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Advice for tourist (Community)
Advice for tourist // CommunityladybunnyJun 1, 2001, 9:43pm
ok according to the charter I can post about this here *
Discussions involving PeaceKeepers and GateKeepers. Suggestions and tips for newcomers.* this was chat at gz , and a PK telling an obnoxious tourist (Bond)asking for "sick stuff" in aw. I took offense at the world the PK told him to go too as the world in question was not only started by an AWLD employee but has many good build INCLUDING one of mine :) and so why is a PK telling a *tourist* to go there for sick stuff. ??? *rolls eyes* sorry Flagg but this is not the first time i have seen Wildaw mentioned in this respect. I not only think PK should not advise where *sick* stuff is located but should refrain from egging someone like that one in open chat! "Bond": How about some sex everyone .. .: the new thing that tells you exactly where you are lost Fizz: k HECKUBUS: but IM not above nailing a barely legal one...heh "Bond": doea anyone know where to find some sick stuff here? LadyBunny: oh i got that on my car Peacekeeper 13: You could try Wild AW Bond (this was in bold) HECKUBUS: A man like me NEEDS a barely legal squeeze Bluescruiser: Anywho... time for RL.... see ya later LadyBunny: Wild aw dosn't not have sick stuff HECKUBUS: wild aw? syntaxJun 1, 2001, 9:58pm
Too bad tourists weren't allowed in the Newsgroups, eh? *smirk*
-- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] ladybunnyJun 1, 2001, 10:25pm
*smirk*???? what does your responce have to do with my post? Stay on track or
don't respond to my post. ( oh we can mute here right!!) [View Quote] > Too bad tourists weren't allowed in the Newsgroups, eh? *smirk* > -- > Syntax > syntax at > > [View Quote] syntaxJun 2, 2001, 2:46am
It has nothing to do with the post, it was just a joke. I don't know, but
some of your arguments here in the NGs are kind of "off". Like, tourists can't post in newsgroups because they can't. PK13 pointed "Bond" to WildAW for "sick stuff" because that kind of "stuff" is allowed there. He wasn't specifically talking about your build, or my build there, but he was stating that you COULD possibly find something "sick" there, such as the numerous Satanic worship sites or what have you. Oh, and if you have a problem with the PK's, take it up with them. I believe...or you could even telegram any of the many PK's in world and discuss some of your concerns/problems. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] ladybunnyJun 2, 2001, 3:48am
awww thanks for clearing all this up for me :) I am kinda *off* too LOL
thanks for your email gonna share it with come friends :) [View Quote] > It has nothing to do with the post, it was just a joke. I don't know, but > some of your arguments here in the NGs are kind of "off". Like, tourists > can't post in newsgroups because they can't. PK13 pointed "Bond" to WildAW > for "sick stuff" because that kind of "stuff" is allowed there. He wasn't > specifically talking about your build, or my build there, but he was stating > that you COULD possibly find something "sick" there, such as the numerous > Satanic worship sites or what have you. Oh, and if you have a problem with > the PK's, take it up with them. I believe...or you > could even telegram any of the many PK's in world and discuss some of your > concerns/problems. > -- > Syntax > syntax at > > [View Quote] chucks partyJun 2, 2001, 7:29am
All I'm saying is FIGURES, lol These are the same people that are suppose to
eject all people for discussing SEX, seems they sure are on the eject trigger when anyone mentions GAY SEX, poof they go bye bye like nobodies business. There will always be a double standard for people at the gate, I don't hangout at any owned GZs and never will because of the biggotry and intolerance associated with them. GKs and PKs abuse their power constantly and have no one to report to. Sure email them so they can all read your email and laugh at you then find ways to single you out and get you banned from AW. I know how their sick little game works. I think they should do away with PKs and GKs altogether personally because it's not a fair or just cause. [View Quote] xavarellaJun 2, 2001, 11:12am
So far, all of the responses I've read of yours to LadyBunny have been of
the classically brain-washed-PK-loving-AW-ass-kissing nature. Tell me, do you ever have a thought of your own? [View Quote] xavarellaJun 2, 2001, 11:17am
First of all, chucks party, you're a real nut job.
