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help? :-\

Aug 7, 2002, 4:14pm
Lisa was the first PC you could actually buy that had a
xerographic GUI (invented by Xerox). It was the missing
link between the Apple II and the Mac. But a GUI is not
what I ment when I mentioned the Unix concepts, I ment
the way the operating system layers work together.

OS/2 is (from its basic concept) way closer to Unix than
Win3.x (or Win9x) ever was, so I couldn't really tell
where they got the idea. But as they partially use the
syntax of Unix and copied several standard Unix tools
(command line!) I assumed they took it from there.

Microsoft has damaged a lot of other developements in a
quite criminal way, like adding code to Win3.x so it
didn't work with Digital Research's DOS. So IBM wasn't
the first victim. But I'm quite sure that the IBM people
did similar things to other companies, so I don't feel
too sorry for them *g

But if I recall right, M$ and IBM started OS/2 together,
so maybe M$ legally owned parts of the project.

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help? :-\

Aug 8, 2002, 3:36am
General discussion :)

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You can't make this stuff up...

Aug 10, 2002, 3:05am
There are places where it can be reported.

It is necessary that everyone keeps his eyes open in order
to keep the internet a free place. I know some links where
you can report discrimitating or nazi web pages and you can
report abuse too.

So if anyone finds something like that, don't just close the
page and be disgusted but do something, report it.
Fortunately there are only very few people who use the web
for bad things so it should be possible to kick them out.

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Re: word usage (was Re: aw_world_object_password SDK call?)

Aug 10, 2002, 4:54am
That was worser than Bowens typo.

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Kewl prog

Aug 10, 2002, 9:50pm
PHP is executed on the server, not on the client. The output
of PHP can be plain HTML, JavaScript, JPG, PNG or whatever.

You will never see any PHP code on a good PHP web page, if
the web server is installed correct.

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Kewl prog

Aug 11, 2002, 2:35am

I misunderstood that. Now I see what you mean.

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Aug 12, 2002, 3:07am
If you have a backup copy of your old telegram.dat
and telegram.idx you can convert them into a text
file :

It's a problem if the IDX and the DAT file are not
consistent, deleting only the index doesn't save the
data. I don't know C-Tree very well, but to me it
looks like a conceptional problem of C-Tree that the
IDX files contain some data that cannot be recovered
from the DAT files by just rebuilding the index, as
not all informations of the records are contained in
the DAT but only held in the IDX. Can be fixed with
good database design though, accepting redundancies
of the key fields in IDX and database.
Unfortunately this seems not to be the case in the
telegrams, and for the other files the necessary
rebuild routines aren't implemented, either not in
C-Tree or just not in AW.

Maybe Andras could ... (hint hint hint)

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Re: trolling moron (was Re: word usage)

Aug 14, 2002, 5:45am
Kit just quoted and didn't use the worserishest words

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Bug in World Server build 43

Aug 30, 2002, 4:55am
On Linux it worked to copy just the executable binaries
(would be the EXE files in Windows) into the old world
server directory - be sure to make a backup of course.

This can only work if the database format hasn't changed
and that is the case for this upgrade.

Or install a fresh build 43 and copy all .dat, .idx and .ini
files from your 42 server into the new directory.

The 42 server cannot work anymore because it's blocked by
the universe server settings. This has been announced in
the upgrade information mail.

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Psst...New Search Engine

Aug 21, 2002, 1:58am
"Search engine" doesn't necessarily mean it's using a bots and

There are search engines that do not try to compete with
Google or Altavista, like Yahoo and Northernlight. Some have
have revisors, some use own cached pages, some are strictly
theme specific.

I think, a search engine for VR and/or 3D related pages where
someone verifies the submitted start page before they are
added to the search pool would be interesting.

Especially spider driven search engines are full with crap
from people who try to pull visitors with wrong filled tags
in the HTML header. Especially the "big" search engines earn
money for placing sponsored links in the first hits, so the
first 20 are often not the most relevant but the most paying
web sites. Statistics show that most people who don't specify
their search exactly and receive tons of results stop browsing
after a few result pages.

This is a big chance for themed and categorized search engines
with moderated contents.

For some examples how different web search engines can be,
visit CUSI at or (a fancy german
version), a better
"search portal" than any bot driven engine.

I doubt that John even has the slightest chance to compete
with any bot search engine, they usually have more main memory
than most of us have HD space - but theme specific ... we'll
see what happens - good luck, John :)

[View Quote] is down

Aug 26, 2002, 8:02pm
Seems to be fixed now, I just connected :)

[View Quote] is down

Aug 26, 2002, 8:13pm
Last post there is nearly a month old

[View Quote] is down

Aug 27, 2002, 5:30am
I ment the Norwegian AW newsgroup, I doubt that it's related to AT&T *g

[View Quote] is down

Aug 28, 2002, 4:05am
Well, I could even find it on my ISP's news server
And it's the only public AW newsgroup I could find.
So somehow it seems to be a success :)

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Signatures (was: we should...)

