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Eep....and his f*cking mouth

Jun 3, 2001, 5:01pm
Just for the records : NOT everyone

I hate eep's way of "shoot first, then ask who's there"

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Advice for tourist

Jun 3, 2001, 9:08am
Edit -> Preferences -> Mail & Newsgroups -> formatting

This is where you can get rid of the HTML in NetScape

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Advice for tourist

Jun 3, 2001, 12:17pm
write a web page, idiot

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Preston question which should be in bots but gets more replies in here.......

Jun 3, 2001, 1:48pm
You mix up 2 things :

That no one posts to "bots" does not mean that no one subscribed
to it. I am sure that many people who deal with bot usage and bot
scripting still read it and would answer your questions there -
but most of them will sure boykott misplaced questions because
they have some experience with in the groups here and know where
that would lead to.

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An interesting question

Jun 24, 2001, 1:56pm
[View Quote] Not exactly correct, as long as a universe server does not
cost 10,000 square dollars ;)

> [...]

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Screen Shots of new awcom build world

Jun 24, 2001, 3:55pm
I think scaling for AW and scale in R/L is similar to
the difference between white and pink noise.

Some objects have to be scaled unrealistic, big ones like
the sun and tiny ones too. For individual models scaling
is quite free but the AW object set mostly is used to build
reality-like scenes, so scaling of these "normal" models
should be at least near reality.

Just an opinion, not a dogma :)

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Re: Public Notice...

Jun 24, 2001, 4:02pm
Agreed, even for small postings. HTML is not standard for
newsgroups and email and should not be.

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[NG Survivor] Immunity Challenge #...what number is it? Ah yes, 5.

Jun 29, 2001, 5:30pm
Your password posted the message again ???
Must be quite an intelligent one then *g

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To all who hate AW

Jun 30, 2001, 4:18am
Why are you here?

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To all who hate AW

Jun 30, 2001, 2:43pm
I have no problems with ideas how things can be improved
and critics.

I have a problem if there are no facts, if the tone is not
like a in discussion and/or if technical and organisational
problems are handled as if they were done on purpose.

The company that hosts the universe might make mistakes,
all programs of a certain complexity usually have bugs
and some things could be done better, but they sure are
not lazy, ignorant or even criminals. The style of the
"discussions" went down a lot lately and it is not much
fun anymore to follow them, the quality got lost.

If this is really a community and if AWCI people are
accepted members of the community (at least those who take
part) there should be better ways to deal with problems than
just nagging and ranting.

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To all who hate AW

Jul 1, 2001, 7:26pm
The NG sure is the right place for problems as long as
someone who can make decisions reads them, but what do
you think will be read, constructive critics or rants?

It' not the contents what I critisize but the style that
went down the hill, and not your style but the overall
style in this group. Especially the 2 threads above this
one, but some others that started lately too. From what
I heard from people in AW, world owners and citizens there
are some problems that really need to be solved, none of
them a technical one. But I think that voices will not be
heard if they ATTACK individuals.

One more reason to keep some niveau : the NG is not open
for tourists posts but it can be read by everyone, I'm
a little concerned about some other universes and galaxies
that went down in the past. A company that cannot show a
quite high number of "consuming" customers will not be
able to pull investors - and I really like AW and I would
not want to loose it, no better place to meet the friends
I met in the past year (I'm newbie #317278).
Every tourist is a potential citizen, think back, would
you have signed up if you would have read rants against
all tourists, about AW stealing money and other nonsense?
Tourists who read that must feel like unwanted persons or
potential victims. But several of my friends were tourists
when I first met them, and I was a tourist when I met
citizens the first time who are my friends now.
As much as AW universes need citizens they need tourists
who will be citizens sometimes (hopefully).

Oh, and about my entertainment, a good and interesting
discussion can be fun to read, that does not mean it has
to be funny.

And again, this is not against you in any way, sorry if you
had this impression.

Volker [Ananas]

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To all who hate AW

Jul 3, 2001, 3:09am
Well, maybe it will take some years to see it this way.

Currently I see the nice things and I am able to ignore
the things I like not so very much. Nothing bad happened
yet - well, browser crash very few times, but I survive

The community sure is an important part of AW's success
but after all it is a company that has to make money.
The reason for some decisions might not be clear to see
for a citizen. They have bosses and they have people who
work (*g) and to me it looks like they have a better
contacts to us than many other bigger companies usually
seem to have, 2 people listening to wishes and reading
these NGs.

And it is OK to doubt decisions, and to attack them, but
I see that some rules have been broken. People want to be
taken serious, as customers, but they don't behave like
customers. There is no respect for the good work this
company does, 80% ranting, 50% of it very mean and unfair.

If you would own this company, would you listen? Well, I
would not, I'm old enough to stand for my decisions and if
they are doubted in a way like it happens here I would
stop listening after a while.
Filtering what's worth listening to would just be too much.
As company owners they have to have a different view, it's
business afterall, and it's more their business than ours.