That said, I do agree with your point about the double standard. After all, there are Gorean citizens and worlds up for Cy Awards! There is public support by AW corporate for a lifestyle based on putting women in slavery! To quote from an AW Gorean message board: "NDNcollar= you will come to me or I may come to you at my whim as it pleases me. I will use MY vehicles, My stuff as I please without taking into account your(slaves) issue with that point I will be pleased anyhow, anyway, I demand. You may have a career, and not wanna leave it...if you are mine, and I wanna move to bumfuck egypt, you will say "yes master" and begin preparations. Simply that. Your will no longer is a concern of yours unless i choose to let you have it as a concern. This is the reality of Gorean slavery ." [View Quote] iceyJun 2, 2001, 11:25am
Interesting...can you explain us more about the concept of 'classically
brain-washed-PK-loving-AW-ass-kissing nature', please? I am especially interested in the meaning of 'ass-'kissing', thank you vm icey [View Quote] xavarellaJun 2, 2001, 11:32am
I realize that English is not your native language, icey, but somehow I
think you know what I meant. :) [View Quote] iceyJun 2, 2001, 11:38am
Yes I can understand your English loud and clear, it's the 'concept'
that is obscure to me, so I would like to know what that means exactly... icey [View Quote] iceyJun 2, 2001, 11:49am
I am not sure I can find what means 'classically
brain-washed-PK-loving-AW-ass-kissing nature IN ActiveWorlds' on the net...anyway if you're not sure you don't have to icey [View Quote] wingJun 2, 2001, 12:21pm
Xav, please lets not start another gorean war in here. These pointlessly long threads are bad enough. We don't need our Gorean
lurkers to come out of the shadows and start kicking and screaming at us <sarcasm> and stealing our women and daughters </sarcasm> [View Quote] chucks partyJun 2, 2001, 12:38pm
jfk2Jun 2, 2001, 6:17pm
I suppose you have been to all the worlds in all of AW and have seen all
the really "SICK STUFF" your self? Am i correct? Maybe that PK 13 has seen a build or two in WildAW... Haven't you noticed that entry signs when you popped into WildAW? ANYTHING GOES IN THERE What does that mean? Could there possibly be somewhere way off the beaten path a build or two that the PK 13 knew about as being BARLY LEGAL STUFF "SICK STUFF"... He could have sent the person to AW & Pink Villiage as well.. Or PRIDE WORLD... They have some BARELY LEGAL "SICK STUFF" things as well... But maybe that PK 13 isn't into that type of BARELY LEGAL stuff and wouldn't have a clue to Pink Villiage in AW or PRIDE World... I do... and i would have said go there. And i even have on my REMEMBER TELEPORTS LIST a site on AW that teleports you to several WOWOW!!!!! BARE LEGAL ANYTHING sites all over AW and one of them is Pink Villiage in AW. But that tourist didn't use any SWEAR or CUSS words [or did you leave some of that browser chat out of you post here] and with what you posted here that PK 13 didn't do anything wrong wheather it was BOLD SPEAK or not bold speaking. And the last time i poped into WildAW... It was a PUBLIC BUILD PLACE for TOURISTS & CIT's and is 1000 km nswe big. Just like AW [alpha World] is a public build place. And you don't seem to mind what goes on there... Why should you mind what goes on in another public build world either. If you do mind... There is another few recourses you have... 1 - BUY your own world & you can decide what is permissible builds and none of them would have to be "SICK STUFF" 2 - There are several universes out there now that you could go to and build. [My best one would be Dreamland Park Universe as their worlds cost the same as AW's & the cit's cost the same too] AND you don't have to worry about some PK ANYTHING in BOLD SPEAK say anything to a tourist... There are NO PK's IN Dreamland Park Universe... YET!!!!! SICK STUFF = Generally refers to SEX STUFF and that is most likely what LadyBunny is so upset about... SICK STUFF But when you build in a world where the signs clearly state at the entrance that ANYTHING GOES... Well... Just don't be toooo surprised to see some SICK STUFF happening on that world. TO see what i mean... POP into WildAW and you will see all the signs and messages about that world within a 5 - 10 meter nswe of GZ. ladybunny <LadyBunny at> wrote in <3B182A5B.8163F65D at>: >ok according to the charter I can post about this here * >Discussions >involving PeaceKeepers and GateKeepers. Suggestions and tips for >newcomers.* >this was chat at gz , and a PK telling an obnoxious tourist (Bond)asking >for "sick stuff" in aw. I took offense at the world the PK told him to >go too as the world in question was not only started by an AWLD employee >but has many good build INCLUDING one of mine :) and so why is a PK >telling a *tourist* to go there for sick stuff. ??? *rolls eyes* sorry >Flagg but this is not the first time i have seen Wildaw mentioned in >this respect. I not only think PK should not advise where *sick* stuff >is located but should refrain from egging someone like that one in open >chat! >"Bond": How about some sex everyone >. .: the new thing that tells you exactly where you are lost >Fizz: k >HECKUBUS: but IM not above nailing a barely legal one...heh >"Bond": doea anyone know where to find some sick stuff here? >LadyBunny: oh i got that on my car >Peacekeeper 13: You could try Wild AW Bond (this was in bold) >HECKUBUS: A man like me NEEDS a barely legal squeeze >Bluescruiser: Anywho... time for RL.... see ya later >LadyBunny: Wild aw dosn't not have sick stuff >HECKUBUS: wild aw? jfk2Jun 2, 2001, 6:30pm
Frankly... I think AW could do woth alot less PK's...
