
It's the objects that are too big, not the walking speeds.
But more importantly, AW 3.4 (if it will ever be released) has been in beta
testing for FAR too long. We don't need to add more features right now - it
will only delay this long overdue product. Look what happened with the
control-turning issue in 3.3 - a lot of people complained in the beginning,
but now nobody seems to have a strong opinion about it. In the end, most
people will probably agree that, while in the short term an adjustment is
necessary, in the long term the platform will be better for it.
[View Quote]"ubermonkey" <henry at wcalliance.com> wrote in message
news:3dff9fc3$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ahem! Don't bother wondering who I am, I've been in AW since 1996 and
> reading the NGs for as long as they've been around, I just don't say much,
> usually.
> I think it's about time I stopped just monitoring all this and said
> something. I'm sure most of you have been monitoring the beta NG since
> began like I have, so you should all be aware of the changes made to the
> movement system in 3.4. I am, of course, referring to the fact that the
> walk/run speeds have been significantly decreased to be more 'realistic.'
> This is simply one AW user (of 6 years)'s opinion, but... while I
> the attempt to create a realistic environment with 'gamelike' features
> have, in the past, been an advocate of such features), I cannot support
> idea of FORCING users to travel slower than they are already required to
> every world!
> This should be a server-side option, there is no question here! World
> should decide how 'realistic' they want their environment to be. Some of
> may remember a time when holding ALT would allow you to travel even faster
> than CTRL, and holding both would allow "warp speed." I recall being quite
> upset when these options were removed (though we did receive the teleport
> menu to compensate). Regardless, I believe that it is unreasonable to
> a slower movement speed on the general populous IN THE FORM OF A BROWSER
> LIMITATION (this is critical). HOWEVER.. I believe most people (<---this
> where I get in trouble) would agree that a reasonable compromise would be
> return movement speeds to their old values while allowing a SERVER-SIDE
> control on the speed of walk/run/fly (independent of each other of
> This way, realistic worlds like NewAW could have more realistic movement
> speeds, while other worlds (AW Prime, which is so HuGe, for example) could
> maintain the original speed settings, allowing users to explore in the
> manner they have been able to.
> I needn't point out that these new speeds impede both building and,
> especially, exploration. I also needn't point out that giving world
> caretakers control of the speed would allow them to increase it if they so
> desired, which could be helpful somehow.
> My recommendation: Either a simple option in world features for
> speeds, or (I like this one) ... speed defs in the avatars.dat file, so
> different avs can have different speeds (bird slow on land, fast in air,
> only av that can fly, and so forth).... or, both would be cool.... but I
> think I'm on a tangent now.
> Aaaaanyway... We must have CUSTOMIZATION! Whee!
> Perhaps some feedback from someone in the beta who has an opinion after
> experiencing the new system??
> -UberMonkey (aka GloK, or more often, 35850)
> Moo.
Dec 18, 2002, 11:19am
Agreed - an open beta probably wouldn't lure many more testers than are
testing now anyway. I remember one time when ENZO came into AWTeen and just
started adding anyone to the beta program who asked!
This beta program is a complete disaster. I wonder how much AW's sales have
fallen as a result of it? If build 443 had been released as scheduled,
everything would have been ready the beginning of December, during the prime
holiday season. There probably would have been many people who, amazed with
the clouds and water that used to work perfectly in 3.4, would have
purchased a world for their brother/son/friends for Christmas. As it is
now, most likely the program won't be released until March, well past
Christmas and during a traditional "lull" in the economy that occurs during
the winter months.
I still wonder why ENZO decided to order the implementation of these
unnecessary extra features so suddenly...
[View Quote]"goober king" <gooberking at utn.cjb.net> wrote in message
news:3DFFEA9A.8050603 at utn.cjb.net...
> Ugh, an open beta is exactly what we *don't* need right now. All that
> will do is increase exponentially the amount of noise created in the
> beta newsgroups from people who are complaining that "AW doesn't work!"
> and are reporting bugs that have already been reported 10 times over.
> Shamus has enough to deal with right now as it is with crowds of
> ingrates yelling in his ear. :P
> nornny11 wrote:
> --
> Goober King
> Bringing in da noise
> gooberking at utn.cjb.net
Dec 21, 2002, 2:16am
I just installed DirectX 9 and noticed that AW seems to exhibit less
freezing when new objects come into view - a very annoying problem, in my
opinion, but something in DirectX 9 seems to help with that :)
[View Quote]"chazrad" <petrossadeletethis at msn.com> wrote in message
news:Xns92EAD0CB932Apetrossa at
> tnx for the tip, it improved the working of my tv card with 100%, i even
> can run now AW in the forground and the TV on top without any problems.
> Under the 8 version the TVcard practically stopped working...
> Chaz
> "zeo toxion" <brandon at metrocast.net> wrote in
> news:3e037432$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com:
> ae0d
> 8363
Dec 24, 2002, 12:46pm
Well CarL, then you go enjoy your "life." It must not be that great, seeing
as how you have to brag about it here and put everyone else down while doing
[View Quote]"carlbanks" <CarLBanks at insight.rr.com> wrote in message
news:3e086d83$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> I actually have a life so I won't be on AW at all on Christmas Day.
> "kerstin" <kersting at optonline.net> wrote in message
> news:3e0854c8$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> magical,
> Worlds,
> creativity,