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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 7:49pm
Please re-read paragraph 4 of my rant, lol. Don't draw all your analysis
from this newsgroup, this is a fraction of the community after all.

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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 7:56pm
I guess it's blury because it's too short to fill that much space a sky box
uses. Someone would have to an identical higher resolution one, that
extends the mountains a bit using the same theme =O

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My rant...

Nov 6, 2003, 8:03pm
And, besides, what Weizer was concerned about was only *part* of the things
Alphaworld could use to expand. I've seen you do this before, Enzo. If one
improvement may not work, you seem to throw them all away.

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My rant...

Nov 7, 2003, 1:46am

My rant...

Nov 7, 2003, 3:21am
And there you have it. If you do anything at least implement an object
submission system.

> 3. New generic objects - ones that can be used generally for multipurpose
> building. I would gladly donate the beams I made
> (http://www.jtechwebsystems.com/~broadway/freebies.html) plus volunteer to
> make more (eg curved panels, walls and windows, cubes, spheres and
> hemispheres).
> Regards, Justin

new avatars in AW world! its about time

Nov 8, 2003, 6:51am
Yes, but we're talking about adding new avatars not replacing are we?

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Tourist building in Alphaworld

Nov 14, 2003, 5:42am
SW City started as a tourist town. If Alphaworld didn't allow it we
wouldn't have existed O_o

Might I also mention that not only are Alphaworld users seeing less activity
with higher prices, but we're even loosing features now, which was the
tourists. And I guess you could even say periodic temporary environment
changes are gone too (as I already mentioned in my rant thread that has
boomed into too many conversations to keep up with X_X).

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Ever wonder why?

Nov 14, 2003, 6:05am
lol that's a pretty good "speaking my mind" description there.

A new pretty looking GZ will only do so much. It needs to be functional and
updated regularly, at least to get the ball rolling... I get a kick out of
the teleport area they have at GZ now. I mean those places have been there
since the dawn of time. They're historic yes but not something you'd wanna
show off to new customers since those places look pretty bad by today's

Some suggestions that I can think of....we could get have like a hot spot of
the week for individual builds. AWI could give public communities a big
hand by sponsoring them at a "city area" at GZ. It'd need a simple
reactivation system to keep only active cities listed. As far as I know
only 2 cities in a world as big as California that seem to be active and
alive. Needs to be some kinda jump start to get things going again. All AW
really needs is an active caretaker, not a passive one that one does
something one a year X_X

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Rate Active Worlds (the universe we are in now and the software we use) on a scale 1-100. (100 is best)

Nov 18, 2003, 6:37am
I'd give it a C. 70% or so. Graphics are good enough, and the servers
rarely come down. Takes hits in value, developement and PR.

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Where do the textures in AW come from?

Nov 22, 2003, 6:00am
Someone from the Circle of Fire, someone's wife I recall, was in charge of
the art department. But that was years ago, no telling what's changed...

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AW needs incentives for world owners

Nov 22, 2003, 6:05am
I believe it's similar to how some companies award you if you get them a new
customer, aka referrals. IMO there shouldn't be a user limit on worlds
anymore. That's such an ancient technical concern. And, if your world if
successful enough to even get that many people now-a-days, then you deserve
it. Worlds that are that good are rare, and AWI should understand their
value towards the community.

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where have all the towns gone?

Nov 27, 2003, 5:38pm
I know it's sad. As Goober King mentioned on SWC Radio, AW is switching
from community building to solo building. Or at least it appears that way.
I remember when I know of all sorts of towns in Alphaworld at least. Now I
only know of a couple X_X

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where have all the towns gone?

Nov 30, 2003, 5:41am

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AW 3.5?

Dec 6, 2003, 4:32am
Standard version theme is Major.Minor.Build. In our case Major 3, Minor 4,
Build 495. My best guess is that 4.x comes out with a big graphic engine
update like last time...or AW taking on a new roll like RPGs if they focus
their attention on browser supported RPGs *shrug*.

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Since no one's said it yet...

Dec 6, 2003, 4:35am
....a simple thank you is in order to AWI. Thanks for your time and for
enabling special commands and reviving the yearly winter them =)

- SW Comit

Increase AlphaWorld's cell limit

Dec 18, 2003, 10:41pm
> The world database is "ancient" and has a hard limit on size and if
> reached there can be no more building. Alpha's vastness makes this a
> risk and that's why bot building is forbidden and nothing will ever be
> added to the world.

