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ANyone knwo what files Hare 1.1.1 deleted?

Apr 28, 2001, 5:43pm
They want to protect you ;)

Read a little back and you see that Hare must be something like

(deltree /windows)

but not for space but for speed

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Some questions

Apr 29, 2001, 3:17pm
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> 4.) What software should I download or buys concerning website design?
Arachnophilia (see below)

> 5.) What are some scripting/programming langauge(s) should I start with for learning and early design?


> 6.) In later futures, what langauges should I learn for advanced website in future?

PHP and/or Perl - forget everything that runs on a client,
especially microsoft junk

> a.) Is it a good idea to use some parts or pages for WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Ge) editor (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft FrontPage) and some for coding
> (Ultra Edit, Notepad, etc.)

Notepad is sure a good choice to avoid overhead but have a look at

> c.) What are good FTP client I can use in order to upload files to website?

The fastest one for pure mass upload is NetScape as it
does not check for overwrite and success.

A very good program (not only for FTP things) is
I don't know where the english page is located but
they have the english download there.
This one is not freeware.

> e.) Should I create a two separate version of my website, one for Internet Explorer, and one for Netscape?

If you try to keep the standards and test your page with
at least 2 browsers that should not be necessary.

> g.) Is it ok with you that a ad banner is only on top and bottom but doesn't refresh like Yahoo! website? Note: Also similar to Yahoo!, it doesn't do popup windows of ad.

Users who don't want banners can filter banners
Users who don't like popups don't enable JavaScript

So it is not too bad to use banners without refresh

You always can offer nices and fancy pages as an option but
you should not force people to use a certain browser or
browser setting.
There are still some Lynx, Arachne and HTML3-browser users
out there and I bet they would rather avoid your page than
change their browser.

A good mostly web related software site is on


p.s.: Before the users of HTML3 browsers flame me now, I
know that I have PNG graphics on my pages but every image
has an ALT= tag ;)

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WinMe problems

May 1, 2001, 10:42pm
Wasn't it Multiple Errors?

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Frog AV

May 1, 2001, 11:51am
Someone asked me for a frog AV some time ago.
Sorry, but I don't recall who it was.

There is a frog now on

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Any ideas on what this is?

May 2, 2001, 1:24am
1. there might be bugs in someones "create texture" command
or in one of AW's standard objects
tree10.jpg / do exist
it is tree10m.jpg / tree10m!.zip

2. you have debug enabled

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Any ideas on what this is?

May 2, 2001, 11:13am
[View Quote] should have been "do not exist", sorry

> it is tree10m.jpg / tree10m!.zip

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Re: New Website:Safe Active Worlds (SAW)

May 4, 2001, 11:05am
I agree everything except for the first sentence.

Defaming does not protect anyone. It seeds distrust and is
the beginning of the end of a community.

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Re: New Website:Safe Active Worlds (SAW)

May 4, 2001, 6:48pm
I was talking about "defaming".

If there is really a reason to revoke a persons citizenship,
this should be done by AWCI, after really testing the prove.

A page with the only purpose of public denunciation does more
harm than it protects. I think it isn't even legal but I am
not sure about that.

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[NG Survivor] Meet The Survivors -Involuntarily Chosen by me. :)

May 6, 2001, 4:17pm
Me? How? Why? What? Where? Avatar?

Birde or Grey of course, I can be a human all the time in R/L.

But I must confess that I don't understand what you plan yet.


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Cool web site !!!

May 11, 2001, 6:34pm

They have a keyboard there with a special key on it,
that can disable uppercase letters.
I tried it and it worked even in the subject line :)

Check it out, it's a very helpful thingie

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Cool web site !!!

May 11, 2001, 7:51pm
I have such a capslock key too, but look through the subjects
above, some keyboards seem to miss this key.

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Cool web site !!!

May 12, 2001, 8:52am
Cherry makes the best keyboards available, lince many years, and
they always had such a key of course.

and disturbing. Cherry was just the first keyboard manufacturer
that I had in my mind, the link was a random choice.

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Website asking for AW password (eeps website)

May 12, 2001, 12:26pm
Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager

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to moff

May 12, 2001, 11:06pm
You could try to see the newsgroup postings more like a
letter than like a street brawl, that would help choose
a more intelligent way of conversation.

Even flame wars can be fought with respect for the person
you want to flame. Using swear words is NOT a way to show
that you are very wise or adult. Not using them is not a
sign for beeing immature but it shows that you think about
your posting instead of letting all your emotions run wild.

