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Welcome 3.4

Jun 20, 2003, 10:43pm
Bleh if you wanna move fast you just go into move with mouse mode, get off
the ground, hold ctrl down, and slide your mouse forward. Us SW'ians called
it maching, cause you'd travel *extremely* fast. Could travel from one side
of town to the other in maybe a minute. Nothing comes close to it, except
teleporting of course =P

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Welcome 3.4

Jun 21, 2003, 4:15am
Yea I know. Another con in movement tweaks they made X_X

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AW Picture

Jun 23, 2003, 4:32pm
Cheers to that idea ^_^

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Jun 25, 2003, 7:39am
Maybe a post about unfair nuking of the NGs ;D

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Another Special Opportunity

Jun 25, 2003, 11:31pm
Yea what do you think this is - a community newsgroup or something? =P

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Alpha World request

Jun 28, 2003, 5:18am
Cheers to that =)

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Alpha World request

Jun 28, 2003, 5:48am
Then I'll break out some PK action within minutes. 3 axis beats a little
petty vandal by a landslide IMO. And personally I don't have any of my
objects next to anybody who would do that, lol. Prolly applies to most
people. Why build next to an enemy/trouble maker?

- SW Comit

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Alpha World request

Jun 28, 2003, 5:50am
Speaking of PKs, is there a PK appreciation day? Think they deserve it,
being volunteers and all =O

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Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 1, 2003, 7:51pm
Hopefully ENZO or someone can answer this in a little bit more detail than
simply "not enough room". Maybe then someone can offer some assistance
cause right now I haven't heard any clear answer on what the problem is. I
know a lot of people who depended on AWmapper, and suddenly *poof* it's gone
without much of a reason... Another Alphaworld feature lost after the
price hikes. How ironic.

- SW Comit

Can we get an explanation on AWmapper?

Jul 1, 2003, 9:06pm
Too much work? AWI doesn't even do the work. The last I saw on AWmapper
news was "still waiting for AW to send propdump". Pieter, I think his name
was, did it on his computer, and AWI hosted the finished work.

Even if AWI did do the work, as far as I know from the "about AW mapper"
page, it took about 3 days and was mostly an automated process anyway. Well,
if that's indeed the real reason, that's just fueling the fire. As said,
we're paying more money, and they do less work? O_o

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What is up with M A T T and his obsession with AW?

Jul 3, 2003, 1:28am
Maybe he does it for the thrill and publicity, like he's getting in this
post and in the news =P

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How Syntax Got "Lost"....

Jul 3, 2003, 9:28pm
That's our mayor =P

P.S. - `,' at you mentioning me. I wasn't there.

its a nice day in AW

Jul 12, 2003, 12:46pm
I believe it's temporary, for the AW Festival, but I could be wrong...I hope
am I =P

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Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:49pm
omg that was *awesome*. Great work! I like the end where it flies into the
clouds like that =O

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Aw video5 released

Jul 16, 2003, 9:59pm
lol DVD? Kinda expensive don't you think? Nothing wrong with video-CD =)

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Aw video5 released

Jul 17, 2003, 12:46am
50 cents? owch where do you shop? I get em' for 15 =\

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Aw video5 released

Jul 18, 2003, 5:11am
No, just CDs, not DVD. Actaully I haven't paid for blank CDs in a long time
cause there's always rebates available online which make them free after
rebate. =O

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Who turned out the lights?

Jul 17, 2003, 2:56am
Hmm Alphaworld had a sun for a couple days...then pop! I looked up and it
was gone O_O

Cal, you out there? Don't seem to respond to tgrams =P

- SW Comit

Who turned out the lights?

Jul 18, 2003, 5:22am
I dunno...if your only able to log on at, say, nightime in Alphaworld land,
it could be kinda annoying =P

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Who turned out the lights?

Jul 19, 2003, 5:47pm
Personally, I enjoyed AW's night-mode, or sunset mode, which they would
activate for a couple days every once in a while (maybe 4 or 5 times a year
I guess). It was a nice break from the norm.

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Who turned out the lights?

Jul 19, 2003, 9:33pm
I'm very skeptical they were planning on keeping that TOD thing. I mean, it
made no sense at all. For those that don't remember, it would be normal,
then sunset 15 minutes later, then ??? with strong white fog, then dark,
then...etc etc, it didn't roll and basically made no sense. lol I think
they were just testing something, I dunno. It was waaayyy too bad to be a
permanent thing, I'm sure AWI realized that.

