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AW you must do this, its a must, no ifs ands or buts about it!!!!

Dec 17, 2001, 9:11pm
Cool, turning AW into a virus scanner would be a welcome addition to my disk defragmenter and paritioner ideas !

Fox Mc Cloud

"johnf" <john at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c1e59e6 at
> Have AW scan the exe for a virius. If it isnt a virius let the user download
> it.
> <grins thinking of the resoloution changer he made in vb and sent to a
> friend>

fix world surver bug

Dec 17, 2001, 9:15pm
> And while we are here - since when do you call a server "surver" ??????????????????
> Andras

probly since the elegal operation error happons. (c.f. 3rd reply of data21 in this thread)

Fox Mc Cloud

This would be cool

Jan 6, 2002, 2:48am
Or is it the "dream on" list ? ;)

Fox Mc Cloud

"gamer" <robbie at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c32cedc at
> lol, no way is roland going to do that for the minority that have those
> expensive things...well I guess thats why they call it the *wish*list :)
> -Gamer
[View Quote]

This would be cool

Jan 7, 2002, 11:01pm
"jerme" <JerMe at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c394828$1 at
> these anyoing little obviously necesary features

You're talking about my disk defragmenter and partitioner idea, right?

Fox Mc Cloud


Dec 30, 2001, 3:50am
Those are nice ideas, but you can't imagine how hard to program they would be :)

Snow / rain that doesn't stay on the ground, and clouds, would both be easy though, and nice to have...

I *think* density fog could be implemented with the GeForce3 vertex shaders, but it would be limited to gf3 owners and would be a
non-trivial algorythm to program.

As for snow and rain that stay on the ground, well there would probably be ways to do it, but it would be quite hard to do.

Fox Mc Cloud

"bowen" <bowen at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c27b2b9 at
> Some real life weather would be cool..
> Density fog.. (more dense in some areas then in others.. instead of inside
> buildings it could be around it)..
> Snow.. little snowflakes come down until they cover the gound.. you could
> specifiy how much snow cover you want..
> Rain.. comes down.. maybe even puddles of water if there's some hilly areas
> :).
> Evaporation rate for the rain/snow.. Choose a rate.. 0 it doesn't evaporate
> 100 it evaporates as soon as it hits the ground..
> Cloud cover.. a lot or a little. (would have to tie into the rain/snow)
> Maybe in the future if they do this some Ice.. for the puddles that freeze
> over since they don't evaporate if you change the weather to snow. Or a
> calendar.. you can set up weather on a monthly basis.. maybe longer :)..
> Just adding these featuers along with the "landscape" feature would improve
> AW beyond belief. Tell me what you think of all this :)
> --Bowen--

Bug in fog, 3.2 397

Dec 30, 2001, 3:57am
What driver is this with? fog is probably implemented very differently depending on OpenGL / Direct3D / software mode...

Fog Mc Cloud

"ananas" <vha at> a écrit dans le message news: 3C2B74B2.46C32C10 at
> The fog with the inner and outer radius work fine
> as long as the ground object is a horizontal plane.
> It does not stay outside of the inner radius, if the
> ground is not flat. Instead, the inner distance of
> the fog depends very much on the view direction.
> --
> "_
> |
> /\
> \ /
> __/ /_

AW why?

Jan 11, 2002, 7:39pm
Well, since the price is 6x higher, a 6th would be enough to keep their current income... a third would double it...
(I'm not making any judgment as to wether that much users will stay... or I won't say it at least :P)

Fox Mc Cloud

"kah" <kah at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c3f45c4$1 at
> half? I wouldn't think so... and they need much more than the half anyway

bot range

Jan 28, 2002, 2:48pm
Well, the newsgroup can be read by anyone, not just you. The information posted can be news to other people, so just don't try to
interrupt the information flow because you know it.

Fox Mc Cloud

"cozmo" <b.nolan2 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c54aa1c at
> i KNOW what i CAN do....i was just puttign a suggestion on the wishlist
> board ok?

