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ananas // User Search
ananas // User SearchOld AW Splash JpgsJan 31, 2002, 1:39pm
<img src="file:///C:/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/awaw.gif">
well, not on my C: drive ;) [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ ideasFeb 4, 2002, 5:24pm
Other UniversesFeb 11, 2002, 3:01am
PHP helpFeb 27, 2002, 4:05am
Did you try the same with a / behind ?
If you don't have it there, you redirect to an address that is a redirect itself. The second thing that might be missing are 2 CR's behind the redirect command : $Redirect_Page=""; if(ereg("$","$REMOTE_ADDR||$REMOTE_HOST")) header("location : $Redirect_Page\n\n"); [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ PHP helpFeb 27, 2002, 4:13am
sorry, one more :
I don't think that your regular expression can work like this. The "...t$" requires a request string that ends with the "t". Did you print out the actual strings? Maybe $HTTP_HOST would be a better string to check, and there the faster "strcmp" would be sufficient to do the compare. Use a phpinfo(); to see which string matches your requirements better than those you use. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ World redownloadingMar 10, 2002, 7:42pm
Yes, we had that with some web servers (an IIS version).
The reason was probably the size, that was reported wrong by the server. You can see that, when it loads a JPG with a known size, but shows a wrong one in the F3 download window. [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ World redownloadingMar 11, 2002, 3:48am
World redownloadingMar 11, 2002, 3:50am
oops, after reading Jerme's comment - is your problem
the traffic limit on server side? [View Quote] -- "_ | /\ \ / __/ /_ We are moving our servers!!Mar 20, 2002, 4:30am
Help with runtime library.Mar 31, 2002, 4:26am
I doubt that anyone can help you with this, as long as you
don't provide some more informations, at least : - the exact error message - the windows version you're using - what kind of library (Vc++, VB, FoxPro ..) and maybe some more : - the virus scanner (if any) you use (it affects program start!) - if you can find out, the version of the library DLLs To me it sounds like a virus or a WinXP incompatibility. [View Quote] Is It PosibleApr 3, 2002, 4:50am
..htaccess can do way more than just password protect stuff,
you can use it to forward from a directory access to a script for example, and the script can take the models from outside of the area, that is open for HTTP access. If you have this script check the HTTP_USER_AGENT for the content "ActiveWorlds browser" and then pass through the files, you get at least a little more security. [View Quote] Is It PosibleApr 4, 2002, 4:25am
Some password cracking programs that do not work "brute force"
or based on wordlists, can crack a password WAY faster, if they have the passworded ZIP file and the same file in a not zipped version. What Andras means is : This problem can be avoided by protecting only those files, that need to be protected. It does not make sense - and makes cracking faster - to protect files that are available to anyone for free. [View Quote] Is It PosibleApr 4, 2002, 4:29am
sorry, I replied in "Worldbuilders" and didn't see that
it was already explained here :-/ Is It PosibleApr 5, 2002, 3:04pm
yep :) I use one of them - but for a different reason.
I think web pages should work independant from the browser, so I told the proxy to identify the NetScape I'm using as an AW browser too *g [View Quote] The Numbers CrunchApr 4, 2002, 12:57pm
Line wrap ?
A hint from Andras some time back explained how to trick the mail client : Put "> " in front of the link, so the client "thinks" it is a quotation. I didn't try with OE, but maybe it helps. [View Quote] Avatar Limb Joints in trueSpace 4.2Apr 4, 2002, 7:50pm
The second tab in the "green man tool" window allows to
set all joints. Try to bring the little red dot for all the parts to the point where they connect, and do that in all views (top/left/front) Dese ole bones o' mine shall rise together in the morning. Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones shall rise together in the morning. From the toe bone to the foot bone From the foot bone to the ankle bone From the ankle bone to the leg bone From the leg bone to the knee bone From the knee bone to the thigh bone From the thigh bone to the hip bone From the hip bone to the back bone From the back bone to the finger bone From the finger bone to the hand bone From the hand bone to the arm bone From the arm bone to the shoulder bone From the shoulder bone to the neck bone From the neck bone to the head bone, Dem bones dem bones dem dry bones shall rise together in the morning. (Dry bones by Margaret Bonds) ^(°v°)^ _/ \_ [View Quote] Something i noticed about scale in AWMay 18, 2002, 2:56am
Where do you live? The average height of a human depends
much on your location. Closer to the horizon, people have to be way shorter, because the sky comes closer to the ground there ================= <= sky / O /o X / X X ======================= <= ground ^ -- tall person, closer to equator ^ --------- short person, close to horizon ^ ------------ horizon [View Quote] Something i noticed about scale in AWMay 18, 2002, 6:53am
Of course it makes sense, ask the ancient people in
Skandinavia, they knew about it. I learned it from the Kalevala, a great but hard to read book. (thanks, Count Dracula :) [View Quote] worldserv. problemJun 2, 2002, 11:06am
ProtestJun 11, 2002, 5:56pm
Isn't it a usual concept to give out one half of a
pair in order to make people buy the other half? I'm not absolutely sure, but I think I have seen a C3 type for sale somewhere. [View Quote] ProtestJun 11, 2002, 6:58pm
Marvin has been forgotten alone on a planet, he was
very depressed after the long time. I think that's even worse than beeing sold. And I'm sure he would agree, if he wasn't too depressed to agree. [View Quote] ProtestJun 13, 2002, 2:49am
WARNING M A T T IS BACK!Jun 16, 2002, 2:13am
In theory, Java really runs in a sandbox, but this sandbox
isn't 100% secure. And a lot of applications use JNI, which makes it even more insecure. The only way to have real security with a Java web interface is, to split it and put the web part behind a firewall, with access through a web service. This works only for servlets though, you cannot have acceptable security (yet?) with Java running on the client side, under control of IE or other browsers. JavaScript has not much in common with Java except for a similar syntax. Joeman did not mean JavaScript, as JS does NOT run in a sandbox but is interpreted directly by the web browser. [View Quote] |