I would prefer NO PK's as in Dreamland Park Universe myself... But then you might not have certain WORLD owners that AW sees all the time build in Dreamland Park Universe either. Because if they did & things got a little out of hand.... WHO DO YOU CALL with NO PK's? hmmmmm..... So the Vandalism will continue? Maybe... Maybe NOT... But it makes it nice for the really responsible person who like myself can refrain from such VANDALISM on another universe or worlds there... [OK... Fire Dragon... Don't open your YAP of what happened last night on NightSky world & i'll keep my YAP shut too] lolol xavarella <arena at> wrote in <3b18e65b at>: >So far, all of the responses I've read of yours to LadyBunny have been >of the classically brain-washed-PK-loving-AW-ass-kissing nature. > >Tell me, do you ever have a thought of your own? > [View Quote] wingJun 2, 2001, 6:33pm
Pink Village? Sick stuff? ERRRRRRRR? *beats jfk over the head* Either you're talking out your ass as usual or somthing has changed.
I haven't restarted OE so my perma-filter hasn't gone into effect yet... So, I'll leave it on for a few more hours while I investigate your idiotic claim, post back and then restart OE. [View Quote] sw chrisJun 2, 2001, 6:43pm
And again I say, who will police the police? You have been guilty of this
yourself. Need I mention Safe Active Worlds? SW Chris [View Quote] jfk2Jun 2, 2001, 6:44pm
Let me explain it... I think i can do a decent job of it...
"ASS-KISSING-PK-LOVING" means when someone clouds the PK's minds by presenting them with gifts for their supurb job at helping them out. I could personally show you one area I know about where someone in AW kisses the ASS of at least one or more PK's and because of that CLOUDS their minds with affection for doing a superb job. I even have that location in my TELEPORTS PLACES TO SEE list. And i can show right where that spot is in AW [Alpha World]. But then... Because they are being showered with LOVE AND AFFECTION and their minds are being clouded to favor that person who has been giving them all of that LOVE & AFFECTION with gifts... Their dealings with certain people could be cause for a counter thing with AW as they are not supposed to be doing that stuff if they are required to be impartial to all events and only act if some law is being broken only & not in favor of someone who showers them with the most gifts. Now how should i know all of this... EXPERIANCE my dear Dr. Watson... Experiance... It always helps to have EXPERIANCE. Experiance is the best teacher of all things... icey <icey at> wrote in <3B18EA97.DC3DB8DB at>: >Interesting...can you explain us more about the concept of 'classically >brain-washed-PK-loving-AW-ass-kissing nature', please? I am especially >interested in the meaning of 'ass-'kissing', thank you vm >icey > [View Quote] sw chrisJun 2, 2001, 6:44pm
People can nominate themselves for a Cy Award. So to end this discussion,
let's just let everyone take from that what they want. SW Chris [View Quote] jfk2Jun 2, 2001, 6:54pm
I love Chucks Party post here... I 999999999999999999999999999999% agree
that all PK's should be shot out and i'll be one of them with the EJECT BUTTON and pushing it so hard & long I'll break it. LMAO!!!! But... Yes... The GK's can stay. They are a little more useful in that they tell any newbies how to find what they need to become members of a universe & help them with with their first concerns of building & where & how and how to learn & why and a bunch of questions that all newbies love to pester the GK with. chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in <3b18b1fd at>: >All I'm saying is FIGURES, lol These are the same people that are >suppose to eject all people for discussing SEX, seems they sure are on >the eject trigger when anyone mentions GAY SEX, poof they go bye bye >like nobodies business. There will always be a double standard for >people at the gate, I don't hangout at any owned GZs and never >will because of the biggotry and intolerance associated with them. GKs >and PKs abuse their power constantly and have no one to report to. Sure >email them so they can all read your email and laugh at you then find >ways to single you out and get you banned from AW. I know