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Chat Log

Nov 2, 2001, 3:39pm
To me that looks more like a bug in the viewer you
use than crap in your chat log. It's the help page
of a VI clone would be my guess.

Try a different viewer, use the command "pg" (or "more"),
or check (with "df /tmp") if your temp file system can
handle large files like that. VI and most VI clones
need at least the size of the file they edit in the /tmp
file system, or the file system where the /tmp folder is

If that all does not help, split your log file into
smaller chunks and try to read those. As long as you
didn't type "ZZ" or ":w" in your editor, the file should
still be OK.

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Log program for outgoing telegrams :)

Nov 5, 2001, 6:16pm
Just uploaded to

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Log program for outgoing telegrams :)

Nov 6, 2001, 9:48am
The program does not make changes in AW itself, so I
cannot make AW start it.

What you can do is use a batch file like :

sleep.exe 30

I have put the sleep.exe there :!.zip

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Log program for outgoing telegrams :)

Nov 6, 2001, 5:47pm
Thanks for the feedback :)

I had some trouble when I started AWorld.exe though
AwStart and let AwStart wait for the AWorld window to
close. AW 2.2 used a lot of CPU time and blocked other
web applications like Eudora and NetScape, AW3.0 even
kept crashing on friends PCs. I tried 4 ways to start
and wait, all had the same result.

I have no idea what exactly AW does but it doesn't seem to
like it when it's not started through the explorer, so the
only solution I currently see is this batch file thing.

I don't even think that it's a problem that AWorld.exe
itself causes, it looked more like something the internet
explorer does, but it was afterall something I was not able
to solve. My workaround for AwStart was to exit AwStart as
soon as the AWorld window popped up.

It's better to have a less comfortable solution than one
that isn't reliable or blocks all other applications that
want to use the web.

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Log program for outgoing telegrams :)

Nov 6, 2001, 5:56pm
It starts up iconized and should show in the task manager,
at least in NT4 it does.

Maybe the problem is very similar to the AwStart problem I
described in my other posting (5 minutes ago, same thread).

If I find a solution I will post it, but currently I don't
see a better one than the manual start :-(


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Log program for outgoing telegrams :)

Nov 6, 2001, 6:03pm
If it works without the "sleep" command between the
start of aworld.exe and tgramlog.exe you must have a
really fast PC and fast line, on my NT4 I need the
sleep between the two calls, with at least 10 seconds.

Maybe there is not one ideal solution for everyone,
but at least one of the 2 options should work in
all cases :)

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Nov 5, 2001, 11:15pm
192.something, isn't that a local network address?

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AW 2.2

Nov 6, 2001, 9:50pm

You need to remove the host= and port= entries in
aworld.ini after you installed it, in order to
connect to ActiveWorlds

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AW 2.2

Nov 7, 2001, 5:58am
Virtual memory doesn't help for the video card, and in
laptop PCs you cannot just exchange that, I guess the
2.2 is really still needed, so we can only hope that AW
has a heart for old PCs and doesn't increase the minimum
browser setting of the universe as long as possible.

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AW 2.2

Nov 7, 2001, 10:17am
In case the browser you have now is not the latest 2.2 : have late versions of 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2
there :)

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AW 2.2

Nov 7, 2001, 1:25pm
like this ?
(found somewhere on the web)

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3d homepages web page

Nov 21, 2001, 10:55pm
Hi :)

Is there a web browser that gives more than a blank page
on ?

I tried NetScape 4.78, IE5.0 and Opera 5.0 but all show
the same, some menus around a blank frame, independant
if JavaScript is enabled or disabled.

Maybe AW has a new income source, they sell special
browsers for crap pages like these?

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3d homepages web page

Nov 21, 2001, 11:00pm
I think I found the reson - they try to pop up
windows and that's something I filter before it
goes to the web browser.

PC inspector :

You may not encroach into other peoples windows

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3d homepages web page

Nov 21, 2001, 11:57pm :)

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3d homepages web page

Nov 22, 2001, 2:17am
Easy to get rid of that : uninstall Outlook Abzess

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3d homepages web page

Nov 22, 2001, 5:25am
Well it is not really compatible, the filtered stuff
does not explain that completely white main window,
in all 3 browsers I tried.

I needed to look at the page source to find out what
the page is about.

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AlphaBit's Cakewalk:)-Free Cake textures!

Dec 15, 2001, 11:00pm
This is really a bad disadvantage of VR, I cannot sneak in
and eat some cakes or cookies :-(

I would like to help that the area will not cause too much
download *g

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Re: Flagg, here's an idea for the charter

Dec 16, 2001, 6:17am
Not on top, should be at the end to stay in everyones cache

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Re: Flagg, here's an idea for the charter

Dec 17, 2001, 5:25am
I think the max. date for windows is somewhere about 2060, the 9999 should be reset to the first january 1980 (or was it 1970?), so it would disappear from cache at once.

