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New backdrops

Jul 11, 2001, 12:05am
unfortunatly those sorts of backdrops will be out-dated when 3.2 comes
out... oh well.

New backdrops

Jul 11, 2001, 4:33am
basicly a skybox is a background that doesn't look like #$$%#. ie not just
a strange band of background that rotates dif than you and sometimes doesn't
even verticaly cover the screen.

Unfair Voting Procedure for Avatars 2001

Dec 3, 2001, 2:32am
Avatars 2001? I have a vauge memory of entering a mediocre world and
crashing then not coming back. Oh well.

A thought...

Feb 13, 2001, 1:11am
Magic.. I think.

No newsletter

Mar 2, 2001, 5:33pm
I heard from a masked person close to this issue that it was because in
recent months lu has become lazy and surly to use polite terms. hmmm, one
comment.... "become??" lol.

ActiveWorlds IRC. Does it exist?

Mar 2, 2001, 5:29pm
IRC support for aw? *scratches head* doesn't aw sort of.. well... I dont
know.. sort of have a built in thing to chat with. Maybe all this time I've
just been imagining things. Yeah.. irc support for the aw browser, and
maybe aol chat room windows when you're in the build menu, and maybe little
chat windows for various other totaly useless non-aw related chat and
communication programs throughout the browser. Newsgroups are usefull
right? Well how about we put a newsgroup window in... hmmm... how about the
contacts list tab? Any other brilliant ideas for exsessively redundant
features in aw?

If you want irc, use an irc program. Someone invented it for a reason. If
you want to chat about aw and "shoot the cow" or whatever strange expression
you used, you'd find many people with a similar interest in aw... actualy
in aw. Yeah, it may surprise you that there are many people interested in
chatting about this chat program within the chat program it's self. Just
type something and press enter, you just might find someone in aw that
knows about aw. Crazy huh?

sorry... I don't post on the newsgroups often but I found this subject
delightfully stupid :)

Hello NG's

Mar 11, 2001, 8:28pm
Hello NGs. The last couple weeks I FINALY decided to check out the
newsgroups. I've briefly seen them in the past but was too busy to actualy
read or post. I usualy just sit in my world so I never hear of any of the
aw gossip or events, but it seems a quick daily visit to the NGs can cure my
"out of the loop" feeling. It's a lovely place.. well.. after you sort
through all the bickering and posts that don't belong in the NG... Although
what newsgroup doesn't have off topic posts and petty out of place

Just wanted to say hello to everyone in the newsgroups! After about 4 years
I've finaly found this place lol....

-Moff Piett

Preston 32 beta available

May 6, 2001, 11:37pm
I will download it in a sandwich.

Preston 32 beta available

May 7, 2001, 8:09pm
Ah but then a certain bot programmer got hooked up in some online space
combat games... untill someone made him visit someone's world and that
someone mentioned his bots and then the said programmer decided to work on
above mentioned bot and aw once again.

to eep

May 15, 2001, 4:37pm
Thanks Moria, you've really shown your true colours. You've laboured to
show makaveli his embarasing bluder but I don't think anyone can get through
his pig headed american armour. He really has no sense of his global
neighbours. He needs to understand that in the modern world english comes
in many shades of gray, and that America is not the centre of the english
speaking world.

Those are all the words I can think of now.. thanks Moria. :)

to eep

May 16, 2001, 6:30pm
Mak.. just stop. You said something stupid, were proved wrong, the word
exists. A thread with this many posts about if laboured is a word or not is
quite silly. You lost, move on, lest you make Moria actualy angry.

Final solution to everything.

May 11, 2001, 9:35pm
I've got an idea that's so crazy it just might work. Kids like Chuck and
Jfk2 just use this ng for attention, they don't actualy care what people
reply back to them wtih. So, if all you people who keep going out of your
way telling them to shut up and go away just ignored them, they would
leave. If everyone here just shut them out, didn't read their posts, and
certainly didn't reply to them, they would get bored in a few weeks.
Spending the time to reply and get mad at these types of people just
perpetuates the problem. So all those who complain about the NG getting off
topic and down right stupid, set an example and don't participate in what
you complain about. Let's just take a deap breath and ignore them. Ok
everyone? Can we try a week or so of totaly and compleatly ignoring these

Final solution to everything.