Fix the OpenGL video mode if it can be done

Jan 17, 2002, 5:17pm
That's probably because there is a light with a limited range there, and Roland said OpenGL doesn't support the concept of light
range (which isn't true).

Fox Mc Cloud

"data21" <dbmiller at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c47067a at
> Before anyone here tells me to use DX mode and not openGL, I do use DX mode
> :-) my video card supports all 3 video modes I love DX mode, all this is was
> a test on OpenGL mode again.
> In OpenGL mode all lighting is over bright.
> I dont use that mode for that reason.
> OpenGL mode seems to amplify the light based on your visibility setting.
> All the light looks fine when my visibility is set to 30, but as soon as I
> move it up to 60 the lights get so bright it just destroys the whole
> lighting effect.
> create light color=orange fx=fire
> OpenGL at 30 visibility this looks great real light fire flickering orange
> light
> but that same light command when your visibility is set to 60 you see a way
> to bright over powering constant yellow light color over everything around
> you.

MM Flash

Feb 23, 2002, 5:26am
Would be pretty cool. Don't even think about it.

Fox Mc Cloud

"strike rapier" <strike at> a écrit dans le message news: 3c76a3aa at
> (To start with, for any of you know MM and have dirty minds it is NOT what I
> mean!!! So dont even think it!!!)
> How about including MacroMedia Flash in AW? It would open up MASSIVE
> developments in AW< you can have games and such like straight onto objects.
> like
> create flash (non existant)
> :P

(O/T) How to break your copy of Windows 98

Oct 21, 2001, 8:41pm
How does that prove that there aren't any electronics in norway?

"internal affairs" <biginsey at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bd34ba1$1 at
> And guess which country is home to 8 of the top 10 fastest supercomputers in
> the world?
> Correct. The United States of America.

Serendipitous's Birthday Quilt:)

Oct 28, 2001, 3:35am
Wasn't it 440? Damn, I've never been good at trivia.

Fox Mc Cloud

"agent fox mulder" <AgentFoxMulder at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdb8ff5$1 at
[View Quote]

locking up!

Oct 30, 2001, 12:44pm
You could try the OpenGL mode too...
OpenGL rulez :P

Fox Mc Cloud
"magnitw" <mi77r at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdec904$1 at
> not certain, but was on for hours last night and no lock up, !!
> when I checked my vid settings I was already on D3D so changed it to
> "software" and all ok so far , thanks again bowen.

Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song)

Oct 30, 2001, 7:40pm
Obviously he was saying that death penalty isn't an option, referring to your "For a crime of this magnitude, there can only be one
sentence: Death. ".
I agree with him, death penalty shouldnt exist any more in modern times.
And he's right that we europeans condemn it. Actually, a history teacher of mine told us once that the U.S. are so young a coutnry,
they're seeking war and vengeance everywhere, like a kid would and like europeans countries did when they were that young, i.e. in
the Middle Age... and that it'll probably take them a few years more maturity before they begin acting responsible...
I agree with that point of view. How do you want to say they were wrong when they killed thousands of people, when you responded by
killing nearly millions? (not done yet, but a lot of afghans won't survive this winter because of humanitarian conditions)

(of course, I don't have anything against americans themselves, their government is the problem... I can't blame them, as a majority
of them didn't even vote for it ;) )

Fox Mc Cloud

"goober king" <rar1 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3BDF1AC9.8070600 at
> Umm, actually your post doesn't seem to say much of anything. Granted,
> it talks about bin Laden and the death penalty, but what are you trying
> to *say* about it? You just sort of throw out facts and other people's
> opinions, without bothering to either give us your position on the
> discussion, or at least trying to refute someone else's position. Where
> do you stand?
> P.S. KAH, please learn how to quote! :P


Oct 30, 2001, 9:07pm
see below

"brandon" <a at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdf3205 at
> Ok well i'm still kinda pissed that i was banned forever for defending
> myself but life goes on.
> Anyways, im doing some research for like a thing im writing and also for a
> game im making, which both follow the same storyline anyways. So just tell
> me what you think about each topic.
> If you don't know what to say then just answer this question:
> Do you think it could ever happen or may be possible - if so, how long from
> now - if not, why?
> 1. The possibility of there being one or more planets beyond Pluto. Maybe
> they are just too far away or too small to see?