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Future of 3d design

Dec 21, 2001, 9:29pm
Just out of curiosity, why should only Imagine be able
to scan a picture and do the object stuff with it?

[View Quote] > I was just thinking what 3d design on the internet might become. Imagin=
> being able to scan in a picture and have a build set to fit the picture=
> object creating like we can now with ASCII art.

-- =


*sigh* The good ol' days....

Dec 18, 2001, 12:37am
afaik they are about to collect and sort models for a new or
enhanced set. Not too long ago there was a request in the
newsgroups to send models and I know that Andras was helping
sort the useful stuff. Maybe this new set is thought to be
the christmas present for the AW builders - who knows ?

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Be careful with Nate007

Dec 20, 2001, 1:30am
Nate007 (Citizen 323763) vandalized in ASunBeam lately.
It is set to free building during christmas time

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Be careful with Nate007

Dec 20, 2001, 4:01pm
I crossposted to Community and Worldbuilders because
I saw it related to both. By default a reply goes to
all groups where the refence went to.
I removed "worldbuilders" in this one so it goes only
"ommunity". You left the default unchanged so it went
to both.

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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 21, 2001, 3:04pm
If you really need flames and bad behaviour :

This should keep you happy till christmas.

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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 21, 2001, 11:20pm
I didn't post any conversation here, I have not been
attacked, so why should I.

I did it some months ago when I have been attacked,
and posted some excerpts of reactions to his flames
in the usenet. Not HIS conversation, public usenet
postings. I didn't even quote him, I just quoted,
what others outside of AW think about him.

I respect eep's knowledge of games and 3D stuff, but
I have a problem with his behaviour in news groups.
Some people told me that he is not like this in the
AW chat, but his past behaviour in the AW newsgroups
makes me think of him as a person I don't need here.

Some of his postings even had to be removed by the NG
moderator (different news server, not sure about the
groups here) because of their offending contents.

I think, if you post such a wish (or demand something),
you should know how others think about it. This is
a community newsgroup, and people with no sense for
community should not be allowed to post here.
This sense of community includes respecting others,
toleranting people, even even if they are not from the
USA and English is not their first language and a
tolerable use of the own language. Knowledge alone
does not make a person acceptable, knowledge is not
even required.

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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 22, 2001, 2:54am
Answers between

[View Quote] I think my first answer to this thred shows, that eep has
still enough places to misbehave, so don't feel too bad about
his banning. The newsgroups here have a charter, they are
moderated without beeing controlled and people have been
informed what would happen when the charter was violated.
With his violation, eep pushed himself out here.

I doubt that it will have an educating effect, because there
was too much aggression in most of eep's postings :(

> [...]
> I agree with most everything you say below; however, I hope you never dig up
> anything I've posted outside of Active Worlds that has nothing to do with AW
> and put a link here.

Some time ago there was one more ActiveWorlds newsgroup
for the City4All universe, where more flame wars took place.

The things I had digged out back then were threads, where
ActiveWorlds and/or Renderware or 3D formats were mentioned.
I didn't look for eep. And the link I posted was a search
engine link, with preset search argument. It just brings up
a list of several hundred postings to the public usenet
with eep as author. With the same method you will find some
postings I made, not as many though, and you will not find
one bad word towards others there.

Volker [Ananas]

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Eep Banned/Fix 3.2 Please

Dec 22, 2001, 3:26am
Eliza is an old basic (or lisp?) program that you can still
find on the web. It was the first AI program ever (1966).
You can try it online :

or download Java implementations of it :

If you need an own one, maybe these pages helps :

I posted the source here some months ago. OK, it was not
an eep, but could at least have been an early version *g

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Broadway World New Years Eve

Dec 27, 2001, 7:31pm
Look at it like this :

Either midnight has 24 hours in VR because
VR covers 24 time zones.

optional :

Midnight hour of VR is not the same as your
midnight hour. Afaik they placed the VR
timeline so that not many people live there.

In both cases you might find some minutes
outside of your RL party time to party with
your VR friends :)

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Frohes neues Jahr

Dec 31, 2001, 10:57am
Hallo Community :)

Ein schoenes Neujahrsfest und ein gesundes und friedliches
neues Jahr Euch allen, Euren Freunden und Familien


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new citizenship

Jan 3, 2002, 3:19am
Why should AW try to be a clone of something that
exists in a lot of versions? If I want an RPG I go
to a game. If I want voice chat I install that.

The thing that makes AW <b>unique</b> is the current
conzept. If this conzept is turned into something
else it is not the AW anymore, that I like so much.
AW offers way more options for creativity for each
citizen than all the other systems, that's what
makes AW better (in my eyes) than other systems.

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