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Re: American Support

Mar 10, 2003, 7:30am
The US have been involved in more wars in the past 60 years
than any other country. They just do not occur in most statistics
because they never were related to the USA in any way, the US
just decided that it is in their interest to support this or that
one of the war parties.

Korea was actually a war between the USSR who occupied the north
and the USA who occupied the south. In the Korea war the USA used
chemical weapons, they just have not been declared to be weapons,
they have just been used to destroy all plants. They did damage to
the plants and to the children mostly, who have been completely
unprotected. Those children still suffer from those chemicals.
I do not know about the USSR, I'm sure they did similar things too.
No UN peacekeeping though, just plain mass killing. There is still
no peace in Korea, they do not have a peace contract so where is
this peace? If it was thought to be peacekeeping it faied completely.

The US uses uranium projectiles that cause blood cancer for future
generations of civilians, they did just recently in eastern Europe.
OK, those have been UN peacekeeping missions - but using uranium
projectiles was not part of the mission. And todays children and their
children will suffer from it still in 20, 50 or even 100 years.

I wish we - and that includes you - would actually look more mehind
the scenes so we could see how criminal nearly all high militairs
really are. They never tell really the truth I'm sure. They have
"vital" interests in wars, it guarantees their jobs to be save.
They need to heat old wars or create new wars in order to keep their
power and money continues to flow into developement of new weapons.
Of course those new weapons need to be used to make new peace - it
just requires some new wars.

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 10, 2003, 7:32am
Most really dangerous weapons come from the heavy industry
of the higly industrialized countries. Hussein does not have
weapons that could really be interesting for any enemy of the
USA. The laboratories for B and C weapons have been destroyed.
The experts say there is no way to have moveable laboratories
without base stations.

Your argument is plain nonsense.

[View Quote]

I might have been wrong

Mar 12, 2003, 3:52pm
lol, just my thought when I read Bowen's post :)

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I might have been wrong

Mar 12, 2003, 4:22pm
Well, I always disliked Bush, that's true. But in the
meantime I hate him as he is an incompetent asshole,
incompetent about world politics that should lead to a
more peaceful world, with no scruples let people kill
in the name of nationalism.

Bush is currently the biggest risk factor of all in the
global politics; the combination power, incompetence and
lack of scruples is extremely dangerous.

[View Quote]

I might have been wrong

Mar 14, 2003, 5:28pm
Nationalism is based on opinions too, opinions that the own guys
are always the good guys, the own governement never lies, the own
war is always the best war, the own soldiers are always heroes,
the own press is independant, the own president would never
use blackmail, the own country never spends too much energy,
the own governement always pays their debts, the own weapons
cause peace... Continue the list yourself.

My reply is my opinion, I clearly stated that this is how I feel
about Bush. No facts, not my brain but my stomach wrote it down.
Logical arguments long stopped working, truth does not count in
this discussion - the war lovers just stomp their foot like an
angry child and state "we need the war anyway" and they even
believe what they stated.

They ignore all contradictions, argue with "facts" that exclude
eachother in different posts or come up with idiotic arguments
like "better save than sorry".

Does it make you wonder that this makes a normal person mad, who
is not bombed with lies and propaganda every day?

I do hate Bush because of his deeds, I do not dislike him because
of our press - I always check several sources before I believe
anything that is important to me. I check our press too - always
knowing that they just send a small part of the facts most of the

With the right mixture of propaganda, lies and the right extract
from the facts you can make some US people accept any war. Idiotic
things like renaming food with foreign names you would laugh about
if you heard it in a less emotional atmosphere now are necessary
to show those bad foreigners that they might be the next target
if they do not agree to the war.

For the less industrialized states it might work better to drop
development assistanceif they do not agree or send the illegal
immigrants all back that have been accepted all the time.

I bet they would even be able to proof that the Pope is actually
an Al Quaida member or at least supported them - well, my opinion.

You already live in the state of war, not with lethal weapons but
with money and propaganda. The opponents are those who do not
believe in the lies about the necessity of a war - as everyone
who does not support the US is a declared enemy. I am glad that
those Americans who I know closer, my friends, do not fall into
those traps. They check the facts before they support a regime
that tries to force others to do what they want them to do, they
check both sides of the medal.

btw.: I do not trust our own politicians either without checking
if it is something important to me, my opinion is just similar to
the "german position" by coincidence this time.