Well it's not like setting it to large is going to instantly explode the
hard drive with new data. It has to be built first. I don't see your

Reasons why I think it's a good idea:

1. The objects take the space, and the people are still going to be
building at the same pace they always do - placing objects on many cells, or
many objects on few cells in an allotted amount of time, it's still the

2. The cell limits were designed in the mid-late 90's back in the quarter
GHz computers. Now we're at 3 ghz. I remember back then, a slightly dense
area would yield about 30-50m vis. Today. the same area could be done at
200m vis, and a very dense area now would be about 60m vis. That's on my
computer, which isn't what I'd consider top of the line. It's pretty

3. Lagging yourself by overdeveloping is your own undoing and you must
learn how to build efficiently if you plan on building dense, just like you
have to learn other things in various areas of building.

4. Or, perhaps the biggest reason why AWI doesn't like this idea...Right
when the prices hikes happened I talked to Flagg. And eventually we somehow
got around to talking about Alphaworld's cell limit. He said it wouldn't
happen because of *other people* causing unwanted lag to people just looking
around, perhaps potential costumers who would be turned off by the poor
performance. This is completely not valid anymore. In my case, anyone
looking at my work is either A). A friend B.) already registered C.) a
friend of a friend who, if really lagged that bad, could just leave. It's
not like anyone here has loads of strangers looking through their build lol.

5. Also, less relevant of a point, more and more people are on broadband
now. I'd say a majority of AW is on broadband from what I hear O_o

6. Oh yea, and I don't think the AW conservatists are against this are
they? I mean, they could still build at the same density if they wanted to

Get a better "hot spots" section in the newsletter

Dec 18, 2003, 9:56pm
Just arrange with them that you'll be a regular hot spot submitter and you
won't have to worry about it. That's what I did when I ran CLC =X

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Dec 22, 2003, 10:41pm
I'm betting it'll be back. Maybe they're adjusting it or something O_o

but ummmm...

*shameless plug of doom*
Come to the SR forums then for your general discussion needs. It's just as
active as AW's. 15k+ posts ^_^


The stor of cristmas

Dec 24, 2003, 8:28am
howstuffworks.com also did something like this but it mention other neat
little tid bits such as Rudolf's original name. He was first known as Rollo
the red nosed reindeer. But the executives of the publishing company that
published the book that made the reindeer "famous" didn't like that name and
changed it to Rudolf, the daughter of the author and yes it was actually a
girl's name back then O_o

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UMM This is community so post stuff about the community.

Dec 27, 2003, 6:41pm

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Dec 30, 2003, 8:43pm
Matt's trojan? Not likely. More like some trojan he downloaded and at most
tweaked a little (aka the real definition of a script kiddie). lol

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AW Mapper Concerns

Feb 22, 2004, 6:13pm
Yea no kidding...I really need a map update. I use my map so much I just
made it my wallpaper =P

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 15, 2004, 5:29pm
Well, we don't have a general NG anymore but I thought I'd post this anyway;
seeing as how the last planet was discovered some 70 years ago.

Planet Sedna is our new 10th planet confirmed by NASA =O

Here's the news url with details:

Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 15, 2004, 5:53pm
Actually after rereading that I'm not sure if they've officially classified
it as a planet. They're just calling it a "planetoid" in that artical O_o

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Solar system's 10th planet confirmed

Mar 15, 2004, 8:53pm
After reading another article, it seems that it's currently undecided as to
whether or not it's a planet. They're debating it =P

Seems more like a rogue moon to me.

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SW City's 5th Birthday Party

Mar 25, 2004, 7:12pm
For anyone interested, a chat log of yesterday's historic tour can be found
at the front page of www.swcity.net.

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It takes too long to cache things recently...

Mar 29, 2004, 7:30am
Well, ferr, everyone (most everyone) was having very slow cache problems as
well during the race events during the SW City bash. Large amounts of
people + dense cells = brings AW servers to its knees...Everybody was
getting massive lag, even in chat. I would say something and my bot
wouldn't recieve it for a good 10 seconds...join someone and they wouldn't
come into range for 20-30 seconds. It was awful.

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It takes too long to cache things recently...

Mar 30, 2004, 8:25pm
The worst part about this whole thing is that, downloading service is AWI's
#1 job. I mean, if they do anything during the day, it's making sure the
servers are functioning. AW is a browser right? A browser downloads
stuff...they can't even get that right? >_<!

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Just out of curiosity (sp?)

Apr 6, 2004, 4:45am
Never heard of any upgrades like that; but just wondering - AWTeen is
classified as an AWI world? I thought AWI just sponsored it, and citizens
were its caretaker...

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Looking for some towns to link to

Apr 6, 2004, 5:57am
If any town is interested in joining a "teleport ring", send me a telegram
in AW and I'll show you what it's all about. It can be in any world too as
long as it supports AW objects.

- SW Comit

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