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Jan 8, 2003, 7:29pm
Well, I hate to be the bad guy here, but this is the same thing as Second
Life - it's a beta version :( I agree that it has potential, but none of
these products, INCLUDING verison 3.4 of AW, has made it to a release

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Jan 9, 2003, 12:29am
That's what I'm talking about. Even if I were a beta tester for any of
these products, it doesn't mean that the beta will be released. That's why
I wait until release versions come out before making judgement :)


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Jan 9, 2003, 4:34pm
True, but I think the number of people using broadband versus dial-up is
above 70% now. Thus, Second Life would only need to appeal to 30% more
people than AW does - which, if it's a huge hit, isn't that many :)


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Jan 9, 2003, 9:27pm
Hey, I'm not the one who makes up these statistics. The statistic was for
people who can easily access broadband - sattelite access is not included in
the definition of "easy," I believe, but DSL, cable, etc. were.

But you have to admit that the number will be going up, whether anyone likes
it or not....


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And the same to you, Bill!

Jan 11, 2003, 8:17pm
Yep - I had to disable my popup program after Strike told me about this site
and I didn't see anything.

NOW we know why 3.4 took so long to be released :)

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more There

Jan 13, 2003, 8:06pm
I was reading through this article and came across the following:

"One of the following video/graphics cards: ATI Radeon (except for VE), ATI
Radeon 7200 or ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 or higher; or an nVIDIA GeForce or
nFORCE graphics card."

Hardly a wide selection of graphics cards. Earlier in the article:

"Unlike high-end PC games, which require cutting-edge PC hardware and
broadband connections, There is accessible to the mass market consumer."

This software requires graphics cards, and an extremely limited selection of
them, so how can it be accessible to the mass market consumer? I agree with
what you said. There and Second Life are (at present) nothing more than a
lot of PR. Until I try out a release version of either, I'm not believing
any of this hype. It reminds me of that Cyboria everyone was boasting about
as the "replacement" of AW :)


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Help needed

Jan 20, 2003, 10:06am
Yesterday, several AW citizens were interviewed by a reporter named Jacob
Gershman, who writes for the New York Sun. He will be publishing an article
in today's edition of the paper on the community and social aspects of AW.

Perhaps someone who lives in New York could buy a copy of the paper and
write a long summary to post here so that everyone could get an idea of what
was written? Normally I'm sure it would be easy to find people who work in
New York, but unfortunately because of the holiday I'm sure many people who
commute are staying home :(

Any takers?

NY Sun interview

Jan 21, 2003, 10:38am
I'm starting to think it's a pretty small paper - if you look at their
website, it has all the underpinnings of a new company that's just trying to
get off the ground.

However, if you looked at the number of users in the AW universe, there were
almost 370 during the middle of the day yesterday. I haven't seen that many
people in AW on a weekday since.... well, January 2, 2002. Maybe some
people DID read the paper after all....

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Tom (Flagg) is leaving AW

Jan 28, 2003, 10:03am
I disagree with this statement as well. There are many other AW employees
who are helpful. Mountain Myst, for example, always seems to be doing one
thing or another for the community. And while I and many others disagree
with ENZO's policies, he has been out and about a lot lately, attending
events and just popping in to say hi :)


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O's, E's, B's, AMA's

Jan 29, 2003, 9:22pm
Ah, so that's what those mean. I was wondering about that.

Thanks CarL,


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Jan 30, 2003, 10:36am
Happy Birthday, and good luck after the 6th!


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Feb 4, 2003, 11:04am
If it is, it won't be for long :)

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Calling out to the Community for help

Feb 7, 2003, 9:57pm
Well, I think that AlphaWorld was always the size it is now. Can anyone
confirm this?

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Feb 8, 2003, 11:51am
If newAW is ever released, that is.

Go take a look at the poll at the bottom of the left sidebar at According to the results at 11am VRT, 30% believe
that AW 3.4 will never be released :)

Take a look and vote yourself,


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Feb 8, 2003, 4:18pm
The electoral college and a simple poll asking people when 3.4 will be
released differ in slight ways, don't they? :)


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Feb 8, 2003, 10:58pm
If AW employees answered the poll, then it wouldn't be any fun. It's just a
simple poll - don't take it so seriously. Had I known so many people would
take it so seriously, I wouldn't have posted about it :)

Besides, I don't think the AWI "employees" (why the quotes?) have any better
clue than we do. Keep in mind that the original release date was June 2002.
After that, Shamus apologized and it was stated that build 443 was a "final
beta." Now we're on what - build 454 or something like that? :)

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AW Next Year

Apr 14, 2003, 7:54pm
This sort of argument comes up repeatedly. Just count the number of times
people said on January 2, 2002 that AW would be gone within the year.

