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What ever happened to Alphaworld features vote?

Apr 15, 2003, 8:19pm
Quote from Enzo about 2 months ago:

"Last week I talked with Bill about getting together a vote page for Alpha
features much like the page we have at
http://www.activeworlds.com/featurevote/ We will be putting something
like this up as soon as we get a chance. It will be a simple "yes" "no"
"undecided" selection which will be open to registered cits. Only your most
recent vote will be counted in the totals."

Well? Don't let the idea fizzle away, I was looking forward to it =)

- SW Comit

When oh when is awmapper coming back?

Apr 16, 2003, 9:01pm
Come on AWI, it's been over half a year now since the mapper updated. It
was Alphaworld's last technical advantage ;_;...

The problem was what again, hard drive space for the hosting? As in the
website I assume? Isn't there a work around, such as raising the jpg
compression? Or maybe leaving out a zoom layer *shrug*. Anything is better
than nothing.

....or, AW needs a new "hero" who will start a new mapping service.

- SW Comit

When oh when is awmapper coming back?

Apr 17, 2003, 2:28am
If I recall, they're using a sun server which is Unix (I think).

As for the file size being too big, why not use a file splitter? O_o
there's bunches of them on the internet for free.

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When oh when is awmapper coming back?

Apr 17, 2003, 4:48pm
Well 160 GB hard drives are approaching the $100 mark. About $140 last time
I checked. That should cover it right? I think mapper needs about 130 GB
now when working with the uncompressed file.

Of course that's not server-class, but it's not as if thousands of people
are accessing the map at the same time =P

- SW Comit

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When oh when is awmapper coming back?

Apr 22, 2003, 5:15am
Basically gets the data of all the objects in the world and they run it
through software that converts the data to picture representations of those
objects. The system has some downsides, like having to update the software
for new objects (hence the white blocks you see for new ground cover
objects). And it takes like, what, 3 days to proccess? X_X

I think an awesome AW feature would be a real time mapping system integrated
right into the browser ^_^

- SW Comit

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IDEA: Radio/TV Station Directory...

Apr 19, 2003, 6:33am
Sounds neat hamster bot kinda hard to pull off with bots. Areas like SW
City are too big for bot scanning, let alone the rest of the world. I think
you'd need a client program, like winamp. ...get a directory of r/l
internet radio stations of different genres, then code the winamp plug-in to
look at your AW coordinates. The station will change depending on the
coords. Then you just need a website and service to set it up for
registered towns.

- SW Comit

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OK the truth, Whitestar is wrong!

Apr 26, 2003, 2:25am
lol all these A!!CT and similar posts makes SW City's community look like a
utopia =P

No, seriously, SW City isn't without its quarrels every now and then but we
would never post them here. What are you trying to do, get the public on
your side or something? Yeesh, keep it to yourself, or go get your own
NG/forum =\

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Advanced Mode

May 3, 2003, 11:55pm
Thinking the NGs' url should change to news.thelady.com =P

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Unfair Gatekeeping Practices

May 3, 2003, 11:56pm
Hasn't anyone told you "life's not fair"? ^_^

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May Newsletter?

May 20, 2003, 8:50pm
*pictures that...thows in some Matrix action* lmao

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Powerless PKs

May 23, 2003, 1:38am
All this GK talk reminded me of something that really bugs me about PKs. My
experience with them over the years have been positive.

Except their lack of power!

It really burns me up. SW City has held dozens of events over the years,
but with all the attention brings trouble makers (especially being in a
public world). Granted, we call a PK, and everytime they're powerless to
help. Whether it be not able to eject (for some the PKs anyway) or not
being able to stop vandal (with bugged encroachable objects) and of course
BOT FLOODING. Well you can basically call the event as crashed after all
that. SW City's 4th birthday bash went to hell this year around cause of
this - after weeks of planning.

This is basically the reason why SWC doesn't hold many events, which is
shame for community health.

I know a good number of people that complain about PK abuse too, similar to
GKs. Though I think it's half due to PKs frustrations as they don't have
good enough tools to help them do their job fairly (hint hint AWI)...which
falls into AW's security development which has been mostly ignored for a
long time *ppw monitoring comes to mind*. Come on AWI, you need a good
community to grow, which is seriously being hindered by stuff like this.

- SW Comit

Powerless PKs

May 23, 2003, 2:56am
If your talking about bump warps, that really doesn't help in a community
area where you only own a fraction of the land. Besides, it only helps for
a limited time, useless against bots, only makes them "madder", and your
risk cross-fire.