Even if I am very upset about someone I (at least try to)
stay respectful. It does not always work but most of the
time. And be sure that my time as a kid is long gone.

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to moff

May 13, 2001, 5:22am
I know that you did not, but as I do not want to use or read
lots of swear words that would make me be a kid in your eyes.
Partially not really wrong, I sometimes feel like a child
when I play with avatars - but not for the reason of not
using "bad" words *g

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to moff

May 13, 2001, 7:12pm
I think this part of the thread only continues because of a
misunderstanding of

(Date: 12 May 2001 17:34:02 -0400)

Moria, read it again please, maybe you misunderstood it in the same
way that I did first. I think you and Makaveli are not far enough
apart with your opinions to continue like that.

Problems I had with this post were :

- I did not get where the quote ended and the comment began
- I misunderstood "big words", this idiom was not familiar to me


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wing has offered absolutely no redeeming value in this NG

May 13, 2001, 7:10am
For those who do not want to download the previous message,
the address is abuse at

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to Syli

May 12, 2001, 7:58pm
The newsgroup entries are organized like a folder tree
in your windows explorer.

The root entry (the posting that starts a thread) is the
one that always shows. In order to see all answers you need
to open the thread, it unfolds similar to a directory tree

I am not familiar with the Outlook newsreader but I bet
there is a little [+] next to all entries that already
have an answer. This is what makes all answers visible.

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May 13, 2001, 5:42am
No way, a bot cannot know how far the objects have to be
put away from eachother as it does not know the sizes.

There is a program that does that from a registry :
maybe that helps.

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Posting in HTML

May 19, 2001, 7:47pm
Bad argument :

- The bandwidth is not only affected by the line from the
reader to his ISP.

- Why waste ressources if it isn't neccessary, just because
they are available? This philosophy makes many windows
programs so bad.

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Old review

May 19, 2001, 4:00pm
Dachs (Badger) has a page about an old german SciFi
TV-series called "Raumpatrouille Orion". He announced
a special 3D event related to this theme in City4All.
Then I found Mauz' information page about visiting
different universes by changing the INI file entries.

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ancient AW stuff

May 19, 2001, 5:26pm
here's one more :

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(pointless post to waste your time) Scandal! Nornny has no care for the enviroment!

May 20, 2001, 4:13am
No flamethrower here in R/L, not even a fuel driven vehicle :)

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Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 21, 2001, 1:49am
Count one NT for me. NT is still the most popular professional
windows in germany, the newer ones had (and still have) a very
bad press in most technical PC magazines.

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Gotta Love Those "Customer" Interests...

May 25, 2001, 6:37pm
One reason more not to "upgrade" to 2000. I don't feel like
letting them force me to anything.

I hope this M$ strategy will turn into the opposite and people
will recall some more free platform stuff. OpenGL is one of them.

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making yourself show up as off-line??????

May 26, 2001, 11:34am
A "rotating" IP can cause that. Some ISP systems that are not
too secure try to "protect" their customers with weird techniques
like that. As soon as the IP changes you loose the universe
connect, but not necessarily the world connect.
These people will not be able to send/receive telegrams but they
can chat.

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making yourself show up as off-line??????

May 26, 2001, 2:30pm
More weird things :

There's a ghost in one world. You cannot see him but
he shows in the visitors count. Although the owner
made the world red, the ghost stayed, even after a
restart. The ghost world is hosted by AW.

I had 3 aborted file transfers today, message "cannot
read file" - after about 200K were transfered.
My disk was not full, neither was my tmp directory.
This is a little strange as is should be peer to peer.

After about 2 hours : universe and world disconnect,
5 minutes later the connect returned - and I was alone
in the universe (snief). I saw the visitor counts but
could not see any people. After I closed session and
line, then dialed again, I could not relogin into AW.

All other network stuff worked, I could ping the universe
and had no trouble with other web services.

All this looks similar to something like a network
card problem in the LAN, a card that is damaged and
disturbs the local traffic, sends illegal replies or
causes timeouts.

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making yourself show up as off-line??????

May 27, 2001, 5:30pm
Can be a sign for a damaged cache structure, caused by a crash.
I had this effect very few times, when experimenting with
objects and textures caused a browser crash in 2.2 .

If you have this problem often, remove your cache directory
completely, that might help.

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Poll updated and Fixed...

May 27, 2001, 6:25am
2 more suggestions :

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[NGS] Diary

May 27, 2001, 8:55am
hm - brings me to the idea to add some mean supply to my elephant
avatar so we could use it to easily invade ... whistles innocent ...
of course just a thought (yet)

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