Aug 30, 2002, 9:12pm
Must be a relic of old teletype writers that didn't have
"insert" capabilities *g

Newest information on top so you see it at once vs. old
stuff on top so you can read through the chronology, I
think this is just a matter of taste, both have advantages.

As the follow-ups usually follow quite fast, the reference
post should still be available in most cases - easier to
read than the quoted text, so the quoting becomes less
important - except you reply to specific parts of a post -
so I prefer the reply on top.

Some make their posts even more unreadable than bottom-
repliers by placing a lot of crap above the original post,
well, their style. Let's not be more catholic than the

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Prank e-mail! (HTML I think)

Sep 2, 2002, 10:22am
The usual crap from spam-land No.1, .kr

I wish they would disconnect Korea from the internet
at least until they make laws against this crap.

Prank e-mail! (HTML I think)

Sep 3, 2002, 3:08am
Not script kiddies, they are usually professional spammers
who make money with crap like books how that explain how to
become millionair in 3 weeks, penis enlargement stuff and
porn. I tried to track down some providers (web space / ISP)
in order to send abuse email and too often ended up in Korea
on unreadable crap pages. The companies who rented the web
space are often located in the USA, the web space is in korea
and the company name is clearly not English but Asian origin.

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Prank e-mail! (HTML I think)

Sep 3, 2002, 3:11am
Nope, you're wrong - I don't think I feel specific for any
nationality. I hate german assholes as well as those anywhere
else and like nice german people as much as nice people from
anywhere else. Nation doesn't really matter.

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Taking bets..

Sep 8, 2002, 9:15am
I fully agree, and this cannot be compared to WW2 at all.
In WW2 the US joined into an existing war, which was very
necessary back then. But in this case they would start
the war. That makes much difference.

Terrorism must be fought, but not with terrorism and not
just because one country has the power to fight the war
quite "lossless". A war is always a loss for all humans,
independant from the "winner".

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Taking bets..

Sep 10, 2002, 2:57am
Oh, and that's something to be proud on?
Bombing a country that has nearly no industry is great?

Oh, what a cool guy you are.

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Object path protection

Sep 9, 2002, 6:23pm
You can get a little security with a scripted path, the
objects don't need to need in a directory that can be
accessed through HTTP, and the script can check some
things in the HTTP header, that are very specific for
AW. Only a little security though.

Changing file permission or ownership cannot change
anything - if the download program cannot access them,
the AW browser will not be able to download them either.

With PHP's support for sessions and/or cookies, I could
think of one more way, to make the path really "quite"
secure. I'm too lazy to implement it though, the best
protection for my own stuff is to make it available for
free - no one can steal anything with that concept *g

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Object path protection

Sep 10, 2002, 3:01am

doesn't apply for Sleepy E

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And stop playing with the news header fields, asshole

Object path protection

Sep 10, 2002, 3:27am
I know it's something you will never learn, Netiquette.

But in case you're curious, here's the RFC about it

and this is what it says about setting the "follow-ups:"
header field :

> In NetNews parlance, "Posting" refers to posting a new article to a group, or responding to a post
> someone else has posted. "Cross-Posting" refers to posting a message to more than one group. If you
> introduce Cross-Posting to a group, or if you direct "Followup-To:" in the header of your posting, warn
> readers! Readers will usually assume that the message was posted to a specific group and that followups
> will go to that group. Headers change this behavior.

Object path protection

Sep 10, 2002, 3:50pm
You are unable to "put me in place" because you're way too self-centered.

If you're looking for someone to fuck with you, ask your (only) 5 friends for help.

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Object path protection

Sep 10, 2002, 4:34pm
case closed

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Object path protection

Sep 11, 2002, 3:37pm
He wouldn't have needed to be scared about this problem because
I upgraded the server where he has most of his stuff just a few
hours after the upgrade alert had been sent.

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Object path protection

Sep 12, 2002, 3:02pm
Let me quote the upgrade announceent that some world
owners received AGAIN :

> In order to protect your worlds, we will be making this a "forced upgrade"
> to the 3.3 version in the AW Universe by close of business Wednesday August
> 14th.

No word says that only Beta is affected.

You're just a poor looser, eep, who doesn't understand
this issue and doesn't know how to discuss problems.
Beeing on your filter list always means :
"The troll has been defeated"

Unfortunately there is no newsgroup for flames, name
calling and antisocial behaviour for the follow-up.

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A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 4, 2002, 10:15pm
I wonder from where you got the nerve to
post all those lies about people?

[View Quote] <spam, false accuses and lies snipped, sorry, nothing left to quote>

A!!CT World will drop Heartfall Sept.16

Oct 6, 2002, 7:56am
Just for the record :

CarolAnn's point was the way this "discussion" was held, not
pro or contra Heartfall.

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Eep's Objects (was: Re: Object Path Protection)

Sep 13, 2002, 6:28pm
From what he told me he isn't using a patched or otherwise
manipulated browser.

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