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Powerless PKs

May 23, 2003, 3:33am
Might I add to my rant that even though we had all the evidence in the world
about the worse case trouble maker at our last event (hours of flooding,
vandel, extreme vulgarity), and that he had a past record with the PKs, very
little justice was served. He was back in Alphaworld the next day. It was
just like a slap on the wrist basically. Happens all the time, grr >_<

submit place for aw video5

May 25, 2003, 5:21am
Just wondering - why public objects only? Worlds featuring custom objects
look pretty sweet, which = better video.

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submit place for aw video5

May 25, 2003, 11:32pm
The preview looks good. I like the part where the building builds infront
of you.

^_^ at how Flangton Island looks too. Are you going to add water though in
the background? The vis cuts it off in AW, but with the program your using
it shouldn't matter right?

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Action Command Help

May 28, 2003, 2:48am
Is there a max score? If there is, you could make 1 sign per point. Like a
sign that says you got 2 points, and if you click it, it turns invis and
makes another sign in the same spot turn on that says 3 points. Takes a
good deal of cell space though.

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 3:55am
Arrgg another techy hero lost. No xelagot now, preston's dead (old news),
mapper's gone. AW's down to skin and bones in the end-user tools department

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Persuasion of Children

Jun 10, 2003, 12:56am
Welcome to society?

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AW Festival 2003 - "Diversity"

Jun 13, 2003, 6:07am
Well SW City has always held a few events, but personally I'm disencouraged
to. *points at "powerless PKs" thread I posted here a few weeks ago*. It
just gets worse and worse every year -_-

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AW Forum?

Jun 14, 2003, 5:24pm
Newsgroups and forums...big difference =O

You guys can come to http://forum.swcity.net though ;D It's not just SW
City stuff, that's only one part of the boards. It's a pretty active board.

- SW Comit

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AW Forum?

Jun 17, 2003, 6:22am
Actaully it's more active. I kept track today. Our forums had 68 posts
today. The community and general discussion boards had a total of 30.
Though, the NGs beat us in population =P

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 16, 2003, 5:30am
Well put.

I know you guys are working hard on AW 3.4 and NewAW, but come on, it's just
a poll. We've been waiting for 3.4 for over a year now, what's another day?
Another way of looking at it is that it gives us something to do till' you
guys are done with everything =)

- SW Comit

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 17, 2003, 4:52am
Not to mention being over 4 years old. I shouldn't have to move to another
world. When I started paying 3-4x more for a citizen accounts, I was half
expecting some more attention to Alphaworld, but it actaully gets less now
than before the new prices x_x

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 17, 2003, 7:30pm
I doubt there's that many against change in Alphaworld. That's the point of
having a poll X_X

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 19, 2003, 9:20pm
That's quite an assumption there. As it's been said over and over, so far
it's been fine elsewhere, nowhere close to "nightmare" status. Leave it to
the people to decide if they wanna take that risk or not via the poll.
Besides, there's PKs and GET, who might I add should really beef up their
punishment to vandals. No more of this 1 day ban stuff.

- SW Comit

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AWI- AlphaWorld Feature Vote, come on.

Jun 19, 2003, 9:28pm
And how about a poll choice to revamp AW GZ? Do you guys even know that it
still talks about registering as a citizen? As if tourists can even see it

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To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 19, 2003, 5:12am
Phew, wiping the world eh? One reason I've never built in non-public worlds
(no personal attack intended).

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To the builders of A!!CT world

Jun 19, 2003, 9:13pm
That's why you cover land, and lots of it. Or join a community that's
already taken care of it for you. It's worked for me for 4 years. There
was a few exceptions but GET took care of it.

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Welcome 3.4

Jun 20, 2003, 5:45am
X_X I wanted to welcome it...but I have too many problems with 3.4. My
keyboard fails to work in the building dialog box.
And I didn't see the need to adjust the movement speeds. They were fine.
Kinda annoyingly fast now, but I guess you can get use to it...

Back to 3.3 for now...

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Welcome 3.4

Jun 20, 2003, 6:21am
Gah! 3.5 gigs of installers and never what I need. Got AW3.1, 3.2, and 3.4
beta, and older versions on my old backup CDs.

Oh well...figured it out anyway. Can't type in objects that aren't yours I
see. ?_? at why no one told me when I was on AW, and they were beta testers
too. Just said they didn't know =P

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