O's, E's, B's, AMA's (Community)

O's, E's, B's, AMA's // Community

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Jan 29, 2003, 8:43pm
Would some generous person please provide a list of the endings on Cit names
and what they mean? I would like to know, so someone of knowledge please
share. (A complete comprehensive, exhaustive list would be great. ; ) Many
times I'll see a new ending, and even though I'm told what its long name is,
I still don't know what it means.

I know some very likeable, kind, admirable people here that use these
endings on their names. I think it's sweet to see two people using them;
however, it isn't for me. I really like using a regular name, and I like
being called by the name I choose, not baby, chick, etc. I don't like to
advertise the status of my relationship situation on the end of my citizen
name. I'm pretty old fashioned, I'd rather speak directly to someone and
ask or someone ask me as opposed to having it be a part of my citizen name,
even if it means sharing more of my personal information, which I don't like
doing but am considering since I'm realizing that is a vital part of making


Jan 29, 2003, 9:01pm
O is a ring. E is engaged.

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Jan 29, 2003, 9:22pm
Ah, so that's what those mean. I was wondering about that.

Thanks CarL,


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Jan 29, 2003, 9:23pm
NP Brant. Still don't know what the other stuff means but those 2 things are
the most common.

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Jan 29, 2003, 9:40pm
I found out B = Bachlor(ette)...and yes I know I misspelt it... but you
get the point :)


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Jan 30, 2003, 7:35am
It started popping up a few years ago...in all honesty, its bloody stupid if
you ask me...

....you DID ask....


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Jan 30, 2003, 8:24am
Multiple capital letters at the end of someone's name, if their name is
uncapitalized (and most likely female) are quite likely to be a "collar"
on a -- excuse me for bringing them up -- Gorean slave. They are
supposed to indicate who they are "attached" to.

AMA is the American Medical Association. Probably has nothing to do with
letters at the end of a name, however.

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johnny b jbitt2atjuno.com

Jan 30, 2003, 9:23am
Hmm..... interesting, hadn't heard that one.......
My "B" is just my last initial......
Funny tho, cause I am single, haha

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Jan 30, 2003, 3:03pm
Facter I agree with you completely however I had a friend of who it on
their name for a day or so and that is why I asked her. Someone asked so
I spoke.heheh


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Jan 30, 2003, 3:58pm
I may be mistaken. The other thing I was seeing may have been IMI instead
of AMA. What does IMI mean?

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Jan 30, 2003, 4:02pm
Truthfully, I don't know a lot about Gorean stuff. From what little I've
been told, it is to stay away from there. But I'm curious about it because
if it is something to stay away from, why do I see so many people there
(according to the world list). And where is everyone else when the Gorean
worlds are well populated?

I think I'll check it out.

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Jan 30, 2003, 4:02pm
a means attached as well...

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ncc 71854

Jan 30, 2003, 4:09pm
I agree, it's extremely childish.

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alphabit phalpha

Jan 30, 2003, 4:43pm
In my days.....women created a version of the mans name when they tyed the
Thus Antigone became AlphaBit Phalpha after marrying Alpha Phalpha:)


Jan 30, 2003, 8:20pm
Well you'll have to be over 18, and i warn you - its not for everyone,
though i have nothing against it, its not what i would choose to do.


Jan 31, 2003, 9:16pm
not only Gorean but also in BDSM and other "nefarious perversions." LOL
It's also a lot like wearing promise rings or your sweety's sweater or
scarf. It's like wearing matching T-shirts. You shout your pride in the
one you love and your joy to be with them. You tell all the flirters that
you're not available. You have extra ammo for those guys who just don't
take "no" for an answer.

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Jan 31, 2003, 9:20pm
Capitalize your nick first....

Go see if you can find any of the pulp fantasy novels written by John Norman
on which the "lifestyle" is based. They're really quite entertaining
reading and not too intellectual for a quick read. They're based on the
theory that earth has a sister world hiding always exactly across the orbit
so that the sun prevents us ever seeing it, a world called Gor. On this
world things are considerably less gentle. It's written from the POV of a
fellow who's captured by alien space craft and delivered to Gor where he
encounters dragons and maids in peril and evil kings and runs around killing
things with a sword. He is a university student whose most athletic
accomplisments are fencing and hiking but suddenly he finds he can run all
day, fight off wild animals and giant beasts and troops of angry swordsmen
and still spend the whole night making love and do all again the next day,
often going days between meals and rest. LOL
You will find that the communities which are offshoots of this novel series
deviate in varying degrees and some are so far off that barbarism and
slavery are all they hold in common with the original series.

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sw chris

Feb 1, 2003, 2:14am
That sister world thing reminds me of the planet x mythology, which
apparently is supposed to be coming around from behind the sun in May or
so... :P


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