The possibility is nearly zero. Pluto and Neptune were already too far to see by the way, they were detected with other
techniques... But now the solar system is well-known by astronomers and I'm sure they haven't missed a planet :)

> 2. The possibility of traveling to another solar system in our galaxy. If
> you know, tell me how far the nearest solar system is and how long it would
> take with a conventional rocket shuttle to get there.

There is no known other stellar system in our galaxy yet... There recently have been a few planets discovered, the first extra-solar
planets ever discovered, but they're in other galaxies, which means millions of years of traveling at lightspeed, so don't even
imagine with a conventional rocket.

> 3. Terraforming (turning un-livable planets into an Earth like planet)

I think this will happen, but we probably won't be there to see it ;)

> 4. Wormholes, gateway things (like Stargate SG-1 or osmething), and
> teleporting (think Star Trek)

Gateways and things like that have no scientific basis...
as for teleporting, there have been a few successful experiments already, but only on very small scale (teleporting a photon a few
nanometers farther by using the undetermined states of quantic physics or something lol, don't remember well). Well for now they
calculated it would take 5000 times the age of the universe (which is 10 to 20 billion years) to teleport a human being. I don't
know if such a technology can be developed enough to be usable though.... you never know. The data also neeeds to be stored for the
teleportation, and with current means of storage (HDDs) it would take a stack of disk drives high as the distance from the earth to
the moon to store all the atoms in a human being. As you can see there's some progress to be made yet :P

> 5. Since i can't think of anything else. Describe what you think the future
> would be like. Go as far as you want.

Imagine that your parents or grandparents didn't even know tv when they were born, and now we're there with our computers, 3d cards,
internet and all... I can't imagine what the world will look like in 20 or 40 years :) But I'm pretty sure we'll never encounter any
extra-terrestrial or anything like that, even if some exist in some remote corner of the universe, we won't be able to reach them.

Fox Mc Cloud

Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song)

Oct 30, 2001, 11:06pm
What about "an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind" ? ;)
If you say that because a criminal can kill people, then the government can kill people too, you're putting the government at the
same level as the criminals.

Fox Mc Cloud

"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdf592f$1 at
> If I may make a point. Sounds cold-hearted, but since it's my taxpaying
> dollars going to keeping these killers fed and clothed, I say kill em off.
> Big I digress. On a more less-selfish point, when you commit a crime that
> is the taking of another human life (or more), I think the old saying "an
> eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" applies.
> --
> SW Chris

Re: Why We War (was Re: Bin Laden's Special Song)

Oct 30, 2001, 11:11pm
Well, I do think europe behaves better than the US on the matter of foreign relationships.

You're right, some countries didn't evolve as well as others, so you can't really compare based on that :) still I found it was a
nice analogy :P

btw I'm no patriot, France also does stupid things :)

Fox Mc Cloud

"sw chris" <chrisw10 at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bdf5b3a$1 at
> Ooo... low blow. More European elitism. Ich. Europe is no better than the
> US. Likewise the US is no better than Europe, all you super-patriot's. ;)
> How can the age of a country be a factor in their maturity? Look at China,
> Afghanistan, Vietnam? Cuba. Mexico. Etc, etc, etc.

Universe greeting

Nov 2, 2001, 6:04pm
I think that if you only advertise "big events" in it, that have already been advertised by other means, no problem should arise, as
most world owners will probably be aware that they should not hold events in their world at the same time... What would be bad would
be "surprise" events I guess.

Fox Mc Cloud

"flagg" <tom at> a écrit dans le message news: 3be2c2ff$1 at
> Activeworlds is sensitive to the concerns expressed by its users and will
> use more discretion in its use of the Universal greeting, however
> Activeworlds may at times still use the Universal Greeting to diseminate
> information in the AW Universe of important information and special events.


