AWHS Corner (General Discussion)

AWHS Corner // General Discussion

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 2, 2003, 5:13pm
Anyone out there have an old copy of awcc world cell.dat etc needed that
would help restore awhs corner to the original?
I found one, but I'm not sure how to load it to my world only, (Trying to
upload it so I can see if it's the old awhs corner with all original stuff
still there) as when I look in the world server it looks like all the worlds
we are hosting are in that folder as one?


Feb 2, 2003, 6:54pm
andras has an app, dos CLI based, which will convert that cell.dat to a
propdump It's called awdat2dmp

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 3, 2003, 12:52am
Thank you ever so much!:)

light form

Feb 3, 2003, 3:05am
AWHS? That name, it sounds so vary familier. Ah yes, that is the
orginization Chloe started up (again) and then left it haning after only
about a week.

Welcome to ActiveWorlds, huh.


Feb 3, 2003, 8:19am
[View Quote] Let's name the author Ananas for a change please? <eg>

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)


Feb 3, 2003, 2:38pm
People ask me about your programs often, why shouldn't
the same happen to you :)

The program is here =>

but the current version is one with tilt/roll - if the world.dat
is from an older browser version, I can make the necessary changes
quite easily and supply that version too if needed. There haven't
been requests for a 2.2/3.1 compatible one so I haven't made one
yet. Alphabit, do you already have a dump and from what kind of
AW browser is it ?

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 3, 2003, 4:39pm
2.2 build 303
I have the cell.dat and cell.idx from the properties folder. and .idx...texture.dat and idx.
I'm not sure if this is the correct archived files, but I have more on disk
I can check, if I can just find a way to put the info in my world...add the
awcc path and look at the AWHS corner.

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 3, 2003, 4:44pm
Light Form,

To the best of my knowledge, Chloe didn't leave anything hanging.
She organized a group of people who are in charge of caretaking the AWHS
corner and events etc.
I reckon maybe if you emailed awhs at and inquired about
the status of AWHS, you would get a response:)
I have been in communication with Chloe and her wish is to restore the
AWHS corner in AWCC to what it was intended to stay at.
Seems bizarre that the historical society of AW has lost their
historical corner eh?:)
We won't go into who did what to lose that corner, instead let's try to
find a way to restore it ok please?

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Feb 3, 2003, 5:13pm
cell.dat + cell.idx is all that's needed for the propdump,
I will make a 2.2 version, just be sure to save those two
somewhere and have some patience, I have a bit too much RL
work at the moment to start at once :)

I cannot restore models from the cache though, textures are
partially possible ( )

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 3, 2003, 5:26pm
That would be sooooo cool!
No's already been over a year I think:)
All models and textures should still be on the AWCC server.
Is there a bot out there that once I confirm I have the correct files could
restore by coords?
We of course wouldn't want to mess up any of the other 3 areas:)

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light form

Feb 3, 2003, 5:31pm
I could careless about the AWHSs corner of AWCC, that seems like a vary
insignifigant part of what the AWHS does. What the AWHS does do, however,
has not been getting done. And you want to know why? No one knows what is
suppose to be done! All I know is that the AWHS was started up (again!) and
was (again!) left out to dry beacuse, for this reason or another, it could
not be gotten around to tending. It let alot of people down (again!) and a
vary promising chapter of the AWHS is closed (again!) Dont get me wrong, I
love the AWHS and Chloe, and I am sure there is some VARY fesible reason
behind this, but what ever it is, its a darn shame it had to happen. Hope
this clears something up =)


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alphabit phalpha

Feb 3, 2003, 5:56pm
Light Form,
If this is true then why do I see a bunch of names along the AWHS walk
that are team members?
Is that an active list?
If so, then how is it that it is high and dry at this point?
I saw Daphne giving historical tours at the Snowball event...that seemed
like a current event?
I see this at the awhs corner "Light Form - Historical Sites & AWHS
History" Is there something you need from Chloe to go forward in projects
you have?
And the corner of awhs is VERY significant IMHO.
There were some great areas there that reflected the "history" in
Activeworlds. It was a sad thing to see it overwritten.
Do you all remember the museum which hosted the mini builds of
historical places like Mt Bob and Binary Bud's Pyramid? Or what about Little
Bull's builds?
What about the are Real Pops built with the first textures and models
and avatars in Activeworlds?
As I mentioned before.....let's go forward now and get things rolling
again please:)