May 11, 2001, 9:51pm
Good on ya myrth :)

to moff

May 12, 2001, 5:49am
And some sandwiches I eat have tomatoes in them, so I just pull out and
ignore the offending vegi. Doesn't mean all sandwiches are bad and should
be ignored.

(this metaphore and spelling brought to you by 1am)

[View Quote]

to moff

May 12, 2001, 6:28pm
If swearing is the only way you can communicate a point than perhaps you
should sit down with a dictionary and learn some new descriptive words. I'm
not for the banning of "cuss words", but overuse of them is just,

to moff

May 12, 2001, 6:34pm
It is a good attention getter. But then again my philosophy is if they need
to be sworn at to understand a point, then they arn't worth the effort to
talk to. Such uncivilized and low class people... why can't be all just
be lovely and nice to eachother, and have an increased yearly steel
output... that would be nice.

to moff

May 12, 2001, 9:20pm
Huh? What are you talking about? I suggested we ignore posts we don't like
instead of starting a huge flame war/argument every time and suddenly it's
turned into a debate on how swearing is nessisary due to kids not
understanding big words?? Kids don't understand uncommonly used "big
worlds" so it's ok to swear.. huh? owww....

My poor little brain just can't take much more of this sort of logic... I'm
staying out of all these emotional charged personal debates and sticking to
simply reading for news.

The kids can keep on flaming, the early teens can keep on swearing, and
makaveli can keep on substituting big words for a decent argument... I'm
going to back to focus on steel production, cement apartment blocks, and
general lovelyness.

to moff

May 12, 2001, 10:29pm
Why do you keep refering to me as "you kids" ? or is my brain overloading
with community NG logic again?


May 14, 2001, 3:41pm
wah.... *crys* just when I think things couldn't get worse.. aiyah!


May 14, 2001, 7:07pm
Sorry, I forgot to bitch and swear and act like an idiot when a feature I
want wasn't implimented. I'll try to be more mature like you eep.

[View Quote]


May 14, 2001, 7:20pm
ar, sorry, But this is really bugging me. eep, you are the LAST person in
this entire ng save jfk2 to even mention the word maturity. All you do is
bitch and complain in these NGs. Sometimes you make an ok point about a
badly implemented feature, or some other cock up by awcom, but the way you
do it leaves most everyone simply shaking their heads thinking "what a
little shit". Don't talk about maturity untill you grow up a little your
self. I've never heard you say a single positive thing in years. It's
always "rolands a stupid fuck" this or "so and so is a fucking loser" that.
I don't think there is a single person on this NG that's pulled it down and
started more pointless swearing matches above the age of 15 than you eep.
So don't you ever talk of "helping the NG" and "maturity".

What's next, chucks party jumping on people for long winded pointless
posts? Uh, seems 80% of these posts are nothing but bickering about
previous posts about bickering. And here I am bickering back... I don't
usualy enjoy this sort of thing, but eeps comment was so hypocritical I just
couldn't take it. Sorry.

And sorry eep to use such language, I really don't have that much against
you, just wish you'd be a little... nicer. Acting how you do does not
improve things. You can swear and bitch about what you want changed, but
untill you address it in a polite and calm manner you'll get little done but
be added to people's filters. You have many great ideas, and for aw's sake
it would be a shame to have them all lost in the negative rage that is eep.

I need this bot BAD!

May 14, 2001, 7:47pm
I think has some sort of trivia bot.. or something like that.
I know there are some trivia bots floating around there somewhere.

well dlp

May 15, 2001, 10:27pm
Maybe email directly?

Advice for tourist

Jun 2, 2001, 9:23pm
> What's wrong with PK's telling people who don't like the content and
> behavior rules in alpha world to go to wildaw? It's the reason it was
> created.
> Just because you have a build there doesn't change the fact that the world
> was created to be "wild", ie a place with no rules. You might not be
> sick stuff, but the world was created with those sort of people in mind.
> when a tourist is misbehaving and or asking for a place to misbehave it
> seems logical to send them to wildaw.
> Wildaw was created to simply get rid of the "trouble makers" that were
> harassing and having conflicts over rules with the PKs. Many of the top
> "trouble makers" strongly lobbied for the world and had a hand in the
> creation of the world. Many non trouble makers and polite people have
> wildaw their home and built many things, but the fact remains that the
> world was created as a world to "dump" all the trouble makers and "sick
> stuff", to get it out of alpha world.