Nov 3, 2001, 2:13am
I hadn't heard of this game before, but to me it seems too intruding to your life... An important rule of role-playing games and
games in general is that you must know when you're playing your character, and when you're yourself, and never mix up the 2... It's
an ambitious project and I'm glad some deelopers try to make innovative games instead of doom-likes, wargames etc... but this one
seems to go too far, it could be 'dangerous'. Well it's my opinion at least.

Fox Mc Cloud


Nov 3, 2001, 7:49pm
Would be fun subscribing a friend to the game with their email and phone number, they'll think it's real... lol

Fox Mc Cloud

"brandon" <brandon at> a écrit dans le message news: 3be40f8d$1 at
> and if you didnt know you can pause the game so it doesnt call whenever you
> have total control over how it contacts you..and it doesnt call a
> billion times a day...but i respect your opinion even though i think the
> game makes it more realistic and fun. The Devs of the game wanted to "leave
> you guessing where the game ends and reality begins". The only thing you
> have to remember is to not let little kids answer the phone who might not
> know that it is a game, and there is no kids in my home so thats not a
> problem, and i tell my parents about it. So the point of the game is to make
> it like your actually a detective or person trying to solve the mystery.

WAY o.t. - CPU liquid cooling :)

Nov 12, 2001, 8:34pm
You guys complicate things too much, I would just put my computer in the fridge lol

Fox Mc Cloud

"data21" <dbmiller at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bf00d1a at
> liquid nitrogen hmm better have good protection from vibration dont want
> them tubes breaking on you.....
[View Quote]

html help

Nov 10, 2001, 9:00pm
Of course, it's your choice, but I must say I hate it when someone prevents me from right-clicking in a page...
The net was built to exchange information freely, not to hide it. Take a look at the Free Software Foundation and
the General Public License if you don't see what I mean.

Fox Mc Cloud

"data21" <dbmiller at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bed8212 at
> Im just trying to keep them newbie webpage makers from takeing the easy road
> to a good web page.
> Plus I dont want my graphics stolen. I already disabled right clicking but
> as long as they can look at the source they can get anything they want.

translators needed

Nov 15, 2001, 11:41pm
I can translate something for you in french if it's not too long :)
FoxMcCloud at if you're interested (but I'm not sure I'll have the time to do it, I'll tell you when you show me how
much there is to translate)

Fox Mc Cloud

"data21" <dbmiller at> a écrit dans le message news: 3bf46894 at
> Hi, im trying to make my web page avalible in diffrent languages. I need
> 100% good translators for French, Italian, Portugese, and Spanish

Mipmaps, Use them or Loose them!

Nov 21, 2001, 11:59pm
I always used mipmaps and always will.
As a side note, anyone has an idea what Outlook Express was thinking when it
came up with this? (I can't see a way to fix it)
(for those who don't see the problem, the question is displayed as if it was
an answer to the previous post, while it's the opposite...)

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is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 5:11am
"alphabit phalpha" <alphabit at> a écrit dans le message news:
3bfc938a at
> I might be wrong here...but I have been told that you don't have to go
> anywhere to get a virus on your system. That people are able to go in thru
> different ports that are open and "plant" a virus on your machine. To test
> you can go to
> If any ports are open, you are vulnerable. And it usually is someone you
> have never even met or ever will.

There's no way this can get you a virus.

Fox Mc Cloud

is anyone ealse having V scan problems?

Nov 22, 2001, 1:22pm
> Disagree! A misconfigured IIS web server or any (yet) unknown exploit can
plant anything on your machine. Just remember CodeRed worm or the NIMDA .
They are using a stack underflow technique to replace a return address from
your browser into their program they already loaded through the exploit into
the memory.
> Alphabit Phalpha is totally right when she pointed the people interest to . Probably the best security related site around the web.

