first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting! (Community)

first "citizen union" objective: telegram muting! // Community

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Aug 5, 2001, 7:02pm
This has been wanted for YEARS (in addition to contact list invisibility) so I believe it should be one of, if not THE, FIRST objective the CU takes to get AWC to implement into AW. It's just ridiculous how many spammers and people can abuse telegrams and just be annoying PESTS that I'm surprised AWC hasn't implemented these things SOONER.

moff piett

Aug 5, 2001, 7:40pm
I'm going to have to agree with eep on this one. An "ignore list" similar
to the contact list where you can simply add citizens is very much needed.

goober king

Aug 5, 2001, 8:51pm
*nod* Roland has stated on numerous occasions that better privacy features, including
telegram blocking and "getting rid of the green checkmark" are some of the most
requested features. This'll definitely be a big one on the first agenda!

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Heh... getting ahead of ourselves...
rar1 at

j b e l l

Aug 5, 2001, 9:48pm
I too agree.. maybe also a feature where you can "ghost" from certain people, so that they don't see you online on their contact
list would also be desireable, although a later priority, i'm sure.

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moff piett

Aug 5, 2001, 10:19pm
Modes like on icq would be great. So you could set your self away, free
for chat, or in "privacy" mode, and it would be reflected with an icon (or
lack there of) on your contact list.

john viper

Aug 5, 2001, 10:45pm
"eep" <eep at> wrote in news:3B6DB2C0.EF5D1947 at

> This has been wanted for YEARS (in addition to contact list
> invisibility) so I believe it should be one of, if not THE, FIRST
> objective the CU takes to get AWC to implement into AW. It's just
> ridiculous how many spammers and people can abuse telegrams and just be
> annoying PESTS that I'm surprised AWC hasn't implemented these things

Maybe the head AWC guys are not as self centered as we thought: if they
were, they would have implemented something like this a LONG time ago --
think about how many telegrams THEY must get a day as spam or hate messages
or whatever...

Jeff Tickle (John Viper, #296714)
jviper at


Aug 5, 2001, 11:40pm
I'm behind that, I particularly enjoy the idiots that tell you once a week not to reply if you don't want to be on their contacts
anymore when you don't even KNOW them and when you don't reply, they just tell you not to reply if you wanna be taken off in another
week. Even replying "TAKE ME THE HELL OFF DAMMIT" doesn't get the job done.
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j b e l l

Aug 6, 2001, 6:24am
oh god.. tell me about it.. and then one person does it and it starts an epidemic.. i got three of them the other day..

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Aug 6, 2001, 2:10pm
[View Quote] Top 10 Annoying Telegrams
from people that I've never even heard of

1. hi / hello / hey
(I just know this could be the start of a beautiful relationship...)

2. hello? Are you there??? Why are you ignoring my telegrams?
What did I ever do to you... etc etc

3. Can I ask you a question?
(You just did, pal.)

4. can I join you ?
(Like #3: why not just state your business in the first tele?)

5. I'm cleaning up my contact list, reply if you like to stay on

6. WHO ARE YOU??? / Why are you on my contacts?

7. Hey will u build in my town? / can i build in ur world???????

8. i am a hacker could you please send me your hacked aw browser

9. Happy Thanksgiving / Happy Mothers Day /
whatever that doesn't really concern me

10. Anything with "Please pass this on".


goober king

Aug 6, 2001, 5:14pm
Amen! Of course, the sad part is that most of those tgrams I receive are from people
I *do* know :P

[View Quote] --
Goober King
Newbie 12 yr olds: Note well!
rar1 at

anduin lothario

Aug 6, 2001, 6:30pm

(o o)
___| Andy |___|_

--==[(/ ÅñÐûïÑ LøTHåRïø \)]==--
--==[(/ ÅñÐûïÑ LøTHåRïø \)]==--
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captain mad mike

