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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 2, 2003, 6:09am
Dracula is critical, not anti-american. He trusts Bush and those
who voted for him as little as I do.

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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 3, 2003, 2:30pm
Some even post in HTML just because they can do it

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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 3, 2003, 2:43pm
Sounds like there are 2 classes of people, a small elite that
is considered a loss for mankind. All others - well, shit happens.

I personally do not like military people too much but I still do
not think they are less worthy than civilians. Maybe more stupid
though - but that's their job.

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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 3, 2003, 3:30pm
hm, I thought about it and I think I should refine my statement :
I _do_ consider military people who attack less worthy.

Btw.: I think it is quite normal that they publish an accident like
this more than a shool bus accident. Those people stood more in the
center of publicity when they lived, so it is only normal that their
accident has more publicity too.

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Space Ship Columbia

Feb 3, 2003, 4:02pm
Romans has been an extremely aggressive nation, I do not understand
the "even" in your reply.

About the school bus - if a school bus in the US is destroyed in an
accident, we will have s small notice in the news, same for the US
news if a school bus is destroyed in germany. It was just an example
for worse events that get less notice. Worse because the kids do
not know about the risk and are not asked if they are willing to
take it, not because of more or less worthy people. No one who went
this way can be brought back - it's final :(

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AWHS Corner

Feb 3, 2003, 2:38pm
People ask me about your programs often, why shouldn't
the same happen to you :)

The program is here =>

but the current version is one with tilt/roll - if the world.dat
is from an older browser version, I can make the necessary changes
quite easily and supply that version too if needed. There haven't
been requests for a 2.2/3.1 compatible one so I haven't made one
yet. Alphabit, do you already have a dump and from what kind of
AW browser is it ?

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AWHS Corner

Feb 3, 2003, 5:13pm
cell.dat + cell.idx is all that's needed for the propdump,
I will make a 2.2 version, just be sure to save those two
somewhere and have some patience, I have a bit too much RL
work at the moment to start at once :)

I cannot restore models from the cache though, textures are
partially possible ( )

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AWHS Corner

Feb 4, 2003, 3:12pm
The Hamfon builder could, I think.

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AWHS Corner

Feb 4, 2003, 3:32pm
OK, it is there now

awdat2dmp22 can create Version 2 and Version 3 propdumps
from Version 2 world.dat/world.idx databases. Source is
included, the changes that were necessary have been really
minor, a 10 minutes task :)

You should be able to use the world admin tool for uploading
the dump or any build bot.

Beware : the program itself is a console application, it has
to be started in a Win32 console ("DOS"-Box ;)

awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp
creates Type 3 propdumps

awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp t=2
creates Type 2 propdumps

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AWHS Corner

Feb 5, 2003, 3:29am
um, it does never modify the cell.dat/.idx files at all.
Those can not become larger.

What you need to do :

- Start a Windows console (DOS box / DOS screen)

- Go to the directory where your dat file and the awdat2dmp22.exe
is stored ("cd" command) - the .C file isn't needed.

- Type in this command :
awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp

- Press the enter key ;)

Result will be a file called cell.dmp, a standard version 3 propdump
that you can use for bots to build.

Optional you can use
awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp t=2
if you have a bot that prefers version 2 propdump files.

If you do not use it like this, it just gives a "usage" message
and sends an error return code to windows - then it disappears
at once as windows handles DOS boxes quite wrong.
It should not close them when they give an error return code.

[View Quote]


Feb 6, 2003, 2:59pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

sigh ;)

Save the attached file into the same folder where you have
awdat2dmp22.exe, cell.dat and cell.idx, then double-click
it in the windows explorer

[View Quote] YXdkYXQyZG1wMjIgaT1jZWxsLmRhdCBvPWNlbGwuZG1wDQoNCg==

Rot13 Encryption

Feb 10, 2003, 6:29am
rot13 has never been a secret encryption, it was thought to keep
children from reading dirty jokes in newsgroups.

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Avatar Studio

Feb 14, 2003, 4:56am
WRL is a 3D format, JPG is a 2D format ad .SAV is
not a defined format.

You can convert WRL to most other 3D formats, helpful for
that are (freeware)
and (trial available)

With glview you can render a WRL to a BMP file and convert
this to JPG with - but it is not
a converted WRL then as it doesn't have any of the 3D
informations of WRL anymore, it is just a static picture.

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Recommendation for mail client?

Mar 4, 2003, 3:37pm
Agreed, Eudora is very good.

Although NetScape is an acceptable AllInOne solution, Eudora has
some major advantages as it supports multiple accounts better than
netscape mail, including webmail.

What I like better in NetScape is the combination mail/news, that's
why I neither use eudora nor fagent. I think mail and news are so
close related that they should not have 2 separate programs.