Feb 3, 2003, 5:57pm
I dont know may have been a dream but i rember something like LAST week i
got a tour with about 15 people of some of the HS sites in AW... FROM
CHLOE... as i said could have been a dream but i doubt it.. YOU DO realize
CHLOE lives in THE UK right? SO if you live in the US you have very opposite
- just my 2 cents


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light form

Feb 3, 2003, 6:13pm
Who has been there to update that list Bit?! Tell me that. I mean really, if
it is dried up, do you think anyone is going to clean up the old signs? I
saw Chloe give a historical tour in the morning and then not return for her
other tour, which Daphne was kind enough to take over. And how does that
make the AWHS not dried up? The two heads of this orginization giving tours?
Big deal, get some people who joined the org to do just that and let them do
it. Its called 'participation'. Lets let some of the members do it!

And yes, my "team" has worked and worked and for what? Nothing! I dont see
anyone doing anything with the archieved sites and logs we have! There
doesnt seem to be a use for it. I am also on just about every other team in
the AWHS, and guess how many telegrams/e-mails I have recieved on
'meetings-volunteering oppertunities-team work-etc.' none, null, nichts,
nada! I have run out of n-words =)
Any HEY! I am with you all the way. I am just saying, its a pretty moot
point to be arguing. Its dead. I believe that, yes, we can jump-start it
again, if we had some orginization to this orginization! Power to you Bit,
and I will assit you and Chloe, and Daph in anyway I can (which I tell Daph
in just about every telegram/e-mail i send her!!!!)

By the way Ryan, I live in Germany and have lived in the States, so I am
well aware of this time difference. But its only an hour from where I am

alphabit phalpha

Feb 3, 2003, 6:35pm
Hey Light argument intended:)
I think you will see some changes here in the near future:)

light form

Feb 4, 2003, 3:21am
Didnt mean to go off on you like that. Sorry

At anyrate, hope these changes will come soon. Good deal.


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Feb 4, 2003, 3:12pm
The Hamfon builder could, I think.

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Feb 4, 2003, 3:32pm
OK, it is there now

awdat2dmp22 can create Version 2 and Version 3 propdumps
from Version 2 world.dat/world.idx databases. Source is
included, the changes that were necessary have been really
minor, a 10 minutes task :)

You should be able to use the world admin tool for uploading
the dump or any build bot.

Beware : the program itself is a console application, it has
to be started in a Win32 console ("DOS"-Box ;)

awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp
creates Type 3 propdumps

awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp t=2
creates Type 2 propdumps

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Feb 4, 2003, 8:54pm
[View Quote] And you can use YASBB to build it from the dump!

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

alphabit phalpha

Feb 4, 2003, 10:42pm
Thanks Ananas!
I'll test it this weekend...wish me luck!:)

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 4, 2003, 10:42pm

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ncc 71854

Feb 4, 2003, 10:45pm

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 4, 2003, 10:56pm

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 5, 2003, 12:00am
Ok...heres where I am;

I put the cell.dat and cell.idx in a folder.
I put awdat2dmp.c and awdat2dmp.exe in the same folder.
I dbl clickd the awdat2dmp.exe and a dos screen popped up.
Nothing new was created but the cell files were larger.
Now....when I go to the world server to load it...I dont see anywhere to
load cell.dat or .idx
Do they replact properties and attributes? And if so which is which?


Feb 5, 2003, 3:29am
um, it does never modify the cell.dat/.idx files at all.
Those can not become larger.

What you need to do :

- Start a Windows console (DOS box / DOS screen)

- Go to the directory where your dat file and the awdat2dmp22.exe
is stored ("cd" command) - the .C file isn't needed.

- Type in this command :
awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp

- Press the enter key ;)

Result will be a file called cell.dmp, a standard version 3 propdump
that you can use for bots to build.

Optional you can use
awdat2dmp22 i=cell.dat o=cell.dmp t=2
if you have a bot that prefers version 2 propdump files.

If you do not use it like this, it just gives a "usage" message
and sends an error return code to windows - then it disappears
at once as windows handles DOS boxes quite wrong.
It should not close them when they give an error return code.

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alphabit phalpha

Feb 5, 2003, 12:29pm
Ok...that makes more sense...thanks again!:)

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