Some things can be taken in our own hands, but there are
limits. Some things might change through citicens ideas,
some will sure never change. But the chance to be heard will
not become better if some people talk in street language and
call AW people gangsters. Several postings here would even
have been a good reason to go to the court - not that i
thought they would really do that but I think they could.

My conzept is different, at least in technical things I can
try to work arround some problems. Company politics is not
my playfield, I'll leave that to people who are more into it.
But I see things going wrong so I complain about it. Not AW
business things but AW community things that are related to
the AW business.

So much about my decision, I'll better stop before too many
of my words repeat ;)


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To all who hate AW

Jul 6, 2001, 9:29pm
Understood and accepted (well ... of course I have to
but I do it willingly ;) , maybe I'll have to make the
experiences you made.

Seems to be fair as long as it does not hurt those from
the AW team who DO care.

About the small miracle : I had a wishing well model,
somewhere ...

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To all who hate AW

Jul 7, 2001, 7:34am
A plus for Goober King ;)

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Low vs High cit numbers

Jul 2, 2001, 11:23am
42 of course !

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AW NG server down again ?

Jul 8, 2001, 9:48am
All world and Universe servers are running as normal. The newsgroups
server is temporarily down for system

Sincerely,, Inc.

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EepVisuals TM Request

Jul 21, 2001, 7:05am , the models on top of the page

If you find such a stork sign I would like to add
a model for it

thanks for the idea :)

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Jul 23, 2001, 1:30am
I hope it's case sensitive ;)

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Question (May Belong In Diff NG)

Jul 27, 2001, 7:37pm
What about languages that you can interpret or compile,
or that are translated into P-code (precompiled/tokenized)?

Basic, PHP, SQL (SQL seldom compiled but a language),
dBase, Perl, AWK and many more?

I think the word "script" is just used in a different way
now. It used to stand for a collection of commands that
make an application do some things that you could as well
do one after the other, whereas a language could be used
to create a standalone application, either machine coded
or interpreted by a <b>language interpreter</b>.
This interpreter can even be part a complete operating
system like on many home computers or CNC machines.

The way "script" is used now makes "script languages"
be a subset of "programming languages", not something

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Question (May Belong In Diff NG)

Jul 27, 2001, 7:47pm
RWX is not just data, it is structured and contains some
elements of a language.
It has a data part, yes, like the vertex stuff, polygons and
surface and material definitions, but it has some elements
that do more than just a collection of data does, i.e.
rotate, scale, translate and this weird transform that I
still don't understand completely. OK, that's not much, but
these keywords are really commands, not data definitions.

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Question (May Belong In Diff NG)

Jul 27, 2001, 8:50pm
Slightly wrong, these are commands that tell the engine how
to modify already given data. And the internal process can
work exactly like that, first the vertexes can be set, later
they can be modified, as each of the RWX script commands
translates 1:1 to a library function.

Look at the prototypes, they can be used unmodified and can
be used again scaled, rotated ... in the same object.

Even HTML has elements like that.

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Animated JPGs

Jul 27, 2001, 7:56pm
Each picture of an animated texture has to be square but it
doesn't need to be 128x128 or 256x256. The height has to be
a multiple of the width.

A program to convert gif into strips can be found at /
but be sure to "reconstruct" the GIF if it is compressed
and make it square before you convert to a strip.

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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 12, 2001, 8:27am
So you still do not understand that having a 3d card
and having DX7 are two pairs of shoes?

I will not start a discussion wether downgrading from NT4
to any other M$ operating system would be a solution or not,
because it is fact that it isn't a solution in professional
IT business.

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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 12, 2001, 12:38pm
I do work and AW stuff on the same PC if I don't work on *ix systems

Think ecological, it makes no sense to have 10 PCs running if you have
one that is reliable and has all developement stuff on it that you
need for work and free time.

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E N Z O!! YOU GO GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 13, 2001, 1:51am
While I work I am not a corporation, I'm still me. I am
just one of the people who sometimes can do some of his
work from home.

And what do you thing that I am after I finished work?
Or before work starts (like now, monday 5:30am) ?
I now sit at my work PC at home that has all developement
stuff on it and is quite reliable for a M$ system before
I will go to my customer and work on NT4 (again), AIX and
Linux, sit behind a firewall and have no web access at all.

So noooo playing at work, but combining hobby and work.
Hard to understand if your hobby is called "rant"?

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final test

Aug 5, 2001, 4:07am
Didn't you once promise to leave and never come back?

Please do and do not come back with a different name.



Aug 5, 2001, 4:10am
Read JBell's answer again and you will see that you are the
idiot, as usual.

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browser versions

Aug 4, 2001, 4:10pm
Some time back someone asked for old versions of AW :

here are 2 links : (!)

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first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!

Aug 10, 2001, 8:39pm
[View Quote] Did you pay?

If yes, could you please give me your AW name so I can send some

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first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting!

Aug 11, 2001, 8:00pm
Oh, really?
Thanks that you told me :)

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