Aug 7, 2001, 2:12am
random that
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Aug 7, 2001, 8:51pm
[View Quote] > Top 10 Annoying Telegrams
> from people that I've never even heard of
> 1. hi / hello / hey
> (I just know this could be the start of a beautiful relationship...)
> 2. hello? Are you there??? Why are you ignoring my telegrams?
> What did I ever do to you... etc etc
> 3. Can I ask you a question?
> (You just did, pal.)
> 4. can I join you ?
> (Like #3: why not just state your business in the first tele?)
> 5. I'm cleaning up my contact list, reply if you like to stay on
> 6. WHO ARE YOU??? / Why are you on my contacts?
> 7. Hey will u build in my town? / can i build in ur world???????
> 8. i am a hacker could you please send me your hacked aw browser
> 9. Happy Thanksgiving / Happy Mothers Day /
> whatever that doesn't really concern me
> 10. Anything with "Please pass this on".
> --
> Mauz
More Annoying Telegrams
from people that I've never even heard of

11. I cant find anywhere in aw to build.

12. Hi, Do you remember me? I've changed my name.

13. Can you come to my world and see if this avatar loads for you?

14. Come see my build.

15. I want to talk to you......can you be online at 6pm my time?

16. Whats a good water/sand/rock texture?

17. Ive lost my teleport list, do you know where my house is?

18. Theres a meeting tonight at 10pm vrt. Important that you attend ( and i
just logged on and its 11 pm)

19.WHY CAN'T I BUILD!!!!!!

20.I just copied your house with a bot and now the warp into the swimming
pool always teleports me to your place. Why are you doing this to me?


Aug 7, 2001, 9:05pm
[View Quote] <snip>|

æ 20.I just copied your house with a bot and now the warp into the swimming
æ pool always teleports me to your place. Why are you doing this to me?

LOL kellee, your killing me! :)

21. Are you there? (Getting this before I log on and generally reply with a, "Who's asking?")


Aug 7, 2001, 9:20pm
[View Quote] 22. People telling me to read one of my own newsgroup posts (Happens to me anyway, some awfully dumb people seem to like my

23. Hello, I'm <citname>, who are you?

24. Why do you want telegram mute so much?

25. When you log on. I need you to do somthing for me (When I've been on for the past 3 hours)

26. "WHAT COORDS ARE YOU AT?!?! I WANNA TALK TO YOU" (Isn't that what join is for?)

27. "Can I have your citïzenship?"


Aug 7, 2001, 9:33pm
> 27. "Can I have your citïzenship?"

28. Thanks for your email. Can i be a teacher now? I know everything about
the awbrowser and i am a good teacher. BTW whats VRT ?

29. My BF just dumped me and i am going to kill myself

30. We made up...... come to the wedding and pass this on!


Aug 8, 2001, 12:33pm
rotfl!! That's freakin hilarious and so true. Lemme try one, ooh, gimme

[View Quote] 31. SW City opened a hot dog stand! Come take a look!

32. AWTEEN (replace AWTeen with any other place you frequently visit)

33. You've just been hacked and implanted an evil virus that will wipe out
all of your computer's memory. Please pay me 20 dollars.

34. Wanna see a pic of me? I'm hot!

35. Come look at the newsgroup and see this annoying telegram list. It's
fuckin hilarious!



Aug 8, 2001, 1:07pm
LOL wtf?

> 31. SW City opened a hot dog stand! Come take a look!

lilalpha phalpha

Aug 8, 2001, 1:34pm
My Turn!

36. My old name was: <name here>. This is my new name... tell others my new
name, thanks!


38. u still allive?

39. seen what i done on my house?

40. What's the new buildings down the road?

42. Vote for me for <such and such>

43. Good Bye i am being banned from AW soon FOREVER!!!

LilAlpha Phalpha

j b e l l

Aug 8, 2001, 3:13pm
My favorite is still..