how their sick >little game works. I think they should do away with PKs and GKs >altogether personally because it's not a fair or just cause. ladybunnyJun 2, 2001, 6:55pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit salute jfk2 ,AYE AYE Sir !! [View Quote] > I suppose you have been to all the worlds in all of AW and have seen all > the really "SICK STUFF" your self? no! Am i correct? of course! > Maybe that PK 13 has seen a build or two in WildAW... Haven't you noticed > that entry signs when you popped into WildAW? never been there! > ANYTHING GOES IN THERE > What does that mean? all balloons fly high?!? > Could there possibly be somewhere way off the beaten path a build or two > that the PK 13 knew about as being BARLY LEGAL STUFF "SICK STUFF"... possibly! > > He could have sent the person to AW & Pink Villiage as well..where they gay?!? > Or PRIDE WORLD... (oh) They have some BARELY LEGAL "SICK STUFF" things as > well...(your hollaring at me!) > But maybe that PK 13 isn't into that type of BARELY LEGAL stuff is he only into > Legal sick stuff? and wouldn't > have a clue to Pink Villiage in AW or PRIDE World...barely legal? > I do...sicko! and i would have said go there. figures ! > > And i even have on my REMEMBER TELEPORTS LIST a site on AW that teleports > you to several WOWOW!!!!! BARE LEGAL ANYTHING i bet you do!! are you a sick > too??sites all over AW and > one of them is Pink Villiage in AW. you sure have a hangup on pink villege! > But that tourist didn't use any > SWEAR or CUSS words [or did you leave some of that browser chat out of you > post here] no! and with what you posted here that PK 13 didn't do anything > wrong > wheather it was BOLD SPEAK or not bold speaking. are you sureeee? > > And the last time i poped into WildAW...ah It was a PUBLIC BUILD PLACE > for TOURISTS & CIT's and is 1000 km nswe big. Just like AW [alpha World] > is a public build place. really??? And you don't seem to mind what goes on > sure about that??! > Why should you mind what goes on in another public build world either. maybe i > have a large nose? > > If you do mind... There is another few recourses you have...this sounds like > the military LOL > > 1 - BUY your own world & you can decide what is permissible builds > and none of them would have to be "SICK STUFF" i already have a few ! want me > to buy another??? > > 2 - There are several universes out there now that you could go to and build. i > built one whole universe isn't that enough?? > [My best one would be Dreamland Park Universe as their worlds cost the same > as AW's & the cit's cost the same too] AND you don't have to worry about > some PK ANYTHING in BOLD SPEAK say anything to a tourist... There are > NO PK's IN Dreamland Park Universe... YET!!!!! you sure? was last time i > was there bout 2 years ago LOL > > SICK STUFF = Generally refers to SEX STUFF and that is most likely what > LadyBunny is so upset about... SICK STUFF why are you talking to about me as > if i wasn't here???? > > But when you build in a world where the signs clearly state at the entrance > that ANYTHING GOES... Well... Just don't be toooo surprised to see some > SICK STUFF happening on that world. maybe you should talk to Flagg about the > sick stuff or does he even talk to yu! > TO see what i mean... POP like snap crackle? into WildAW and you will see all > the signs > and messages about that world within a 5 - 10 meter nswe of GZ. you sure like > to hollar alot you training to be a pk? > --------------0853846A3C498B48A7CF515B Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <i><font color="#FF0000">salute jfk2 ,AYE AYE Sir !!</font></i> [View Quote] --------------0853846A3C498B48A7CF515B-- jfk2Jun 2, 2001, 7:15pm
Most all of you may have noticed my name WAS jfk2 for the longest
