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It's the mens turn to struggle!!!

Jun 15, 2002, 7:15pm
I'm glad I'm a pineapple *g

It's the mens turn to struggle!!!

Jun 17, 2002, 5:13am
We had a quick lesson about this - in a world where
Dracula was a cute rib (default avatar on ;) *g

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Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 24, 2002, 2:57pm
It has been there for about a week, on a link "Voting" that
went to

Maybe not the best name for this link, because it could be
easily confused with the voting for nominated entries.

I think it would be a good idea for the next time, to split
the links list to the left into sections, like

Current Awards



Past Awards

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AW addiction

Jun 29, 2002, 6:45pm

you forgot one :

your car has been stolen and you search for the triangle
instead of calling the CT

AW addiction

Jul 7, 2002, 3:20pm
You failed the "beeing addicted" test !

Try again when the "almost" is gone ;)

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AW addiction

Jul 8, 2002, 2:43am
That's much better, you held your head sidewards
when you smiled *g

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<no subject>

Jul 1, 2002, 1:50am
I tried to reproduce that in Andras' Test NG,
doesn't seem to work with NetScape.

Maybe Outlook uses the LAST occurance of the


that it finds, not the first one, to set the header
fields. NetScape definitely uses the first one.

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Outer Worlds

Jul 6, 2002, 3:03pm
"There can only be one" <= not true for 3D universes

I think there's nothing wrong about visiting several
universes, but it should be more a cooperation than
a competition.

In this case though, I think it was OK to flame john
because he didn't advertize for OW, but against AW.

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Racists in AW ?

Jul 8, 2002, 4:19pm
What's wrong about that? I put that too sometimes - changing

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zip problems

Jul 9, 2002, 2:46am
Really funny, considering that Stuffit comes from
Aladdin Systems ...

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Host my OP

Jul 7, 2002, 3:07am
have you checked here : ?

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Strange waste of storage

Jul 13, 2002, 9:22pm
Usually ZIPping files that already (lossless) compressed
will result in larger instead of smaller ZIP archives, as
they contain less repeating character sequences.

In the compressed EXE files there is not only the original
EXE file part, but also some decompression code in the
stub, that is executed to decompress the file in memory.
As the original EXE part (that is actually data for the
decompress stub in this case) cannot be compressed as much
as before, and there is some more information ("tree")
needed for the LZ algorithm plus the stub itself, an
archive containing this might even bloat the ZIP file
quite much.

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Jul 13, 2002, 9:28pm
Huba GRRRR !!!


Jul 13, 2002, 9:59pm

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Jul 14, 2002, 7:05am
Marsupilami (or Kokomiko) live in the jungle of Palumbia.
On you can see some.
The adults are usually yellow with black dots, the babies
plain yellow - but some say that black ones have been
spotted too.

"Hubi" is the sound a baby marsupilami makes. When it
grows up it sounds more like "Huba". There are rumors
that Marsupilamis are able to learn words - not just
repeating like parrots but they know the meaning too.


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DSL questions

Jul 17, 2002, 3:35pm
Addition to carlbanks' reply :

The monitor can be switched off.
Most video card drivers come with a DPMS screen saver.
Several SCSI cards can powerdown the HDs, on NT this
doesn't work well for the first HD, but should work for
the others.

Of course this isn't as good as standby mode, but it
saves at least some power and noise.

Optional, you could try to find a cheap laptop, a P1/75
with monochrome LCD, network card and Win95 will do if
you have DSL through a router. Bots don't need much

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Re: newsreader woes (was Re: URL breakup)

Jul 18, 2002, 10:23pm
You're right, NCSA Mosaic was the base for IE

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Let tourists back in Alphaworld!!

Jul 23, 2002, 5:12am
.... especially if the worlds aren't hosted on AW servers

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Jul 25, 2002, 3:12am
good one :)

They even have binaries stored there :

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Jul 25, 2002, 3:08pm
Same here :( The old avatars ZIP files and textures worked, but not
this install. Either it's not y2k compliant or it has been transferred
in text mode somewhen.

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Off topic: Direct Connection between win98 and win2000

Jul 29, 2002, 4:13pm
Ever heard about servers and clients?

Of course you haven't been serious with this - I hope *g

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Off topic: Direct Connection between win98 and win2000

Jul 29, 2002, 4:26pm
Is the bios set to bidirectional mode, ecp + epp ?

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Object Request, or Help?

Jul 31, 2002, 7:58pm

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Object Request, or Help?

Jul 31, 2002, 8:16pm
If you don't have the new version yet, download it !
It has a new feature to create image strips from
single images now :)

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Object Request, or Help?

Aug 1, 2002, 3:26am
Without AxisAlignment in the RWX code any sprite will just
be a masked object that you can rotate.

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Object Request, or Help?

Aug 2, 2002, 3:25am
This feature went away after 2.2 :(

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universe host..

Aug 3, 2002, 1:24am is AWBKOR, a Korean universe. If it doesn't connect
it might be down. I have visited it with AwStart, a program that
does modify aworld.ini, so if you used that and have tried it
with your current browser, the change in awstart.ini might be a
result from this try.

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universe host..

Aug 9, 2002, 5:50am
Maybe, then AW must have kept hosting awbkor there for some time
as I was able to connect to it through this server with AW2.2,
port was the default one. They had (have?) distributed an own
browser with Vendor ID = "haas"

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ejection bug

Aug 2, 2002, 3:37am
Not a bug I think, more an incompatibility.

It happened to me too once, and the reason was an old world
server, that saw the IP of the tunnel server instead of my
own IP, and as someone who came in through the tunnel was
ejected, this affected me too.

The world owner should browse through the world log and see
if the eject really has seen your IP or the tunnel IP.

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help? :-\

Aug 7, 2002, 2:59am
NT doesn't boot through DOS. Not sure about NT3.5 (I never had
that), but NT4 boots a kernel that is mostly 32-bit and not DOS
based at all. It includes a DOS emulation and a 32-Bit console
program that behaves like DOS. All 16-Bit DOS programs are
executed by the emulation and 16-bit windows programs each have
their own virtual machine.
For NT they took several ideas from Unix and implemented them,
or at least tried to *g

Win95 (which was based on 3.11) boots a DOS with some 32-Bit
extensions and then boots the "kernel" from there. I think you
mixed those two up.

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