44. Will you be my boyfriend? <from someone you don't know>

[View Quote]

j b e l l

Aug 8, 2001, 3:13pm

45. Hi, I'm <name of someone you don't know>'s sister/brother.

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Aug 8, 2001, 5:10pm
46. Will you be my <opposite sex of yourself>friend?
47. Hi, I'm from AWCI and I saw your bot at Alphaworld ground zero (The bot was actually more than 3000 coords away, I've never been
THAT lame). One more time and you lose your account (This actually occured to me two years ago, guess who lost their account?)
48. I'm new to computers and i wanna no how u make urs have so many big numberz so mine can 2
50. Hi sexy, wanna cyber? (Particularly annoying when misspelled "sexie" "seshie" "sexshie" or "sessy" and from someone with a
33xxxx or higher citnum or the word syber or yiff is used)

There, that takes care of all fifty :)

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chucks party

Aug 8, 2001, 6:56pm
My replies would be......

reply: You don't even know me how can you be so sure? LOL

"I'd have to see what the telegrams were to see why you didn't respond
to this one cause I respond to everyone"

reply: Sure, what can I help you with?

reply: Sure, I'm at "cords".

reply: That's up to you it's your list not mine, LOL

reply:Well you must have added me to your list at sometime, btw who are you? LOL

reply: um no, I don't build in communities anymore and I only let friends build
in my world at this point.

reply: No, but I will be sure to pass your name onto the PKs so they can have a
chat with you about hacking, you might even lose your AW account :)

reply: Oh me neither, Happy everything :)

reply:ok Thankyou :)

> More Annoying Telegrams
> from people that I've never even heard of
> 11. I cant find anywhere in aw to build.
reply: Keep flying til you find some, LOL

> 12. Hi, Do you remember me? I've changed my name.
reply: How can I remember you if you changed your name? Like DUH, lol

> 13. Can you come to my world and see if this avatar loads for you?
reply: You may need to dump your cache in you activeworlds folder then re-enter
your world, you have the old avatar.dat file and if you add an avatar you will
need to remove the old list so it can load it, if that doesn't work, it maybe
your avatar.dat file was never changed or the rwx file is not zipped. Further
help on this subject can be found here:

> 14. Come see my build.
reply: Sure, what are the cords to get there?

> 15. I want to talk to you......can you be online at 6pm my time?
reply: I don't know, what time is that my time? LOL

> 16. Whats a good water/sand/rock texture?
reply: Every world has it's own textures, which one are you on? Once you know
that you can look in your activeworlds folder/cache/art/find the world folder
you are in/textures. There you will see .ras files, only use the name prior to
the .ras as a texture for your objects. Look to see if you have those textures
downloaded in there. If you don't next step would be to find an Object Yard for
that world that may have a texture index.

> 17. Ive lost my teleport list, do you know where my house is?
reply: No sorry I don't, not my day to keep track of it, LOL

> 18. Theres a meeting tonight at 10pm vrt. Important that you attend ( and i
> just logged on and its 11 pm)
reply: I'm sorry I missed your meeting, please send me any details of what
happened at the meeting to Chucks_Party at

> 19.WHY CAN'T I BUILD!!!!!!
reply: You can build you just need to learn how, LOL

> 20.I just copied your house with a bot and now the warp into the swimming
> pool always teleports me to your place. Why are you doing this to me?
reply: You steal my build and you are asking me what I am doing to you? Are you
completely stupid or something, LOL

And I do reply to every tgram I get wether I know the person or not, and yes I
get some really stupid questions from people I don't even know. But I also try
to give the best reply to the telegram :)

just in

Aug 9, 2001, 11:07am
I have often wondered why "ignore list" to filter telegrams is not
considered to be the most highest in priority for upgrades. I put it into
the wishlist years ago, and more recently went to the effort of directly
emailing Roland, and then ENZO requesting this be done.

The fancy stuff, like options on whether the ignore is "load" or "silent",
and the other privacy issues like "away / DND flags" follow very close
behind the above.

If given a choice between skyboxes, or firewall support, or ignore list, I
sure know which I'd chose!


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Aug 9, 2001, 3:33pm
And doesn't even require much effort, only browser-side changes. I assume telegrams arrive at the browser tagged only by citnum,
this should be checked against the ignore list, which is stored as citnums in a TXT file.

If it finds it, it deletes it. Quick, simple, clean.

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Aug 10, 2001, 8:39pm
[View Quote] Did you pay?

If yes, could you please give me your AW name so I can send some

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Aug 11, 2001, 6:54pm
*waves hand in front of ananas* All our posts in here are listed under our citizen names. Durhhhh

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Aug 11, 2001, 8:00pm
Oh, really?
Thanks that you told me :)

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