***Fun Fact!***
I actualy sent this to ladybunny instead of the forum because I'm not smart
enough to tell the reply to author and reply to group buttons apart.

Advice for tourist

Jun 2, 2001, 11:49pm
It wasn't created totaly for "sick stuff" but it's the only world where
"sick stuff" is ok. If a tourist asked "where can I build with no rules?"
I'd say wildaw, if they asked "where can I go to swear when I talk?" I'd
say wildaw, and if someone asked where they can talk about sick stuff... I'd
also say wildaw. Are you denying that sick stuff is ok in wildaw? Would
you be offended if a PK or someone advised someone asking for a world that
alowed swearing to go to wildaw? I guess it depends on what the "sick
stuff" in question is. If he was looking for porn... no... but by sick I'm
guessing he means just rude behavior. And I do believe that wildaw lets
people act how ever rude they want.

I'm not sure what exactly the problem is. Maybe I don't totaly understand
the situation? From what I read it seems a tourist asked if there was a
world where sick stuff was ok and someone told him wildaw? Maybe if I
understood what the problem is ? You seem to really dislike the PK's and
have a history of conflict with them so perhaps you are reading too much
into his statement? Maybe you saw it as a dig towards the world you love?
I stay clear of alpha world and awcom stuff in general, never had a problem
with the PK's, but also never had any form of respect or friendship towards
them, so I think I'm fairly objective towards issues about them.

This seems like a very small issue anyways. Who cares if a PK doesn't like
wildaw, seems many people are quite obsesed with these over rated bunch of
schoolyard recess monitors. If you don't like their rules, don't go to
their world. Alpha world is a world like any other, if awcom wants to run
it one way, good for them. There are enough worlds in AW to give everyone a
place to call home, especialy now with wildaw. So why don't all the people
who complain about the PK's just stay out of alpha world, and if they can't,
atleast follow the rules, no matter how silly or hypocritical they may be
enforced. Some people want total freedom, but some people want a "safe"
place to chat. You guys keep to the worlds you like, and they will keep to
the worlds they like. Very easy solution to solve just about every
PK/Citizen conflict.


Jun 3, 2001, 4:34pm
Nope, no plan to expand it. Still tons of room in that tired old
cartoonish lap filled world.

But you may look forward to a new build world in the future. Perhaps one so
new and large as to replace AW as the main build world with a totaly new
object path.


Jun 3, 2001, 8:56pm
They've made quite a lot of tangible progress on it. Object path is
finished, everything is ready to go. All the people at awcom involved with
it are just waiting for the highest ups to get their heads out of their
asses and give them the ok to open it.


Jun 4, 2001, 12:27am
don't worry, the objects are there and very nice (for a public build world
set). It's just a matter of "red tape" now. They had an elaborate bot
system idea a few months ago but that fell through due to roland's time
constraints and technical problems I think. Since then they had it on hold,
I think they want to do something more interesting than just a gz and free
space. Although of course there will be free space. Something about lots
getting larger the farther away from gz, and more support for towns and
such (ie a functional highway system). Although what will become of the
final world we can only guess.


Jun 4, 2001, 12:58am
I had some very nice pudding on this topic.

Pornography and public worlds

Jun 4, 2001, 8:54pm
awcom isn't obligated to spend their lives searching alpha world for a
picture that migh offend someone. You should be thankfull for 20 bucks a
year they do as much as they do. After almost 4 years I've almost never
seen any questionable content. The odd "so and so is fucking gay"
vandalism sign here and there in alpha world, but that's about it. Maybe
you guys should stop looking for porn? Maybe you should get down off your
high horse standing on a soap box built inside your little sheltered world
and stop shooting the dead horse that is the porn issue. (talk about a mixed
clique!) If it's a problem, it's delt with. It always has been handled
like this, nothing new. If porn scares you, disable picture downloading.
If you're still terrified, then maybe you should stop using aw, and for that
matter, don't go outsite your house. If the odd pornographic pic in aw
get's you folks in such a tizzy, I'm sure you'd have a heart attack if you
went out into the real world and took a look around.

Either shut up about this, or "vote with your feet" and leave aw, because
we're tired of listening to all this complaining.

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