And I do not trust our german press either, I know they are censored
and influenced nearly as much as the American press at the moment.
Especially web pages of news agencies that deal with censorship or
monitoring the citizens tend to vanish lately :(

Those 3000 dead people - not related to Iraq in any way. No war
weapons have been used, the most deadly part has been the brain
of the terrorists. We all have a brain and no one can see what
it really deals with. Anyone in this NG would be able to use his
for bad deeds and no way to stop him. Of course, there are ways
to control a person completely, drugs that destroy personality
completely. Maybe they are already working on this problem?
I have no idea how much truth is in this - but it might help to
be better save than sorry.

[View Quote]

Re: American Support

Mar 12, 2003, 7:46am
If you would continue your thought it would mean the the US had
to declare war on Germany, France, GB - and to the US - they sell
lots of weapons, even to crisis regions. A lot more countries do
that too of course, best would be to start a world war.

Those weapons that have been found - did you check what range
they have btw.?

[View Quote]

the fatal OP address.

Mar 13, 2003, 11:49am
My first guess would have been the HD is just full as it keeps
the old OP (for a while) and now added the new OP directory.

But if it really happens to everyone there might be some problem
with the filename of the new path. Are there any characters in
it that are allowed under Unix (well, some with tricks) but _can_
cause trouble under Windos, like *, ?, \, :, &, (, ), ", ' or
spaces ?

Or is the name illegal as it contains a device name under Windos,
like nul, con, lpt1, prn ?

If this isn't the case - and before you clean all of the cache -
try to delete just world.dat and world.idx in the cache root.
The OP entry is stored in this file and not always updated

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Ten thoughts of today

Mar 16, 2003, 4:50pm
That's not the germans, thats just the bavarians :)

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 6:34am
There's no need for an UN resolution against this war. An attack
war with no reason is against International Law, so it is illegal
without a resolution. But the USA never cared much about the
International Law, they do not even fully accept the International
Curt for human rights in Den Haag.

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 7:03am
Bush waitet till he knew that there are no serious weapons in Iraq anymore
and now, in a cowardly act of terrorism that is against International Law
he will send his troups with a military machinery without any risk for
himself and his soldiers.

When Iraq is down, he expects the UN to send money and help to rebuild it.
Iraq will have a regime with a new dictator in front - but this dictator
will be supported by the US - not accepted by the Arab population though.

This is not a Lybian, French, Russian, Finish, German or whatever view, this
is how all people see it who are not blinded by Bushs propaganda. It includes
a lot of American, English and Spanish people - just to name a few.

Millions of people (this is not exaggerated!) go to anti-war and anti-bush
demonstrations these days, some of them Americans I know. They are better
Americans than any war-freak because they see that this war only increases
hate, it does not help the people in any country.

Hiding an economical deficit by creating a bigger event for the press, heating
nationalism with hitleresque paroles, allows Bush to enforce laws that in a
normal situation no American would have accepted - but those who believe him
believe that those laws are necessary too and will silently accept them, or
even cheer for more control of the state over the citizens. This is exactly
the scheme how the nazis could take over germany, the scene is very similar.

The USA with a regime like "our" nazis will be way more dangerous though as
there is no one left to take over the role of the USA in 1917 or 1943.

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 4:11pm
Which statement do you read as "anti-USA" ?

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 4:32pm
1. ignoring the UN
2. ignoring the International Court in Den Haag
3. ignoring International Laws
4. breaking disarmament contracts (conserving instead of destroying weapons of mass destruction)

#3 is just an envelope that countains several others

Btw., the UN reports that Hussein supports the weapon inspectors very well since January.
Hussein should go because he ignores International Laws, did not respect the UN and does
not respect International Laws and he has broken disarmament contracts in the past.

No one of those who do not want war here in the NGs defends Hussein, he is a criminal, no
doubt about that. But it is not an US job to make him go and a war will place Bush very
close to Saddam Hussein.

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 4:45pm
um - sorry, this one should read :

Btw., the UN reports that Hussein supports the weapon inspectors very well since January.
Hussein should go because he ignores International Laws, did not respect the UN and does
not respect International Court and he has broken disarmament contracts in the past.

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 5:47pm
In which cave did you live the last 30 years?