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XP and AW

Mar 6, 2003, 2:16pm
Try to force software rendering in the first step,
in aworld.ini look for this :


and set it to


If this does work, you can switch to different modes from
the browser.

I think, software mode is the least critical one.

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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 5:34pm
Pakistan has nuclear weapons and does not care much about human rights

India has nuclear weapons and there's much killing going on there

Turkey has quite a big army and human rights count not much there

China - wait, they are already on the list, further down

France has nuclear weapons and - hm, their strategic position in Europe isn't bad

Germany ... oops, I don't want to give Rambo Bush ideas

Fact is - there is no legal(!) reason for a war between the US and Iraq,
I don't mind if Hussein is killed somehow but no reason to kill
thousands of civilians, destroy the already poor economy completely
and add Iraq to the countries that will not survive on their own.
Last not least, a lot of culture will be destroyed by bombs.

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Re: American Support

Mar 6, 2003, 7:14pm
Mesopotamien is the source of most known culture and Mesopotamien
has been where the Iraq is now

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 1:09am
Iraq has been "allied" too when they went against Khomeini

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 1:38am
Actually not a reply, I just wanted to add one more
intesting link to this discussion :

and especially this page :

If you have read this, those who do not understand
already might get an idea who the real aggressor is.

I found the link through btw.

Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 5:09pm
Interesting, which interests does the US have in Iraq?
Hussein did nothing outside of his country, the weapons are not
prooved, the Arab countries are interested in solving the problem
their own way, Turkey might be interested in joining the attack.

Children in Iraq have only little chance to survive, theirs is an
interest that counts. People in Iraq are interested in food and
medicine which is blocked since 10 years. This interest counts too.
Muslim countries are interested in having no capitalistic armies
in their countries, an interest I can understand and accept.

But what are the interests of the USA in this region of the world?

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Re: American Support

Mar 7, 2003, 5:12pm
It is a Follow-Up from worldbuilders, not Bowens fault

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Re; Tw is a hacker (dont knwo iuf first post worked)

Mar 8, 2003, 6:54pm
Spellcheckers are for people who cannot write properly.

Otoh. I would be interested to know what a Norwegian spell
checker would do to an English text ...

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Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 12:32am
attac is not more or less a lobby group than the UN

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Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 7:21pm
Oh, come on - this is not really fair.

Just because those war-crazy idiots like [short namelist removed]
have a bigger mouth than those many others who think that war is
wrong, this should not cover all of America. I posted several links
here already that show how many people in _all_ countries - including
UK and USA - are against war.

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Re: American Support

Mar 8, 2003, 7:27pm
Well, they if you need a dictator to do the dirty jobs, support him.
If you need someone to be a declared enemy, the same dictator might
help out again.

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Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 9:17am
If this war is making him unpopular that means people do not
want his war. I'm happy to read this statement here :)

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Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 9:55am
You need to know where this war back then came from.

The US and England (if I recall correct) installed and supported
a regime in Iran that the Arab people did not accept. They called
Khomeini back and sent Rezah Pahlevi to hell - the Sheik who's dad
has been an enemy of the US and who spent most money for himself
and nothing for the population, who ignored religion and tradition
of Iran.

Iran has been economically blocked, people started to starve there,
the press showed how bad the conditions are since Khomeini took
his place. I was believed everything I have seen in the press back
then, not understanding the backgrounds - and I hated Khomeini.
Today I think many might have starved because of the blockade, not
because of Khomeini.

The same Saddam Hussein who is now the leader of Iraq has been the
leader back then too. He has not been even a little bit better
than now but has been supported, which caused even more hate in
this region - hate against the "western world".

What makes people think it might work better this time? The scenery
is not so much different and the experience should show that the
same mistake should not be made again.

Unfortunately all the old experts for near east politics are not
active anymore, it would be interesting to hear what they think.

Like Saddam Hussein, Bin Laden has been supported too, against the
USSR - and it backfired too. The crisis Pakistan/India/Bangladesh
is a result of "western world" interactions in their region too.

If "we" (the western world) do not keep our fingers out of "their"
politics - except beeing asked for economical and humanitary (sp?)
support - the hate will not end.

"Their" hate feeds "our" hate and vice versa. This is a thing that
will not change with the time if the actions stay the same.

I am not a history pro and have always been bad in history at
school, this is from my memory and from what I have been reading
so I might miss some facts. But this is how it looks to me -
including the influence of media and potential lies of course.

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Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 10:23am
100% true for Germany and Austria, the republicans are neo-nazis
and IMO partially true for Bush.

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Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 6:44pm
FYI, UNMOVIC Quarterly Report, February 28 :

Re: American Support

Mar 9, 2003, 6:54pm
Carter says a war is not justified and Iraq is not a any
danger for the US btw.

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