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NEEDED - Ligting Fixtures

Jul 18, 2003, 5:27am
A new objects object yard = 7000.0S 13399.9E 0.0a 185

But to save you time, it's thlight1.rwx, change the 1 for the type. I
assume that's the object your looking for `,'

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NEEDED - Ligting Fixtures

Jul 19, 2003, 1:52am
What? No "hi everyone"? *strongly offended*


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An Unofficial Alphaworld Poll

Jul 18, 2003, 10:35pm
[View Quote] Basic objects. Spheres, blocks, cones, and a rope object. It's pretty sad
that there's no simple ball object...I mean come on, it's 2003! =P

> 2. Should next objects be made in COB format only, DFF format (According
> Eep, it's supported by Active Worlds 3x and up, I'm unable to confirm it
> I'll just put this here), some in COB and some in DFF and some in RWX,
> in COB format and some in RWX format, only in RWX format, or other option?

I guess RWX, to keep it simple memorization-wise.

> 3. Should Alphaworld get its cloud layers or/and some other new features?

I would like that, personally, yes.

> 4. Should GZ area revamped or preserved?

REVAMPED! It's an embarrasement now. Outdated information, ground not even
covered, z buffereing, and teleports to very very old places in AW. Back
then they may of been hot stuff, but it's pretty basic now-a-days.

> 5. Since last object updates in 2002, is it time to get new objects or not
> at this present time?

Considering AWI owns so many objects from other worlds, they already got
most of the work done. Be nice if they uploaded them to Alphaworld. Also,
back in the days of Factor, he claimed we could submit objects to
Alphaworld. Not ever sure what happened to that...bring it back maybe?

> 6. Does Alphaworld need any more new sounds in its object path?


An Unofficial Alphaworld Poll

Jul 19, 2003, 1:22am
Well, I understan, but I dunno how practical is it..I mean, it may be
comfortable to us, but anyone new to AW will see the the AWGZ and kinda cock
their head at it, especially compared to AW Gate. AWGZ and AWGate were both
major chat zones, but now it's just AWGate. What happened? AW Gate
changed, AW GZ did not, that's all I can think of. There's hardly any
activity at AW GZ anymore, what are we holding onto?

Ah well, we're all entired to an opinion eh? My opinion is that there's no
strong reason to not overhaul it =X

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An Unofficial Alphaworld Poll

Jul 19, 2003, 5:48am
It's already preserved at AWGZ world...and, newAW? It's like a fancy RPG
world by the looks of it. I "live" in Alphaworld, and intend to stay there.
It's in my best interest to see the world improve, and I honestly don't see
the ancient and rotting GZ here helping any. History seems to be the only
argument to keep it, whereas there's so many more reasons to overhaul
it...you gotta ask yourself - how relevant is historic build in AW?...to the
point where it could actually not helping the world's community? Yes, new
folks are going to really look as AW as primitive because the new AWGate is
totally awesome, which is where they're coming from.

- SW Comit

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Jul 22, 2003, 5:30am
Shhhhh caps are considered yelling =X

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Unofficial Active Worlds next version Poll

Jul 26, 2003, 6:17am
Sure a lotta polls lately..ah well I'm bored..*answer*

> 1.) What should the next version number be? 3.5 or 4.0?
3.5. I think 4.0 would indicate a major graphics overhaul with the
renderware engine.

> 2.) What should the next version's features be?
Well, it'd be nice if they improved the current features they got. E.g.
terrain and move/rotate, so that maybe the rest of us could use it =P

> 3.) Does it need any GUI changes/improvements? How much of GUI
> changes/improvement does it need? What kind of specific GUI
> changes/improvement do you have in mind if there is any?

Not really, it's fine. A way of checking a cell's capacity would be nice,
and easy to add I would think.

> 4.) What type of features are most needed? (building features, world
> features, server features, etc.)

Security features...A lot of people have my ppw, since SW City does some
major build projects under my name. I want a way of checking who's using my
ppw, and be able to kick them off it. An integrated backup feature would be
handy to. And the block join requests option was done backwards if you ask
me. Instead of specifying who's blocked, why not just tell it who can join
without permission?

> 5.) What are most needed feature in term of priority?

Wasn't that question 4?

> 6.) Anything else related to next version?

*points AWI to wishlist NG*

Video Flickering With DirectX 9 Beta....

Jul 25, 2003, 10:04pm
It's not beta btw, it's the third revision of DX9 (9.0 -> 9.0a, -> 9.0b)

DX9 has been outa beta for like half a year now ;D

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Current Eula

Jul 27, 2003, 5:34am
TERMINATION. AWLD may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement,
the license granted herein, and your right to use or access the Software, AW
Software, or the Active Worlds server at any time. On termination, you must
destroy all copies of the Software.

heh so if you get perma-banned, you must delete AW from your computer eh?
Interesting =P

Also the countries banned from using AW...I wonder if they'll be removing
Iraq from that list any time soon? `,'

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