[View Quote] NOT true, they still do

> America also has shown efforts to scale down thier Nuclear arsenal. You cant
> despute this, dont try, it would be silly.

NOT true, just conserved, not disarmed

> I dont think you people get. You say, "oh, America is just as bad, they have
> missles and weapons that can do more damage." But have we? Suddam has.

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 18, 2003, 6:35pm
I think I forgot something :

1.) - no chemical / biological weapons

Especially this one is interesting :

2.) - efforts to scale down nuclear arsenal

you'll find a _lot_ more pages with Google :

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 4:37am
What did your press tell you this time?

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 4:45am
War issues mostly. US soldiers cannot be held responsible for
their crimes against International Law they did during wars.

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 4:47am
Shouldn't Americans reply to this?

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 5:12am
Not free press and not directly related to the topic
but maybe still interesting to read :

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 5:22am
One more that is interesting and related, although
I do not know how exact this source is :

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 19, 2003, 3:54pm
CarolAnn, that's the problem. American people _should_ bounce
on idiots like Ryan even more than on people who do not accept
idiots like Bush.

If a german nazi would post here, it would at least annoy me
more than if a nazi from whoknowswhere posts.

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 20, 2003, 4:47am
Just lately in (after) Afghanistan.

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The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 20, 2003, 4:57am
(sorry, needs translator)

Their ignorance against the International Court in other task is
a problem too but does not fit into this thread (death penalty).

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 22, 2003, 5:20pm

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 22, 2003, 5:59pm
I found one more close related article, in English this time.

Please read the last paragraph too.

[View Quote]

The Eagle Has Landed

Mar 23, 2003, 4:38am
Too many Americans seem not to see where at least much of
the problems worldwide come from, they are home-made.

Sending humanitary help to seelected countries + sending
weapons to crisis regions + sending bombs is a strange
combination. Especially sending weapons to critical countries
is very dangerous.

Germany exports weapons too and I am mad about it - but at
least sending them to crisis regions isn't allowed - although
some companies still do it, illegally.

But anti-american? This FAS page is the Federation of American
Scientists and I'm quite sure they are not anti-american.
Critical against governements that profit from wars, more
honest than the usual press, seeing danger potential more
clearly - I think it would help America stay out of political
trouble if those scientists would have a bigger audience.

[View Quote]

Re: Preempting this little spat...

Mar 20, 2003, 6:56pm
OK, this is a clear message to all countries :

"Start building nuclear weapons, chemical and biological
ones. You might need them. Build long range weapons that
are able to reach the USA, they will keep the US army away."

Well, this idea is not mine, it is a comment of a critical
but respected german magazine, "Der Spiegel",1518,241186,00.html
Google can translate it quite understandable.

This idea is currently centered on countries that already
critisized the "Arrogance of absolute power" of the US
politics in the past, mostly extreme Islamistic countries -
but not restricted to them.

Food for the people would have been a way better weapon
against terror. But the US is about to give global terror
new food. I hope they will suffer from the terror they
summon as much as those countries that are much closer to
crisis regions.

Do not understand me wrong, I do not want American people to
die - but I hope they will feel fear when they have to listen
to reports about armament in more and more countries - sooner
or later.

The "homeland" started to fight back. Heil Bush.

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Uploader Script

Mar 23, 2003, 6:38pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

I made an upload script for AW stuff some time back,
maybe you can use it or modify it for your needs.

The current version needs access to a funzip program
in order to check if the uploaded ZIP is a BMP mask or
an RWX file.

I have not tried in on a Windows server yet, on *ix
it is tested.

Be sure to fill the "CONFIG AREA" entries in the script.


Uploader Script

Mar 25, 2003, 5:35am
SupaFly would be the one to ask, I think he doesn't read the NGs
very often. Maybe his nick is only Supa at the moment, no Fly

[View Quote]

php text image

Mar 24, 2003, 6:00am
TTF is an optional module in PHP, maybe your server doesn't
have it or it isn't activated. You can check it with a single-
line PHP script :

<?PHP phpInfo(); ?>

Upload this line in a file phpinfo.php. Loading this script in
a web browser reveals all configured options.
Check for --with-ttf=somepath and '--enable-gd-imgstrttf' in
the page it sends.

Another thing you can do is : load the font script in NetScape,
it will not show an image either - but you can choose
"View - Page source" from the menu and find PHP error messages
within the JPG codes.

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