Ok, I obviously agree with you, running a server CAN get you a virus. But
the flaw is in the IIS server itself, I don't think this could ever happen
with apache (although you never know).
On a side note, I never disagreed about protecting your computer or going to, as you CAN get hacked through listening sockets (teardrop,
DoS, whatever). I just stated that getting hacked that way will not get you
a virus, it could crash your computer though.

> Practice safe hex:
> Have your unused ports closed.
> Keep your servers up to date: apply all security related patches as soon
as you can.
> Use a firewall (ZoneAlarm comes to my mind first but Tiny Personal
Firewall is as good too). They are available free on the net.
> HTH,
> Andras

I perfectly agree with all of this :)

Fox Mc Cloud

Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 3:10am
"data21" <dbmiller at> a écrit dans le message news:
3bfc84e9 at
> ICQ is the worst thing out there.
> 1. its not safe
Only if you enable the homepage server (which is a stupid thing to do

> 2. all people in the world that use icq know your ICQ number weather you
gave it to them or not.
That's a good thing IMO

> 3. its easily hacked to get at you!
Just don't have enemies... lol
Anyway as long as you're on windows this can happen.
The only 'hacking' I've come across on ICQ is when a guy I don't have in my
list with a brand new ICQ number comes with a nickname like pH34r!!!! and
tries to send me a file called "suprise.exe" before having even said hello.
Not too hard to overcome, I usually even accept and download the file to let
him hope before deleting it (and then pretending you're a newbie to make him
waste 2 hours explaining you how to open files in the explorer is fun too)

> 4. To much dang porn urls coming over it from unknown users!
I agree on that. Too much adds too.

> I would recommend AOL IM or Yahoo Messenger
It doesn't change much

Fox Mc Cloud

Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 4:30am
"tyrell" <tyrell1 at> a écrit dans le message news:
3BFC8DB5.D460D470 at
> Hmmm... it's interesting that just because one can't figure out how to
config a
> program properly, it's obviously the programs fault...
> I'v been using ICQ (ver 2001b now) long before it was sucked into AOL (my
> is in the sig)... I NEVER get spam... (try sending me an ICQ... I'l not
get it

This is because you're an ancient user. I am an old enough user not to
receive TOO MUCH spam (my icq is 13371469), but still I receive some.
Spammers send their stupid adds to the newest ICQ numbers only, cause
there's more chances that they're still active. Try creating a new ICQ# just
for the test, last time I tried I got my first adds in less than 10 minutes
! This is a real problem with ICQ.

> unless I manually enter you into my contact list...) I'm never bothered by
> anyone 'not' on my contact list... If someone on my contact list becomes a
> in the... er... neck... I place them in my 'ignore list'... What could be
> easier...
> Just because 'you' can't figure out how to configure the program doesn't
make it
> a bad program... It appears the problem is with the User...
> my 2 cents...

Fox Mc Cloud

Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 22, 2001, 5:42am
"anduin lothario" <anduin at> a écrit dans le message news:
3bfca83a at
[View Quote] I agree. An IP address shouldn't be a secret anyway. Hey, mine is, in case it changes will always be pointing to
it anyway. :oP
Security by obscurity is Microsoft's traditional politics and has proved not
to work. Protect your computer, don't just hide its address. Like not
revealing your home address to anyone would prevent you from getting robbed.
Installing an alarm is a better way in my opinion.

Fox Mc Cloud

Just a little note about ICQ2001b

Nov 23, 2001, 3:11am
ICQ is not made by an evil company, true, it was made by 2 israeli
But it's been bought by AOL. AOL = evil.

Fox Mc Cloud

"captain mad mike" <cmm at> a écrit dans le message news:
3bfdcb4a$1 at
> Actually, in my opinion ICQ is the most powerful and feature-packed IM
> program available. I use AIM only because my friends use AOL and AIM, and
> ICQ has more features than AIM...and its not made by some evil company
> (which probably uses the service to spy on you) like MSN Messenger
> (Microsoft! Eeeeevil!). All you need is a firewall and a couple minutes to
> run through your preferences.

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