of time in AW. then i decided to change it a little... JFK2.... WHY did i change it to all caps? SIMPLE QUESTION... SIMPLE ANSWER... I was visiting many or most of the GOREAN worlds and reading what they have to say... And you might not agree with them about women in slavery and all... BUT when did the women in the USA get the RIGHT TO VOTE? When did the women in the USA get the right to work outside the home and get the same DECENT $$ as a male does? It wasn't until the 1900's PLUS... Meaning that for over 100 yrs that the USA was in existance... It was a MAN'S world essentually and the woman stayed at home & cared for the men & have babies... Hmmmm..... Not too different than GOREAN... but they didn't call it slavery though... The woman did... But the men didn't. So now... In essence when you have these massive amounts of GOREAN lifestyle throwback to early america & early KING & QUEEN times that many of us find so fascinating reading about and wondering what it was like... WE see a glimpse of that in AW as GOREAN WORLDS... There are certain people that think it's SICK... What many people did to certain RACES OF PEOPLE in the dark ages was even sicker... But all you are concerned with is the GOREAN LIFESTYLE of being SICK... Come on now... Pull your hand out of your ears & eyes & mouth and see things for what they really are... YOU HAVE HEARD OF A GAME OF "RPG" = Role Playing Game Like Dungeons And Dragons? GOREAN RPG is more like it... But this version they try to make it between adults as much as possible... BUT please tell little Marry Who Is Quite Contrary To Edit Her Browser Too And Set The Permissions To "G" So Little Marry Who Is Quite Contrary Will Only See "G" Rated Sites And Be VERY Contrary Indeed. wing <bathgate at> wrote in <3b18f65d at>: >Xav, please lets not start another gorean war in here. These pointlessly long threads are bad enough. We don't need our Gorean >lurkers to come out of the shadows and start kicking and screaming at us <sarcasm> and stealing our women and daughters </sarcasm> [View Quote] jfk2Jun 2, 2001, 7:19pm
I'll be happy with all the good NUT JOBS too... Lets Have A Good NUT
JOB Party... The more NUTS the better LMAO!!!!!!!! chucks party <Chucks_Party at> wrote in <3b18fa4f at>: >Well, I'll take a good nut job over being a deranged sicko anyday of the >week LOL 8-P > > [View Quote] chucks partyJun 2, 2001, 8:02pm
Yes please mention SAW. I created SAW for the exact reasons I mentioned in
my post. AW protects some people for no apparent reason and acts on frivelous things the same. They have proven themselves untrustworthy in making appropriate decisions concerning people that harass other people and claim to not get involved, unless it suits them. Playing favoritism is not the way to deal with any Citizen if they have clearly done something against the rules in AW. But that wasn't the case now was it, they even bent the rules and allowed him to enter a totally bot copied world that was not built in his name in the Cy Awards nominations. I really don't understand it and it digusts me to no end. I realize I cannot change people but I am also learning that there are people with power in AW that enjoy abuseing it. So the only thing I am guilty of is standing up and saying these people are allowed to pull their crap on people and get away with it while does nothing about it, that is what the SAW website is for, people for one reason or another refuses to do anything about even after they have been reported on numerous occassions. I resent being mistreated by and as long as I am here I will be the perfect example of someone mistreated by them in every decision they've made concerning people that were legitimately harassing me as they stood by and did nothing and when I tried to fight back they banned me for 9 days, that's the abuse of power I am talking about and if you don't get it and can't see that well I am sorry but I sincerely hope it never happens to you. [View Quote] syntaxJun 2, 2001, 9:09pm
I don't remember being brainwashed. All I remember is finding this 3D chat
called Activeworlds and meeting a lot of great people. I have a few friends on the PK force but that does not mean I "love" them. I also use AW because I enjoy developing my skills in building and learning new things about this 3D technology. I wouldn't say I ass kiss AW, since I have never even spoken to any of the AWCom staff members, except for Facter one time in AW. But, if I do ever give my opinions, they are mine. If they are similiar to someone elses, then that's great. I know I am not the only one that feels that way about something. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] |