I doubt AW is doing that badly...

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Someone REALLY lost the plot

May 7, 2003, 10:29am
Well, that's not exactly true. Keep in mind that VB.NET and C++.NET compile
to the same code. While they used to be different, what you said isn't true


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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 16, 2003, 8:44pm
I think someone approached me two years ago about just this topic, citing
exactly the same reasons. I'm not sure what the answer was, though...


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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 17, 2003, 6:45pm
True, but there will always be people who won't like the changes new
technology will bring. AW's original solution to this problem was to
introduce NewAW to "replace" AlphaWorld, giving people the best of both
worlds. I'm not sure what happened with it, or 3.4, though....

If NewAW ever sees the light of day, however, it still won't be big enough
for SW City or any large city, because lots cost money. I'm not sure there
IS a solution to this problem, other than purchasing a large commercial
world or universe yourself and peacekeeping it yourself as well :(

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To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 19, 2003, 11:05am
These all sound like good proposals that will increase interest in A!!CT
world, with the exception of one. Don't make your world another
adult-oriented RPG world. Not that I think all such worlds should be
eliminated, but I would never visit one, and I'm sure that most of A!!CT
wouldn't either, seeing their average age. There's enough adult-oriented
RPG worlds in the universe to satisfy demand.

Good luck on whatever you choose,


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I am deleting the Bowen post for language. If you want to continue the discussion please respect the forum? Thanks E

Jun 21, 2003, 12:15pm
This whole issue, as with most issues, seems to be a combination of many
problems combined. I have no doubt that Bowen had trouble with the GK's,
but as MM pointed out, his E-Mails were never received. Until everybody
knows whose end the E-Mail problem is caused by (since this might be due to
a configuration problem with Bowen's E-Mail client), I will withhold

But as to the comment about ENZO acting "like some Bill Gates," he made the
right decision. Activeworlds' Content Guidelines at clearly state that
"Providing material that is grossly offensive to the online community,
including blatant expressions of.... hatred or excessive profanity" violates
the guidelines. While we could argue about this for eternity if Bowen used
other less-offensive words, in anybody's book, the word used by Bowen is

ENZO is only trying to maintain a civil atmosphere in these newsgroups.
While Bowen might have had trouble contacting the other E-Mail addresses
ENZO provided, he could at the least have E-Mailed ENZO himself with that
post, but I see no mention of any errors, nor any attempt, in contacting him
personally. If E-Mail didn't work, maybe a telegram to MM or ENZO would
have been appropriate.

This whole argument results from a post that was made in extremely poor
judgement and could have been addressed elsewhere. It does nothing but stir
up trouble.


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Alpha World request

Jun 28, 2003, 11:39am
When I pushed to have 3-axis object rotation enabled in AWTeen in 2001,
these same arguments came up - that people would use it to vandalize
properties next to theirs.

In reality, I didn't hear of even one instance where this sort of vandalism
was used during my tenure. Besides, it would be easy enough to clear out
with a bot that simply strips objects by a certain citizen number with a
certain action command. Magsbots and Xelagots can clear huge areas of
vandalism in a few minutes.


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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 10:58am
Well, if someone reported his hacking to the FBI, he'd get plenty of
publicity. Maybe he'd be happier then :)


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Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 3:47pm
Awesome! I'm getting paid to make multimedia videos and presentations and I
can't do anything nearly as good as this one. You have some talent!

By the way, what software are you using, and is it affordable? VideoStudio
5 is not sufficient for making videos like this - maybe you can help me out
with a software package.

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Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 6:16pm
Well, I didn't say I needed it to be easy; I just said that I wanted it to:

1. Be available (not like the obsolete software I use)
2. Be intuitive

I like Videostudio 7 as it has just about everything I need, but it's $99.
I wonder if Premier would be cheaper - time to go surfing...

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Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 6:18pm
Pine should burn these to DVD+/-R's and send out thousands out like AOL
discs - just imagine how many people would play them :)

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Aw video5 released

Jul 17, 2003, 12:38am
I think DVD-R is down to 90 cents now - don't know because I've been using a
DVD+R drive up until now. CD-RWs cost about 50 cents, so it's not too much


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Aw video5 released

Jul 17, 2003, 6:22pm
Actually, the new DVD+/-R/RW drive I just purchased comes with a full
version of Pinnacle Studio 8, so I don't have this problem anymore :)

But thanks for the advice...


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How To clean the AWToolKit Trojan

Jul 23, 2003, 10:17am
Another problem - this code doesn't remove the registry entries that are
still there, and the messagebox will ALWAYS be displayed, whether the files
were found or not.

An "Exit Sub" statement needs to be placed after the third "Kill" statement.

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